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Detox from opiates The DXM Way


Oct 21, 2008
Hi all,

After some serious problems with Oxy and Bupe, im free from opiates. it was kinda simple in the end. from 300-800mg oxy most days, then 10mg bupe day 1 with 500mg Dxm (it was a bad day) and 2mg xanax. Next day 2mg bupe plus 1000mg dxm. days 3,4,5 with 2mg Bupe 1500mg of DXM and 2mg Xanax. Day 6, 7 1000mg dxm and no bupe, xanax to taste with only 10 left. finished the rest of the DXM off (started with 25 500mg capsules) and the xanax over 7 days and then nothing. 1st night no sleep and desperate for something, but defenitely no sickness, no throwing up. Writing and drawing (things i dont normally do) helped thru the bad parts.

does anyone else have good experience in this way? I found theres no withdrawal (for me at least) no matter how high you go, just boredom when the closed eye visuals stop :)
Should try ADD, they may have better input than us. I've heard of DXM for withdrawals, no idea on how exactly it works. I'd guess by blocking NMDA enough, you don't really 'feel/experience/think about' the effects of the withdrawal. You are too detached from your body to really 'feel' like shit, and so out of your normal mind to be really worrying about the fact you haven't taken any opiates, which will make it easier in itself.
yes it works

totally this works for me so well its almost too easy. the first days always gonna be unsettling but the DXM makes it very introspective and instead of watching the clock and 10 mins seeming to take forever to go by, the time goes quick and can generally be spent lying on the couch and watching cool patterns and visions form behind your eyes. (of course they dissappear if you take too much xanax.) i used this before to get off methadone, without suboxone about 5 years back. generally once you know the amount of dxm you can take without flipping out but enjoying the effects, you can settle on that dose about twice a day. that could be as little as 200mg in the past, but there is an effect that causes the neurons to protect themselves (possibily to prevent Olneys lesionss) and after a while dxm becomes ineffective in some of the more fun ways or you gotta dose up more. Ive never found one withdrawal symptom from this drug except boredom, even for months at a time daily dosing. tho it will make you slurr your speech and look really messed up. And its actually not that hard to get in an easy to take form, if you do your research. (no sluggin back bottles of cough syrup needed)

i find that the effects resemble ketamine in the peak, and there is known to be cross tolerance from ketamine. Defenitely it feels like your body is anaesthetized and your legs get that oh so sweet relief, no restless legs. In the end its just what ive found out for me over the last ten years. be happy to share more on it
My opinion is that withdrawal is hard enough on your body without the dxm, with it, even more unhealthy. it wouldn't work for me, i tried before but at much lower doses. higher doses would make me sick. i think i did around 100mg. the doses mentioned here cause hyperthermia. well so does withdrawal, and that equals a fever with some possible brain damage. and throwing off hormone levels that are already altered and trying to balance.

i dont think there is any easy way out of withdrawal, only things that postpone effects. perhaps the withdrawal wasn't going to be as bad as you thought anyways?
you also argue that being ripped (and i mean like not able to see whats in front of your face) on acid or another strong hallucinogen would remove you enough from yourself to not feel withdrawals enough. ive definately had success with waiting on a methadone dose being mashed on cid but it dont last forever and u cant really redose without a massive access to cid. i am currently kicking pods and loperamide helped the electric legs and the other body sensations, clonazepam helps with sleep, and good music helps with the mind, so did reading bluelight. dxm to me at those high doses is unpleasant within itself so i wouldnt dare add it to pod withdrawal.

or hey try to get some BZ (the military anticholinergic warfare agent) thats sends u on a deliriant trip for supposedly several days... u prob wouldnt notice withdrawal in that case either due to the severe deliriant effects... ill let someone else try that one first though
DXM has been shown scientifically to reduce opioid withdrawal.

though. only with mice

The dextrometorphan metabolite dextrorphan is much stronger NMDA-antagonist than DXM and it causes strong CNS effects too.

So be sure not to block your CYP2D6 enzyme with anything.
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I had a fucking awful experience using DXM during late stage opiate withdrawals. I was coming off a pretty heavy morphine habit and i was just about over the sickness but it was still there. More or less it was just the late stage mental effects or heebie jeebies as i call them bothering me. That along with the uncomfortable skin crawling sensation.

I only took 120mg's to 150mg's of DXM and got a slight buzz hardly noticable at all. But i started sweating like a pig much worse then i ever have during the worst opiate WD's. Then i got the overheated feeling that you sometimes get with DXM and a good bit of nausea. When i woke up the next morning i was covered in sweat and felt really dehydrated.

So this just goes to show that everyone reacts differently. I would have been much better off taking a load of benzos with some gabapentin to calm myself right down. Gabapentin is helpful for withdrawals since it helps stop the restless legs and relaxes you abit especially when taken with a benzo. Even some seroquel which helps the mood swings and weird head space i get during withdrawal.

Never again will i take DXM for opiate withdrawals. My head feels loopy enough during withdrawal and i don't need DXM to add to it.
Higher doses disconnect yourself from your bodily discomfort.

Yes your going to get strong dissociative efects at higher doses that may help the pain from withdrawals. But your head is loopy enough during WD do you really need to add DXM to it? The physical aspects of withdrawals i can deal with and with the right meds can be made bearable. Although from my experience DXM certainly made the physical part worse the next day when i woke up in a puddle of sweat and feeling dehydrated. Feeling like you have a fever also sucks ass.

It's the mental effects of withdrawals that get to me. Hence why i up my dose of clonazepam, zopiclone and gabapentin and make sure to take seroquel as well. That way i don't get real sketchy and manic during WD's.
All I can say is: 1500mg of dextromethorphan!? And multiple days of >750mg doses. Holy fucking shit--that is way, way too much dextromethorphan.
fluxy said:
that could be as little as 200mg in the past, but there is an effect that causes the neurons to protect themselves (possibily to prevent Olneys lesionss) and after a while dxm becomes ineffective in some of the more fun ways or you gotta dose up more.

That's a tolerance. It's your receptors trying to balance out the fact they are being bound to too much, in an effort to normalize your brain.

And Olney's Lesions caused by DXM have been debunked I'm fairly sure.

Oh and DXM is yuck, I wouldn't touch the stuff sober let alone in WD. Much for the same reasons as paranoid_android
hi everyone and thanks for the feedback...

I built up a massive tolerance for this stuff in bolivia during a dxm and k session, in which the 2 seemed to have exactly the same effect, but only in the peak. K would also kill all stomach pain and leg pain as well. So even after 6 months i might pop a 500mg cap and feel a cool buzz but no CEV's. 700+ is visual and over 1000mg i wouldnt try and interact with others that dont know what im on. The best part for me is that i feel basically no withdrawals, and dont get the "loops" your talking about unless im taking about double that. I dont feel much of the heat factor, tho ive felt like my brain was on fire before. Dont get me wrong, i know the bad thing s your talking about DXM, and its the reason i dont take it all the time, mainly for Withdrawals, but defenitely for some fun at the same time. I just think that DXM + suboxone + xanax = too easy a time to withdraw from even the severest of habits to not share it! If i take too much DXM for too long, I people notice my speech slurring, im so fucked up that i cant even tell, and wont get let into bars cause they think im drunk. inside i feel just peachy, but its not worth it long term. so my total Dxm intake for a year might be about 50 grams, spread over a number of binges. yeah, olneys lesions have been debunked,. I have felt long term effects from these binges but most dissappear within a week of the last dose, 3 or 4 weeks at the worst. How about some positive feedback from people who have done similar stuff because i know there are people out there who have put 2 and 2 together and thought "gee, dxm might be good for opiate withdrawals" and come to a good space where dxm is useful in there lives. (be it intermittently, frequently, or even once off) Oh yeah, I always eat shitloads of lecithin when i take all this DXM, its amazing the difference it makes to all those side effects and the euhoria goes +++
to all those thinking of listening to this jabber; take it with a grain of salt. sure dxm might help with withdrawals, but then your using dxm and thats a whole different ball game. At the doses this guys taking your likely to either end up in the hospital or fall into some sort of toxic psychosis. 1500mg are you shitting me? +xanax and suboxone. OD, respiratory depression, psychosis, etc. Taking dxm just to ease withdrawals is still like playing with fire.
DXM lowers opiate tolerance, and I imagine it would help your endogenous opiate system start working quicker , as your body could feel the effects of your natural opiates quicker or something...
^ It doesn't lower opioid tolerance, it prevents it from forming, probably due to it's NMDA antagonistic properties.
to all those thinking of listening to this jabber; take it with a grain of salt. sure dxm might help with withdrawals, but then your using dxm and thats a whole different ball game. At the doses this guys taking your likely to either end up in the hospital or fall into some sort of toxic psychosis. 1500mg are you shitting me? +xanax and suboxone. OD, respiratory depression, psychosis, etc. Taking dxm just to ease withdrawals is still like playing with fire.

Agreed. youll just end up trippin balls and W/D on top. i dont know but that doesnt sound like much fun to me....
well i just had 100mg DXM and about to have 8mg subby with some benzos. Hope it goes well cause i had some 900mg codeine with all the extras last night.
Bouncing off the walls, withdrawaling hard can't wait having sub now i hope it doesn't make me kick to quickly to hard.