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(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

gaian planes:
my mother takes these things remarkably well.

the new information about magnesium deficiency effects, and now today i am learning about a class of disorders, a syndrome i guess, called dysautonomia, and in fact these stimulant drugs treat the symptoms but can also cause effects that worsen them.

i was talking to my mother about my excessive salivation symptoms and she said i started drooling abnormally early as an infant, normally drooling onset occurs with the development of saliva enzyme production and being ready to digest complex carbohydrates, and is caused by a problem with the enteric nervous system (part of the autonomic nervous system). the excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis and is caused by a problem with the autonomic nervous system. i also, in the absence of stimulants frequently experience (this was a multi-event per day thing) orthostatic hypotension, and unco-ordination and loss of balance which is caused by a fault in the regulation of vasoconstriction, again, autonomic nervous system. also i get orthostatic hypertension from standing up for long periods, and also from sitting, resulting in some peculiar postures and changing position frequently. my pulse and blood pressure can rapidly change and i also sometimes get chills and tachycardia, i get bronchial asthma...

i haven't even listed all of the stuff i suffer from and a great deal of it is fixed or made worse with stimulants. for example both methylphenidate and to a lesser degree MDPV reduced my dystonia from rapid changes in head position for example checking behind for crossing roads on bicycles and so forth, all stimulants, in fact, eliminate my travel sickness, caffeine the least effectively. all stimulants improve my balance to some degree, and eliminate orthostatic hypotension. excessive afternoon drowsiness that is quite overwhelming at times forcing me to find a safe place to fall unconscious is eliminated by b vitamins and caffeine. i recently started doing exercise and in the stuff about POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) and dysautonomia it said that getting fit was important for controlling symptoms and inactivity exacerbates the symptoms, which i have been finding for the last 2 years with the frequent experience of peripheral paresthesia in my arms and legs, which i have now correlated partially with dehydration and is exacerbated by some stimulants notably desoxypipradrol and methamphetamine (under the influence of which the effect was first noted, and was so painful that i became concerned and visited the ER who said there was nothing wrong with me HA!

i am now seeing this stimulant detox plan as a prime opportunity to get some hard data on my symptomology, of course fully useful data will require an extended abstinence and i will attempt to do this unless medical intervention becomes neccessary due to something or other. if i start getting daytime sleepiness again i will just go see a doctor about it instead. the motion sickness, i'm not taking any solanaceous drugs to reduce it, although i may reduce my intake of foods which i have found seem to increase this problem tomatoes, for one seem to cause it and cause also some mild histamine reactions. etc etc. i would like to get tested for orthostatic hypertension and tachycardia once the symptoms resume.

i'm hoping that supplementing my magnesium levels will help the smooth muscle relaxation rlated problems (cramps, tachycardia, bronchial asthma, etc), and continue with the b vitamins and vitamin c and increasing my fresh fruit intake especially fruit with lots of enzymes bananas pineapple papaya etc. i'm expecting that it may be a while once i start the detoxification before i can resume my exercise but it definitely has been helping. i stopped drinking alcohol recently also and i've not been smoking cigarettes since late december.

but anyway, to stay on topic in response to gaian planes, i have only once broken through on DMT and the experience was mostly memory blackout and what memories i have involved something very traumatic, i have been unable to smoke maidenii or longifolia based extracts due to their histamine content and 5-meo (both cause extremely unpleasant tachycardia and bronchoconstriction) until i performed extractions myself on acacia obtusifolia and produced a translucent crystalline product that was very easy to smoke at which point i ran out of supply and stopped my research, the tree is not available locally only further south and i have no transport and on top of that i'm serving the last two months of a probation period for getting caught during a police raid prompted by spiteful former associates and their friends after telling one of the more recent ones my intent to acquire meth and weed on a particular day, for an event i went out to sober (er, i mean drunk) and with no drugs in my possession, and when i realised that they were really cops and they really had a search warrant (they tried to get me to open the door without seeing the warrant, the cops here are cowboys) my heart sank and i realised that i was going to have to show them my collection highschool grade pyrex glassware, my 720mg of pseudoephedrine tablets and a jar of recovered red phosphorus i'd forgotten about (it had been about 5 months since my most recent synthesis attempt at the time) and a little tiny brass pipe i'd forgotten about that i had smoked some weed in.

anyways the point of that thread i think was to explain that i am in no position to be getting my hands on usable (for me) dmt and smoking it as the source is interstate and until the end of my probation i am not to leave the state, and certainly it would be fairly risky to attempt an extraction as well, not to mention that i don't have apparatus to shred the bark and my mother would not be happy about me working with naptha and chemicals and such and i don't intend to go anywhere near DMT until i have got a handle on this health issue, as, obviously, my tendency towards tachycardia and severe anxiety is sorted out (i'd rather not be preloading with drugs to treat this problem, eg ethanol or benzos).

in fact i am unable to work with any psychedelics since a nervous breakdown i had in 1998 while living in canberra, i get overwhelmed with extremely unpleasant and distracting sympathetic effects, strong anxiety, and the post-dosing beneficial effect that got me using psychedelics a lot now does not manifest and, basically, it's a waste of time and traumatic as well.

i am *the* elfspice of the compeat acacia extraction guide, by the way. technically under my local law writing and publishing that document was quite a severe crime, as information about drug production is illegal and of course i'd guess something about inciting criminal activity would be involved, possibly conspiracy also with the people who helped me redraft it to improve readability and so forth.

have a look at the document sometime if you like and see if you recognise the writing style...

(and yes, i was elfspice at the hive and dmt world also) i took this nick after reading QT's extraction guide referring to dmt as elfspice.

anyway, i am very excited (kinda perversely) about getting my medical conditions properly diagnosed and and hopefully this will lead to at the very least a proper and unequivocal recognition of my status as being disabled (in australia mental disabilities are mostly disregarded as being serious impediments to making a living, but physical ones are very much paid attention to), and perhaps to a more effective medication and treatment regime that actually makes my quality of life dramatically improved. it seems quite likely that a psychostimulant medication will be indicated, and possibly if i can improve my digestive function and get my nutrient absorption up to normal the problems preventing my using them will go away. i actually liked a tiny bit of ritalin's effects although not the rollercoaster plasma levels and i practically suffered every side effect listed, and maybe amphetamine would lose its severe tachicardia, bronchiconstriction, excessive blood pressure and pulse and moderate anxiety.

sorry for yet another gigantic rambling post but discovering dysautonomia today randomly while searching for information about hyperhidrosis and all the related diseases and symptoms associated with autonomic nervous system dysfunction and feeling quite certain that the general class of my primary nervous system problem falls mostly within this category is of course very exciting as many things i have suffered routinely for most of my life are now explicable and finally i know the most likely avenue to explore to get help in living with this, unfortunately lifelong disease. and it validates much of my thread of research into the nature of my illness that primarily was focused on drugs that affect catecholamines, as well as now having some clues about treatments for deficiencies caused by my disease and diet issues.

enough said! some time of action still remaining for the desoxypipradrol and much housework to complete before my ability to do the work disappears.
just wanted to add a little note. last night as i was coming to the end of the effects of my last dose of desoxypipradrol, as i was curious about my blood pressure and pulse i learned that during the end part of the effects that the blood pressure is low, around 100/60, which explains the shaking and difficulty finding veins on the second IV dosing.

also, most of the next day my resting pulse measured at least 5 minutes after adopting a reclining or supine posture was around 64bpm, with pressure in the normal range (110/75 - 125/82). not sure whether this low pulse is related to the magnesium or, what i think is more likely, that this is a post-effect of the desoxypipradrol, a rebound of beta 2 activity perhaps? i feel like i'm walking around in slow-motion.
can this be bought in the U.S or is it not that common? Kinda interested tho for clear thoughts and mood lift at a low dose.
Hello BL.

I'm a compulsive masturbater, addict to porn. I only do drugs during masturbation session.
Last week i've masturbate for 6 days (with fantomatic apparence at work) using about 6 to 10 mg of desoxypipradrol each day and a lot of GBL.

It was a wonderful and disturbing week.
It ended the sunday with collapsus on GBL.
The morning i took 1g Iboga root and experiment no crash.

Very interesting compound.

I will try it again in a few months as i fight my compusivity for porn for the moment..
Welcome to bluelight. I'd like to take a moment to remind you to think of your health- from one jerk off to another!
Okay...quick question:
are there people here who tend to dislike DARIs but enjoy DA releasers, but who also like desoxypipradrol?
Me. No euphoric response to cocaine, incredible sensitivity to amphetamine. I love desoxypipradrol.
i think its impossible to say because you like one DARI you'll like them all. i hate cocaine and have an impossibly severe crash, i hate MDPV for the same reason, i love MPH and have no crash at all, and i really love Desoxypipradrol, i love it like a son.
P.S. I also don't like MDPV, it's nearly identical to cocaine for me.
i think its impossible to say

For everyone?
I just hope to see a trend coming out of the aggregate set of personal experiences.
Is this leviathan still going? It seems the long half life of desoxy has somewhat filtered through to the threads about it! =D
Okay...quick question:
are there people here who tend to dislike DARIs but enjoy DA releasers, but who also like desoxypipradrol?

cant stand mdpv, cocaine is hit and miss ( the quality here is shithouse, have not bothered for years ) but love amp and meth.

Desoxy is... unpredictable. sometimes it makes me smoke tobacco every 5 - 10 mins (i hate that but if i dont smoke its anxiety hell ) or i have to eat every 30 mins ( a full meal too, it cant be just a snack ) other times it makes me smell like a fish out in the sun on a hot day, but occasionally its really, really good. i'd say 1 in 10 times is it "really really good"
Me. No euphoric response to cocaine, incredible sensitivity to amphetamine. I love desoxypipradrol. (...) P.S. I also don't like MDPV, it's nearly identical to cocaine for me.

In the name of research I will give desoxypipradol another go just now.
I have plenty of exams to grade and while i would normally use modafinil for this, I am feeling adventurous and strangely self-destructive today.

There's different types of stimulant user responses... cocaine, much like mdpv, is somewhat euphoric for me, but then there is a terrible crash WAY too soon and I feel crap 10 times longer than I felt fine (although I can do coca leaves with only very little crash). As a result I avoid both MDPV and cocaine. I am also extremely sensitive to amphetamine... I use on occasion but it is a hit-and-miss affair. Sometimes it puts me "right" when I felt low beforehand, but if I overshoot the mark I get hyperactive, tense, compulsive, and paranoid.

It's been over a year since I last used desoxypipradol. I have only used it 3 times or so in total... even the lowest of doses were GREAT, though I vaguely remember a state of exhaustion starting way later... after sleep had been had, the next day's wakefulness was of a distinctly lesser quality. And I remember that at 12mg (done all in one go, first trial ever) I ended up way overstimulated after a few hours of fun initially... will be dosing 3-4mg just now and get into a marathon exam grading session. Will report back.

Strange chemical actually--- I have butterflies in my stomach even from just planning to use it. I think I will smoke it . . . 4mg... divided into 4 piles to be smoked within the morning...
It is now T+12 and I had a quite ordinary lazy day since smoking those 4mg... within an hour or so I had smoked it all, with some cannabis. I wonder whether I may have destroyed part of it when just smoking it in a pipe with the flame touching it because it is not very strong really (different batch from the one I'd tried before). I seem to be slightly more alert, and I posted on BL a bit more than usually, but apart from that I feel quite normal really. My grading work has been easy, though I have more to do...

What I notice the most is that I have an ENORMOUS appetite on it... I eat and eat and eat... all day I have been eating, and it all tastes so good, like with cannabis... the difference being that I have an appetite for pretty healthy things... had had some fried fish dish very soon after smoking, and then later I had bread with half an avocado, then a slice of bread with goat's cheese, and then several slices of bread with honey and butter, then a lot more goat's cheese without bread, and then a big veggie wheat protein sausage dipped in organic mayonnaise, and then later a plateful of sliced tomatoes and mozzarella with lots of olive oil and rucola, lots of mozzarella really... crazy... so much protein and I could have even more... it must be the Desoxy doing that to me. Does anyone else get incredible munchies from this stuff? Should really try it in an all-u-can-eat buffet one day :D

I wonder why it does that . . .
Hmm, I'm trying to remember if I felt compelled to eat on desoxy. I only ever took it orally and nasally. I definitely never noticed appetite suppression.

Man, desoxy... what a crazy stimulant. I got 100 or so mg a while back and took to snorting it. I had fully intended on using it once in a while, responsibly. Next thing I know it's a week later and I haven't slept and I'm so exhausted when it ran out that I could hardly see. And I made a bunch of really, REALLY long BL posts. =D

That was my most intense stimulant abuse episode. Desoxy is good stuff... kind of hard to nail down in effect. It seems so benign at the time but there's some serious mind-twisting going on there. The whole week I wasn't remotely tired. I somehow thought I'd end up fine, just need to sleep some. But I was wrong. 8o
There can be a "moreish" quality to desoxypipradrol when you attempt to use it more recreationally than pragmatically. One time I took an Adderall for the first time in a long time, and when that started wearing off my girlfriend and I each snorted an eyeballed dose of 2-5mg desoxypipradrol. When we felt tired an hour or two later, we snorted another 2-5mg, thinking we had underdosed. Later in the morning, maybe I was expecting something more amphetamine-like, and maybe my girlfriend was too, but we both decided that we weren't "feeling it" and snorted a larger dose of 4-10mg each. We started to feel it after that!

I wasn't able to sleep for 40 or 50 hours afterwards, and we had already been up for 20 hours when we started dosing. She wasn't able to sleep for another 72 hours! She started getting crazy visuals, kind of delirious in a way, and having mood swings before she was able to pass out.
Desoxy is good stuff... kind of hard to nail down in effect. It seems so benign at the time but there's some serious mind-twisting going on there. The whole week I wasn't remotely tired. I somehow thought I'd end up fine, just need to sleep some. But I was wrong. 8o

I just laughed out loud at that... great quote :D
i think its impossible to say because you like one DARI you'll like them all. i hate cocaine and have an impossibly severe crash, i hate MDPV for the same reason, i love MPH and have no crash at all, and i really love Desoxypipradrol, i love it like a son.

good, MDPV gave me extreme paranoia the "high" was like hell for me i had to throw tis crap in the toilet, first i decided to stay away from this substance as i figured it may be just as bad only longer acting but after reading those responses i may gonna give it a try

i also like amphetamines and dont like cocaine
What I notice the most is that I have an ENORMOUS appetite on it... I eat and eat and eat... all day I have been eating, and it all tastes so good, like with cannabis... the difference being that I have an appetite for pretty healthy things... had had some fried fish dish very soon after smoking, and then later I had bread with half an avocado, then a slice of bread with goat's cheese, and then several slices of bread with honey and butter, then a lot more goat's cheese without bread, and then a big veggie wheat protein sausage dipped in organic mayonnaise, and then later a plateful of sliced tomatoes and mozzarella with lots of olive oil and rucola, lots of mozzarella really... crazy... so much protein and I could have even more... it must be the Desoxy doing that to me. Does anyone else get incredible munchies from this stuff? Should really try it in an all-u-can-eat buffet one day :D

I wonder why it does that . . .

AH!!!! I'm not the only one!!!! did you find if you didnt eat on it you got mad stomach pains, as if you had not eaten in a few days? And yes, i have have to eat healthy, but i absolutely crave a roast meal when i have desoxy. and pretzels. and bananas, pears, apples... peanut butter and honey sandwiches.... its like im pregnant or something.

It makes me wonder if desoxy speeds up metabolism or something. After eating a full roast meal, about 1 hour later im starving, stomach is rumbling, and i want another roast. weird! oh, it makes me shit every hour or so. and not just a small one, its like my intestines are cleaning themselves out. every hour.

I take some desoxy once in a while, maybe once or twice every 2 months, occasionally its really smooth, most of the time i'm either starving, or i need a ciggie or bong or joint, whatever as long as im smoking. bit compulsive.