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    Australian & Asian
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Dept Health Dr Shopper list in Australia.Does anyone know.....

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Fucking rotten cunts indeed. Australia is becoming more and more of a nanny state, it's borderline fucking Nazi-ruled Germany!
I've been a lurker on BL for about a year now. I think I signed up once and got reprimanded by Mr Blonde for detailing stories/techniques for doctor shopping, which was fair enough in hindsight. But its funny, I had a botched root canal earlier in the year, I was in agony at the dentists because they just couldn't numb the tooth and even through all that pain, all I could think is I'm going to be on endone in a few hours.

The dentist gave me a script for anitbiotics and panadeine forte, so I went to my GP of about 8 months and with a good backstory and manipulation, one of my disturbing personality traits, I had my 1st legal script of Endone.

But my asian doctor, who I always thought got his MP from a Kellogg's box, gave me one of the best 10mins advice about the harms of opiate based treatments and drugs of dependence in general, he actually cared, but he didn't lecture and just gave straight up truths (that I secretly already knew lol), but he had empathy and even told me that he would hate to feel responsible for providing me with drugs that could turn into a nasty addiction. I realised he is a good doctor.

I guess I am trying to say that we see doctors as cunts half the time because they wont give us what we want, but some of them really do have a lot of life experience, and empathy, some truely got into the profession to actually try to help people. It sucks I know but it at least instills a little bit of pride in humanity that ppl are looking out for you.

Mind you I got those 20 endones went home and crushed 10 of them and drunk it down with beers and buds and benzos, the done powder tasted sweet... around 30mins later I don't even remember if I had teeth LOL

Just saying that some dr's have your best interests at heart and aren't being nasty just for the sake of it , they are just trying to protect themselves and YOU :)
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When you need a repeat they ring through and get an "authority number"...Or on some medications even if you dont need a repeat the DR needs to ring through and get an "authority to prescribe"...When i used to get a single Oxy script no call (unless the Dr ring the DR Shopper Line) was made...If i wanted thre boxes at a time, my Dr would ring through and get a number..He would also tell the person on the other end why i was taking the meds...eg.Back pain....Not responding to NASAIDs....But this is seperate to the Dr Shopper Line...
How come the psych didn't call for a phone approval for the private dexamphetamine script? Psych doesn't need approval for private script? Does that mean the private dexamphetamine script won't show up under my name but the authority script will?

I'm now using authority script for dexamphetamine regularly by the way. In the past, the psych used a private script a couple of times.

OK, you need to understand this: a private script is not paid for by the government in any way. You pay the full cost with no subsidies to the pharmacy by Medicare.

A script that is subsidized by the government is called a PBS script (PBS is the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme).

Some medications are easy to get subsidized by Medicare, either because they are automatically covered or the doctor has a code that they can use called a 'streamline authority'. However, some authorities, particularly for dangerous drugs or drugs that are liable to abuse, need the doctor to call up and give the reasons that the drug is being prescribed before they can be authorized under the PBS. These are called authority prescriptions and in this case, on the tear off bottom part of the prescription there will always be the authority reason given.

I'll give you an example so that you can understand better. Here is the PBS page for dexamphetamine (often the PBS website is shut down at night).

See the authority required text that is in red next to the yellow triangle exclamation mark? Click on the text. You will see ADHD and narcolepsy listed, as well as a caution that it is to be prescribed in accordance with state/territory law. That text means that an authority from Medicare to subsidize the medication cost will only be given for these two conditions.

Of course, your doctor may write a private prescription for you even if you have one of those two conditions. The reason for this may be that they feel that your specific situation may not be seen as meeting Medicare's requirements.

Private scripts aren't traced by the PBS/Medicare and those fuckwads at the HIC...

Point is bro, your doctor(s) I presume, will only give a fuck if you come in there office, demanding shit to take...

not wise bro, the government will eventually ruin your hopes and expectations of ever getting along hassle free with up to 5 doctors who prescribe you benzodiazepines...

Private scripts aren't tracked by Medicare, but they are tracked by the Drugs of Dependence Unit or equivalent department in your state/territory (in QLD they are called the DDU, may be different where you live). The drugs that are watched vary slightly in each state as well; in QLD, benzodiazepines for example are not as closely monitored as they are in NSW or VIC.

I am very close to closing this thread, as discussion seems to be going in circles and people are asking questions about getting off lists and seeing multiple doctors, etc...

Also, the OP has requested that I close it as the thread has gone away from the original topic though I will concede that this was an old thread that had been resurrected.
I guess I am trying to say that we see doctors as cunts half the time because they wont give us what we want, but some of them really do have a lot of life experience, and empathy, some truely got into the profession to actually try to help people. It sucks I know but it at least instills a little bit of pride in humanity that ppl are looking out for you.

Well said mate couldn't agree more :)
I've heard this 3 months mentioned a fair bit. How do you know it's that length of time?

I'd like to see this answered before this thread is closed.

Potentially harmful advice if it isn't true...maybe it's beyond the scope of this forum anyway though, and in that case the posts with that info in it should be deleted.
^ Above two posts; it's from the Medicare website.

Medicare said:
How do I get Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) information about my patient?
If you suspect a patient of getting more medicine than they need, you can call the Prescription Shopping Information Service (PSIS) on 1800 631 181*

Can I find out if other prescribers have prescribed for my patient?
Yes. The PSIS can tell you the number of prescribers identified on prescriptions supplied to your patient for a recent three month period. This may include repeat prescriptions.

Can a patient access their own PBS information?
Patients who want to receive their own PBS information must send a request in writing to:

NSW, ACT and VIC residents

Information Release
GPO Box 9822
Sydney NSW 2001


Information Release
GPO Box 9822
Brisbane QLD 4001

Will the information include all medicine prescribed for or taken by my patient?
No. It only includes PBS information.

Can Medicare investigate further if the patient I called the PSIS about has not been identified and I have some concerns about that patient?
Medicare will record your request and forward it on for investigation and decide if further action is needed.

Some information that I thought might be relevant to this thread. It is a three month period, though I could have sworn I once came across a Medicare page stating they could expand it to six months in certain situations or if necessary, though I can't find this information now. I think I posted it in a recent doctor shopping thread started by Charles Bronson that was then closed and then this one was brought back to life.

Important to note from the above quote is that the Medicare Prescription Shopping Program only has information regarding prescriptions that have been put through under the PBS. Private prescriptions though will be monitored by the state/territory DDU equivalent. Doctors may contact this service, and pharmacies are required to hand in details of scripts for S8 drugs and some S4 drugs (depending on state/territory) to the DDU each month. Pharmacists will also contact the DDU if they consider the prescription suspicious.
OK, I'm going to close this thread. If anyone has objections or believes that they have a question that has not been answered, PM me or another mod to discuss. :)

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