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Dept Health Dr Shopper list in Australia.Does anyone know.....

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Miss Kirsty

Sep 23, 2011
Hey...Does anyone in Australia know how long you are put on the Dr Shopper list for morphine?
I was under the impression that the "list" was just a list of abusable medications you have been prescribed that doctors could view before prescribing you more. Not that it was a black list of drug seekers and there there were minimum amount of time to be on it per drug. Maybe I'm misunderstanding and you are asking how long it would show up that you got morphine prescribed at such and such a date, in which case I would assume forever?

homeless >>> Australian drug Discussion
What type of information can I [the dr] get?
When you phone the Information Service, you will be told if the patient has been identified under the Prescription Shopping Program in a previous three month period. If the patient has been identified, you can find out the number of PBS items supplied to that patient and the number of different doctors who prescribed those items. More detailed information can be provided in a PBS Patient Summary Report. This information details the drug names, quantities supplied and the number of prescribers for each item.
What period of time does the PBS information cover?
The information service includes PBS information about patients who are identified under the Prescription Shopping Program for a three month period. The list of identified patients is updated every month, hence patients can come and go from the list.


When my Dr rings up Authority prescriptions to prescribe xanax he asks when it was last prescribed, but xanax is authority script whereas morphine isn't. I once had a prick of a Dr who thought he'd attempt to ridicule me in my face. He rang 2 different services. first I think was just for schedule8 and maybe opiate dependant people, and 2nd number was the dr shopper line.

Prick got a hit on the dr shopper line, then 'oh so dramatically' told me to leave AND he was calling the police. Ofcourse the cocksucker wasn't calling the police as I hadn't done anything illegal but I suppose I was supposed to run off in terror or something and never come back. I stayed at that medical centre for another 6 years, just saw another dr, and glared at this cunt everytime I saw him. He never made eye contact.
ta guys....Im not trying to get anymore scripts i just want to be off the list..Its just a personal thing. I feel like thats the last of the "old me" if you get what i mean!...I havent had a scri8pt since June and i should be off it soon. Feels horrible eh bobbydarren? It would be stupid to try and get morph now as im pretty sure my "methadone Dr" would get some sort of alert or email telling him. I once got into deep shite for getting pan forte script for a horrendous toothache. i didnt realise i could OD on panforte while on methadone. As my tollerance is massive i assumed pan forte woulnt touch the sides so to speak...Most informative bobbydarren cheers, amapola too...Thanks for your time.;)
I'm going from memory here but I seem to recall it being said you remained on the doc shop register for 3 months. I dont really think at this point its something to be incredibly concerned about as I have definately met the criteria before and probably been on the register, never had a problem continuing to obtin my meds. The thing is you can be on the register but unless your prescribing physician checks if you are on there before doling out every single script you have a pretty decent chance of not being noticed anyway.

I wouldn't expect you will be on the register more than 3 months and honestly I think you will probably find that even during the time your on there it wont be a whole lot harder to get what you are after.

I should probably note that my experience is largely limited to benzodiazepines and other sedatives and it could be a lot different when it comes to opiates.
bobbydarren said:
When my Dr rings up Authority prescriptions to prescribe xanax he asks when it was last prescribed, but xanax is authority script whereas morphine isn't.

Morphine is an authority script, as long as it's under the PBS which most of the time it will be, and so is Xanax with repeats unless you are getting private prescriptions.

i didnt realise i could OD on panforte while on methadone. As my tollerance is massive i assumed pan forte woulnt touch the sides so to speak...Most informative bobbydarren cheers, amapola too...Thanks for your time.

I highly doubt you would, methadone prescribers, doctors and pharmacists all just tend to be ultra paranoid as soon as they know someone is on the program.
Drs only need to ring morphine through if you are getting repeats. Otherwise they can write away. Ive had drs write me scripts in anothers name as i was too early. They use the old yellow pad for this!!Also Mr Blond, this is what i thought so i got my scripts done at my dosing pharmacy and they handed em to me. Catapress and digesic in the past also. I got introuble for all of them! But i wrongly assumed that my dosing pharmacy would guide me as to what should and shouldnt be taken with Mdone..
The catapress is a problem but i cant live without them...Talk about fucken sweat!!YUCK...I have bad blood pressure and need them but my last perscribing dr wouldnt let me take them!!
Make sure you chew lots of gum/drink lots of water and take care of your teeth in general when you're on these meds that dry out your mouth. I learnt the hard way and experienced more pain than I ever had before with a tooth ache :( also was on bupe and had an opiate tolerance at the time so treating the pain effectively was very difficult.

I always guessed you'd just stay on the doctor shopper list for life! Good to hear it's only a limited amount of time.
Oh Christ! ( no pun intended)...My teeth are killing me all the time..Winter was a bleeding nightmare...My Mdone didnt help with the pain nothing did...I was punching myself in the face at 3 and 4am going insane with the pain...I couldnt find anyoine who gave a fuck...It was terrible...Dont know what happend but they have calmed down now, maybe the weather????
Drs only need to ring morphine through if you are getting repeats.

Going off memory, in some states S8 narcotic scripts require authority from the Chief of Health regardless of repeats or whether it is private or not.

Also Mr Blond, this is what i thought so i got my scripts done at my dosing pharmacy and they handed em to me. Catapress and digesic in the past also. I got introuble for all of them! But i wrongly assumed that my dosing pharmacy would guide me as to what should and shouldnt be taken with Mdone..

Yeah some pharmacists are idiots and some are absolute wankers. I have to say, in my professional life I've encountered more dumb pharmacists then intelligent ones.
I don't think that doctors can give out S8 drugs privately, but then again an Asian doctor once gave me codeine phosphate 30 mg x 20 and Hypnodorm 1 mg x 30 tablets and she didn't have to write out anything.

My problem with this bullshit is that can I or can't I continue to see a regular GP who will prescribe me Xanax and Tramadol (for legitimate purposes). I've been stupid in the past 12 months and have seen about 25 different doctors, majority of whom who told me to fuck off.

The problem is that the HIC calls up the doctor after I've been to one, and then tells them, it's not as if a doctor calls them up and asks...Fucker's are so sneaky and have such behind your back methods of not allowing one to get a hold of S4 drugs!

Thank you to footscrazy for redirecting me here. You're a fucking top notch moderator bro!
^ S8 drugs can be written up as private scripts. A small few S8 drugs aren't included on the PBS at all.

No one can tell you if a GP you see regularly will or won't prescribe the drugs. It depends on your relationship with the doctor and what they think is the best treatment for the conditions you have. You might not think it's fair that they are notifying the doctors about your history, but they are just doing their jobs and prescription drug shopping is considered a serious problem that they have to deal with.
I unapproved a post that was too close to talking about doctor shopping. We don't care how good you are at doctor shopping, and we don't want to hear about it.
Do private scripts like stilnox/zolpidem show up in the Dr. Shopper list?
^ I don't think they are watched drugs in any state... also, it depends on what state you are in how closely certain drugs are watched. For example, in QLD the Drugs of Dependence Unit monitors prescriptions for all S8 drugs but not benzodiazepine scripts, whereas in other states those are considered S4W or Schedule 4 - Watched drugs and fall under the auspices of the respective DDU equivalent of that state.

However these drugs will all be watched by the nationally accessed Dr Shopper List.
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