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Guacamole May be the Answer!

Ive only had bad constipation once, and it was recently so I remember the pain... and the agony very, very, well.

I have never had opiate constipation though, and I understand that it is in a league of its own, however, I may have a remedy regardless of it being a cure-all.

Avocados have a crazy amount of fiber and are well known to give people "good poops" (hate the phrase but it says it all).

Fortunately Avocados are the main ingredient in Guacamole. Does anyone like guacamole by chance? Here is a recipe that you can savor on any drug beyond uppers.

**Intergalatic's Guacamole Recipe**

Avocados 2 or 2+ (the world's healthiest fruit)
1> cut them in half down the long way
>2> discard the seed (or save it to grow a tree), then scope out creamy avocado with a spoon

Tomato mince them up really fine, or make them chuncky. I feel everyone likes tomatos a bit different so to each their own. Its difficult to gauge how much and how little. Cut the tomato up and then wait for the next step.

Onion Not everyones favorite I know, however, it is alot of peoples favorite too. Again mince these up or make a pile of chunks- prepare it for the people who want to eat it. Id cut up between 1/4 and 2/3s of an onion.

Mix the tomatos and the onions together and slowly rain them down on your avocado until the top is sprinkled lightly. Mix them together with a spoon until you see a nice mix of colors. If you feel there is too much green add some more of your mix.

Now for the spices...

Garlic Whatever garlic you have works. You just want to sprinkle it ontop of the mashed avocado like you would any other dish. Dont add too much because you can always add more later... but you cant, you know.

Cumin Spice (not seeds) Cumin spice always reminds me of the smell/taste that those taco seasoning packets contain/add to taco meat. It adds a subtle but wonderful taste at the end of the mouth savoring flavor. Use a pinch or so per avocado. Again, dont over do it.

Cilantro This herb? It tastes like an alpine mountain smells - fresh. It adds a crucial and light burst of clarity to each and every flavor's taste. Go light but make sure each bight has a tiny bit. Dice them.

Lime/Lemon Take a 1/4 of which ever one of these two you prefer and squeeze it over your bowl.

Salt you have already added garlic so dont go crazy. However, incase you never quite thought about it, or put it into words, I have always felt that salt brings out the flavor a bit. Its kinda like getting all your flavors a bit drunk and putting them into a room together. Dont go crazy on it because then it just ruins the dish.

Refrigerator there is the word - meld - that specifically means to let your flavors soak into each other. Guac needs to meld for a bit. Its like, the salt got all your flavors drunk, now they need to fuck. Anyways, cover your bowl with some of that plastic wrap that gets all sticky (and gets fucking annoying sometimes) and then stick it in the fridge next to all those dead bodies.

Wait 30 minutes... talk to your friend ron, or jeremy, or just call your uncle jerry and then rejoice with your wonderful bowl of intestine plowing guacamole prepared exactly how you wanted it.

I really dont know if that holds a candle to the dude who said he hadnt shat in 2 weeks, but fuck dude, this shit grows on trees.

Peace be with you all.
I've never experienced anything close to opiate induced constipation but that guacamole recipe is ace. Just got some avocados too, so I'll definitely try it out in the next few days.
i was reading around in some old threads and came across multiple threads for this! since i'm bored, i figured i'd just throw some info in here as i'm sure there are still people who are searching for any answers to this problem.

1: opiate induced constipation is the worst- FACT. as one OP of a similar thread stated- it is not a normal constipation, but is the collection of small stools forming together into one gigantasaur mass. this results in a BM which is kind of like trying to put a massive octagon through a tiny circle- like with those childrens learning blocks. it just aint happenin.' constipation is a very serious health hazard. it can lead to cramps, bloating, distended abdomen, abdominal and back pain, emotional distress, malnutrition, vomiting, bowel impaction, sepsis, shock, and even death. not to mention that chronic constipation results in hemorrhoids leading to even more painful bowel movements, bleeding, and anal fissures. if the condition is not taken care of at home, a hospital visit will become necessary during which a doctor will have to manual break up the stools or surgical intervention may be needed.

opiates halt digestion which is why these small stools occur in the first place. instead of digesting at a normal rate, your body is only digesting little bits at a time- producing the small stools. opiates also slow/halt peristalsis (movement/contraction) of the intestines. so, the small stools that are produced into your intestines aren't going anywhere, leading them to bind together and resulting in the "anus busters" as another OP of a similar thread put it.

2: using remedies such as laxatives over long periods of time causes dependency (meaning you won't be able to have a BM without the use of these supplements) and can and will lead to a condition called mega-colon, in which a portion of the intestines becomes dilated/enlarged and paralyzed. fecal tumors can occur when mega-colon is present and may need surgical intervention to be removed. while chronic pain patients are often instructed by their doctor to take laxatives every day, these negative side effects will still occur. however, in their case they will probably be on narcotic pain medications their entire lives, and it is often better to deal with than living a daily life in agonizing pain. for those of us who choose to use opiates and consider the possibility of stopping one day, other methods are more advisable.

3: stool softeners is a safer method but will not help if the problem is already existing. stool softeners are only effective when taken for preventative means.

4: fiber is natural and beneficial as it adds bulk to stool. there are two kinds of fiber- soluble & insoluble. soluble fiber dissolves in water and becomes a gel-like substance (ex: metamucil). this provides soft bulk to stool. insoluble fiber remains the same throughout the body. fiber used alone however, will only add to the problem of constipation. fiber MUST be taken in conjunction with adequate-large amounts of water to prevent stool from becoming hard and dry. if you do not drink enough water while ingesting excess fiber, you will be left with a lot of bulk stool which will become dry and hard, making matters worse. fiber is also meant to be used for preventative means rather than after a problem has already begun. eating fruit and/or grains daily is a great way to achieve good fiber intake.

5: WATER. if you are an opiate user or just suffer chronic constipation/ IBS-C, (or both!) it is imperative that you grow to accept good ol' H20 as your new best friend. drinking plenty of water and keeping hydrated is the ONLY way to prevent your body from absorbing the water from stools, leaving them dried out and hard as rocks.

6: exercise is also essential for regular BMs. it decreases the amount of time it takes the body to digest food and move waste through the body. the shorter time it takes your body to do this = the less water is absorbed from your stool.

7: diet is also key to preventing constipation. because a balanced diet isn't exactly exciting all the time, it is easy to fall victim to a poor diet. eating healthy ALL THE TIME just isn't possible for some people (like myself). one helpful tip is to eat within a hour of waking up in the morning. waiting longer than an hour to eat after getting up prevents your digestive system and metabolism from getting to full-speed. this is why breakfast is considered the "most important meal of the day." try to consume something within the first hour you are awake and also try to make it healthy (or even SOMEWHAT healthy). even if you don't eat anything else for the remainder of the day, or eat only junk, eating breakfast will really help you out. however, try your best to include a few nutritious snacks throughout the day- fruit, yogurt, nuts, whatever- even if you can only stand a little bit.

*NEVER NEVER NEVER ignore the urge to go! even if you only feel the slightest of urges, get to a toilet and at least try! getting into the habit of not going when you need to is very harmful to your body and will only add to your misery. no matter how lazy you are feeling or how much you are dreading going, just do it!

**using some or all of this information should make going a bit less miserable. use these tid-bits of info as guidelines. there are also a couple recipes further back in this thread that are said to have positive effects and make the overall experience "smoother." future constipation can be avoided by making a few simple changes to your daily routine (or at least be made less severe)!

when you are having trouble going:

-relax. trying to go while stressed out is only going to make it more difficult and add to the pain as your body (and sphincter!) are tense. take deep breaths to help calm yourself.

-don't try to force a BM to come out! this can and will cause damage! use ample pushing, but not so hard that you're blue in the face.

-if needed, digitally break up the stool and/or assist the stool in coming out. this sounds awful and embarrassing, but who is going to know? and, it is much less embarrassing than having to have your doctor do it for you. try to break the stool into smaller pieces using a finger and then try to pass the pieces one at a time. if at any point you are in pain from doing so, STOP. if you find that you are bleeding from doing so, contact a doctor/hospital immediately. remember, your intestines are fragile, so be gentle poking and prodding around in there.

-another method to try: like others have stated in other threads- push out what you can and then digitally break apart/off the emerged stool. just take it little by little.

-use an enema. mineral oil works best for these situations as it helps to soften the stool as well as lubricate it and your anus. this lubrication can make a world of difference and will also help to prevent tearing and fissures. like laxatives though, do not use enemas consistently as the same problems can occur (dependency, mega-colon, etc). it is recommended to only use one enema per 24 hours. try doing 1/4-1/2 of the enema and see if it helps. if it does not provide any relief after 30 minutes or so, repeat the process. if at any time you feel pain while performing the enema, STOP. also, if you have or suspect a bowel impaction rather than just constipation, i would not recommend an enema (though i am not a doctor so one would need to obtain further information. also- bowel impaction is far more serious & dangerous than constipation and if you suspect this is your case, contact your doctor).

-if these methods continue to give you no results/ do not help you within a couple of days, contact your doctor or hospital. it is better to experience a bit of embarrassment rather than die due to constipation. keep in mind that you will not be the first individual to present this problem to your/a doctor and it is the doctor's job to take care of you and resolve your situation. the doctor is NOT going to laugh at you.


sorry for the obnoxiously long post. like i said- i'm bored and just reading through some old posts and i'm sure there are people out there still looking for assistance on the matter! i hope this will provide some help/relief(!) to someone/anyone out there experiencing this issue!

happy pooping!
it's one of the downsides to being on opiates 24/7. ive found a lot of wheat, oats and bran as well as fruit and vegetable make passing easier and the stool and lot less hard and intense. drink ample amounts of water makes things a lot easier as well/

just expanding upon this, before i was as addicted as i am now - 3 years back - a coffee and cigarette would be an instant "oh, gotta go!" not anymore for me though, though it works for other people i know who irregularly use opiates but get constipated.

i had been clogged up for a few days this week until i had a night on the MDPV which instantly cleaned me out, pebble by pebble:p

healthy diet, with lots of fruit and veges and fibre keeps me regular:)
Vitamin C and magnesium Citrate have a laxative effect.... eat loads of C and Mag citrate and it will cure your constipation.
I recently wrote a post on here named "constipation from opiods"...
if you didn't read it... basically i was on heroin for about a year, and about 2 1/2 weeks ago i got on the methadone program here in my city. it works great, except i haven't been able to go poop SINCE i started taking my methodone....

I have tried eating the laxative pill basiacodyl usp 5mg. they didn't work.
i then waited a day, still didn't shit.
i just tried 2 hours ago to use the glycerin suppositories laxative. it's suposed to work in 15 minues - an hour. it's been 2 hours and nothing.

does anyone know if it's safe or not for me to try to use another suppository?

Should I try to take 2 of the bisacodyl usp 5 mg pills (on top of already using the suppository)? (on the box it recommends you take 2/3.. )

What should i do if none of this works?

Do you have anymore ideas of anything i can use/drank that WILL work?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Try and enema and eat lots of fiber.
Try and enema and eat lots of fiber.

Nothing like giving yourself an enema. Damn, I'm glad I am off of opiates. I was on Suboxone, not Methadone, and that was the worst constipation I've ever had to deal with. That first massive breacher you drop into the bowl hurts so fucking bad!

Anyway, Do what Guido said. No guarantee on an enema working. I did two in a row, and all that came out was the saline solution, and a couple rabbit turds.

Good luck!
i'm not an opiate user but i love talking about poop.

how about an extreme ass pounding by an extra large dildo?
i'm not an opiate user but i love talking about poop.

how about an extreme ass pounding by an extra large dildo?

Hmm i would imagine that would work also but I would stick with the vitamic c and magnesium citrate personally... although each to theyre own as they say.
Alka Seltzer seems to always help me go. I'm not advocating this for long term use; just as a catalyst. A high fiber diet, lots of water and some level of daily exercise should help long term.
i'm not sure if enema's can fix constipation from hell,
but if they can't: how about injecting virgin olive oil into your ass and lube things up a lil?

or perhaps u better use real lube for anal sex :eek:
a friend who had an opiate habit once delighted in telling me of how he had to use an apple corer to remove the middle of a huge stool, then let it collapse in on itself in order to pass it witout ripping his rectal sphincter to shreds :! . Even now I'm grimacing at the thought & he told me that little gem about 8 years ago! )

That's a story straight from Naked Lunch. LOL
i recommend getting this laxative/stool softener - Senokot-S

dude 3-4 days is nothing. i'm hurting bad right now, it's been around 3 weeks.
usually i go once a week/2 weeks and every time i bleed. I'm on suboxone by the way.

this has happened to me before, and i had to resort to shoving a suppository up my ass...which was the most horrible experience ever. i promised myself i wouldn't let this happen again, by maintaining a proper diet (lots of water, fiber) but sure enough here i am again, full of shit, and too much of a pussy to stick a suppository up my ass.... god please, anything but that.

does anyone know of anything i can do besides the suppository? god my ass hurts just from saying that.

The BEST advise i could give you right now is exercise your ass off, swim, bike, walk. I have RSD right now, im on methadone, 20 vikadin a day, and 5 valums. its been like a year now, heres some tips i can give ya,

Try Metamucil, it works great and its not harsh.
Stay away from Wheat and any Dairy products.
Try mineral oil.
For pain, as dumb as it sounds lay on on your stomach
Take as many hot baths as ya can when it hurts.
Exercise your ass off, best tip
Drink tons of water, unless its to late for that..you knw

IF your get in a REAL bind there is something called magnesium citrate, its what they give you pre surgery for some stomach procedures, they can be purchased over the counter at walgreens. Drink it, drink a bottle of water, your guaranteed to shit everything you have out within 6 hours...usually like 2, its intense, the pains surprisingly not to bad though, may give you a little diarrhea

Hope that helps
I've been on a bit of a binge since Saturday night and I haven't pooped since Saturday afternoon - it's now Wednesday afternoon.

Haven't used today but still can't poop. Why? And has anyone gone more than 4 days without shitting? How many days have you gone? When can I expect to shit if I don't use today? Is this really fucking up my body? I don't feel bloated at all.

Longest ive gone, literately 16 Days, i gained 18 pounds, i shit, lost 18 pounds thats how i know, i have stretch marks it was so bad. er did nothing...they wanted to do somethin but um...i kinda just went home and chugged 2 bottles of the pre stomach surgery solution, shit for days. haha...its no joke dude, i know it hurts, foggy headed, really just fucks up your life. it takes a while man, but sooner or later your gonna find whats right for ya, just try product after product, best advise.
Never had any troubles shitting in my life, even when consuming opium tea on a nightly basis, until i was prescribed tramadol... I didn't dump for 5 days, the first 3 i just forgot about it until i realized that my time in the bathroom each morning was alot more convenient.

Anywho, Milk of magnesia. This is good medicine. 25/50 ml of this stuff b4 bed u'll be good
I'm not on them all the time but when I do use opiates, it's for 5, 6 up to ten days in a row. During that time I really feel that just one or two drinks of fiber powder into a glass of water or juice does the job. Perhaps a stool softener would help too, although I do eat pretty healthy to begin with...but even so, I really think powder fiber 2x a day should do the trick.
I need to bitch a little bit hope yall dont mind. Im a suboxone patient and I dabble with smack a little hear and there. Well I shot a fuck load last weekend now I have a fecal impaction YAY!!. This is my first true fecal impaction and boy am I excited I cant wait to go to the ER tommorow night. Why tommorow night you ask well I am not going to the ER sober thats for damn sure. So im gonna blast a few bags then go wait in chairs at my local shithole ER and pray I dont need surgery. Though at this point I will gladly accept a colostomy bag hmm that would be convienent wouldnt it? So 12 days and no shit I hope I make it to the ER before I start throwing up feces yum yum. Peace
Now, you much give us a follow up on just how your ER visit goes.
All the gross and shitty details please!!!!
Now just makes sure you are given a mineral oil enema before there are any attemtps at a manual solution to your sad problem.
You can never be too lubricated!!!!