dealing with a controlling abusive single mother


Sep 12, 2008
I have been using drugs since I was 15 (weed, E, acid, alcohol). I am 32 now and since then have gone through a bad heroin addiction and have used just about every drug except PCP and meth. I was able to get clean for 4 years and went back to school and graduated. I have relapsed several times since then and went to a detox last June for the first time since 2006 or 2007. I don't have an actual habit at this point but I do use recreationally every now and then. I live at home currently as I am trying to pass a state licensing exam that would triple my income once I pass it which would afford me to be able to live independently.

My mom and dad divorced when I was 7 and I spent every weekend with my father. He is very calm and relaxed although can be unreasonable and set in his ways sometimes. But as far as the drugs go his thing is don't bring it around me or my house and family.

My mom seems to believe that I need long term treatment for heroin and is constantly saying this to me and my close friends and boyfriend. They all can see how crazy she is. She pretends everything is perfect on the outside and is very critical of me if i choose not to wear makeup or a nicer shirt and this will trigger her to be very cold and nasty to me for days.

She found me OD'd last year and I just found out recently that she convinced the Dr to section me and I had to go to a psych unit for a few days where the staff didn't understand why I was there and they saw that I did not have a habit as I showed no signs of withdrawal and refused any opiate replacement therapy or comfort meds. I understand that I have contributed a lot of stress and anxiety to her life and I do live with her, but I am trying to do the best I can with what I have. I see a therapist a few times a month. I try to stay away from people who use. I don't have any connections to get opiates. I work full time and pay my bills.

She does become violent occasionally. If she thinks I am high on opiates she will attack me in my sleep, she once broke my glasses because she took her purse which was heavy and leather and slammed it into my face. I have told her I could call the cops and have her arrested and she thinks that she didn't do anything wrong. I have never placed my hands on her and when she gets into a mood she will harass me and follow me around the house because I refuse to engage in arguments with her, which seems to make her even angrier. We have deadbolt locks on all outside doors in the house and she refuses to let me have a key. This is a control thing with her. If she is happy with me and in a good mood she will keep them all unlocked. WHen she is angry with me or in a bad mood she locks the back door which is the door used to get to the cars and the garage, so that in order to get out of the house I would have to walk out the front door and around back which is both embarrassing and very annoying. I also feel unsafe that in the event of an emergency I would be stuck. She claims that she does it so no one breaks in-but she refuses to see that if someone really wants to break in they would just smash a window and that a stupid deadbolt won't stop most people who are set on breaking in. Another form of control is that she removed my doorknob so I can't lock my door. She never knocks and is constantly on my case about why I am awake/asleep (I work 12 hour overnight shifts so my sleep schedule is erratic), the cleanliness of my room, my finances, etc…

This morning I was sitting in my friends car in my drive way talking. We had smoked some bud already and my mom doesn't really care about that anyways. We were sitting for at least 3 hours just talking because she is going through a hard time. all the sudden my mom comes up to her window and starts yelling at her about giving me drugs. She gave me one Lyrica a month ago which my mother found because she routinely searches my room and I think she took my spare set of keys so she can go through my car too (car is in my name ONLY). I can understand if it was serious drugs like heroin or something but it was ONE lyrica and she stood there and said that she had been watching us out the window too and saw us snorting stuff up our noses?! Not the case at all! I truly believe she became so angry because she obviously saw that we weren't doing ANYTHING but talking to each other and neither of us were high or messed up.

Yesterday she also started going at it with me regarding cigarettes. When she is in a good mood and being nice she will buy them for me. When she is being crazy she complains about the butts in the yard which I will pick up and throw away. Yesterday out of no where she said to stop putting cigarettes in the OUTSIDE TRASH BINS because it makes them SMELL!! Its a trash can, it smells anyways, we put the used cat litter in there!

I don't know if she is bi-polar or borderline personality disorder, but she can be such a great mom and really nice and caring, and then like a switch is flipped and she just becomes psychotic and delusional. She loves being right and will constantly bring up the past and throw things in my face. She holds grudges, she is quick to point out faults. On the outside she seems like this great amazing cool mom, but once my friends see the other side of her they just are shocked and agree that she is absolutely crazy.

I am trying my hardest to stay away from opiates and I honestly don't obsess much over them or think of them except for when she brings it up. I was in traffic the other day (bad accident-3 hours should have taken 30 minutes) and she starts calling me obsessively and texting me telling me she hopes I am having fun getting high and not to come home. A few weeks ago I had gotten paid from work and she starts asking in a condescending tone what I am going to do to avoid buying heroin. I was like well I wasn't planning on buying any and actually it hadn't even crossed my mind until you just said it! The only times I ever want to use lately is when she becomes crazy and abusive and I have told her that she is the only thing that triggers me to use. She got angry that I said that and denied it…

I really think she has an undiagnosed mental illness which she is obviously not medicated for. This has been going on my whole life-not just since I used drugs. I can't wait to move out. I also have a younger sister who lives about 6 hours away. She left right after high school for college and has been gone for 10 years now. She only comes to my mothers house at christmas time. She visits my father all the time but rarely sees my mother and I know its because of how she treated us. She loves to have one of us on her side and the other is ganged up on. 2 against 1. But if my sister and I decide to do that to her she freaks out.

I just needed to get this all out as it is becoming very isolating and depressing for me. I often think of using to the point that I would not come back and putting a note that says 'fuck you mom, i hope you are happy that you can be right about how bad my drug use is'. I swear she gets angry when she searches my things and doesn't find any proof of drug use because I really am not using! It is like she gets infuriated when she thinks I am high but I am not and she finally realizes it after invading my personal space or she gets violent if I am and ridicules me and puts me down so much that it is starting to affect my self esteem. I am wrong no matter what I do. I know I need to move out but I simply cannot afford to right now.

Thanks to anyone who reads this or replies. Its really been eating away at me.
OH, she knows my BL username and will go on here to see what I post so I am actually hoping she will see this. I have to have passwords on EVERYTHING or she will snoop through my computer, phone, kindle, etc...
It's best to tell her how you feel honestly.

By the way your post sounds - she will probably read this in time.
I have tried to sit down and talk to her calmly and rationally but it always ends in a fight. Its her way or no way. Even if she does acknowledge my feelings and opinions it only lasts a few days at best. I really think she does have undiagnosed mental illness like bipolar. She didn't get along with her parents at all and moved out at 17 or 18. Her father was very controlling as well from what she says. I am doing everything I can not to use but she makes me so angry that I see red and all I want to do is use. She is the only person and thing that makes me feel that way and she constantly throws it in my face. She calls me a junky when she is angry. No one on her side of my family even knows about my addiction. My father told his side and they are very accepting and supportive of me. I just feel like a scum bag around her side.
It sounds like she became like her father, without her probably even recognizing it.

It happens.

Do you have somewhere, anywhere else you can go or stay at?

I am really sorry to hear that you are putting up with this. Stay strong. <3
Unfortunately no and she is CONSTANTLY threatening to throw me out of the house. She also told me if I were to seek detox treatment or OD and end up in the hospital I would not be allowed back home. She is an ICU nurse and whenever she gets heroin addicts or heroin ODs for patients she gets very angry at me and will unleash her wrath.

I found another thread in Mental Health regarding narcissistic parents and sometimes I think that might be what it is with her, but she only fits about half of the traits. I would call the cops on her for the physical abuse, but she would lose her job and license and I just couldn't call the cops on my own mother.

I am getting increasingly more anxious and depressed though and more and more isolated, I am not allowed to have guests over really and my BF is not allowed over at all. When I was using sporadically it would be times when if she had just let him come over so we could watch TV or something I wouldn't have ended up using, but because she has to have the power and control and won't let him come over we would get bored with nothing to do and no where to go so we would end up using. I tried explaining that to her and she laughed at me like I was some kind of idiot.
It sounds like she became like her father, without her probably even recognizing it.

It happens.

Do you have somewhere, anywhere else you can go or stay at?

I am really sorry to hear that you are putting up with this. Stay strong. <3

thank you, the supportive words help and let me realize that she too has a problem
Hi absolutlyamazing welcome to BL. It seems like you have done what you can to discuss her actions towards you. Would she be open to seeing a doctor and to seek treatment? I'm sorry that you are feeling this way and I hope that you would be able to communicate with her again to tell her how you are suffering. Since there is a chance/possibility that she will be reading this, I hope that she realizes that she needs to support you as much as she can and to try to change her actions and seek help.
She told me she sees a therapist because of my addiction… I found that comment to be pretty condescending and passive-agressive. Like if I didn't have this addiction that she thinks I should be able to just turn off, she wouldn't even have to be seeing a therapist in the first place. I don't think the therapist is very good either because I think she tells my mom what to do so my mom gets all high and mighty with her new found advice and then a few days later its back to normal.

Its the mood swings that I can't stand. One minute really nice then she just does a 180 and is like a nazi. And if I am ever in a bad mood or PMSing then of course it means I am withdrawing from drugs because apparently only people withdrawing from drugs get into a bad mood every now and then. SO FRUSTRATING!!!
I had a sour relationship with my father for years and everytime we saw each other, it is always about "I bet you are still drinking a lot." "I was trying to call you last night but you did not pickup the phone." It was always how much of an alcoholic and a drug addict I am and how much he saw me as a total failure. But when I was really falling out deeper into my addiction he felt sorry for me and supported me until I recovered.

My question to you is, would you open to having counseling session with your mother? In the first few weeks of my recovery my father accompanied me to a counseling session and after that I was able to be more honest with my feelings and every thing that was happening to me. This is just a suggestion so maybe you can consider this one as it has helped my relationship with my father.

You are also thinking about moving out, do you have any relatives you can stay for now?
I have a therapist who I LOVE and she is extremely helpful. My mom came once and that will never happen again. She criticized me and put me down the whole time and would talk over my therapist. She thinks that I manipulate my therapist into only seeing one side of me but I am actually very honest and open with her. She sees some of the abusive power moves my mom tries to pull. She was a little put off with how nasty and mean my mom could be. My mom just doesn't understand addiction at all. Its like you are either in active addiction and if you aren't high you are sick or you are sober and clean and cured. There is no in between in her eyes and that is part of what makes this whole thing so difficult. I don't know where she gets her info from.

I sometimes find section 35 papers on the kitchen counter (court section for 30-90 days involuntary) which I think she does to fuck with me. If she were to actually petition the court to section me I would be interviewed by a psychiatrist and the judge to determine whether or not I am a threat to myself or others and drug tested. I am clean right now besides my prescriptions, I work full time, I have a car, clothes, nice things. They would obviously see that I am not a candidate for a section 35. I told her to go ahead and do it because as of lately they would see I am fine.

My dad lives 2 hours away but I work 12 hour overnight shifts 3 in a row every week and I would get no sleep between shifts. Plus its 2 hours away from all my friends. My boyfriend is hopefully going to be able to get us a place to live in the next month or 2. He knows how bad she is and will do anything to get me away from her.

Like I said she hides anything bad that happens from her family so that we appear perfect… Appearances are everything to her. If I were to go to any of her relatives to live she would kill me and I am sure I wouldn't be there for long. My dads side is all over the country. If things got to the point where I was in serious danger I do have a few places to stay short term while things calmed down at home.
The way I see it is that your mom is completely overstepping her bounds and that she has a lot of her own problems which have nothing to do with you. Focusing everything on your drug problems is a way for her to avoid her own issues. Whether you live with her or not it sounds like she will always be difficult, but is the stress of having it right in your face worth it? If you work full time, surely there is some place that you could afford to rent?

If you do decide that you have to stay there for financial reasons then I think you have to accept some of the craziness and just do the best you can to diffuse things day to day until you can leave. Keep trying open, calm communication--if she doesn't respond in kind that is a reflection of her but you can still maintain your own integrity.

As far as the physical abuse goes, you should most definitely tell her that you will call the police if she becomes physical and then do it.
I'm sorry you're going through that, and from your mother of all people. My wife is VERY much like your mother, I long suspected she had borderline personality disorder (we were together for 12 years and I started suspecting it in the second year). Recent;y we split up and are getting divorced, and she is finally receiving counseling/medication for it (because she eventually had a bit of a psychotic break and her mother took control of the situation... finally). In my case I could split up with her and move on, but you can't split up with your parents. I don't have anything else to add, just wanted to offer my support, it's a tricky and painful situation, and I hope it resolves for you. <3
I would be trying to get an apartment or roommate so you can get away from this situation. I can understand if she is concerned that you will overdose again. But her controlling behavior seems over the top. Do what you can to get that certification so you can get a higher paying job. This way you can have your independence and gain control of your life.
Why not? Just because you're related doesn't necessarily mean shit imo.

Well let's just say the feelings involved are a lot more complicated. I don't think I could ever stop loving my mother, then again my mom is awesome.
If I could afford the apartment I would. Rent is extremely expensive and I can't afford it on my own. Even a share with roommates is up there and I want to get a place with my guy. I'm hoping by the summer I'll be outta there. And once I move out my contact with my mom will be VERY limited and she will not be allowed over since she treats my boyfriend like dirt and doesn't allow him over.
ur mom sounds a lot like how my mom use to be or is... I have a younger sister who is now 23. I'm 4 years older. Anyway, growing up, me and my sister endured a lot of stuff just like that, except when we were younger, there were no drugs (yet) so it would be about toys and messes. Some days she would blow up, like I'm talking freak the fuck out, if there were a few games I didn't put away and this is like when I was in 1st grade. I remember even then, at those moments, realizing something was off.
I moved out when I was 23 and my sister was at home. At some point she had a drug addiction and my mom did the same shit to her... Very controlling, condescending.... Goin through her stuff... And u can clearly see when she does it, it's bc of some rage. If it wasn't for my father who is still w my mom, we would have all moved out at 18. He's able to snap her out n tell her she's being crazy

Now that me and my sister r older, we talk about how we believe that SHE def is bipolar and has some sort of problem. I also believe that's what put my sister on the right path bc it's like my mom waNTS to find her doin drugs jus like u said! So i feel like my sister does good to piss my mom off (secretly) and to one day move the hell out lol It's also why I hide MY addiction bc I live at home and know what hell would be unleashed on me so I'm trying to somehow work it out on my own

Jus know that it would help if u get out of there. When I moved out, it was sooo much easier dealing w her in small amounts

Good luck!

Edit I'm now back at home, but bc I work and function, she stays off my back. I also broke up w a guy she hated so her and my dad r jus happy that I'm at home and away from the guy and have no kids so I feel like she stays off my back. She also works full time (when I was young she was a stay at home! God... Some of her bipolar outbreaks were unreal! ). I remember even having friends come over and would witness an episode and they would look at me in horror
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I've been dealing with this my whole life. It didn't effect me too much when I was on drugs every day but now that I am sober my patience is running out. It seems some single parents try to control or even ambush their children because they are so scared of being alone...really twisted

Take care, hope things improve..
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She takes care of people for a living but only lives to dominate, terrorize and damage her own flesh and blood? That sociopathic whore does not deserve that job and may not even loose it. If you cannot find subsidized housing or something you MUST call the police the next time she assaults you.

Attacking you in your sleep, that is completely insane! >snip< You cannot just let her keep acting like that. You could always share a house with friends or something as well. You are too old to be living with your mother anyway. Can you live with your boyfriend?
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