dealing with a controlling abusive single mother

I'd say at this point gaining independence will be your best course of action. I'm very sorry to hear what you're going through. Especially because I can completely see the effort on your part to have a working relationship with your mother. But some distance may be what you need from her, because she appears to be in complete denial. Just don't allow her to physically hurt you. There is no way that is acceptable no matter how old you are, and if it happens again you need to involve the police.
Yeah my mom has been married and divorced twice. From what my dad tells me she can be extremely vindictive. Like if she was angry at him she would destroy something of his. One day he had had enough and went out to her car with a hammer and put a huge dent in it. He said she cut the shit after that. Her 2nd husband was awful. I remember them fighting at all hours and he was physically abusive to her. One day she was at work and I was being a typical 15 year old brat to my step dad so he sent me to my room. I was doing laundry and going down the basement to use the laundry machine. He heard me and came to the basement steps and started yelling at me and proceeded to drag me up the stairs by my arm. I called my dad who was there in record time and I left with him. Haha fuck u stepdad!! My mom knew about it because I know I told her about it. I'm sure that loser husband of hers never said a word. The strange thing is my mom swears to have no recollection of this at all. Like how do you forget that?

I plan on moving out as soon as I can. Problem is I work per diem so my hours are not guaranteed and I get cancelled if it's not busy in which I don't get paid. So I'm very hesitant to move out and then be in a situation where I couldn't afford the rent on top of car, phone, insurance, credit card, student loans, and health insurance. I just feel like I'm completely stuck where I am.

I'm really scared to call the police because the wrath I would have to deal with is scary to think of. I know she would throw me out on my ass and the house is in her name so it's not like I could stay there and she would have to leave. And knowing her she probably has dope that she's found on me hidden somewhere that she would show the cops to have me arrested as well. Or she would flip it to make me the assailant instead of her.

The thing that gets me is there is no consistency. She takes me on vacation to Disney and Vegas and pays for everything and is really loving a nice. But then she's just a total cuntasaurus Rex and yelling at me about making the garbage bin smell from cigg butts. Like really? That's all you could come up with to flip on me about?

Sometime I feel so bad because of her and angry that suicide crosses my mind. She's incredibley sneaky and smart. She also can be wicked evasive if I'm asking her a question. And apparently her co worker called her out on it. She was complaining about a text convo with her co worker and how he was saying she's evasive and sneaky and I was like well you are and he hit the nail on the head. I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees this. She was pissed! HA
I ended up moving in with my boyfriend! It's only a rooming house because it's all we can afford but it's great having the freedom and independence. My mom and I get along really well now and she has been helping me as much as she can with groceries, bills etc...

Thanks for all the support. She can still be crazy and manipulative but I can just leave!