Day 5 Opiate withdrawal depression, when does this get better?

Having been through the suffering, I can say that it will end. It sure doesn't feel that way while it is happening, but it will slowly subside. PAWS will likely be your big enemy, as it can last for a few months. So, anxiety, depression, being unmotivated, even being suicidal, are not uncommon. But take it from me, who has been clean of Fentanyl for 5 years, it is something that I am glad I can say is behind me. You will feel better. One day, after all the suffering has dwindled away, you will say, "Damn...I feel OK!". It is a big moment, and if you do what you need to do, it will likely come. I was where you are at one point, and I am here to spread the good news. Giving up your life to opioids is easy. Getting them out of your life is hard, but again, you can do it.
I can't say exact timeframe as I started exercising, stretching and losing weight at the same time I started Cymbalta. However within few weeks after starting my pain levels were low enough so I could start exercising more than just a little bit and exercise alone couldn't do it that fast.

In my opinion it is good for depression as it actually is the first thing that has worked for it.

Thanks MrRoot,

I'm happy to hear it worked for you, I am going to give it a try and will let you know how it works for me. Take care.

Having been through the suffering, I can say that it will end. It sure doesn't feel that way while it is happening, but it will slowly subside. PAWS will likely be your big enemy, as it can last for a few months. So, anxiety, depression, being unmotivated, even being suicidal, are not uncommon. But take it from me, who has been clean of Fentanyl for 5 years, it is something that I am glad I can say is behind me. You will feel better. One day, after all the suffering has dwindled away, you will say, "Damn...I feel OK!". It is a big moment, and if you do what you need to do, it will likely come. I was where you are at one point, and I am here to spread the good news. Giving up your life to opioids is easy. Getting them out of your life is hard, but again, you can do it.

Thanks The Shadow Self! 5 years off Fentanyl is AMAZING!!! I am so glad you are doing well and wanted to thank you for the encouragement it means a lot to me! Have a great day!


I have the same problems you have, just had a triple fusion in my neck and have DDD. I started tapering off huge amounts of Fent/Oxy last fall, around September. First two weeks were hell and the it slowly started getting better. Now I am totally clean with no more pain and no more opiates. The thing that helped me the most during the process were small doses of Kratom. Don't do it every day or in large amounts, but it really helps you feel better. The other thing that helped me was getting off my ass and doing something. Its too easy to sit around and say "oh wow is me" and feel sorry for ourselves. Go take a walk, a drive, something to get your brain working again. Eventually you will come out of the haze and start to be normal again. All my best to you and good luck!


I have the same problems you have, just had a triple fusion in my neck and have DDD. I started tapering off huge amounts of Fent/Oxy last fall, around September. First two weeks were hell and the it slowly started getting better. Now I am totally clean with no more pain and no more opiates. The thing that helped me the most during the process were small doses of Kratom. Don't do it every day or in large amounts, but it really helps you feel better. The other thing that helped me was getting off my ass and doing something. Its too easy to sit around and say "oh wow is me" and feel sorry for ourselves. Go take a walk, a drive, something to get your brain working again. Eventually you will come out of the haze and start to be normal again. All my best to you and good luck!

Hi LV, I'm not sure if you come on here much, but wanted to thank you for your kind, and very helpful, messages!! How are you doing now? Nice to be able to talk to another spinal fusion patient.

Take care my friend,

Hi J! @jasperkent How are you doing my friend???!!!:):heart5:So nice to see this message from you!!
I come by once in a while still.

Hope you're doing well!!What have you been up to?

Day 6.

I slept last night, vivid dreams but I don't care, I slept. Still depressed. Ugggh.

I wanted to know what life was like off my pain management pills. Well, I'm in a lot of pain, with only Tylenol that aren't helping me. If this keeps up I will have to go refill my rx. But I'm stubborn so I will keep sticking it out. My family think I'm nuts going off LTOT just because I hate being a slave to the schedule of taking pills.

Maybe tomorrow will be better pain wise.

Take care everyone,
If you’re only on day 5 and not still legit sick and sleepless you’re in very good shape. I would say at 3 weeks the depression should be letting up in my experience.

I would keep refilling it without interruption regardless and hoard them until you really are sure your pain won’t be so bad that you have to go back on them. These days getting an opioid script is like finding a unicorn.
Dont tell your doctor you stopped because this is the perfect excuse for him to cut you as a patient to save face with the dea.

If you have to take a drug test while clean you’re going to need to freeze then heat your opioid dirty piss with a ski glove pad at the office.

If you didn’t save pee with opioids you may need to take a single small dose the night before the test and then freeze a large batch of that for future use if needed
There's some truth to the 2nd comment on here, depending on the person.

Usually acute withdrawals sypmtoms are over within 3-7 days depending on the half life of the opioid you're using.

But depending on the person, their unique chemistry, length of using, etc... that depression can linger for good.
At least it did for me. After going through withdrawal several times in my early 20's, I started to realize that no amount of clean time in between using made me fee better. It never got better for me & I eventually ended up on Suboxone maintenance cause now I can't even function without some sort of opioid in me.

If you didn't have depression before though, I'd say you're probably one of the lucky ones who will eventually feel better. But how long that could take exactly is anybody's guess.

You might want to ask your doc about either non-opioid options for controlling your pain or either upping your dose or switching to a longer acting opioid so that you don't have to deal with withdrawal. Otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a genuine depression problem one day if you keep going through this cycle. Especially if you end up dependent on the opioid & then lose your script.

You could also try potentiating your doses or using OTC/Herbal/Legal things to help your pain & take less pills. This way your script lasts you a little longer.
Hi J! @jasperkent How are you doing my friend???!!!:):heart5:So nice to see this message from you!!
I come by once in a while still.

Hope you're doing well!!What have you been up to?

I'm good. Had a brief alcoholic relapse but that was 4 months ago. Very over it. Haven't taken pills (except an occasional Adderall) in over 3 years. I'm on kratom/weed maintenance and doing very well.

I'm not on here as much as I used to be either. I'll post a lot for 2 or 3 days and then forget about it for a couple weeks. Trying to cut back on my online time and having sporadic success.

I work about 30hrs a week and then spend most of my off time outside. I consider myself semi-retired and I'm settling comfortably into my golden years.

Hope you are well. ♥