Day 3 of opiate withdrawl, scared for the rest....

Lol sorry the last quotes didn't work . What I meant to say is I did take some Imodium but just 12 mg . I just got some xanax , dealer was nice enough to drive all the way across town to deliver my bars ... just took 1mg might end up needing more

I'm sorry you have struggled with body dysmorphia as well :(
guys I just want to thank you all so much , you've all been great support and helped me get through today . I now have 10 bars of xanax to get me through the anxiety of withdrawals and I also picked up some immodium . I am almost to 72 hours without opiates , but I feel better knowing I have something for anxiety
Good to here Ganja Gremlin.
You are going to be just fine.
I hope you get some sleep and wake up feeling lots better.
Drink lots of water as the Imodium is very dehydrating.

You are beautiful just the way you are, faults and all! Really!
Keep up the good work.

Sending you lots of love and support.
In my experience the best thing to make it through withdrawals is a good deal of hot showers, small amounts of xanax for the anxiety, I usually try to keep it at less than .5 at a time and less than 1.5 a day. It still tremendously helps with the anxiety and depression but this way you aren't getting any sort of "rush" or high out of it. This helped me a lot bc I tend to abuse things that can easily give me great euphoria and comfort. So moderating the benzos is key. If you smoke weed it's great it helps a lot with both the psychological and physiological effects of WD, ultimately you should probably recognize the problem for what it is before it's too late, but few do... pain is a great teacher and withdrawals are truly hell. Just know there is no end to the opiate road, it is only an inevitable spiral. Lastly, just remember, the higher the high, the better you feel on it, the lower the low, and the worse you'll feel off it. God bless.
For some reason the other post didn't quote , but I'm so sorry U have had to work through this . I am not working at the moment so I've just been laying in bed mostly .
You are doing great so far though!
Thanks, well the guy I work with is the one who got me into this mess, I texted him that I was on the way in to work and was quickly in need off his assistance. He complied and I quickly dispatched with it and was able to work at least a partial shift. I would not have been able to work without it, I had gone 3 days and was in bad shape. He's going to work with me on weening me off but I had no idea how bad withdrawals could be, it's no joke. What a horrible thing being addicted to a substance like this is. Good luck on your time getting yourself off of this dark path GG, I can see this kind of thing is far from easy in trying to rid themselves of this demon. I may seek treatment, you may consider doing so as well f you find it necessary. Good luck!
Okay guys so at 5:30 I'm gonna be getting some more Percocet . I can't believe I made it through these days . It's just Percocet 5 mg and 15 of them . I honestly really need to get high ... Will this completly restart my withdrawl ?
My guy said this was all he was able to find for me right now but is gonna look for more .
I'm going to get high tonight ... I'll probably just take 15-20mg. Since it's been over 72 hours I'll hopefully get a good buzz . Will this completly restart my withdrawl ?
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Yes my dude unfortunately it hasn't been weeks or anything so you're very likely to see withdrawal the next time you realize you're going to have to go a day or stretch of days without oxy. It's a vicious cycle, I can't tell you what to do as I've been in your position many times and have chosen the decision I'd be advising against. I hope you bounce back regardless.
Yes my dude unfortunately it hasn't been weeks or anything so you're very likely to see withdrawal the next time you realize you're going to have to go a day or stretch of days without oxy. It's a vicious cycle, I can't tell you what to do as I've been in your position many times and have chosen the decision I'd be advising against. I hope you bounce back regardless.
I'm thinking I will give the remainder of my pills to a close friend to hold onto for me . I still have 7 or 8 bars of xanax , and then tell him to give me the pills back in 5 days . He wouldn't take them or anything , when I was in the hospital I gave him my stash to hold onto because I didn't want my family finding it and he didn't touch a single pill . I think that 5 -6 days without using would be long enough for me to be able to use 2-3 times a week again without feeling sick ... or maybe I should just do twice a week and do xanax on other days
That isnt a bad idea. For example if theoretically you can control your use to the point where youre never using consecutively I'd imagine you'd be able to do as you said and only use them twice a week, perhaps on the weekends, or once on the weekend and once during the week. Things like that are possible, however I believe you'll find its incredibly hard to keep dosing infrequently and moderately, especially since you like the stuff. Thats actually how my use started to get bad again. At first I would only take them literally once a month, for kind of a hoorah. But, since this is oxy were talking about, and im an addict, inevitably,slowly but surely my use increased until it was everyday again and then when i ran out i was just back at square one. However, everyone is different, and you may find success where I did not. I wish you the best of luck. BL is a great source. Coming here, venting, and even going on forums to try and give advice to other people can prove to be a therapeutic use of time. Hope to hear good updates from you man, keep at it, anything is possible.
I'm thinking I will give the remainder of my pills to a close friend to hold onto for me .

Stash Buddies can be invaluable to help control your intake and ease back down, two heads are better than one and all. If you think you might be using his help for any decent length of time I recommend that you deliver to his house and pick them up from there also as the fuzz is handing out felonies these days for pills without a valid prescription / bottle. Gotta love the opioid hysteria. :\

Hope it cools off soon up in Oregon GG and Good Luck.
dont listen to melface, OF COURSE you can quit cold turkey! in fact its the best way to do it if you are serious about quiting , (which you should be) .... I was a heroin addict for 4-5 years and I quit cold turkey twice in the past 6-7 months.... In my experience everytime i tried to do some sort of taper with suboxone or methadone or kratom it ended prolonging the whole thing and I usually would fail. It was only once I resolved to really stop , or ran out of money and decided to quit because I was gonna be withdrawing anyway, that worked..... The FEAR of withdrawal is usually worse than the reality of withdrawal ... which for me feels like I cant get comfortable and can't sleep at all for a day or two. . Junkies are notorious for being the worlds biggest babies .... but in reality 3 days of withdrawals and the worst physical symptoms are basically done.... Yeah you might get some PAWS but people on BL really exagerate those too because they want any excuse to use any opiate.... You basically have to resolve to really be done before you can be done
Stash Buddies can be invaluable to help control your intake and ease back down, two heads are better than one and all. If you think you might be using his help for any decent length of time I recommend that you deliver to his house and pick them up from there also as the fuzz is handing out felonies these days for pills without a valid prescription / bottle. Gotta love the opioid hysteria. :\

Hope it cools off soon up in Oregon GG and Good Luck.
Here in Oregon we actually just decriminalized all drugs so now it's just like a traffic ticket to get caught with these xD
This whole state I feel like is run off drug money tbh.
I think I'm gonna give him my pills tomorrow , I took 20mg of oxy last night and I'm praying that it doesn't restart horrible withdrawals but this time I am armed with xanax and immodium xD
Holy Cow! you ain't kidding. Not sure how that made it over my head but congrats to you and your state. /oregon-legislature-passes-bill-decriminalizing-heroin-cocaine-meth-possession-hoping-to-curb-mass-incarceration
It (Oxy) has a rather short half-life and while the W/D's can be intense, they usually pass quicker than say MS or esp something like Subs/ Methadone. Not to sound masochistic but at least you have some practice at it and know what to expect. Plus you also have some excellent comfort meds so you got this. The first part of your user name can also help, I prefer a heavy indica when sleep doesn't come easy. Give us an update along the way if you feel like it.
Holy Cow! you ain't kidding. Not sure how that made it over my head but congrats to you and your state. /oregon-legislature-passes-bill-decriminalizing-heroin-cocaine-meth-possession-hoping-to-curb-mass-incarceration
It (Oxy) has a rather short half-life and while the W/D's can be intense, they usually pass quicker than say MS or esp something like Subs/ Methadone. Not to sound masochistic but at least you have some practice at it and know what to expect. Plus you also have some excellent comfort meds so you got this. The first part of your user name can also help, I prefer a heavy indica when sleep doesn't come easy. Give us an update along the way if you feel like it.

Yeah I was pretty suprised to see it passed because there is a HUGE meth problem here ... most of the residents hate it , but I'm hoping they will acrually now try to help addicts instead of throwing them in jail

I'm a little angry with myself because since I was xanned out when I took my dose of oxy I fell asleep after only like an hour of nodding out ... I got way higher off 20mg though than I had in awhile. Compared to when I had pneumonia I think that felt worse than the withdrawals i expierced , I just woke up at 4am and took some xanax, I'm hoping the next few days I'll feel okay .
Honestly I'm so sick of spending so much money on opiates, for some reason it's really expensive in my city. xanax is cheap luckily ... when I lived in a smaller town in Oregon though opiates were dirt cheap. Luckily weed is still super cheap here , even at dispensaries it's only like 15-20 bucks an eight . Currently taking bong rips ATM xD
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dont listen to melface, OF COURSE you can quit cold turkey! in fact its the best way to do it if you are serious about quiting , (which you should be) .... I was a heroin addict for 4-5 years and I quit cold turkey twice in the past 6-7 months.... In my experience everytime i tried to do some sort of taper with suboxone or methadone or kratom it ended prolonging the whole thing and I usually would fail. It was only once I resolved to really stop , or ran out of money and decided to quit because I was gonna be withdrawing anyway, that worked..... The FEAR of withdrawal is usually worse than the reality of withdrawal ... which for me feels like I cant get comfortable and can't sleep at all for a day or two. . Junkies are notorious for being the worlds biggest babies .... but in reality 3 days of withdrawals and the worst physical symptoms are basically done.... Yeah you might get some PAWS but people on BL really exagerate those too because they want any excuse to use any opiate.... You basically have to resolve to really be done before you can be done
I do agree with you on that one , I think my anxiety was one if the worse parts , and my fear of how bad it was going to get made me feel worse . This might be tmi but because I have an eating disorder I'm used to making myself puke so nausea was not too hard for me to handle . The anxiety was really hard for me because in movies and on the internet they make withdrawl sound so so scary . I already have an an anxiety disorder so the anxiety from this on top of that was making me feel awful
Thats my issues too.... anxiety ..... I think its a huge reason I use in the first place.... but until you learn to deal with that anxiety sober somehow things only get more and more fucked up .... You have to learn how to cope with anxiety in sober ways... this is why rehab is helpful , or therapy at least.... you can find coping mechanisms which will help you be successful in life without having to be fucked up all the time. Fear is a weird thing because its not real , its always in your head but it feels like your gonna die. When you learn how to deal with it naturally you will back and be like "why did I wait so long to do this?!"

a lot of times you will use "anxiety" as an excuse to keep using , because lets face it, we all love to use,
Thats my issues too.... anxiety ..... I think its a huge reason I use in the first place.... but until you learn to deal with that anxiety sober somehow things only get more and more fucked up .... You have to learn how to cope with anxiety in sober ways... this is why rehab is helpful , or therapy at least.... you can find coping mechanisms which will help you be successful in life without having to be fucked up all the time. Fear is a weird thing because its not real , its always in your head but it feels like your gonna die. When you learn how to deal with it naturally you will back and be like "why did I wait so long to do this?!"

a lot of times you will use "anxiety" as an excuse to keep using , because lets face it, we all love to use,
I feel you so much on using anxiety as an excuse to use. I use all my mental illnesses sometimes in my mind as an excuse to use. Kinda like , well I am suffering so I deserve to be abuse to abuse drugs to kill the pain
Okay so since dosing last night on 20mg oxy I feel fine today . I have been xanned out all day , gonna pass out in a bit .... but is it possible my withdrawals could be over . I'm gonna wait 2 more days till I take some more