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Create or Destroy: Your preference?


  • Yes

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • There is no separating these concepts.

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • Here he goes again gtfo

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Moderator: H&R, TL
Staff member
Mar 18, 2018
For those that there may be a difference and I imaging most relgious but anyone can throw in.
I would give an answer myself but loathe to influnce anyones response but will give my "take" and vote later if there are any answers

Poll (if I can get it to work on phone): Voters names are hidden to prevent any unlikely attacks and general fuckery.

Do you prefer creation or destruction?
It depends what. Like cancer or anything toxic to life, I want to destroy. Now things that living organisms need to sustain life like water, oxygen, and nutrients I say create.
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create things that destroy 🤪

though in all honesty I am a creator and not a hacker.
I like this! Did you know you were a Taoist?

However ... what is "... all honesty"? You mean there is fractional honesty?

And Honesty itself must be a notion. I mean something our ancestors dreamed up to counter their understanding of dis-honesty. Or did that come first? Dis-honesty I mean.

Venerable Hippie issues a Challenge: where the mind is Silent can there be either honesty or dishonesty?
I like this! Did you know you were a Taoist?

However ... what is "... all honesty"? You mean there is fractional honesty?

And Honesty itself must be a notion. I mean something our ancestors dreamed up to counter their understanding of dis-honesty. Or did that come first? Dis-honesty I mean.

Venerable Hippie issues a Challenge: where the mind is Silent can there be either honesty or dishonesty?

well I am a sifu in wing chun so yes :)

there is when I weigh everything and then see what I want to be and there for choose that path so in all honesty ie taking all my little demons into account.

there are moments when those demons will want me to destroy but I take a step back and think about it (unless ive blown my lid which hasn't happened for over 10 years)

then with all of my honesty I ask is this me.

does this fight the river so to say or am I using its current to swim were I wish to go.

the path of tao.

well picked up I am very impressed.

as for your question :)

there is neither as one is living in the moment as one does not reflect on the past one does not need to measure there honesty.

but I live in the 21st century and have to deal with it so I try to be as honest and move in a positive path though if I had the time to zen out all the time

and live just for now I would follow it before all else.

but like so many before I have an ego.
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I understand their interconnection, but it would feel dishonest not to say i prefer to focus on creation.
Thanks for posting some thoughts on this.
This actually goes together with another question I have to put to the table but have to find the right words to put it in "form". It will have it's own thread as event though I may see it as connected others may not.
Much love to you all and see ya inna bit. ;)
well I am a sifu in wing chun so yes :)

there is when I weigh everything and then see what I want to be and there for choose that path so in all honesty ie taking all my little demons into account.

there are moments when those demons will want me to destroy but I take a step back and think about it (unless ive blown my lid which hasn't happened for over 10 years)

then with all of my honesty I ask is this me.

does this fight the river so to say or am I using its current to swim were I wish to go.

the path of tao.

well picked up I am very impressed.

as for your question :)

there is neither as one is living in the moment as one does not reflect on the past one does not need to measure there honesty.

but I live in the 21st century and have to deal with it so I try to be as honest and move in a positive path though if I had the time to zen out all the time

and live just for now I would follow it before all else.

but like so many before I have an ego.
Well, I like this! Of course. I try to be positive too. But I am aware it is my Ego which causes me to appear this way. And I can't help that.

I 've never heard of a 'sifu' in 'wing chun' and while I try to keep an open mind I think you're having a lend of me (as we say here in the Land of Oz).

I like it that you weigh up things. This tells me your primary way of interfacing with the world is with your Feelings. Seems to me this is most real as it is the most immediate way to interface. Feelings are Instinctive. Unfortunately one is not always correct in one's feelings. (Oops -irony)

You may not know, but I was told by someone allegedly 'well read' that in the alleged 'old days' Confucians called Toaists: "Irresponsible Hermits". Sometimes when I hear my own opinions (or opinionisations), which go nowhere and are superb conversation stoppers, I think this is correct.

I was amazed when I realised (not that long ago) that Irony is the 'force', 'energy', 'drive' that makes the world go round. (Post-Modernists are on to this understanding but then fuck everything up by insisting they are correct.)

Peace to you Sir/Madam ... until there is not ...
Chinese kung fu instructor levels.

kung fu is were tao came from :)

as we are so close to asia we get some of there best martial artists migrate to here (in the 70's and 80's there was a few masters move)
Will try to change it at the time I didnt know if phonebwould work with me. I tried polling with phone before and wanted to smash the poor thing on the sidewalk.
Lets see if itll work....
I knew it made it cumbersome.
so yes is destroy? and no is create?

why didn't you just make the first two poll options create and destroy?

