Crashing off meth. It's been 40 hours and I'm still experiencing difficulty.

I like all of you were like "take trazadone, take seroquel, take benzos"

Like I wouldn't have realized that myself in the first place haha. I initially made this post bc I obviously didnt have those at my disposal

It turns out drinking milk did help alot to finally make me tired, had two big glasses and just layed down and it sedated me
This is another example of our bodies telling us what it prefers and its tollerence level to certain substances. I don't believe in taking anything else to come down, it just complicates the natural(or unnatural process)of coming down. I love meth, we have had a very long relationship.. I know that after I play, my body will make me pay, but I know its all part and parcel of the chain of events.

Stressing out cos you cant sleep only delays your comedown. I get up, resigned to the fact that I cant sleep, maybe play ps3, have a bath, or even get ready for work(ah crap).. Or even better, stick to what you like better..
If it's been 40 hours since you stopped using and you still haven't slept it is either that you have a slow metabolism with meth thus experience a longer than normal half like (12 hours is normal I believe), or your meth was cut with a RC that has an even longer half life. I've heard of MDPV having some wicked crashes that last for a while, with people even calling it super meth or super crack.

I recommend just eating some healthy food and taking a long hot shower, popping a 1st gen anti histamine like DPH if you have nothing better to cause sleep, and then just attempting to sleep via turning off all your lights and lieing in bed with your eyes closed. Eventually you will fall asleep, it may take an hour or more but you WILL fall asleep if you try your hardest. Try not to think of much and just lie still in the same position.
Yeah. It may have been cut with something else. It was really really strong. Highest I've ever been off methamphetamine. Insane head tingles that lasted a long time. Also was really horny. Spent a while looking at porn but couldnt climax
Man, the post I'm about to do is kind of ironic...but maybe it will make OP feel better in a schadenfreude kind of way...

Anyways, I was just coming up on a little meth, smokin cigs and all was well with the I thought to myself, "1 more bump can't hurt"...SO SO SO VERY VERY VERY WRONG. Who do you think forgot they took 225mg of Tramadol Hcl (Semi-synthetic Opioid-analgesic that lowers your seizure threshhold) and .1g of Heroin earlier in the day...that's right..THIS genius.

All of a sudden, I get a massive migraine and am tearing up from the pain, also, I'd just read a thread where sudden onset migraine whilst using meth can be indicative of an imminent stroke, so paranoid + terrible headache...It got to be too much and I just projectile vomited all over my room and onto my freshly done laundry (sorry Mom)...My head was pounding super hard, w/ sharp bursts of pain (it's dull bursts of pain as I type this).

Running commentary for your amusement: *Just threw up some bitter tramdol hcl foam - right after I typed "this" in the last paragraph*

I'm smoking a little weed to try and take the edge off of this headache right now too. Anyways, looking at the screen is the last thing I want to do right now, but I felt it was important to share what just happened, right after it happened --> Why? Because of Harm reduction, me trying to make OP feel better and something to distract me from my current misery and most importantly to say: DO NOT MIX TRAMADOL HCL (sometimes branded as Ultram) and METHAMPHETAMINE (I also had .1g of Heroin...but negligable given my tolerance...def the Trams + Ice that fucked me over hard).

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed that paragraph of "over-descriptive-lightning-white-bursts-pf-pass-out-head pain/meth induced non-sequitur-ish tangent writing"...there will be more of that genre (haha) later...But first onto your situation OP - the man of this thread, this is your domain and I shan't hijack it (as I am a humble man of principle and taste with impeccable etiquette).

ACHTUNG! --> *Drum roll please* Hear ye, Hear ye! --> THE IMPORTANT PART OF THE THREAD IS HERE! (though everything I say, write or do is important...esp when i TWEAK)

I recommend a hot bath w/ lavender oil + epsom salt. Try and get your hands on some cannabis - preferably an Indica in hash form but anything with a sedating effect will work Marijuana wise and some Benzos (preferably Valium/Xanax) = Also make sure you're well hydrated and have electrolytes and salts in your system too.

LAUNCH SEQUENCE FOR GOODNESS Instructions to defeat meth-induced insomnia (Catchy right? Created so my suggestions can be acted on no matter how dumb/high or both you might be - and I know what I'm taking about...a .05g dose of meth can keep me up for a week...I wish I were exaggerating...)...anyway, instructions are as follows:

-If possible, tell a loved one or someone you trust (re drugs and who's around for the duration of bath-time), that you are taking a bath and detail what substances you have taken. Have them check on you every 10 min or so (pro-tip: ask your SO or friend to hop in the tub with you for extra fun/relaxation)...SAFETY FIRST (not just condoms...but so you don't pass out in le bath from sleep dep...[another story, but I'll be concise - had a prude GF at one point and the one time I told her I was crashing and taking a bath...Who, I wonder, should pass out from sleep dep/a small amount of Benzos and almost drown? This Genius). If you're worried about getting caught, just say you took some cold/headache medicine that might make you drowsy...that way they check on you and the main bonus is YOU DON'T DIE IN A SILLY DRUG INDUCED ACCIDENT!
-Run hot bath and add your lavender oil + epsom salts
-Roll joint while bath fills (you don't have the brain power to deal with water everywhere and rolling, trust me)
-Get nekked or disrobe ...(depending on the vibe/atmosphere you aim for and if you are a Gentleman/Woman/Transexual "of grace" that be classy n shit or a "two-bit no-good guttah rat")
-Turn off bathroom lights and light some candles if available (basically you want dim to no light - for your poor dilated eyes...but also for romantic mood lighting...have darkness or wear sunglasses/ski goggles if v. sensitive to light)
-Slip into the bath (seductively..if you feel all "sexed up" and Spark That Joint tm (Soon to be showing in a garden shed/beater car/bath tub near you).
-Bonus Step!!! - [Flashing Japanese Graphics!!!] - Pro-style Comedown - highly recommended step to stretch you out, get some natural feel-good neurotransmitters a floatin' in that skull o' yours and help you release the sexual tempest of horniness that has probably filled the sails that were formerly your loins with desire (If you're really desperate/its been awhile, your nether regions might keep you up...So the solution is...Pleasure yourself and/or have fun w/ a friend in le tub!
-After 30 mins *or when you feel reasonably relaxed/playtime's over* get out, dry off (sleep deprivation suppresses your immune system and you could catch a cold dearie) and pop your benzo(s) + take some dietary supplements like Fish oil,Mix of all the B Vits (Esp B3 and B12), Magnesium and Zinc if possible (Cell salts and Potassium salts are great if you have them...Rehydration/electrolyte drinks and a couple bananas will work as well or better in a fix)
-Lay down in a nice dark room that you are familiar and comfy in (and put on nice soothing music if that helps you - It has stopped my sleep-deprived and stim addled brain from thinking too much)
-Sleep - Try to get at least 6-12 hours sleep and avoid re-dosing if you wake up in the middle of your sleep.

-Uh oh, still can't masturbate (It's free, awesome and healthy...what's not to like?)
-Have Deja Vu, go nuts, go wild...actually just:
-Lay down in a nice dark room that you are familiar and comfy in (and put on nice soothing music if that helps you - It has stopped my sleep-deprived and stim addled brain from thinking too much)
-Sleep - Try to get at least 6-12 hours sleep and avoid re-dosing if you wake up in the middle of your sleep.
(Repeat as needed or until genitalia is raw/painful to the touch and might keep you up w/ pain...or keep going if you're a masochist and want to *Pause -cue obese-rapist-voice* SOOTH THE BURN w/ FIRE!

PS. Pity me/OP all you Blers out there! Recognize that for the entire time I've been typing this post, my head has been exploding with pain and I've had to vomit toxic n bitter tramadol foam every 3-4 mins... Anyways, though I may not sound like the Harm Reduction Poster Child that BL deserves right now, I normally am and promise everything I recommend to help you OP, most definitely will help.

If Karma exists, I deserve some positive waves to make me feel better for my altruistic sacrifice that is this post (sexual favors work for me people...just write that down) - all I really ask is that everyone acts safe out there, heeds my warning(s)/The anti-drug PSA that is me. Also, for my crazy-talk request, I'd like Tweakers to send their more friendly and caring Shadow People (if they exist) to me telepathically (to look after my FUS (Fucked Up Self)).

Ok, I hope that you, myself and anyone else who's hurting out there feel better - I'm gonna go clean up a veritable flood of vomit now and try to slay this headache, wish me luck all!

PPS. This post better save or I'll cry! 2 hrs of constant pain and another 2 hours of milder semi-constant pain...If my suggestions don't help you OP...LIE!

TLDR (Too long, didn't read): Aughhhhh retch retch *pause - type type* Aughhhhh retch retch (Me puking Tramadol foam whilst tweaked out on meth and being determined to finish this BL post - because of a misplaced sense of duty to BL - that has helped me for 3 years reduce harm/inform my drug use - and demonstrate my loyalty illogically (or drug rationale), through my willingness to endure a time of pain to post for the honor of BL-i-stan and the RUHI? (Rolling Under High Instances? -the acronym's pronounced Are You High?)

Done...kinda,maybe,sorta..I promise...ISH.

Soundtrack of my FUS: *Once more, BK38 pukes Tramadol hcl foam and bile for good measure and as a concise summation/symbol of this post through a biological process* (Even when I puke I make a statement! There's double entendres and even triple entendres floating around! God I'm ON FI-YAH (Fire) and humble)

Now I'm Done...and whaddaya do you know? trying to help others has distracted me enough so that the worst of my headache's over!

I'm done...Or am I?

"hey..I said HEY! Don't tell me to shut up! have no right to...NOOOOOO! You Shut-the-fuck-up! * BK38 enters into scuffle with an imagined Shadow Person and slips deeper into the deluded reality that his BL post will be held up as a shining beacon of what a BL post should be about... (rather than the reality that it will be given a cursory glance and scoff of disdain by a drug addict that is likely missing a lot of brain cells and is too high to care)* --> The above paragraph/sequence of events was methodically and meticulously stitched together from random shouting and alleged ritualistic screeches heard in BK38's apt/lair, police reports, International Pirate Radio stations and 2.5 drunken neighbors' accounts (One of them has only half their "marbles") after an unfortunate Scrabble incident (lets just say you shouldn't put game pieces in your mouth whilst doing a "sexy dance")

Gotcha! I lied about The End...NOW I'M DONE-ISH * thank ye kind sirs/madams/cyborgs if you read this far...I tried really hard to do right by you dear reader(s), all my BL lovelies and friendly people in my head - I present a series of final impressive fact(s): this post took me 6.5hrs (390 mins), 9 edits, 8 word counts in Office, 3 full proof/sanity-readings from start to finish and is precisely 2578 words long (including character formatting programming (So, subtract approx 500 words if you care for the real Count. Whilst incredibly long and arguably overly verbose, I'm PROUD of the number of words and the lack of substance!

annnnnnnnnd......SCENE! That's a wrap folks...take 5 and pop your beddy-by/happy pills if you want! Thanks for watching the one-man freak show!

Ponder this Pensive Pete:

Would a person on meth be able to fuck as much as bunnies would/do in a 24 hr period? For bonus points, if Bugz Bunny smoked meth, how much would he shag per 24 hrs (given an endless supply of partners/meth, but only 24 hrs? (Try and solve for X through the "How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood formula) Round to the nearest thousand and scream answer to heavens!

Also, anecdotally, not surprisingly and interestingly, according to an online IQ test I just took (not v. accurate, but passable), I've dropped 42 points from when I took a proper test a week ago ...( a Junkie's, there was at least a year since last use - so I was pretty much virgin-esque). I dropped from 147 pts (low-end and a poor-man's genius...yeah yeah...aren't I special...MENSA can suck a dick) to a mere 105 pts (5 pts above the US average and crazy to boot!) - Though adjusted for the testing method, I'd say an IQ of 70-80 is a more apt guess at a comparable score between the two tests - so a 67-77 pt drop in IQ...AKA mildly mentally challenged. Basically, It's me dropping the equivalent of a high-scoring mentally challenged person in IQ!)...Which admittedly, is a fucked up way to think about it, but it's a fucked my FUS can't bother being PC --> Don't do drugs kids! *esp not tramadol hcl and meth's not a good time and I heard it makes you drop 42 IQ points from some guy*
*"LoOnEy TuNeS end theme-song comes on and a tweaker pops up, exhales a hit of speed and starts a random new diatribe like some hopped up pseudo-magnanimous intellectual that has something worthwhile to contribute instead of just doing his part and saying...

Th-th-th-that's all folks! :)

D-o-n-e :) (fo' me brothers/sisters/alien life-forms/shrinks and friendly law enforcement). ONE LAST THING (virtual pinky swear), if mods want to move this to the TR forum as a report, please feel free to do so (as if I have a say...goddamn self-important-meth-meglomania!)...or make fun of it....pleasure yourself to it...or ANYTHING else within the physical universe and the Realm of Possibility whatever what you feel!

DONE DONE DONITY-DONE DONE DONE *BK38 has a stroke before he can complete the post on harm reduction...pushing so hard to help others that he ironically sacrificed his own well-being and helped no one in the end...a Single frustration-wrought and impotent tear cascades gently down his twitching face*

PS. Forgot something, actually important to me...the only reason I haven't had a seizure (and I have a propensity towards seizures w/ trams...happened twice to me at doses lower than the daily max of 400mg) is because I'm well hydrated and I DID SMALL INCREMENTAL DOSES TO GET ME WHERE I WANTED SUBSTANCE-WISE (If I had just done a bunch of eye-balled fat lines then realized about the Trams...I'd prob be in a hospital, be having a seizure/OD or dead right now....this post is jokey...but I'm DEAD SERIOUS about how bad it just was... So take less and incrementally w/ any substance (even weed! I've had buddies w/ significant drug history/exp have panic-attacks from strong edibles!)...You CAN'T "untake" drugs, but you can always dose more of whatever later! Time to change the final word count I stated earlier for the Motherland and fucking kill this headache once n for all.

I wonder if this post will show up as a single page in the thread, that would be, as Cartman from Southpark would say...


Much L-O-V-E to all from da main Sino-city, 北京 (Beijing - Represent!!!) (OK, now I'm done....I SWEAR...Say NO to forced reading(s) of psychotic drug rants)

EDIT(s) reason(s) AKA Reasons why I will spew what I want to and that's that: Logic, spelling, to finish half-finished sentences, even muh-fuckin word choice n sentence flow,adding paragraphs/untangling thoughts, written aesthetics and emphasis and finally, for the sake of maintaining the pragmatic and high quality of posts that BLers can come to expect from me (basically in English and written to be comprehendible by a commoner) - I've essentially been lurking since 2009 and want to give back meaningfully (additionally, to show my humility...LOL)...but mostly so that my advice/self-inflicted-pity-party-anecdote(s) can be understood by the non-psychotic/non-tweakers and those that aren't profilers of the criminally insane.

Brain-stem Shutting down!!! - OVERLOAD, DANGER, DANGER, DANGER! --a realistic sounding and highly entertaining "KABOOOOM" sounds out across the plains of cyberspace and it was time to...END RANT (before my EDIT needs an Edit, I write a never-ending essay/meaningless treatise and BLers refuse to ever read another one of my posts because of the trauma I inflicted with this post through pure boredom and the Mad Ravings from the Raving Mad).
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Man, the post I'm about to do is kind of ironic...but maybe it will make OP feel better in a schadenfreude kind of way...

Truly a classic tweak post! Needs to be saved in some sort of hall of fame for sure....

Feel better...

If you actually read that entire post, I'm impressed with your patience/tolerance for drug-rants. There's a whole lot of crazy for a single thread in there!

Must of been more spun than I realized...No regrets though! (w/ the exception of the stupid Tramadol/Meth nightmare combo...that was fucking dumb).

Anyways, I hope you liked my little piece of stim-induced insanity! 1 read makes it all worthwhile!

Holy shit BK38! Dude I wish we could spin a 'dick together 'cause you seem crazy as shit, lol! But seriously, wow, dude...

OK, OP; People have already said alot of things that are great ideas. I didn't read it all, because there's like thirty fucking responses and I might be high, but I want to WRITE not READ shit. I'm at the point in my use where I'm like "Why the fuck do you want to sleep?!"... But there was a time, oh yes there was once, when I, too, wanted to come down from smoking meth. Sometimes. Well, actually I didn't 'want' to, 'had' to is more accurate. Well, that's beside the point. Do this shit and you'll sleep. Just scrolled up and saw you got to sleep, good job, but I'm four sentences into what will undoubtedly be a meaningless rambling post, so no going back now!

--- Eat. I know, it tastes like fucking cardboard. 'Least that's what I always say. Force it down, something substantial too. Eat a fat meat and cheese sandwich. Eat two packs of top ramen with eggs in it. I always say eat something really greasy and high in calories. My wife says that hurts her empty stomach, but it always helps me.
--- Drink. Water. Preferably you would be drinking a LOT of water throughout your high, so next time you'll know. If I go good and hard for a day (24 hours) I try to down 2 or 3 of the two liter juice bottles full of cold water. That's every 24 hours of your bender.
---I like to supplement the water with hot herbal (non caffeinated) teas with honey, lemon, etc. I like Eccinashea (spelled it wrong, DAMMIT!).
---Take a shower. A hot ass long ass shower. Do the shampoo/ conditioner like 5 fucking times. Then do soap nine times. Basically, cook and scrub the shit off you. I always feel more tired when I'm cleaned up. And I have trouble sleeping when my hair is all greasy and nasty from being high all night, you know.
---Go outside. I know you don't want anyone to see you, the sun or light hurts your eyes and you feel like everyone on the street knows you're high. But spend an hour or two walking to the store or jogging around (My FAVORITE is disc golf, leaving to go play a round right now in fact). It sucks getting out there, but spend an hour, two, three doing something that's not sitting in a dark room cracking out on the interwebs. It just sort of gets your mind in the 'going home to rest after a day of being out and about' feeling. IDK why it does, but always helps you feel more tired getting out and actually DOING something throughout the day as opposed to sitting in your bedroom for 36 hours straight only emerging to take a shit and smoke a cig or two.
---If you have it, take a SMALL dose of benzo, trazadone, Zanaflex is a fucking godsend, shit go grab yourself some benadryl, you can take two (I sneak in three, that pussy shit ain't gonna be the drug that punches my number...) every four to six hours. They can really take an edge off.
---Lay down in a dark room and close your eyes. Try to get in a semi-comfortable position, then just straight WILL yourself to sleep. I've done this in a room full of tweakers (Back when it was hard to sleep on this shit) like immediately after taking a few hits, like "Well, goodnight" and I've layed there 2 hours trying to doze and i did eventually, actually SLEEP. All my bros were like, "Fuck, man that shit's crazy!"

Anyway good luck next time!
Hey man, i have totally been there. Go to the ER and say you have restless leg syndrome. You should also add that you have not been sleeping. Make sure you look somewhat presentable (regardless of obvious wd issues).
The ER will prescribe Vicodin and Valium which will knock you the fuck out.
I believe that benzos are needed if you are going to use speed.
I think I would die.

Hang in there.
I get a massive migraine and am tearing up from the pain

After the last time I used meth, I had a 3 days long migraine. Never had such a thing in my life, also if I suffer from cluster headaches ( that are much stronger but last 1 hour). Also this case the culprit was the trigeminal nerve, but a lower brunch of it.
At the end, I stopped it with caffeine.

And yes, tramadol makes migraine e little worst, It's probably releate to serotonine release.
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The thing this stuff does to me is makes me lose my appetite and I don’t really drink anything and I stay awake the first time I did it I cleaned the whole time I was high and that says something for me cuz I don’t like to clean at all
I'm sure OP appreciates your concern, Benzoboy, but I'm pretty sure he's come down in the five years since he posted that.
Valerian root helps people. It might be worth a shot. The sleepy time teas help also.