Considering Suicide

McDonalds will hire anyone! Employers love seeing it on your resume, not even joking. You get good training in dealing with the public, just stick with it for a year. Most companies looking to hire young kids won't bother to do a proper background check. Just don't disclose any info on your application.

Not sure about the USA but generally in Canada if you are arrested as a minor, your criminal record will eventually be sealed / destroyed depending on the severity of your case. Speak to your lawyer.
Its very important that you wear a suit to court.

The defendant always should wear a white shirt and I would go with a dark colored tie as to not come off cocky as in blue or black.

Try to get shoes the same color as your belt.

Don't talk to the police at all, that's your lawyers job.

If you talk to them they can say you said whatever they want and the police say the teacher wants an apology that is them tricking you into a signed confession.

Regardless your lawyer can provide you options if you get a shitty plea like felony sex offender can get switched to maybe soke anger management bullshit and a month of jail (jail isn't that bad) but I personally think you will get mosdemeanor probation if your story is true

If your lawyer is paid for by your family tell him everything especially the peer pressure and your remorse so the more the lawyer has the better and if you get them to like you or feel bad for you at all than they will do more to help you.

A good lawyer just asks you what happened and tells you what to expect and what you can do.

If a detective approaches you tell him to speak with your lawyer and remeber you don't have to say shit and they will screw you over.

I seen so many ppl over the years talk to the police and make their problems worse or get on some CI shit and wind up regretting being born.

So just get a fucking job and establish yourself as a productive member of society and it should be no big deal.

Just get out of the system when its all said and done and bever violate your probation.

You gotta learn to think for yourself, be above peer pressure, and avoid bullshit people. They dont fuck off as easily but no one is forcing you with a gun to asociate with them. The type of people in your life is what your future is gonna be so no bullshit and you should ne doing just fine.

Be very polite if the judge asks you a question and sentences begin and end with sir. Stand up tall and look straight at the judge.

Have your hair well groomed.
^ Indeed, excellent advices!

At first, I was shocked and scared. I only thought

Right now, I'm a little bit more worry about my school work. As you may know, summer is approaching (...)

One question I'd like to ask is how hard will it be for me to find myself a job? If you have a criminal record, how did you acquire a job? I know society look at sex offenses harshly, but I'll need to find a job.

I know this can be quite distressing and difficult for you. I suggest you try to focus your thoughts in the present. Suffering from anticipation doesn't help because if nothing happens you are wasting time with anxiety, and even if something happens you are still suffering twice as much. Since this happened you have received better news than being locked up in prison for 6 years with no possibility of getting jobs, etc. You don't know that. It seems to me you are being pessimistic about everything to the maximum extreme. That is not good for you IMHO.

I can relate to being anxious before things actually happen and I learned that normally things don't happen the way we predict. Most of the times things happen in ways that we weren't thinking at all. And rarely as bad as we predict. Try to live in the present. As I said before punishments are proportional to your actions. I am not saying that what you did was right I'm simply saying that most of the posts you received are positive but whenever things get a bit easier you jump again to overthinking into the worst possible scenarios. I don't think that right now worrying about getting jobs after an imaginary sentence will help.

Whatever it happens, you will adapt yourself. You'll think of best alternatives. This is the mostly fear and it's in your mind dominating most of your thoughts. You are not a criminal rapist. You are a kid, 17 years old who haven't even got expelled from school. So stop overthinking and try to be positive, productive. You have your parents right next to you. Stop punishing yourself you have learned something here, now is not the time to think about these things. Let it go for a while. You can't control your destiny and you don't even know what's going to really happen so what's the use of anticipating things that might not even happen. Think about your family, talk to them.

Think about it, read the posts you received and try to relax a little bit! Nobody knows what's going to happen not even the judge. I'm just trying to help you, Im not judging you. Take care and have a peaceful day. ;)
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Its very important that you wear a suit to court.

The defendant always should wear a white shirt and I would go with a dark colored tie as to not come off cocky as in blue or black.

Try to get shoes the same color as your belt.

Don't talk to the police at all, that's your lawyers job.

If you talk to them they can say you said whatever they want and the police say the teacher wants an apology that is them tricking you into a signed confession.

Regardless your lawyer can provide you options if you get a shitty plea like felony sex offender can get switched to maybe soke anger management bullshit and a month of jail (jail isn't that bad) but I personally think you will get mosdemeanor probation if your story is true

If your lawyer is paid for by your family tell him everything especially the peer pressure and your remorse so the more the lawyer has the better and if you get them to like you or feel bad for you at all than they will do more to help you.

A good lawyer just asks you what happened and tells you what to expect and what you can do.

If a detective approaches you tell him to speak with your lawyer and remeber you don't have to say shit and they will screw you over.

I seen so many ppl over the years talk to the police and make their problems worse or get on some CI shit and wind up regretting being born.

So just get a fucking job and establish yourself as a productive member of society and it should be no big deal.

Just get out of the system when its all said and done and bever violate your probation.

You gotta learn to think for yourself, be above peer pressure, and avoid bullshit people. They dont fuck off as easily but no one is forcing you with a gun to asociate with them. The type of people in your life is what your future is gonna be so no bullshit and you should ne doing just fine.

Be very polite if the judge asks you a question and sentences begin and end with sir. Stand up tall and look straight at the judge.

Have your hair well groomed.

Very Good tips ..
At first, I was shocked and scared. I only thought of the worst possible outcome and was beaten by that thought. I was so scared. I don't want to be in jail or prison. Not for something like that, so all I think of was suicide. You know sometimes when you're driven to the corner by paranoia and fear, you just want to end it so badly and make those emotions go away, you just think of the fastest possible way out. Now, I'm still scared. When I think of myself sitting there in front of the judges, I shit myself. I just feel so nervous thinking about it. So nervous that I ask myself what if this happens, what if that happen. There's just so much activity in your brain, at night you feel like you have insomnia. But when I spoke to my lawyer, I felt relief.
You know, in this entire thread, I said I'll not do stupid things anymore. But me thinking about suicide was another stupid thing that I did, and I'm sorry for making anyone worry and thank you so much for spending the time out of your day reading my words.

Right now, I'm a little bit more worry about my school work. As you may know, summer is approaching, and the semester is going to soon end.
My grades are not something I can be proud of, and I will change that. I might need to repeat an extra year, but it's okay. If that's what it takes for me to change and prove to everybody around me that I can change, then I'll take that chance.

One question I'd like to ask is how hard will it be for me to find myself a job? If you have a criminal record, how did you acquire a job? I know society look at sex offenses harshly, but I'll need to find a job.

YEP I know that feeling very well I got a DUII 20 sommthing years ago my children were in the car and actually my boyfriend was driving we switched seats after we were pulled over and we were pulled over because I wanted to give my kids Dad shit for not helping me at all ....then my boyfriend got put in jail while trying to bail me out long story but he would not quit pushing the buzzer they had at the time LOL .... And then I had to bail myself out after he was all arrested so he could release his wallet to me with the bail money in it ...Then I had to go bail him out the next day ...OMG life of the young and wild !!!!

The newspaper had a huge write up in the police report I am 100% sure our families were horrified and I was horrified myself WTH was I thinking well I was drunk and not thinking today they would of yanked my kids out of my custody back then they just called a cab for boyfriend and kids ....

I so very thankful that none of us were hurt more than our pride or we didn't kill anyone while drinking and driving and it was a HUGE wake~up call for me and boyfriend we quit drinking ....It was a learning experience and I can assure you never ever did it again ...but I was worried sick about what would happen to me I was on bench probation meaning I did not have to check in I just had to stay out of trouble and I had to go to drinking classes and AA for a while ...

So see I do speak from experience and when I tell people now that I was handcuffed and went to jail their jaws hit the floor they can't believe it ...So I am sure you will over come this just try not to worry to much about tomorrows.... do what dope master said .....and keep us posted on how things turn out K ....
Guilt can be so overwhelming sometimes and fear tends to blind us from having clear thoughts and emotions. From your first post I could see that you are not a criminal and you don't belong to jail. Not for this, not at your age. My feeling is that judges are experienced enough to separate the wheat from the chaff. I am sure you have already learned your lesson and you are suffering for your action. Remember who you are. You are not a criminal, if you had done something so seriously worthy of jail I believe you wouldn't even be allowed to go to school from day 1. Try not to think too much about it. Focus on your school work and think positive. If you are religious praying can make you feel better. It's good energy and that's all it matters. Forgive yourself, we are not perfect and we all do silly things. You'll be okay.
All the best!
I had a dui at 17 and I was looking at two years but since I refused the drug screen charges were dropped.

I didn't even think about it and just went to court.

The fact that I was working and going to school helped my lawyer get it just dismissed.

Over a simple case like this let the lawyer worry about the laws and how to help you.

Your lawyer knows how to get charges reduced and has the DA on speed dial and probably knows them very well so he will be like "look hes a good kid, they charged him a bit heavy, oh he is working, he don't need a felony, hes a kid..."

Thats how it works. If you do what your lawyer tells you it goes better for you.
Exactly! I'm always impressed by how lawyers manage to keep us calm sometimes.
It's true, they know their ways and how things work. I've been part of a car accident once and thought the worst things.
I did have to pay I fine and got to learn a good lesson. We tend to punish ourselves more than most people sometimes.
The police just called and told my dad to bring me to the station tomorrow at 5 pm.
I don't know what to expect. Just so nervous. I don't know what they want from me now.
Apparently they said they wanted to talk to me, and it's not the school police. It's the LAPD
I'll try to stay calm until then.

Just read a bit about Miranda's right.
It says I can stay silent. But is that wise? Won't they do whatever they can to squeeze words from me including throwing me in jail, or hurt me?
I'm just so scared right now after that phone call from the police. I've already admitted to committing the crime, I told everyone the premise of the story, what more do they want from me until court? I'm clearly guilty. Plus, why tomorrow? Do police often wait a few days then call criminals in to talk?
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No, my lawyer is not going to be there. I don't even know what I'm going there to do to begin with besides getting interrogated.
I'm scared again. Anything related to the police is so scary. I'll try my best tomorrow.
I don't know why they even want to talk to me when I've already written down and admitted to committing the crime.
Should I just tell them the crime again? I mean, I wrote down everything that happened on paper for my school already.
Are they gathering information for the proscecutor?
I'm just overthinking and getting all hyperly scared again.
I think they just want to talk to you and if it were a big deal they would come and get you.

You could just get a warning mate.
I think they just want to talk to you and if it were a big deal they would come and get you.

You could just get a warning mate.

Hopefully that is the case. I've been posting on ExpertLaw forum and they said to bring a lawyer because of how dangerous it can be. But my dad won't let me. He keeps saying to tell the truth if they interrogate me. But on the other hand, with that truth, they will obliterate me in court.
One other thing I don't understand is why would they interrogate me if they already know what's going on? I've already told them what happened and gave them a written report on what happened.
Hopefully they give me the "Miranda Warning" and tell me I can consult a lawyer.
Your offense was not that bad tbh.

You are really panicking over something that you already know how to deal with.

Just explain the whole thing and apologise profusely.

Courts like it when they arent taken up by petty stuff and maybe this wont go to court.
Your offense was not that bad tbh.

You are really panicking over something that you already know how to deal with.

Just explain the whole thing and apologise profusely.

Courts like it when they arent taken up by petty stuff and maybe this wont go to court.

I'll do that then.
I know I panick a lot, but that's just me. I don't like things like this man.
I'll try to be calmer and just pray for the best with my lawyer.
about 2 and a half more hour til I go to the police. Honestly, i dont know what to expect. it could just be a warning like zephyr said, so i'll just hope for it to be just that.
I am hoping they r just having you come in to "scare you to the strait " like your not already ... because i honestly can figure out why eles they would have you go in ...let us know k ...