Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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/heart beat is at 120. blood pressure is close to 170/110. Drink plenty of un-fluoridated, filtered water, wash this crap out in sweat and urine.
I'm sick of the fact that they are injecting the homeless with this crap now. They have backed off the young guys like us.

Don't worry, i have made it on days I had BP of 190+

And also yes im the perfect profile for a school shooter. Worst part is that I can easily be framed. Someone can just take in explosives and put them in classes. They are often unlocked when class isn't in progress. Them when Im in class. BOOM.

Also lately Iv been having fun by whispering songs out loud. Its freaking all the kids out. lol
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Funny how u said the heart was in atrophy invegauser because I did a legit boxing cardio conditioning day today with no arrhythmias and ran 2 miles at near my top speed.

I'm seeing the girlfriend tonight and seeing if it flares up then.

It's looking like the beginning of the end for me.

All I need to get rid of is these bobs lol
Good undiminished, now that you are coming towards the end of your detox, I wouldn't say you are done just yet, so don't feel disappointed, buy you can start your recovery following the things I have done. I felt better after invega than before, just go back thru my older post. Good luck buddy, You are finally coming to LIFE!
I?ve read ur posts I just don?t have the same motivation in the gym if I can?t run or fight. No it?s all coming together
Pre invega, I had a nearly 8 hour daily workout routine. I cut that down to 30 mins on invega, did not have the motivation. Just followed a routine. Did what I could. Every time I got angry cuz of this shit, I did 12 pushups...light curls. 2 months out I did this video every day . you may need to take some of the exercises in this video lightly. I also lifted light weights. The video really helps when you don't have the motivation, it's an easy guide. BTW if you find good guide exercise videos, post those here. Just make sure they are not hard on the people here. Some of them can really get hit hard with Invega in the after effect of the exercise. Make sure to drink the filtered unfluoridated water to sweat and flush out. I am one of the only ones that experience the burning thirst. This is because I had a very high level of the drug in my system at ones. My lifestyle should subsequently explain why.

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My mind isn't right yet either. I'm not correcting the grammar errors while typing. Well, that won't take long to fix after my strength returns and I'm done detoxing.

Mike Cheema was right. I initially didn't think of this as a nano crystal, but it seems to be just that, breaking down slowly over time. Hey Mike, just so you know bud, I won't forget you.

At this point I'm pretty much dying at school. I don't think at school. I just learn what is most important, takes about 5 mins of the whole class to know what was taught. I do my homework slowly, over the next day starting the moment I leave class.. bit by bit not at once, too hard... Yesterday, I just slept for the 2 hours, or actually rolled over my desk with my hoodie on. My ears were still tuned in a bit to the prof.

"Weep not for paths untraveled, weep not for roads untaken." - roads untraveled by Linkin Park

Like I keep repeating to myself. "Forget it, because if you don't, you'll never make it" while in class, pure torment. -of course I ain't forgetting ever. if I die fighting, I don't think I really lost at this point... ;) pvt message me if you wanna discuss something more
@invegauser While I was out walking today I started to think about CBT and BHT. This is the quote I came up with... "It seems CBT and BHT are a sorry excuse to - excuse the fact - that these psychiatrists and other medical staff are covering their asses for all the heinous shit they put us through." When really thinking about it, it made sense: stories you hear from older people who have spent time in mental hospitals... stories of how they were slapped, kicked, hit, or abused in other ways. Most of that type of abuse ended in the 90's, I think. But the medical field - especially the mental health field - have been slow to adapt and this is mostly due to stigma, which a lot of us can relate to. Cops are definitely in this boat too. Not knowing what to do with the so called derelicts of society. Lack of training puts these people into positions where they act on power alone without any real clue of what to do.

I've built my personality up based on who I want to talk to about certain things and I've reached out to a wide group over time - having the sort of personality a president should have. Not to toot my horn too much but almost every conversation I've had with an officer of the law leads to them saying some bullshit about how I'm not making any sense. I know an I.Q. of higher than 10 is not necessarily a prerequisite of becoming a law officer but I think we could hope to raise the bar by maybe about 100 I.Q. points or so.
I had a friend like that once. Invited me to his house to spend the night and showed me all his martial arts weapons and stuff like that. When it came time for me to turn in, he came out into the living room and wouldn't shut the fuck up. That's what I think about these medical 'professionals'. Basically talking and talking and never shutting up because they want to talk to you until you fall asleep so that that fear they have of you sneaking into their room at night to stab them with the martial arts weapons they keep in their rooms will somehow go away.
/heart beat is at 120. blood pressure is close to 170/110. Drink plenty of un-fluoridated, filtered water, wash this crap out in sweat and urine.
I'm sick of the fact that they are injecting the homeless with this crap now. They have backed off the young guys like us.

Don't worry, i have made it on days I had BP of 190+

And also yes im the perfect profile for a school shooter. Worst part is that I can easily be framed. Someone can just take in explosives and put them in classes. They are often unlocked when class isn't in progress. Them when Im in class. BOOM.

Also lately Iv been having fun by whispering songs out loud. Its freaking all the kids out. lol

Put something in the psychiatrist bag
The only way off it is to say your having suicidal thoughts and you don't know why. It will only work if youve only been on it for a month and haven't gotten the next shot yet.
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I am new here and wanted to share my experience with Invega Sustenna. I am currently 7 months off the injections. I had 3 234mg injections and 5 156mg injections. Since being off for 7 months I am still lactating with high prolactin, I haven’t had a period and the 80lbs that I have gained on Invega Sustenna will not budge to come off with diet or exercise. I am even taking Bromocriptine to try to lower the prolactin and start my period but so far, no luck. I have been taking that for about a month so far. Having such a hard time dealing with the lasting side effects of this stuff. I don’t even feel like the person I use to be.
Thank you invegauser! The other women you were mentioning did they too have high prolactin, no period and massive weight gain? I’m trying to find other folks out there that are still experiencing these kind of problems even after being off the poison for months! I am still struggling in the motivation area as well. The things that once brought me joy ( my garden, my chickens and my creating ) I can’t even get the motivation or drive to do the things I once did and did well. I don’t find joy in anything. I have tried kratom before and that seemed like the only thing I could actually feel. It’s too expensive to use it daily but I found it really helped the motivation and depression that comes with this horrible trash. . I finally talked to my psychiatrist today and I got him to be on board with the fact that the invega has not left my body yet. He told me that because my mri shows no tumor on the pituitary gland ( which secretes the prolactin ) that there is no other reason that my prolactin is high other than it being the invega still lingering around in my body. I told him I called Jansen ( manufacturers of the poison ) and they told me that the half life is 25-49 days and it takes 6 half lives to be fully eliminated. That’s a LONG time. Who knows if those of us that received 8 injections how long it actually takes for it to be fully gone or when things will return to normal.
Sadly, this is the most extensive - in depth discussion board on Invega Sustenna and Risperdal Consta I've seen on the net. A lot of us - now off the drug - are still experiencing symptoms or 'come-down effects' from Invega and Risperdal. Life coming off the drug may prove difficult but it can open up new door ways as well. It's all about how hard you're willing to work to get rid of the poison. You'll find the rewards you reap from doing things like exercise or trying different supplements will be quite rewarding - especially since you've already been through hell... which is the Invega hell we all know.

Throughout this thread you'll find information from others who have come off the drug - the strides they made to make their lives better, but I think we can all agree... almost 160 pages is a little much to read through even if you binge read it all in one night. So if you have any questions, feel free to ask and at least one of us will try to respond to your queries. You may find we know quite a bit... possibly even more than Jansens and Johnson and Johnson.
@irredecentblack thank you for your quick response. Wow I am so blown away that I already got two responses on this so quickly so thank you. I’m so happy I have found some people I can actually talk to about this. Yes I have been stalking the threads for awhile and have read a lot of it. But not all. It really helps seeing other people’s experieces and knowing I’m not alone. This has been by far one of my hardest challenges. Shame on Johnson and Johnson. How could they do this to people!?

Has as anyone actually really recovered as in getting back to their normal weight? Their periods return? Their personalities come back? How long does one usually take to recover?? I’m having such a horrible time with the weight gain. I had to buy new wardrobes three times. I know it’s the invega for sure because it’s the only antipsychotic I took. Once I was off of it they told me I was misdiagnosed and that I didn’t need to take medication anymore for that. I am currently only on Wellbutrin and Bromocriptine ( for the prolactin )
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Thank you invegauser! The other women you were mentioning did they too have high prolactin, no period and massive weight gain? I’m trying to find other folks out there that are still experiencing these kind of problems even after being off the poison for months! I am still struggling in the motivation area as well. The things that once brought me joy ( my garden, my chickens and my creating ) I can’t even get the motivation or drive to do the things I once did and did well. I don’t find joy in anything. I have tried kratom before and that seemed like the only thing I could actually feel. It’s too expensive to use it daily but I found it really helped the motivation and depression that comes with this horrible trash. . I finally talked to my psychiatrist today and I got him to be on board with the fact that the invega has not left my body yet. He told me that because my mri shows no tumor on the pituitary gland ( which secretes the prolactin ) that there is no other reason that my prolactin is high other than it being the invega still lingering around in my body. I told him I called Jansen ( manufacturers of the poison ) and they told me that the half life is 25-49 days and it takes 6 half lives to be fully eliminated. That’s a LONG time. Who knows if those of us that received 8 injections how long it actually takes for it to be fully gone or when things will return to normal.

Do you know how to do the math on that?
I had 4 100 mg injections. My last injection was November 2017. I can relate to everything your saying except the weight. I gained very little. It will get better in time.
@steph78 I actually don’t know how to do the math on the half lives. I was just told you take the half life initial time let’s say 49, you divide that by two, then that number divide by two and so on. I’m not sure if that’s actually what you do or not. I’m just losing hope because it’s already been 7 months off for me and I still am lactating? Seriously wtf? Your so lucky you gained hardly any weight. Mentally how do you feel?
@steph78 I actually don’t know how to do the math on the half lives. I was just told you take the half life initial time let’s say 49, you divide that by two, then that number divide by two and so on. I’m not sure if that’s actually what you do or not. I’m just losing hope because it’s already been 7 months off for me and I still am lactating? Seriously wtf? Your so lucky you gained hardly any weight. Mentally how do you feel?

I feel lifeless. Minutes seem like hours. It's hell. I can relate to everything you said.
@steph78 I am so sorry your going through this too. I am so shocked at just how many people this injection has affected......negatively. The people we see that are on here are just a small percentage of the many that have taken this crap. I understand what you mean when you say minutes seem like hours. I feel like so much is passing me by that I’m not even up to feel joy over or get excited about. The motivation to simply do my daily tasks of being a stay at home mom are daunting. Like I seriously have to tell myself exactly what I’m going to do next in the day, then next, then next. I have to pump myself up to do anything. It’s a crazy shell of who I once was. So motivated, so happy to do projects, so excited to cook new dinners, so happy to plan birthdays, now it is so damn hard to be around people and be happy over anything.
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