Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Hi I only noticed all these side effects when I quit the medication cold turkey. My side effects include depression, insomnia, not feeling hungry, feeling numb, brain fogginess, can’t think clearly, can’t take a shit, can’t piss, twitching under my right eye, and more... I haven’t felt good in years. I can’t feel pleasure or joy like before. I was athletic and a basketball player and could focus on my game but now I’m 72 kg all body fat. Fuck psychiatry. My psychiatrist thought I was having an episode when I was listening to dubstep with my earphones. So he gave me all types of meds. I’ve tried escitalopram, Invega sustenna, Invega, citalopram, ambien, temazepam, and many more I can’t remember. I swear to god I’ll get vengeance from these assholes.
I was clearly misdiagnosed. Cmon fuck this bullshit I was a gamer, computer geek, and basketball player but now I’m a Fatass who has motivation to do nothing and sit on my ass all day missing school. I might be dropped out soon. Fuck this.
I’m thinking off starting a blog showing my whole story and updates about my health. Trust me it will be an interesting one.
to the room: any new people showing up might be good to keep a few things in mind.

1. disclaimer: read the rules of the site and of each thread you post in. this is a harm reduction site after all. we are fortunate enough to have this place to come to and use to help ourselves and each other.

2. venting: we have to do it sometimes. legally, ethically and to respect those suffering here and the BL site itself we try to limit the cussing and definitely no threats of any kind. we've all probably thought about it at one point in time or another but it's not good, it will only make matters worse for yourself.

3. we come here for support because unless you have taken the poison you really don't understand what it's like and science isn't getting off it's butt anytime soon to help us. sometimes venting, to find things that work to relieve the suffering as well as maybe finding the antidote to the poison, we research, updates and help each other find a way through this.

4. an introduction helps you and everyone else and not in the clinical sense either. we understand respect and privacy (me more than most), so no name, sex, age or location that's cool. a short familiar list of what you can do to help yourself and us to help you here... how much of the poison you took (dosage, how many and for how long), what got you on it to begin with and any previous drug/med related past, what you've tried so far and any other useful info.

5. typical symptoms of effects/withdrawals at first is not being able to communicate, not as social, sleeping problems, muscle, body temp, general dysfunctions and interruptions of how the brain, body and emotions work as well as some that are common and some that are not. theres lots of websites that list them but here's a few more common ones: tdk, anhedonia, akathisia, gynecomastia, dry mouth, weight gain, lethargy, lack of motivation. feel free to list the ones you know and ask others for ones that are not familiar to you. someone can inform you or look it up.

6. there are two threads, v.1 and v.2, so lots of info. ask others what they have tried and has worked for them. always be aware of your limits. what you are going through is hard enough, don't want to make things worse.

7. no one here can tell you what to try or not try. it is generally agreed staying off drugs/meds will help you recover faster if not more comfortably.

8. this might take awhile so eating the best you can, exercising if you can, lots of water and staying distracted as much as you can will help. things like t.v., video games or social media sites. read if you can. we all heal differently and at different rates, we all get hit by the poison differently too in the way it limits us.

anything else feel free ask, we have people in all different parts of the healing process and some just made full recoveries.

now if you all don't mind i gotta get back to doing two impossible things at the same time.

heal quickly everyone. peace.
I don?t feel refreshed anymore when I wake up, when I do exercise I don?t feel good and my legs are very stiff when I run. Is there anything that can help me?
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This is so horrible for me because I live in a country where the laws aren?t enforced and I can?t even sue my psychiatrist :(

Keep fighting buddy. The first month is horrid, now the games begin. Get some Nicain 500mg, that will FLUSH the poison. I just got a bottle two days ago and I woke up today feeling the best I have in 2 1/2 months!!!
Make sure you drink a LOT of water! Green Tea will really help. For the sake of your well being, follow good advice. It is important that you discontinue the use of any and all drugs immediately. Get a good multi-vitamin and stay strong.

Check my most recent posts back to maybe 3 weeks to a month.
You will gradually get better. Lot's of Green Tea and 700mg of Mucuna L-Dopa a day have been striding me along. The Mucuna won't be effective unless you take it with Green Tea. That helps with dopamine binding.
Check out the menu on previous posts.
And just recently I got Dandelion for kidney flush and testosterone boosting. Take your Niacin at night Green Tea in the morning and Dandelion at noon.
350mg Mucuna in the morning and 350mg right before bedtime. Get some Coconut Oil to clean blood, but watch Coconut Oil with meats because it skyrockets cholesterol. Be mindful of cholesterol but still know you need Zinc and B12.

Good Luck, you will heal it just takes a good battle.
Whats the half life ppl say 29 to 40 days which one is it?

It could also mean the varying from lowest to highest dose but I think it might just be the average time it takes to metabolize a half life of Incrapa Sushitinya
@dirtyinvega: good to hear. keep up the pace and that full recovery post will be within a couple months if not sooner buddy. ;)

@Vbodnairu: wise words my friend.

@tgrizzly47: we all gotta let off steam every once in awhile. especially dealing with the poison. it makes everything seem hopeless, can't see the long run. just like anyone else take it one day at a time. why? cause there have been plenty of recovery posts and you might make some one reading this give up. remember we have guests who read these and don't post.

@JoWright: best give @Rosi71 some space, she's having a hard time and is a mom, a story best not gotten into cause it kills the heart. being supportive of her just like everyone else here is good, she's german and might not understand the lil subtleties and nuances in how other languages work. i'm sure she appreciates the effort all the same.

@Ammarishot, @Gilbezr and @Shoo Shoo. sorry your here because of what's been done to you, it's not your fault and wont last forever. it will get better. welcome to the thread.

Thanks I'm having a really tough time. Does it really get better?
I'm experiencing severe adhedonia lack of motivation, 0 sex drive, etc etc
What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
Well anyway, I just might have some information for you that could help save your life. Niacin. Get a good bottle of straight NOW Niacin in 500mg. Take one on an empty stomach. Get some Peppermint and Dandelion Tea. Peppermint will cleanse the liver, Dandelion the kidneys. Make sure your system is oiled up with Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil (Expeller-Pressed). Take 500mg once a day for 3 days. Then jump up to 1,000mg all at once for four days. After that, 1,500mg a day for 5 days. Then 2,000mg 10 days after that. Take your Niacin before working out a tough sweat and/or entering a sauna. Sweat that shit OUT!!!!
Niacin works! Firefighters after being exposed to elements at Ground Zero used a regimen that gradually worked up to 5,000mg and would actually wipe a dark blue film from there skin after dosing and hitting the sauna. I, personally wouldn't push 2,000mg a day. THE SOONER THE BETTER!
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