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Comedowns, Serotonin Syndrome and MDMA abuse (plus problems after use)

Personally SSRIs caused me insomnia but if they help you then by all means use them, an ssri like Citalopram that is very selective for just serotonin is best but anyways SSRIs increase the generation of new brain cells. Cardio does as well, in a very important place in the brain in fact.

Mindfulness meditation will help you sleep and will help with anxiety if you find yourself dealing with that fairly often. 15 minutes at night before bed can make a big difference years from now.

Is that because of the BDNF? yeah ill start meditating again to help with the anxiety. Ciltalopram did give me insomnia for a while but then it wore off. Im currently on sertraline (zoloft) and it does the same amount as ciltalopram did is sertaline quite selective? - helps my mood and makes my erections really hard aswell (i dont know why, probably because ive had a bit of sexual anxiety all my life).

been great discussing with you, thankyou very much you have lifted my mood alot today.
Yes cardio boasts robust increases in BDNF, it's basically growth hormone but for the brain. Zoloft is a kinda strange one (had a tad bit of affinity for dopamine too so that might be responsible for your improved erections) but it's good and pretty selective, I wouldn't bother switching. Between cardio, SSRIs, meditation for sleep and anxiety (stress hormones are bad for the brain), and good sleep and healthy eating, your recovery will speed right along. If you're doing the cardio every day Id expect to feel much better in less than 6 months.

No problem, take care and good luck.
Yes cardio boasts robust increases in BDNF, it's basically growth hormone but for the brain. Zoloft is a kinda strange one (had a tad bit of affinity for dopamine too so that might be responsible for your improved erections) but it's good and pretty selective, I wouldn't bother switching. Between cardio, SSRIs, meditation for sleep and anxiety (stress hormones are bad for the brain), and good sleep and healthy eating, your recovery will speed right along. If you're doing the cardio every day Id expect to feel much better in less than 6 months.

No problem, take care and good luck.

Oh ill deffo start upping the cardio then. had much improved erections on ciltalopram aswell. so is zoloft sufficient for want i was to achieve? it wont cause any unwanted further damage (assumping there is initially, which there might not be). Ill give meditation a constant go aswell.
45 minutes of cardio is the sweet spot, if it's hard to do then that says a lot and you will feel a lot better as you get stronger but it will help regardless. Zoloft is good it will help create new serotonin brain cells and strengthen the connections that have already been made, there is no need to worry about any problems with it besides withdrawal, but I would worry about that a couple years down the road.

I think you will find with your will to do the exercise and meditate that you will recover much faster than the average long term comedown sufferer, and eventually will feel better than you ever did in the first place.
Feeling the need to pee all the time, even after going to the toilet

Hello fellows,

So I took MDMA 3 times and it was from the same stuff.
1st time => 125 mg + 60 mg booster : Best time of my life (as you can imagine)

2nd time (1 month after) => 135 mg+ 60 mg booster and 3rd time (2 month after + preload of EGCg, ALA, Grape seed extract, CoQ10) => 145 mg + 60 mg booster :

Feeling the need to pee ALL THE TIME.
Constantly going to the toilet, managing to urinate or not, immediately wanting to go again at the moment I walked out, pee-ing again or not, sometimes waiting 45 min for it to come.

Also, feeling unfulfilled a lot moments (like expecting something else and not having it)
I swear on that 5 hour DNB concert I spent more than half of the time at the toilet.

Did anyone have this problem before (especially the bladder problem) and manage to get through it?
PS : Does anyone smoke weed on a regular basis and knows it affects serotonin levels ?

Thanks in advance.
1+ month MDMA hangover?

dear bluelight community,

I am looking for people that have shared a similar experience and thus could advice me. I might be suffering from a rare case of MDMA hangover susceptibility, or I have actually no idea what is going on...

I took MDMA a handful of times in the last year, nothing extreme, moderate doses only, there was one festival where I rolled two days in a row, but that's about it. I am thus not a very experienced user, but no total newbie. I never suffered much from a hangover, besides feeling drained and beaten, but not substantially worse than alcohol ...

Things have pretty much changed after the last roll. Again, nothing extreme, I took 2 pills of green dominos (Marquis tested, several friends took them with me, all are fine) advertised as 120 mg. I didn't feel too much of an effect after the first, but still clearly it was MDMA, I took one more, the night went kind of fine, nor a heavy roll though. The hangover started with a day of delay and lasts now for over a month. The first weeks were absolutely extreme though, now I am mostly fine. It started with a permanent really fucking heavy headache, which continued to get weaker and weaker by the days. At first it was 24/7, then it changed slowly to only being at night, now it is mostly around lunchtime. It is still daily, but an end is in sight.

Now, I have researched and haven't found anybody reporting something similar, except that there is a wide distribution of MDMA sensitivity. I could live with the fact of not taking MDMA again, but it would be a pity, and this summers festivals are coming up ... I would love to roll there again. My plan is to take a very moderate dose of very clean MDMA to check, but my past experience was so unbearably shitty that I am hesitating quite a bit. Needless to say, work and life situation right now don't really allow for another month of heavy hangover.

tl,dr: Is there anyone that has experienced a hangover as long as a month or more and took MDMA again, if yes, what was the result? Could this be a) the result of a permanent incompatibility with my brain and the drug, or b) something that happens to some people although not necessarily on a reproducible basis?

thank you very much for you input

# for the mods: I am posting here anonymously because I simply couldn't register, the page kept saying that I denied registration because of spamming suspicion ... :(
I'm going to move this to MDMA & Empathogenic Drugs. Sorry you're having trouble with registering. We have a process for approval of new users so I'm not sure why this happened. Did you ever have an account here? :? If you try again and still denied, you can post in Support. Welcome to Bluelight!
If this doesn't resolve this is either an issue with the pelvic floor (most likely) or small chance it might be something with the kidneys. And weed does affect serotonin indeed.
The general consensus among the people who do get bad hangovers (sometimes referred to as long term comedowns or LTCs when they last for a couple weeks or even a year) is that the hangovers only ever get worse, and I would say that you can expect a hangover just as bad from doing the same amount, but there is always the possibility that it isn't as bad but I think it's more likely that it will actually be worse.

If I were you I would learn to love mushrooms instead, they are much much safer in terms of neurological health, a small dose and a little bit of cannabis can make things just as magical as MDMA.
These are symptoms commonly preceding heart issues, I would promptly see a doctor if you are at all obese or older. On the other hand if you are young and in good shape I would suspect it's anxiety with a slight chance of angina. Still no harm in seeing a doctor if it's within your reach.
If you can't afford another hangover that's as bad or worse, do not take MDMA this summer. Do not take MDMA for the next twelve months. Since you haven't abused the drug heavily, it's possible that you can take it again without a long-term comedown, but only after a very long break.
I've had this after my last roll. Took two caps about 100-125mg each to start with and topped up with one more an hour later (my tolerance is pretty good for a newb). Incredible roll, but i drank a lot of water that day all the way up to when i dropped them to get hydrated, and then had to pee a lot during the roll. As you know that is pretty hard to do, and i think constantly trying to force it over those few hours put a lot of strain on the muscles/bladder. I had the same symptoms - restless, needed to pee but couldn't or not much came out, frequency was really often too. It stayed about a week and then everything went back to normal. I learnt my lesson. Get hydrated well prior, and then ease off on the water so by the time you roll your bladder is not still working overtime. I don't rave or party, i roll at home with the gf so I can get away with not neckimg lots of fluids as I roll. But it's like the adverts say, "if symptoms persist, see your doctor."
If this doesn't resolve this is either an issue with the pelvic floor (most likely) or small chance it might be something with the kidneys. And weed does affect serotonin indeed.

Hello !
First off thanks for your reply :) Do you have any reliable source confirming it does affect serotonin ? Because I asked this question several times and people have different opinions on the matter.

I've had this after my last roll. Took two caps about 100-125mg each to start with and topped up with one more an hour later (my tolerance is pretty good for a newb). Incredible roll, but i drank a lot of water that day all the way up to when i dropped them to get hydrated, and then had to pee a lot during the roll. As you know that is pretty hard to do, and i think constantly trying to force it over those few hours put a lot of strain on the muscles/bladder. I had the same symptoms - restless, needed to pee but couldn't or not much came out, frequency was really often too. It stayed about a week and then everything went back to normal. I learnt my lesson. Get hydrated well prior, and then ease off on the water so by the time you roll your bladder is not still working overtime. I don't rave or party, i roll at home with the gf so I can get away with not neckimg lots of fluids as I roll. But it's like the adverts say, "if symptoms persist, see your doctor."

Thanks for your reply too. So you are saying I should drink a lot of water several hours before (getting hydrated all day) and then slow down during the roll?

Well, I'm very close to seeing a doctor but I don't feel like telling him I did MDMA and had this problem, he might say to me "Well that's what happens when you do drugs" without giving me advice lol. I guess I could talk to him about the problem without mentionning I took MDMA but he might think I have another problem haha.
Hit any rando skirt recently?? I can think of a lot of other things that could cause this instead of mdma.
^^^it could totally be a UTI or something too. But anyways the way THC works is by binding to a cannabis receptor known as CB1, the thing is that CB1 is on pretty much every brain cell.
I think you're thinking too much of peeing and convincing yourself you have to pee, lol, even tho you don't want to. Does that make sense? GO to the bathroom, spend a max. of mins in there, and go out. Even if you still think you have to pee, Do 3 things: watch a light show, dance, drink water, etc. Now, do you still really have to pee, like really really have to? If not, don't go to the bathroom. If you do, go to the bathroom, now stay only one minute. You have to kind of teach yourself how to pee when rolling if that makes sense.
I think you're thinking too much of peeing and convincing yourself you have to pee, lol, even tho you don't want to. Does that make sense? GO to the bathroom, spend a max. of mins in there, and go out. Even if you still think you have to pee, Do 3 things: watch a light show, dance, drink water, etc. Now, do you still really have to pee, like really really have to? If not, don't go to the bathroom. If you do, go to the bathroom, now stay only one minute. You have to kind of teach yourself how to pee when rolling if that makes sense.

I think you are right, this is mainly psychological due to the fact that I'm very anxious.
Thanks for the tip, I will try to think about it during my next roll :)

Hit any rando skirt recently?? I can think of a lot of other things that could cause this instead of mdma.

A what? A skirt? I'm a man haha.
Thanks for your reply too. So you are saying I should drink a lot of water several hours before (getting hydrated all day) and then slow down during the roll?

Like I said, I don't go out dancing/partying when I roll, it's only when I am relaxing with my gf, usually at home. I can get away with not drinking as much water as I roll. But i definately suggest making sure you are well hydrated and drinking plenty of water 24-48hrs prior. I then slow down on the intake the day i roll, and just kinda sip throughout the day, just keeping it at a good level but not having to pee constantly. This is only my theory, I am yet to see how it goes. Drinking too much water all the way up to when I rolled caused my issues last time. I am hoping to score some for next weekend and will hopefully test this. I'll let you know if it makes it a bit easier. Keep you posted on that.