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Cocaine Cocaine Megathread

I'm getting conflicting info about whether cocaine is active orally. Can one put some in a shot glass of water or vodka, drink it, and get the effects? How much would I have to do to match the effects of a 25 or 50 mg line?
The Search Engine brought this up in seconds:

Originally Posted by Longimanus
As for bioavailability:
Nasal mucosal versus gastrointestinal absorption of nasally administered cocaine.
Fattinger K, Benowitz NL, Jones RT, Verotta D.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2000 Jul;56(4):305-10.

OBJECTIVE: Several xenobiotics, including cocaine, are dosed by the nasal route for systemic effects. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare cocaine input into the systemic circulation after oral and nasal dosing, and to determine the relevance of local absorption through the nasal mucosa. METHODS: Cocaine was administered to healthy volunteers through the intravenous, oral, and nasal routes. Cocaine serum concentrations were measured at frequent intervals. From these data, the gastrointestinal, nasal, and nasal mucosa input rate functions were determined using nonparametric, subject-specific population deconvolution. RESULTS: After oral dosing, cocaine input into systemic circulation increased slowly and peaked around 45 min after ingestion. The median systemic bioavailability after oral dosing was 33 %. After nasal dosing, drug input was substantial even during the first minute and showed two peaks at 10 min and 45 min after ingestion. Since the second peak after nasal dosing closely resembled drug input after oral administration, we hypothesized that, after nasal administration, a part of the dose is swallowed and thereafter absorbed gastrointestinally. The data from the sessions with nasal cocaine administration were reanalyzed assuming the same shape for gastrointestinal drug input as after oral dosing. The fraction absorbed through the nasal mucosa was estimated to be 19 % (95 % CI: 11-26% ). The fraction absorbed through the nasal mucosa contributed 31 % (95 % CI: 23-37% ) of total systemic cocaine exposure. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that the main reason addicts prefer nasal to oral cocaine dosing is faster absorption, enhancing the subjective effects rather than higher bioavailability.

So it looks like that 2/3 of the nasal cocaine is absorbed through the GIT.

Out of Lidocaine, benzocaine and procaine, if your cocaine is cut with some kind of cane, which one of those three is most commonly used? Or are the three pretty equally used?

Correct me if I'm wrong. If you do a bleach test on your cocaine, if your cocaine is cut with lidocaine, benzocaine, or procaine, should have did leave a color Trace in the bleach? If so, do all three have a specific color for is it the same eye color? If it's a different color for each, what is the correct color for each one of those three canes? And if it's just one color, what color should I be looking for?

I just got a couple of grams of some flaky cocaine that pretty much resembles fish-scale, pearlescent shimmery look, flaky, and chops up nice in easily into a nice fluffy white powder.

My girlfriend told me that she was going to pick up 7 grams of some stuff that was supposed to be real decent good quality and ask me if I wanted a couple grams. Anyways, before buying she did a small test online the size of two large bumps. After leaving her supplier, she text me and said that the stuff was really good and numbing. She said that her now was nice and numb, and that her face was getting numb. After I got my couple of grams from her, I did a small line and noticed that the numbing sensation was very noticeable, my tongue teeth back of my throat and my nose we're all nice and numb. Even my cheeks were getting numb which for me, my cheeks hardly ever get numb. The numbing sensation wasn't stupid crazy intense but it was pretty strong. A lot more noticeable then what you would normally expect with really decent quality cocaine. Which led me to wonder if it could have been cut with lidocaine, benzocaine, or procaine so before I waste a bump doing a bleach test, I'd like to see if anybody has a definite answer based on a first-hand experience of what color or colors should I notice if there's any one of those three kings cut into it and not just and assumption answer based off of what someone heard through the grapevine. I've done the bleach test probably half a dozen times here in the past couple of months on some different stuff that I have gotten that was claimed to be lab tested with a purity 94 to 96% pure. And some stuff that was lab tested with a purity of around 88 to 92% pure. And then on some stuff I got that was good stuff but noticeably not as good as the lab tested stuff with all side effects being noticeably not as intense, the numbing sensation, the intensity of the Hide, the duration of the high etc... H bleach test faded with the bump of powder slowly swirling towards the bottom of the glass leaving they water down milky looking Trail. A slight oily residue on the surface but nothing left floating on top and no noticeable colors.

Just wondering, what color should I be looking for in the bleach if the cocaine is cut with another Cane, what exactly should I be looking for if it does leave a color? How will the color react, will it float on the top or sink to the bottom leaving a color Trace? What should I be looking for? Will the cane itself float on top? Sink to the bottom? Or was it just completely dissolve?
Crack usage

So I don't know if I'm doing this right but I was trying to see if anyone could give me some feedback. My fianc? and I smoke crack on the weekends together and for some reason we could do copious amounts of it that night and he and I seem to fall asleep on each other within a half hour of finishing our bags or sessions. We're not getting shitty stuff either. We were curious if we're the only people this happens to or are we just immune to it or what? I have severe ADD and ADHD so I assumed that had some sort of impact on how I can sleep so easily. Thank you for your help!
**Cocaine Mega Thread and FAQ**

Cocaine Mega Thread and FAQ by sixpartseven

This FAQ is going to cover the basic, most commonly asked questions on BL. More detailed information can be found in the threads linked below.

My dealer told me my coke is pure. Is it?

No. If you are in any country outside of South America, there is a 100% chance your cocaine is not going to be pure. Even if you are in South America, unless you are extracting the cocaine yourself, there is still a very high chance that your cocaine is not pure either. Coke is cut even before it leaves the country in which it was produced. Once it makes it to it's destination country, you can pretty much assume with great certainty that it is cut every time it gets in the hands of each dealer or distributor in line before it gets to your dealer. Once it gets to him, he will most likely cut it one last time before he sells it to you. Average purity of cocaine in quantities under 10 grams was 62%. Even if you did wind up with cocaine that pure, you are one the lucky ones.

If my coke is not pure, what is in it?

This is probably the most commonly asked question. The problem with this is, no one is going to be able to tell you. The only way to find out is to have some sort of test ran on it. Whether it be with a GC/MS, some Marquis or Reagent testing, I have no idea, but the fact is, we will not be able to tell you from 1,000 miles away over the internet.

However, there are a couple cuts that have been showing up more frequently, and those are amphetamines. The best way to know if you have amphetamines is to pay attention to how the cocaine is affecting you. Cocaine is not the energetic, bouncing off the walls drug that everyone tends to make it out to be. If you are over-energetic, cannot sit still, have feelings of isolation or wanting to be left alone, excessive talking, or you have the shakes, those are all signs of amphetamines.

If those effects are from amphetamines, what is good coke supposed to feel like?

As Erowid.org describes it:

The effects of coke are more relaxing than people assume. It's a mild energy that it provides. Good coke will not make you feel an urge to get up and move around all night. You will feel perfectly content with lying in bed watching a movie, or sitting around talking with a group of friends. It causes euphoria, and puts you in a good state of mind. It does not make you want to be alone and does not make you talk incessantly without finishing one coherent sentence. It provides clarity, so it should actually be a lot easier to convey your thoughts with words.

Do not be fooled by the amphetamine ridden garbage circulating all over the world now. If you like that kind of thing, go ahead and get it, but you're not doing real cocaine when you are doing it. You're doing amphetamines.

How much coke do I need for a fun night?

It depends. Are you doing it alone? If not, how many people are you doing it with? How experienced with cocaine are you and your friends?

There are many variables that make this question almost impossible to answer. The best advice anyone would be able to give you is to just spend as much money as you are willing to spend, and if it turns out you bought more than you need, just save it for another time. There is never anything wrong with buying too much, but it would really suck if you bought too little.

As an estimate, for non tolerant users of cocaine, get about a half gram of cocaine per person.

How much cocaine should I do?

If you're asking this question, it's obvious you are inexperienced with cocaine. For someone new to the drug, it's suggested to take a normal sized match stick, cut it in half, and do a line of cocaine that is the same size as that matchstick.

To be honest, it's going to be very hard to OD off one line of cocaine. As long as you aren’t doing a line that’s 5 inches long, you'll be fine. You could get away with doing a line up 1.5 or 2 inches long (skinny line, not fat) for your first time and be perfectly OK, but it's always best to start small, that’s why you should go with the matchstick idea.

One thing to remember with any drug is “you can always do more, but you can never do less.”

What are good drugs to mix with cocaine?

The answer to this question is highly subjective. It depends on what you like. A few things that are commonly take along side cocaine are benzodiazepines, marijuana, and opiates. Remember, when mixing cocaine with any drug, always do a little bit less than you would normally do of each drug. Also, make sure you are experienced with both drugs on their own before mixing them.

The easier question to answer is what NOT to mix with cocaine. There are two obvious answers. One, MDMA. Two, alcohol. Mixing cocaine with MDMA will totally negate the effects of the MDMA. Some people report that cocaine on the comedown of an MDMA high is good. At this point in the high, the desired effects of MDMA have worn off, so there is no longer any worry of negating the effects. The problem is, you won’t feel the typical euphoria from the cocaine. It will give you energy and positive mood lift, but the euphoria is greatly diminished.

Mixing alcohol with cocaine is dangerous because of the chemical cocaethylene. It's a chemical that is highly toxic to the liver. Despite this, drinking alcohol while consuming cocaine is a very popular practice amongst cocaine users, mostly due to them being uninformed of the dangers.

I'm all out of coke and I feel like shit, I can’t sleep, and I have to be at work in 5 hours. What do I do?

The comedown: everyone’s least favorite part of using cocaine. The good thing is, it's easy to deal with. A good tip for anyone using cocaine who knows they won’t be able to sleep at the end of the night is to make sure you have some sort of depressant drug on hand BEFORE doing the coke. The mad dash to find such drugs at 4am always ends up unsuccessful so make sure you have them before you start blowing lines.

Typical drugs used for the comedown are opiates and benzodiazepines. Good opiates to use include Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, and even Heroin. Good benzos to use would be Alprazolam, Diazepam, Clonazepam, or even Triazolam. There are many others of both opiates and benzos. These are just examples. If you have a favorite opiate or benzo, you can just use that instead.

Marijuana can be a decent choice, but it can also be a really bad choice. It's common for inexperienced users to really freak out from smoking pot while on coke. So, if you're going to use pot, be sure you'll be able to handle it.
I got some yay Las night, and it was a bit waxy. It was hard to chop it up. It was pretty good, but maybe there was something I could have done to make it better.? Any ideas.?
I've never smoked crack before so I could help you with that. I've got classic ADHD and it does not affect me whatsoever when I do cocaine
It was not crack, it was just a bit sticky & waxy. It stuck to my razor and credit card a bit when I tried to chop it up. I loked around some other places to see if anyone else had this problem, and found out I could of used a hot plate, and a lamp to dry it out. In case this happens again.
Banging Coke questions

I've been banging my 8mg Dilaudid (half pill at a time) for a li'l while now. I'm disabled due to spinal issues & found this the best way to manage my pain with the li'l bit I get due to the CDC crackdown on Opiates. This site (BL) helped me learn how to properly & safely IV my dilaudid. Looking for the same kind of help with IV'g coke. Haven't messed with coke in a long time but my past is quite colorful with it. Found a good source & got 3.5g about a week ago. Went through all of it through the sinus ROA. It was good coke; fish scaly, petrol smell, chopping up chunks were soft & not pieces pinging everywhere. It was a relaxed coke high not cut with amphetamines; just spent a lot of time on my laptop (FB) which I don't normally do. Teeth/gums numb & back of throat but not entire face. However, my sinuses took a major hit! Used saline nasal spray, NeliMed device & neosporin on an ear swab B4 bed. I use a CPAP so sleep was good. But being out now for like a day or two I've been blowing my nose with a LOT of blood, chuncks of clotted blood snot, really gross shit. I thought that since this is good coke maybe I could bang it & save my very sensitive sinuses. This is something I've never done & looking for some good 'ole BL help from you guys. I read this entire Megathread & no luck finding what I want. Please respond with a safe & proper (HR) way to do this. Already have the supplies from banging my Dilaudid. Along with the "how-to" I'd also like to know what to expect. I read some posts talking of a bellringer but would appreciate an elaborate explanation. Thanks in advance for your help.
I've been banging my 8mg Dilaudid (half pill at a time) for a li'l while now. I'm disabled due to spinal issues & found this the best way to manage my pain with the li'l bit I get due to the CDC crackdown on Opiates. This site (BL) helped me learn how to properly & safely IV my dilaudid. Looking for the same kind of help with IV'g coke. Haven't messed with coke in a long time but my past is quite colorful with it. Found a good source & got 3.5g about a week ago. Went through all of it through the sinus ROA. It was good coke; fish scaly, petrol smell, chopping up chunks were soft & not pieces pinging everywhere. It was a relaxed coke high not cut with amphetamines; just spent a lot of time on my laptop (FB) which I don't normally do. Teeth/gums numb & back of throat but not entire face. However, my sinuses took a major hit! Used saline nasal spray, NeliMed device & neosporin on an ear swab B4 bed. I use a CPAP so sleep was good. But being out now for like a day or two I've been blowing my nose with a LOT of blood, chuncks of clotted blood snot, really gross shit. I thought that since this is good coke maybe I could bang it & save my very sensitive sinuses. This is something I've never done & looking for some good 'ole BL help from you guys. I read this entire Megathread & no luck finding what I want. Please respond with a safe & proper (HR) way to do this. Already have the supplies from banging my Dilaudid. Along with the "how-to" I'd also like to know what to expect. I read some posts talking of a bellringer but would appreciate an elaborate explanation. Thanks in advance for your help.

Hi texUSA
read your post and here to help/offer advice where possible :)
just want to say before anybody states it's not right giving advice on how to do such things it's clear that this person knows what he/she wants to do and also appears to know what they are doing if already injecting drugs, I think it's more safe to offer some advice and help from own experiences and knowledge rather than leave them to figure it out and possibly go wrong!

so I will say if you have never done this it's always best not to as people say and it's true for my self once you do coke this way it's rare that you will ever use it any other way again! I get you don't want the sinus problems but that's a little inconvenience to suffer from possible OD which can easily happen with this ROA. Question why not try smoking first? Safer in sense of less chance to OD and also less hassle in finding equipment as such.

If injecting is what you really want then equipment needed - water for injection/ 0.9% saline for injection is best thing after that boiled water (not bottled as can contain lots of unwanted things been naturally sourced) clean needles, mixing dish/spoon and most importantly SCALES! Please do not be a hero and try to eye up an amount this is life and death here seriously if your spending ??? or in your case $$$ spent $20 on some scales!

now it's not safe me telling you what amount to start with we are different people different levels of tolerance and cocaine purity can vairy so I won't state how much I use but start small when I say small 40/50mg thats 0.04/0.05 now this may be very small and not do anything or feel any effect but this is safety and harm reduction if comfortable at that level slowly increase the amount each time till desired effect. You will see people may push 120/150mg but this is insane to start here as this may scare the shit out of you and may push you over the edge.

E.g start with 40/50mg and draw up 2units of water/saline (cold/room temp) you do not need a lot of water unlike heroine or other drugs I dissolve way more than 40mg in 2units of water. put coke into spoon or dish and put water onto it it should dissolve nealy straight away into completely clear liquid may need a little stering around. Now if things not dissolved this is where u need to filter but I can't help you here I have never had to filter so can't explain that process I apologise. If all clear draw back up into syringe and should now hav more than 2 units in with the coke been added into the water and then I'm guessing you know what to do from there. What I will say make sure you hit a vein as if not can lead to ulsars and painful tissue. P.s read advice at bottom before injecting!

This is the term used when you literally here bells in your ears because the rush has hit you so fast and hard the blood pressure builds up and sounds like a freight train in your head. Is it gud? This is what people look for but it's also scary as you know you are on the edge of ODing. I always say as long as u feel and here the train rush by you and not hit you your all good but be warned it's scary but addictive!!

when you shoot make make sure your sat down inject quickly 1/2 seconds pushing it in, and remove needle asap. Shooting can make you feel sick or want to be sick can make you unsteady once it starts to hit. You will possibly first notice a metallic taste in your mouth/breath then your heart increasing then boom! The tinnisis starts if a good shot, if it's a big shot this turns into ringing (bellringers) your eye sight goes tunnel vision breathing becomes heavy. This lasts for 1 min or so then settles down to an intense hugh for 15/20 mins or so. It always best to have someone there if things go wrong but if they do there isn't much hope, plus this isn't a sociable drug when injecting iv found I'm always alone and want to be alone when using via IV. also this is very addictive you will use all your coke that way that night and not stop until it's all gone. Make sure you have things close by so bowl if going to be sick as don't try and walk if it's hit you hard your legs will be jelly this can cause further dangours of falling. Can make you very paranoid if on a heavy session of injecting cocaine. And last thing..... enjoy it's one hell of a ride my friend when you find how much you inject its unbelievable how intense and amazing it is but please be carful. If you would like anything else or help il try my best hope this has helped some what :)
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Hi texUSA
read your post and here to help/offer advice where possible :)
just want to say before anybody states it's not right giving advice on how to do such things it's clear that this person knows what he/she wants to do and also appears to know what they are doing if already injecting drugs, I think it's more safe to offer some advice and help from own experiences and knowledge rather than leave them to figure it out and possibly go wrong!

so I will say if you have never done this it's always best not to as people say and it's true for my self once you do coke this way it's rare that you will ever use it any other way again! I get you don't want the sinus problems but that's a little inconvenience to suffer from possible OD which can easily happen with this ROA. Question why not try smoking first? Safer in sense of less chance to OD and also less hassle in finding equipment as such.

If injecting is what you really want then equipment needed - water for injection/ 0.9% saline for injection is best thing after that boiled water (not bottled as can contain lots of unwanted things been naturally sourced) clean needles, mixing dish/spoon and most importantly SCALES! Please do not be a hero and try to eye up an amount this is life and death here seriously if your spending ??? or in your case $$$ spent $20 on some scales!

now it's not safe me telling you what amount to start with we are different people different levels of tolerance and cocaine purity can vairy so I won't state how much I use but start small when I say small 40/50mg thats 0.04/0.05 now this may be very small and not do anything or feel any effect but this is safety and harm reduction if comfortable at that level slowly increase the amount each time till desired effect. You will see people may push 120/150mg but this is insane to start here as this may scare the shit out of you and may push you over the edge.

E.g start with 40/50mg and draw up 2units of water/saline (cold/room temp) you do not need a lot of water unlike heroine or other drugs I dissolve way more than 40mg in 2units of water. put coke into spoon or dish and put water onto it it should dissolve nealy straight away into completely clear liquid may need a little stering around. Now if things not dissolved this is where u need to filter but I can't help you here I have never had to filter so can't explain that process I apologise. If all clear draw back up into syringe and should now hav more than 2 units in with the coke been added into the water and then I'm guessing you know what to do from there. What I will say make sure you hit a vein as if not can lead to ulsars and painful tissue. P.s read advice at bottom before injecting!

This is the term used when you literally here bells in your ears because the rush has hit you so fast and hard the blood pressure builds up and sounds like a freight train in your head. Is it gud? This is what people look for but it's also scary as you know you are on the edge of ODing. I always say as long as u feel and here the train rush by you and not hit you your all good but be warned it's scary but addictive!!

when you shoot make make sure your sat down inject quickly 1/2 seconds pushing it in, and remove needle asap. Shooting can make you feel sick or want to be sick can make you unsteady once it starts to hit. You will possibly first notice a metallic taste in your mouth/breath then your heart increasing then boom! The tinnisis starts if a good shot, if it's a big shot this turns into ringing (bellringers) your eye sight goes tunnel vision breathing becomes heavy. This lasts for 1 min or so then settles down to an intense hugh for 15/20 mins or so. It always best to have someone there if things go wrong but if they do there isn't much hope, plus this isn't a sociable drug when injecting iv found I'm always alone and want to be alone when using via IV. also this is very addictive you will use all your coke that way that night and not stop until it's all gone. Make sure you have things close by so bowl if going to be sick as don't try and walk if it's hit you hard your legs will be jelly this can cause further dangours of falling. Can make you very paranoid if on a heavy session of injecting cocaine. And last thing..... enjoy it's one hell of a ride my friend when you find how much you inject its unbelievable how intense and amazing it is but please be carful. If you would like anything else or help il try my best hope this has helped some what :)
Hi victornc. Thank you so very much for your well written, well meaningful & thoughtful reply. Like I said; I have a colorful past (mid 80's) with various types of "things" (dealing & using; I was my own worst enemy) & thought I had an extensive vernacular. But, reading your reply I realized just how wrong I was. It was well written but clear enough to scare the crap out of me. Yes, I've been banging my Dilaudid but that's something I know what's in it. I never know exactly what I'm getting with Coke. You helped me realize what a novice I am & that my thoughts were mis-guided & dangerous! I never once banged any street drug & don't wanna start now. As much of an inconvenience it is I'll stick with the nasal ROA w/some teeth/gum rubbing too. Will just continue my sinus regimen of care hoping for a less intense experience than the last time. Like tonight, hasn't been as bad as last night. Tried a few different types of intake & has been decent. And lastly, I live alone & would be idiotic to try something like that by myself. TY again.
Plugging c0ke is probably the best(safer) roa I?ve tried. It?s almost like a mild dose of hqE. Your investment lasts waaay longer and the comedown isn?t as crappy. I don?t get that nasty squirrely feeling. And I?ve literally tried every method numerous times... it is a way overpriced overrated experience, plugging or walrusballs are the only rec uses I really enjoy it in. Micro dosing is a great tool if you?ve got to pull a60+ hour work week tho...
Also if you are banging it, if you don?t puke within the first two minutes, the prod is whack AF and you may want to contemplate what else is really in it and plug it instead....
Also if you are banging it, if you don?t puke within the first two minutes, the prod is whack AF and you may want to contemplate what else is really in it and plug it instead....

This statement is completely false. My drugs make you throw up quickly via IV ROA (meth, coke, heroin, mdma, I could go on...). While I normally didn't puke or dry heav from any IV drug except coke (SOMETIMES high dose meth), it is certainly NOT an indicator to determine how pure your drugs are.
Hi victornc. Thank you so very much for your well written, well meaningful & thoughtful reply. Like I said; I have a colorful past (mid 80's) with various types of "things" (dealing & using; I was my own worst enemy) & thought I had an extensive vernacular. But, reading your reply I realized just how wrong I was. It was well written but clear enough to scare the crap out of me. Yes, I've been banging my Dilaudid but that's something I know what's in it. I never know exactly what I'm getting with Coke. You helped me realize what a novice I am & that my thoughts were mis-guided & dangerous! I never once banged any street drug & don't wanna start now. As much of an inconvenience it is I'll stick with the nasal ROA w/some teeth/gum rubbing too. Will just continue my sinus regimen of care hoping for a less intense experience than the last time. Like tonight, hasn't been as bad as last night. Tried a few different types of intake & has been decent. And lastly, I live alone & would be idiotic to try something like that by myself. TY again.

Hi texUSA
In a way I am pleased you have came to this decision my friend :) and pleased to have helped with my first ever post on here just for you haha. I apologise about spelling/lack of English I'm hopeless and dyslectic but I try haha. As I say it really can be scary and frightening but also a wonderful rush. It is completely a different drug when IV and not snorted they are incompatible they really are. My advice is true from my own experiences although admit to being a hypocrite as I never really had people there and have done it before with out weighing out the coke and just chucking it in the spoon, but would never endorse this same as never endorse IVing it but will always try to offer advice if I can because that's better than saying 'don't do it you junkie' that helps nobody in my eyes. Least my advice and help has actually helped your decision to not do it is a perfect example of this. I am lucky as as have this under control and my use has gotten way less over this year it use to be once a month but iv only used 4 times this year so it can be controlled easily but still once I start a session there's no stopping till all the coke has gone ano I know I'm planning this again very soon and I'm already butterfly's and tightening of the stomach thinking of the effects it's that powerful. Anyways hope the nose gets better maybe try saline washes in between every few lines? Maybe that might help but not sure I never had much issue with nose only when coke was wearing off hadnsore nose for a hour or so that was it. Have a good day sir :)
This statement is completely false. My drugs make you throw up quickly via IV ROA (meth, coke, heroin, mdma, I could go on...). While I normally didn't puke or dry heav from any IV drug except coke (SOMETIMES high dose meth), it is certainly NOT an indicator to determine how pure your drugs are.

Totally agree!! I have never puked off coke altho felt like I wanted to many a time but never actually been sick. It's strange can be quite an enjoyable feeling sometimes.
So how many lines do you guys typically get out of half a gram?

A very close friend of mine who is also my supplier, over a 7-hour long night out at the Club, she told me she did 11 lines which was half a gram which she was a bit embarrassed because she very rarely does that much at one time.

I've never really thought to count how many lines I get out of half a gram or even a full gram. My friend always tells me that she does small skinny lines so her stuff will last longer and also so her sinuses won't give her trouble but yeah she was a bit embarrassed to tell me she did 11 skinny lines over a 7-hour night. She said if her two friends that she sold three grams each two weren't we as much as they were doing, she wouldn't have done the amount she did.

It's been probably three or more years since the last time I went through half a gram over a long night.

My lines are 2 and 1/2 inches long which is the length of the razor blade. Pretty skinny at both ends and then it gets a little thicker in the middle. I wouldn't say that my lines are skinny and I would definitely not say there fat. I always consider them on the lighter side of a medium-sized line if a two and a half inch line can be considered medium compared to the length of a credit card. I just I got 3 grams from my friend yesterday. I guess I should have kept track of how many lines I get out of that half a gram over the next week and a half, two weeks or so for a better comparison before posting this. Oh well

One more question, when I first started dabbling with cocaine in my early twenties, I quickly came to the conclusion that a regular size Stanley box cutter blade a, 2 and 1/2 inches in length works a thousand times better when chopping your line in a powder compared to a credit card. I know a lot of people use credit cards and make their lines as long as the credit card. I try to never use a credit card if I don't have to. So pretty much my lines have always been 2 and 1/2 inches long. I'm not sure if that would be considered a short line or a pretty average, or if using a credit card is more of the standard. I just prefer the blade because they chops the lump or the flakes into a really nice fine powder.

I'm assuming that 11 small skinny lines ( which she said it came out to half a gram) over a 7 hour night would be considered more of a lighter usage compared to if she did the 11 lines in a four or five hour period.
Hey victornc, in your 1st reply you mentioned 2 units of water. How much is 2 units. The syringes I have are 1ml. And I admit (like you did) that I caved & tried it the night we 1st chatted. I used a very small amount; like the amount I would lay out for 1 line. Didn't get a huge rush or bells but could tell I did it. It was rather mild but that's good. I may've unknowingly done way more if I hadn't read your reply. Anyway, I'm out of C right now buy might recoup soon. Just curious about the question of what is 2 units? Thanks.
Hey victornc, in your 1st reply you mentioned 2 units of water. How much is 2 units. The syringes I have are 1ml. And I admit (like you did) that I caved & tried it the night we 1st chatted. I used a very small amount; like the amount I would lay out for 1 line. Didn't get a huge rush or bells but could tell I did it. It was rather mild but that's good. I may've unknowingly done way more if I hadn't read your reply. Anyway, I'm out of C right now buy might recoup soon. Just curious about the question of what is 2 units? Thanks.

On an average 1ml syringe you will notice numbers rising up to the top from 0-100. Those are the units. There are 100units per
2 units would be to the very first line that is marked on the syringe, so its 2/100ml. That amount of water won't dissolve anything. He probably meant 20 units. which is just about 1/5 of the way up the barrel. Most of the needles I have seen have the units marked in increments of 10.
I STRONGLY encourage you to read up on IV usage and safety if your are going to do this. You dont sound all to knowledgeable on the subject and that is important if you are insistent on using this ROA. ESPECIALLY with coke.
This drug is not for the unseasoned user when IV'd. Be careful.