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RCs Clonazolam (Clonitrazolam)

Diclazepam is definitively the most hypnotic but it is also good at working in the backround allowing one to be functional for work.
Thanks for the input,

My current doctor will prescribe me Diazepam, which is probably the best to taper with. The thing is though, I'm not sure if I want to be tapering off benzos while going through my schoolwork. I'm studying environmental engineering, already stressful as hell, I can't imagine a long brutal benzo taper on top of that.

So, I'm stuck on benzos, but as long as I take the same dose every night I should be fine. I take .25-.5mg Clonazolam per night, and I basically have to choose if I want to be dependent on Clonazolam, Etizolam, or Diazepam.

And right now Clonazolam is seeming like the best option. Best subjective effects IMO. Of course, it's been a while since I had good ol Diazepam or Clonazepam, so it's hard to gauge.

Strange, as I pile up my valium rx, and dont really get the chance to pile up the xanax one (I'm given them weekly, so 7 1mg pills...too easy to be like,oh fuck it).
I say strange because of days relying on flubromazolam less and less (now it's all gone, forever:! (except from other crappier sources, those 1mg pink capsules I will remember my whole life, I put the sticker in my sticker collection (yeah I got a book of stickers, ya know when you buy cd's, vinyls, shirts from bands they often throw in free stickers and other stuff, even have Adio (the skate shoes company Tony Hawk had for a while they're gone now, but they were hands down the best shoes i ever had, not just for skating, biking, walking during winter in Canada...lasted me 3 years which was worth the 200+ something that made my mom quiver). As I eliminated flubromazolam, and take clonazolam less and less, I will be having one large order but after that it will be probably be it, taking about 1.5mg twice a day. But yesterday I found myself to feel really on the edge for some reason, not wanting to waste clonazolam, I had 30mg valium.

BAM, I can't believe how good old valium keeps its punch after you stop taking it even if replaced by another benzo. I was watching a tv show with a friend and thankfully that friend lives in the apartment on top of mine.I fell asleep and the muscle relaxing qualities that really no other benzo (other than bromazepam/flubromazepam also have, but the latter takes so damn long to kick in, and with my tolerance I need 3 of the 8mg pills at least).

Triazolos are nothing like pam benzos, I prefer pam benzos in fact, would go like this, pam>lam>pate>zam. I'll leave you to guess what the 2 last ones are, they're one of a kind for sure. Yes triazolos are very euphoric in general, but I prefer the calm and placidity that things like valium, lectopam (bromazepam), clonazepam and temazepam (to make a short list) bring to me, plus temazepam has an even better out of this world euphoria, which I would only explain as alchohol+... a bit when I was scripted 15 Placidyls a year for 2 years for pre-university exams made worse natural insomnia, by the exam itself, if it was at 8 or 10 am or even noon, I could be in trouble, what with what got me to want benzos for sleep after I saw how efficacious it was for such when I first got a clonazepam script for HPPD (which doesnt demand much for most people, its really crazy how quick say the static in a blue sky disappears after a week or 2 on 0.5mg twice a day).

Clonazolam feels like clonazepam which less of the "tired" factor in it, it mixes very great with Xanax, which I find more and more useless and am thinking of having it switched to Bromazepam 6mg once a day instead, I'll the psychiatrist, "look, I don't even want the 2mg xanax, surprising aren't I ? not asking for a raise, I'm asking for something that's feeling is not gone after I have a can of pepsi, which I cracked open to swallow the xanax pill, didn't explain to him, but when Xanax did hit me hard, it did so even more when I had some kind of softdrink and not a very full stomach, the softdrink would make it dissolve faster I guess.

I can't wait to have the BS way of getting my last batch of clonazolam 0.5mg yellow caps ever done, its a pain not to be able to just use your credit card (prepaid of course, you'd have to be a clown to buy with a card to your name something customs if they decide to open the package, will seize, they only did it to me once with benzos, but I know their position, "get some from your doctor, this stuff is controlled, not in a way that makes us want to arrest you in fact if you have the creds we'll give it to you after some bullshit bureaucrat interaction I imagine. Thats why, I think, Canadian vendors only deal with etizolam saying with a long explanation that it's not a benzo.

Shortly, clonazolam works well, it does take a long time for it to lose its punch,it lasts kinda long for a triazolo, nowhere as long as flubromazolam, but more practical than flubromazolam, f-lam is really for sleep, or if someone saw my thread in NeuroPharmacoScience forum, one hell of a hypnotic, I fell asleep in a number of crazy ways, but the weirdest was actually going to bed from my office, not difficult, the door is straight in front of a narrow hall, I would wake up sitting again in my desktop chair, not that I did anything on the computer, the chair was even turned the other way facing the door. Funny how the 0.25mg tablets never did anything so strong to me, they did feel dirty too, like the chemist who made it sucked (kinda like if i had all the equipment and tried to make it myself :)
Can't judge the 0.75mg and 1.25mg flubros, but I'm glad clonazolam sellers stick to a 0.5mg dose, its ideal, especially at first. And one last comment, it really does have the "neurologic medication" effect I associate to clonazepam too, it must play with the temporal lobes strongly too, which is why clonazolam is used up to 20 damn milligrams for temporal lobe seizures and also nerve pain.
So, despite having read quite a bit about the downsides of taking benzos for extended time periods I tricked myself into thinking that a steady dose of clonazolam would make my summer more enjoyable. I guess it did somewhat, but the decision to take it daily was of course not up there among the wisest decisions I've taken.

Anyway, I've been on it for 2 months in total now. During the first month I took around 3 mg per day and from there, through the second month, I've been tapering gradually. I'm now at 0,375 mg per day, ready to go down to 0,25 mg tomorrow. The way I take it is one dose every 12th hour, so my current dosage is 0,25 in the morning and then 0,125 in the evening.

The reason I'm writing all this is that I'm planning to switch to diazepam before I take the last dose and I would be grateful for any advice on this. One issue here is finding the proper dose equivalence. People seem to be in agreement that clonazolam is significantly more potent than clonazepam, some claiming it's twice and others three or even more times potent. That should put 0,25 mg in the range of 10-20+ mg of diazepam.

My current plan is to first get the 0,25 mg dose steady for at least 2-3 days and then start at 15 mg diazepam per day (10 + 5) and go from there. Does that sound reasonable? Does anyone have experience with switching from clonazolam to diazepam?
So, despite having read quite a bit about the downsides of taking benzos for extended time periods I tricked myself into thinking that a steady dose of clonazolam would make my summer more enjoyable. I guess it did somewhat, but the decision to take it daily was of course not up there among the wisest decisions I've taken.

Sorry to hear about your predicament. My advice is get out now while you still can man, I've been on them for several years and I can assure you that it doesn't get any better. :p

Anyway, I've been on it for 2 months in total now. During the first month I took around 3 mg per day and from there, through the second month, I've been tapering gradually. I'm now at 0,375 mg per day, ready to go down to 0,25 mg tomorrow. The way I take it is one dose every 12th hour, so my current dosage is 0,25 in the morning and then 0,125 in the evening.

The reason I'm writing all this is that I'm planning to switch to diazepam before I take the last dose and I would be grateful for any advice on this. One issue here is finding the proper dose equivalence. People seem to be in agreement that clonazolam is significantly more potent than clonazepam, some claiming it's twice and others three or even more times potent. That should put 0,25 mg in the range of 10-20+ mg of diazepam.

My current plan is to first get the 0,25 mg dose steady for at least 2-3 days and then start at 15 mg diazepam per day (10 + 5) and go from there. Does that sound reasonable? Does anyone have experience with switching from clonazolam to diazepam?

That sounds reasonable. In my experience, a single .5mg pellet of Clonazolam is about as strong as 15mg Diazepam. YMMV though. It's better to err on the side of caution with these things.
Depends on what you're tapering from

Are you tapering from Xanax/Etizolam?

Than i would taper with Diazepam or Clonazepam

Are you tapering from Clonazepam/Lorazepam/Bromazepam / other long half life benzos

Then i would taper with Chlordiazepoxide (Librium)

Ive been around the block a few times with the tapering of benzos and have found that Librium is the most effective IMO.

A very small dosage of librium, while it may not get you high, will starve off widthdrawals and is handy to have around.

And most doctors , are willing to prescribe it.

and some useless info: Librium/Chorodiazepoxide was the first benzodiazepine ever discovered!
"Chlordiazepoxide was the first benzodiazepine to be synthesized and the discovery of chlordiazepoxide was by pure chance"

Depending on what the person is addicted to, if you follow proper procedure, theymight have to take 25mgx5 or 6 even if they choose the Librium way out for the first week, I think that's what my psychiatrist said when we got rid of my 2mg clonazepam x 2 a day addiction, I chose the Valium part because nofuckingbody has valium but me :D I've traded .5mg clonazepam for 25mg Libriums, used for a friend who was tapering alcohol and at the time i had a small habit, 1mg clonaz a day taken into 2 doses, with Topamax on top which made me stop feeling the need to do drugs for the sake of it (that AMPA activity...I got tons of jars of never taken Topamax...I should put them to use someday, I doubt even if they are mostly from 2012 it'll change a thing).

But yeah Librium at 75mg is cozy so even if weaker a bit than your dose of what you wanna get off of, I remember when i was on just 1mg of clonaz a day, Librium was so fucking cozy, 3x25mg and I slept away 2 days and had some of the best sleep in my life, of course most people do not get to have the 25mg ones, for alcohol withdrawal, but he kept shaking until he had 50mg weened away with the 10 and 5mg capsules. It's dosage is also perfect like valium for tapering, except with valium, when I decide to taper a bit again (@ 20mg a day) I'll be able to go down by 1mg at once at my own rhythm more or less, we'll try to follow the Ashton table as much as possible unless i feel like I can go faster. Although 5mg librium is pretty much 1mg valium.
Don't. Just don't. If you have to take an RC benzo etizolam is definitely your safest bet. That's just my experience. I had the exact same thoughts that you're having, about dosing less frequently and such. Clonozolam is a lot more euphoric then Etizolam.

It's become an issue for me, but that is just my experience with it. I have been told by several that Diclazepam would be the best RC if you want something with a longer half-life. I would like to find some so I can taper good and proper. Anything with Pam is good. I'm going to ask my doctor about switching me from Xanax to Klonopin.

Oblivion has a lot of useful knowledge, but damn man you don't need to be so blunt about it. I didn't buy the drugs because I'm "hardcore".

Hehe, I didn't think that either. And you're right diclazepam gives me the kind of sleep only diazepam can or could, it seems ideal to get off the hard stuff which is why I ordered a hunded 2mg pills because I'll never again be able to obtain flub-lam, at least, not in the fom I had it, the chemist making them is a genius if he's got just a small lab, compared with 0.25mg wine coloured pills...no way, even eatin 2mg of these would not bring me anywhere close to half of those pink caps which are gone forever :/
Looking for some help here. Alright, I ordered clonazoLam 50mg in in a 10 ml pg solution. so .1ml pg = .5mg clonazolam. I take 3 mg of clonazePam a day (been on that for a year). I went though the clonazolam in a bout a week and a half. i was taking .7ml every dose. so about 3.5mg of clonazoLam a day and my tolerance has skyrocketed (btw never blacked out once). I also ordered 300mg of etizolam after i went though the clonazolam to taper off of it but realized i should have gotten diclazepam instead. To get my needed anti-anxiety effects i need to take about 10mg of etizolam plus my 3 mg of clonazepam. I want to come off benzo's completely (going to talk to my psych about it next appt.). But yesterday I didn't take any etiz or my prescribed clonazepam and felt fine but that might just be the clonazepam lasting up to 2 days. But i've never felt like i've withdrawn from benzos. What is your personal opinion on what i should do? Yes i know i was stupid but i really just want to get off these fuckers. Any info will do.

I blame these PG solutions, it's not normal to go through that much clonazolam, which already on another longer lasting non-triazolo benzo in the background. Unless since they are bastard children of clonazepam and triazolam, I don't see how.

I'm glad to see that, for once, someone finds etizolam rather meh. I also need doses people call crazy for it to work. It worked best after a whole night of teh secks with my ex gf while we would eat tons of Dexedrine to keep going. Then once I caught the bus for the long ride home (1h30) or so, thankfully a bus stop was right at the beginning of the street where I used to live. Anyway I got home and tongue dosed some powder etizolam, the only way I bother buying some when I actually do, and it would melt away all the post-stim anxiety, and we would go on marathons trying to push each other to the limit with the Dexies, so it meant I probably ate 125mg over the span of a couple days (got 10mg spansules and 5mg IR,stacking spansules and taking IR's when one was thinking they were over and done with it, a bit like my prescription said, take 2x10mg in the morning, take 2x5mg IR if needed at around 3 or 4 pm, it would depend on how much work i had, but I got sick of taking the stuff everyday even if it DID make me more efficient.

Sorry for the tangeant, but I get extremely pure (98,9%) pure etizolam powder and it was the first RC "benzo" i ever got, never found anything great to it when speaking of the doses pill taking the prescription pills with dosages of 1-2mg doing the job. I have a scale which is able to measure 0.01 easy but it hasan extra number but it keeps fluctuating with most substances, so I wouldn't use it to measure stuff other than downers.

Speaking of downers, my Etaqualone vendor stopped selling it, citing unclarities in the laws....I verified and Canada only bans Metaqualon and salts thereof and no others, weird. I loved etaqualone compared to most people, since it came in freebase, it was best to eat a small baseline amount like 200mg and the smoke it like crack, that complete body euphoria where ALL my muscles felt like they were being massaged by tiny angels...of course, like crack, or anything smoked while freebase, the effects were short and sweet, speaking of 5 mins max. Just adding to my frustration to the fact my clonazolam order that is coming is my last...we'll see if Adinazolam escapes china, because i'm not ready yet..well maybe I will be after that large clonaz order,to start taking my rx's again and maybe have a taper going on, after I get away from the strong stuff with diclazepam.

It's a crutch yes, but people don't understand I can just not take them like they did when their doctor scripted some bullshit antidepressant and if benzos are involved, it was to counter the SSRI/SNRI initial feelings of mania, thoughts of suicide and such. Like a friend who moved to MTL with me back then for college, was given paxil 10mg and 4x 0.25mg xanax. To stop me from going mad after a single 37.5mg Effexor XR (I'm def bipolar if SSRI's/SNRI's all cause me to go into mania), I had an angel that night, I went to my friend and started drinking and drinking (just beer) to make the feeling go away, which it didn't, I had pupils the size like if I had done a 10-strip of 'ciid, so his mom, whom I knew had them but never asked for them, noticed how I couldn't stop moving my legs and my eyes, asking me if i had shrooms or something like that, she's a cool lady haha, and she gave me 8 to 12 30mg Dalmanes, shes scripted those when her psychiatrist gave up and said here take these once a day it'll replace alcohol and save your body organs. I think I had all of them but 2, and that did put a dent into the mania, but not completely, such an amount of flurazepam s hould have knocked me the fuck out really fast, she offered to me the couch that turns into a bed in her and I fell asleep maybe 5 hours later, slept 10 or so, drove home, and then threw away the Effexors...I still can imagine the taste effexor would summon everytime i would produce saliva, and it was almost in the league of zopiclone, its got that metallic taste thing going on,theres no way I was going to take this shit. Paxil was easier, actually put me in a great mood at 10mg,but it didn't make me take care of things I needed to do, it made me happy with just going in the wrong direction, and when they raised it to 20mg, I still had the 4 0.25mg xanax a day but would go through the 120 jar so damn fast and it still wasnt doing much other than make it easy to be a dirtbag in my words to other people and feel zero anxiety about it, you know those things you think about someone but in the sake of politeness and not starting shit, you swallow your words, well it Paxil, inhibitions whats that? I'd even look at what could have been a Crips in the metro with a crooked smile (jacknife and metal-made knuckles my friend gave me when he knew I moved to Montreal). I stopped taking them after the day i threw all of ex gf's shit out the windows of our our third floor appartment, as I would not hit her, like she did, about 10 times, until the last time I felt small blurring of my vision and she was hitting me where she knew I had pain issues (tmj disorder + tmj neuralgia, which Paxil kinda dulled out. Thats why they push antidepressants so much, it dulls everything out there, and if you're not bipolar, I guess you'll enjoy having everything dulled out, when I hear about how my mom was on Cymbalta for fibro-like pain I was losing my shit, but couldnt stop her...apparently it worked, her doc had her go up to 90mg, which is not approved, and of course of all antidepressants that work with pain (some tricyclics are way better, Nortryptiline is surprising in its ability to put one to sleep and kill some nerve pain, she managed to ween herself out, skipping days, then taking 60, skip a day, 60, etc. then it was back to the 30mg pills and doing the same, her doctor found her smart for it. I don't know maybe.

I just realize I'm sleep-writing, I'll post as is, there's probably something related to the thread in there, sorry guys, i woke up because i was hungry and being very benzd...which is the last time in a while, I gotta be careful but what i got left until I got my last pack of clonaz caps.
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If nothing was stopping me, nothing will definitely stop any of you. So I won't lecture. All I'll say is in 32 years, this is the first thing I've ever underestimated. Including a way overdosed first trip. I barely feel Klonopins, I cant take enough ativan to feel em. I only take 3 eti because 4 seems too much. But at least I can feel it. This shit. I don't know. The difference could have been me licking the syringe after my .3mg dose. I've got a lot of shit to make up for now. I know everyone is different, but I underestimated this. I plan on trying again, when no one is home in lower doses? I dunno. It's crazy as fuck.
Then don't go and buy flubromazolam sold in doses larger than 0.25mg...there were 1mg pink capsules at a time far away (2 weeks away you still could get some, somewhere), makes clonazolam candy.
Deleted message due to abuse from form members. Thanks for the welcome, guys.
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Congratulations, you've done the dumbest thing I read on bluelight, in recent history.

This seems like an invented story just to add to the scare factor.

If real, what were you THINKING? This is so unreal ridiculous, both the dosage and the story. You intentionally had 62.50mg of clonazolam then warn the kids. Congratulations again, you're winner.

Also, >250mg of alprazolam.

You deserve whatever happens to you.
Hi guys, newbie here--I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this type of discussion. I have a very important message, and only had time to skim the rules. If it is in the wrong forumn, please, moderator, kindly move it to the correct one. I have been a long time reader of posts and information on your site--since about 2006, but just now worked up the guts to post this story--heck I have crippling anxiety even talking to strangers on the internet. Anyways, It involves the research chemical clonazolam, and my story of compulsively taking over 120 pills (0.5 mg) in one day. I received the capsules from a reputable vendor which I shall not name, and there were roughly 125 total pills. I received them at around 3:00 on a Monday. By Tuesday evening, I was completely out--a total of over 60mg clonazolam. That would be like taking at least 180 mg clonazepam which sounds suicidal (even though that was not at all my intent). I started small, as I have heard that 0.5mg clonazolam equals anywhere from 1.5 to 3mg clonazepam or 2-4 mg alprozalom. I can certainly attest to those potency equivalencies. I took one pill, set a timer and kept a diary. 45 minutes later, I took another .5mg, and 15 minutes later I took another .5mg raising my total to 1.5mg. Due to the drowsiness, I quickly drank a couple coups of coffee. I then popped a few (3-4) pills at at time raising my total to around 3.0-3.5mg. This is when things get hazy. When I "came to" from my blackout, I luckily received no injuries, but my car had some new damage on it when I went to the garage as well as holes in the drywall from pulling in too close (depth perception altered) I had NO intentions of driving under the influence--to the point that I locked my car keys in a double locked safe and disconnected and removed the car battery. That apparently didn't stop me. Fortunately, I was not involved in any accident, because I wouldn't be able to live with myself if my stupor state caused harm to another. The damage on the car was not bad--just a couple dings. Not sure what I hit but it wasn't hard thank goodness. I clearly wasn't pulled over--A DUI would not look good as I am applying for careers using my CS bachelor's degree. Anyways the point of this story is that for me, tolerance rises rapidly to the effects of benzos. There have been times when I have taken 250 mg alprazolam, I kid you not, in one night and woke up with bruises all over my body. It's like I try to moderate it, but then that compulsion kicks in and I lose myself. I assure you that the dosages I have taken are in fact accurate. I'd like to find someone else who has taken dosages that high. Fortunately I have only been a semi daily user --using at most 10 days at a time before cold turkeying it everytime.

Well, I usually don't experience withdrawals even after borderline-lethal amounts of benzos being abruptly quit; however, this morning (one day after my last dose) I began shaking uncontrollably and had to call an ambulance as I thought I was going to have a seizure and die. I was having brain zaps, starting to fall but catching myself, and had a heartrate of about 180. They gave me a prescription for 12 xanax 1mg pills until I see my psychiatrist next week. I am ready to taper off this shit. I have done it before, and beaten the usually weak and overrated withdrawals, but this time I thought it was it. I mean quitting cold turkey the equivalent of probably 180 mg clonazepam taken in a day is crazy. Please I would love to see others post doses like this as well as success stories for beating it.

Fortunately, I have always had very weak withdrawals compared even to people who tapered. I have never seized after all these withdrawals over the years, but I believe if I hadn't gone to ER today, I would have had my first seizure. I am sorry for the long message, but I wanted to let people know (and most of you already know) what benzos, their blackouts, and withdrawal can do as well as let the community know that some tolerances seem to be infinite. Funny thing--I've never tapered--always cold turkeyed it, and my tolerance would drop down to base--I mean feeling 1mg xanax. Then that same day would rise to where I needed 25mg xanax for example. I can control myself on any other drug, but benzos are the monkey on my back that I want to compeltely rid--which I had for several months and things were going great, but I screwed up and thought I could control it--I can't It's not tramadol or oxycodone I am dealing with--to me those are very controllable. But these benzos, especially the euphoric and moorish clonazolam damn near killed me. I know this is a frustrating introduction for a new member, but I would appreciate it if someone could provide a similar experience with ungodly benzo tolerance like mine and what they did to conquer benzo addiction and stay away forever. It's hard with a legitimate social anxiety disorder, but even through all this, I have been exercising and walking 10000 steps a day for health. I'm a good guy deep down inside and want to have the power to stay the fuck away from benzos of all kinds. I can take tramadol which seems to work wonders for my anxiety, but that is really all I should take.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this or at least skim it.


that's just madness personified
So, despite having read quite a bit about the downsides of taking benzos for extended time periods I tricked myself into thinking that a steady dose of clonazolam would make my summer more enjoyable. I guess it did somewhat, but the decision to take it daily was of course not up there among the wisest decisions I've taken.

Anyway, I've been on it for 2 months in total now. During the first month I took around 3 mg per day and from there, through the second month, I've been tapering gradually. I'm now at 0,375 mg per day, ready to go down to 0,25 mg tomorrow. The way I take it is one dose every 12th hour, so my current dosage is 0,25 in the morning and then 0,125 in the evening.

The reason I'm writing all this is that I'm planning to switch to diazepam before I take the last dose and I would be grateful for any advice on this. One issue here is finding the proper dose equivalence. People seem to be in agreement that clonazolam is significantly more potent than clonazepam, some claiming it's twice and others three or even more times potent. That should put 0,25 mg in the range of 10-20+ mg of diazepam.

My current plan is to first get the 0,25 mg dose steady for at least 2-3 days and then start at 15 mg diazepam per day (10 + 5) and go from there. Does that sound reasonable? Does anyone have experience with switching from clonazolam to diazepam?

I would say 20mg of diazepam at least, do not drag the taper out as a few months is not that long really as it takes quite a while to get a really bad habit. Good luck with the taper dude.
What's up people? My I just want to add my 2 cents to the overflowing pot of evidence that clonazolam is a really silly-strong drug. I took .5mg about an hour before doing some heroin (which I was addicted to). Being that I rarely indulge in benzos, my tolerance was low and I became severely intoxicated. I could not keep my eyes open. A few weeks later, I was suffering from heroin withdrawal and working as a pizza delivery driver. I had a few .5mg clonazolam tablets laying around so I ate 1, thinking it would help me work and combat withdrawal. Well, it did help, but I backed out of someones driveway into oncoming traffic. Luckily, it was just a fender bender and no one was hurt. I was arrested, though, and taken to the hospital to get blood drawn because there was drug paraphernalia in my car. I don't remember feeling too fucked up, but to say that clonazolam had nothing to do with it would be a misguided conclusion. The next day I decided to get clean for real and have been since. I just wanted to add my experience because there seems to be a lot of other people who think they are fine to drive on this drug and wind up getting into an accident.
....continued 2/2...

It's a great benzo but if you don't respect it's power you can really ruin your life. I can handle massive amounts of benzos.
I received 4 packages of 25 .5mg pellets (pink).
I received them one afternoon after doing a couple bags of dope. Long story short I got into one of the packets and now I am up on charges (3 felonies, 6 misdeanors). I want even conscious when I was charged. I was in the back of an ambulance while they were digging through my car wracking up bogus charges. For example I have a charge of possession with intent to deliver on the clonazolam. What a bs charge! Clonazolam is legal! The analog laws don't apply because it has to be an analogue of a schedule 1 or two substance. I was charged with possession with intent on lsd. It was urine in a medicine bottle that my girlfriend had stored for a personal matter but in her incoherent clonazolam ramblings she confessed to her bottle of urine as being an lsd analogue. Wtf LSP? Anyways joking aside my life can be ruined. They loaded me with crazy ass charges and I wouldn't harm a fly not sell drugs to anyone.
I'm not saying clonazolam is a bad drug , in just begging you to respect it and start very low, even if you have a tolerance. Benzos have a narrow therapeutic range. Maybe you take. 25mg and get sedation and anxiolysis that is perfect, then maybe you take .5mg and black out and wake up in a hospital or maybe not wake up at all.
If you don't have a scale and don't know chemistry enough to make a pg solution to dose properly, stay far from the powder.
This can turn out to be a beautiful new benzo that is there for us when our irresponsible doctors decide to abruptly stop our rxs of clonazolam for no reason, or we can end up with another phenazepam situation. This is why i beg of you all to please be responsible with this Chimg

Very helpful info and thank you for sharing. I am expecting a shipment of flubromazolam and clonazolam this week, which I've never tried either, and I will def start at minimun and am really keeping these on hand to see which is best for breakthrough panic attacks (I'm now out of insurance so going to the dr to get my regular scripts may no longer be an option).
that's just madness personified
Gonna go off on a little rant here -
Yeah i agree, i had a friend that would do something similar to this, he'd get a bunch of Xan bars , like 20, then he'd take them all and get drunk. He'd wake up at parties and not know what was going on, thinking someone stole his Xans...

A few years later he shot himself in the head while coming down off of drugs, after a gf broke up with him.
He was my best friend too.
His father would purchase him Xanax off the internet.. (rather than going to a doctor, who may or may not prescribe what he wanted)

Good thing he never found out about RCs.

Granted he was one of those spoiled type of kids, with both parents as lawyers ,
And granted that i stopped hanging out with him because he could not stop the cycle of drug abuse and partying, he was still a good guy who never bothered or hurt anyone in the entire world .

But- someone, if not another one of his friends because i stopped chillin' due to everyone winding up dead, in jail, or on drugs (and i didnt wanna be around that) - could have said something. His father could have done something. His father purchased him 3 different vehicles after he wrecked them all. He started with a Mazda RX 8 , he crashed that, and his father buys him a 50th anniversary Corvette.

I mean his father coulda done something for him. His friends coulda done something for him (yea i tried, i tried to help all my friends)

But i figured out after a while that even after giving them #s to suboxone drs, and trying to help them in every way possible, they were never going to revert to their former selves.

Its unfortunate as all my friends turned into d bags......

But honestly I know i am better off for not hanging out with these types of people.

While not hanging out with them, i managed to start a business, and get myself off of oxycodone/hydrocodone (and suboxone, but i had to go back on it & take a very very low dosage of sub (1 to 2mg) as i have very bad TMJ)

My ear dr(s) prescribed me baclofen, flexirl, soma & meloxicam (mobic) {mobic , can give you ulcers very easily! fK that stuff.}

So i had to go back onto Suboxone & ClonazePAM.

Soma & Flexirl made me feel awful! It didn't help the pain at all and it gave me that "somnolence" feeling. Where you are very tired but you cannot sleep .

So yea, after going back on Suboxone & clonazepam, my pain has subsided, clonazepam works 1000x better for me for muscle relaxtion, and sleep.

Suboxone also helps tremendously with the pain.

Etizolam, also works EXTREMELY well for sleeping. It also helps with the jaw pain, like clonazepam.

So in my experience, if anyone has TMJ, try a benzo instead of a muscle relaxer.

Anyways, thanks for reading :)

Looking forward to trying Clonazolam and the other new RC benzos however i wish there were more US to US vendors.
Just received my first supply of the infamous Clonazolam... took 3 .5 pellets at approximately noon. Very potent stuff. Just acquired a us to us vendor for etizolam. Took 15 mg etizolam Friday thru Sunday... first ever experience with it... 15 mg Clonazolam...I may have never woke up... supposed long half life..I dunno..I want to redone again... very moreshish
Don't fucking redose unless you want to black out for a day or two. 1.5mg without a extremely high tolerance is already insane.
Hey I've been reading through this thread for the past week and have read all of the concerns and advice many people have given. I have lost my xanax prescription a few weeks ago due to a family member of mine stealing/abusing and selling them. I was prescribed .5mg twice a day. I have excluded this family member from my life due to stealing my medication and making me lose my prescription. I also take Zoloft 150mg a day, but this doesn't help with my anxiety or depression at all. Every time I tell my psychiatrist that it doesn't work for me they just keep upping the dose. Whenever I tell someone about my panic attacks and depression they say it's only a temporary feeling or because of recent negative events in my life. Could someone give me some advice on where to get these and what doses would work for me? I am 6'3 and weigh 175 lbs, and 20 years old. please feel free to email me if you are willing to help, I'm just sick and tired of other meds not working. I also take 20mg adderall xr once a day and have abused them up to 800mg in one dosing. Please, I don't want to be dependent on adderall or SSRI's, both of which have had negative effects on my life. Thank you if you actually took the time to read all my bitching/complaining. Could someone just please help me find an alternative to these SSRIs ?
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