Chicago Heroin v. The return of Chinky

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I feel for you Chinky but I hope this helps. If I am ever in a town where I have no connections and the open air market is not too blatant, I try a few things that usually work pretty well. First, I spend tons of time doing recon and getting the lay of the land. After driving around a few hours, you can usually figure out where most of the action takes place. I always find that more knowledge is always better. Know where there are often cops. Know the alleys and who is out and when they are out. Think of some lame story you can tell the cops to explain your presence in those places. That has helped me on several occasions. I think that is a great help to not being busted.

Next, try to locate someone who could get you a bag or two - enough to get your foot in the door. Although I have never used the services of a prostitute for sex, they ALWAYS know what is up and will usually help you get a bag or point you to the source for a few bucks or a bag. Homeless people are also usually good for this. Hookers are perfect for the job because the whole point of what they do is to connect with as many new people on the street as possible. They are easy to get in the car and start talking with you about what you need. On the rare occasion that the hooker does not use H, they always know someone who sells it and are good about handling your money, since they all want the extra five bucks or pack of smokes. If they have to go somewhere out of sight, they will always leave a purse or something like that. I also tell them that if they do not come back in a minute or two, I will be leaving and they can keep the $20. If you act like you don't care about the money, it actually helps. This time pressure will also ensure that they don't have time to pinch or cut it. Explain to them if everything goes well and you are happy, then you can do it again with more money. They will see that ripping you off is not in their best interest. Of course, you try to make there be no next time, since you are really trying to get their connection.

I know you guys hate the tipping thing but I usually try to start off on someone new by giving them a $20 and telling them to get you two bags. Tell them right up front that you do not care if they take the money and run, because you will pay them $25 for the two bags when they deliver the goods. Sometimes you can just show them a $20 and a pack of Newports (for some reason all hookers and homeless favor Newports over any other brand). I have used this countless times in countless cities and it has never failed me once. Of course it is a bit expensive but you now have a source and can do business with real prices.

I also operate under the theory that you want the most hideous and unattractive hooker as possible. They are usually more about making money any way possible and won't pressure you for sex. They also are usually more desperate and will work harder for you than one of those rare hookers who is actually hot. Finally, the butt-ugly hooker is least likely to be an undercover cop. Cops usually try to bait johns with good looking hookers, and since you are not trying for sex, you should steer far away from decent looking hookers. IF the hooker has only a couple of teeth in her head and smells like she hasn't bathed in a week, you can pretty much be sure that she is not an undercover cop.

I hope these ideas are helpful to you. I am really sorry to hear that your mail guy is such a tool.
@ Dr.Kildare, I was just curious as to what, if anything, has come of your situation with your connect and the possibility of him slanging nickels as sawbucks.
@ Dr.Kildare, I was just curious as to what, if anything, has come of your situation with your connect and the possibility of him slanging nickels as sawbucks.

Yesterday I made the complaint to my PC that most people on this site recommended (and I agreed with making). I told him that his replacement guy sold me 65 for 400, but they were small. I told him that I tried to test their purity by shooting a few (I generally snort but will go to the needle occasionally to test stuff out). I told him that I really did not get much off those 65 bags. I also told him that the bags I had been getting from him recently have not been up to par. I told him that I would get 200 worth from him in a couple of hours and that if they were not any good, I would start going to my other connects and not use him. This seemed to have the proper effect on him (I have to be one of his best, if not his best, customer). He gave me regular-sized bags with an orange basketball stamp (has anyone come across any of these lately?). They were not super good but they also were not bad. I'm going to keep using him , but reminding him that if I ever get anything from him that is not acceptable, it will be the last time I ever call him. I told him that I will not accept bags that look like nickels ever again and that I will also not accept bigger bags that leave lots of dorm in the spoon. I think I made my point perfectly clear.

For now it seemed to work. I really do like this PC because for years his stuff was right on point. I am wondering if that big bust a couple of weeks ago disrupted his supply, since all of these problems and nickel-sized bags started right after that all went down. I mean, we did have strong mutual respect for each other for years. I used to get from his brother a few years ago, but his brother was shot and he took over. I had some really personal conversations with him about his brother's death that were more of he kinds of talks you would have with a close friend. On several occasions I have gotten stuff that I did not like and he made the situation right as soon as I called him. I really do not want to change connections, but if I have to I have to. He knows that I will leave if there is one more problem, so I think everything is now okay. I do not know if those were nickel bags or just bags that they made for me in advance that were not so strong or big. I am pretty confident that that shit is now over. We will see . . .
there is an open market but I don't feel like traveling over there just yet

and motherfucker hasn't even pcked up the cash yet and we have been playin phone tag..

I don't fuckin know with that..

It sucks to say, but he has obviously played you.
Dude, I see that same sign on that building every time I go to the city and I thought the same thing the first time. It can't be a coincidence that they put a huge sign that says "junkies welcome" right in that neighborhood. That's funny cuz I was wondering if anyone else had caught that.

I know, right? From what I can tell, it is a one-off sign. There are no other similar signs anywhere else that I could find, so someone at T-Mobile has a good sense of humor. Perhaps the person who came up with that sign reads these forums. If so, I just want to applaud him/her and let them know that their sign is very much appreciated. It never fails to make me laugh when I see it. I just want to know how they could design and install THAT sign at THAT intersection. Someone is funny as hell. How could they get away with it?
Putting up that Welcome Data Junkies sign is like putting up a sign on Cicero Ave (a few years ago when it was actually a huge Ho Stroll) that said something like "Even if you work in the oldest profession known to man, you still need a phone. OR. T-Mobile: Keep it in your pants.

All I know is that the Welcome Data Junkies sign does make me feel very welcome when I arrive at that area. I also think it is even funnier than the OE and 8-ball sign from the late 80s/ early 90s. I have some photographs of that billboard somewhere and I wish I could find it. I will try to get a photo of the Data Junkies sign and find the OE & 8-ball photo. If I recall correctly it had the OE & 8-ball slogan and a picture of 3 or 4 of the most thuggish looking guys staring out at you from the billboard.
I know, right? From what I can tell, it is a one-off sign. There are no other similar signs anywhere else that I could find, so someone at T-Mobile has a good sense of humor. Perhaps the person who came up with that sign reads these forums. If so, I just want to applaud him/her and let them know that their sign is very much appreciated. It never fails to make me laugh when I see it. I just want to know how they could design and install THAT sign at THAT intersection. Someone is funny as hell. How could they get away with it?

I know what you mean about having somewhat of a friendship with your PC. The guy that I had originally started going through for the stuff that I get now, basically the guy that had the phone over 3 years ago, the same phone number I still call now, we had that mutual respect for each other and it got to the point where a couple times a week when I would cop from him, we'd go get lunch somewhere and chill and have some crazy deep conversations that you would really only have with a close friend. I copped from him for over a year until he got shot and had to pass the phone on cuz he was stuck in bed recovering, but he went as far as giving me his personal number and told me if I had any problems with the new guy to call him and he'd make sure it got straightened out. He was a really cool guy. You know, it's easy to stereotype these guys as these hardened gang bangers with no feelings but when you get to know them as much as I got to know this dude, it really puts your perception of them in check. He hasn't been around now for a couple years and the number I had for him doesn't work anymore but I was talking to the guy that has the phone now and asked about the other dude and he said he's just chilling, he still has complications from his gun shot wounds.

On another note, chinky didn't get played, what he's saying is, however he sent the money, I'm guessing western union, the dude never even picked up the money, so the dude didn't play him he just didn't go get the money to get the stuff.

And that billboard, lol, I tried to get a pic today as I drove by but it was to blurry from the eway. I don't get off at that exit, but I'm thinking about doing it next time, snap the photo and getting back on the eway right there at kostner.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear you straightened that shit out with your dude. In general we spend too much money with these guys for them to be ripping us off. Just like you did, if you tell them and show them you won't put up with being screwed around, they will clean up their act. You can't be intimidated or afraid to tell them what's up. If you're a good customer they will hear your complaint loud and clear cuz they don't want to lose that money. Take care and be safe out there.
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You are right about Chinky not being played. I did not realize that the money was still sitting at WU. Still, the guy is obviously flaky, so I hope he is able to find a suitable Plan B.
yeah he didn't rip me off...yet

I talked to him this morning after 3days of phone tag and he was all apologizing and talking about how hes gotta be outta his apt by sunday and moving and blah blah ..and I wasl ike ok bro just tell me areyou gonna do this or no?..if your tryin to stay clean then that's fine..and hes like "oh no ive been using a little", and then I was like "well what the fuck?" keep a dub foryourself and send me the rest..if you still coppin whats the hold up then and he was just like apologizing sayin he was goin to cop today..

ill believe it when I see it..hes prolly just going to get the money today cause hes broke and im fucked
Yeah the last time I was in the joint I got to know some guys pretty well that wereminds from the city. One of them even gave me a typical tattoo that only a white person would have . He understood why I was getting it dude to the fact that in prison you have to put on a certain persona even if you don't belive in the mindset behind it. Meaning I had to hang out with white power type dudes but I didn't agree with they way that they looked at other races
What's good guys. Got my pack, no problems, but this weather was terrible, cold and on top of that I was kinda dope sick... but those are the best shots, cuz I go from being sick to all well and feeling good in 5 sec, now that's my favorite feeling haha. And yea I just saw that billboard, and whoever put it up there is funny af. Way to advertise to "junkies" lmao.
Thanks so much for the great photo. You even chose a great place to take it, so that the Independence 1 Mile sign shows exactly where it is. That is really a classic photo. I don't know why, but that sign just tickles the crap out of me. I would love to meet the person who thought of that sign and where to put it. I mean, as far as I can tell it was completely intentionally put there by someone who knew the score. There are no other signs like it with that slogan anywhere but at ground zero for junkies. There is no way that the sign placement is just a funny coincidence.
I have never crotched my purchases, but realize that I should do it. Could anyone explain the best way to put your dope up and how to do it successfully?
^must be nice

Can't you just put a stop on the money? Or transfer it for someone else to pick up?

yeah I can but whats the point? I might as well let him get it and hopefully have him send me the product..cause if I stop it then im not gonna get the dope hopefully he gets it and sends it

its only 75$ so im not too worried about it..
I have never crotched my purchases, but realize that I should do it. Could anyone explain the best way to put your dope up and how to do it successfully?

I use Hanes boxer briefs. If you stick your hand in the slit for your dick but don't go all the way through, just under the first flap and then go straight down under by your chode, there is a little pocket right underneath your ass. That little pocket has saved me on numerous occasions. It keeps it nice and tight up against your choose area so when the boys pat that area down they don't feel shit, and when they make you squat and cough, you don't have to worry about it falling out of your ass crack.
I'm done with work for the week!!! Word up to that. I'm excited about my little city adventure tomorrow. It's gonna be fun:>{)
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