Chicago Heroin v. The return of Chinky

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^^man I wish I had a phone connect. Tipping is just risky. These days I don't like taking risks if I don't have to but at the present moment I have no choice. Oh well. I'll probably have a phone number by mid day saturday. But God damn I wish I had one now. I feel you on fighting the battle with your self bro. I was sober for 1.5 years and then 9 months another time. I could never dabble. It fucked with me physically too much. I'm either in or out completely. I have been on subs for 3 years now and it's great to have around but mixing the two sucks until the dope is out of my system
cop a couple bags and get a number and if its good call back and place an order..
''well forced rehab is a little bit different then actually stopping on your own, I didn't willfully right now I just need to get it outta my system, let me get a proper high a few times and lets see how I take it''

gl with that chinky.. didnt work out so well for me. ended up wasting another 4 yrs of my life
Man sorry to hear that northsideboy. But did u just use this past weekend and u got sick off using 2 -3 days? U said u then took a sub at 9pm did u take it too soon? Speaking of which what is the earliest u have taken subs after use???
Man sorry to hear that northsideboy. But did u just use this past weekend and u got sick off using 2 -3 days? U said u then took a sub at 9pm did u take it too soon? Speaking of which what is the earliest u have taken subs after use???
I've noticed different batches of dope get me sicker than others, eventhough I would do exactly the same amount, in the same time span. One time, I got a jab for the weekend and thought I was going to fucking die come Monday morn. (just from a couple of days of use). And with other shit, same high, same legs but just don't feel as shitty afterwards.
Don't have any experience with subs, besides what I've read here. This shit is really not a weekend warrior type of shit, no matter how much some of us whant to believe it.
Be safe man.
Itchy, I have noticed the same thing. It seems kinda ass backwards but I experienced much harder withdrawal from dope with dormin in it rather than raw. I have always wondered if I just got used to having the domin in my system. But yeah just cut dope in general I have always experienced much more severe withdrawls. You would think that it would be the other way around but who the hell really knows. Maybe the dope in the cut shit had a higher purity than the "raw". None of that shit is actually ever 100% raw anyways. There are always impurities in there somewhere. I wish I had the privilege of running across some shit that is even 75% pure
Yeah, fantom, I used for 3 days and I got sick as a fucking dog. Not the worst sick I ever got, but sick enough to put this shit down for a while. Maybe it was precipitated wd, like I said, maybe switching between the sub and dope for over the last year finally caught up with me, who knows.
Sorry, this is from my phone, so bear with me...I used to take a sub in the morning and get high at night, no problem, no blocking. I've been on 4mg for almost 9months, starting at 8mg over a year ago. And to answer your question, I'd use for a week or two, then hop back on the sub after about 12 hours, only once before did I get myself sick from that, def precipitated wds that time. That was last fall. During a fucking parent teacher conference for my first grade son, so that right there should be enough to stop this shit.
Anyway this time I did my last sawbuck on Sunday morning, 9am or so, and felt wd symptoms coming on around 630pm, took the sub around 7pm. 4mg. So that's about 9 hrs since the last dose of h. Much too soon according to the science, but worked for me in the past.
This last batch of junk was nice and strong...don't know if that had anything to do with it. I was entertaining thoughts of picking up one of these 15 bag jabs, but the idea of getting that sick again so soon, can't do it.

I know I'll forget about this in a week or two, and I'll be thinking about getting high every day afterwards...but right now, I got burned, so I'll put it down for a bit.

No desire to get on the juice either. And my wife would shit herself over that. She's already uncomfortable with the fact that I'm dependant on subs, but agrees it's better than using junk all the time.

Peace, brothers and sisters.
I remember one time I was starting to feel sick and shot 1mg. Dude it put me into the worst sickness I had ever felt in my life! Within seconds I puked and didn't even make it to the toilet. It was like a giant loogy too. Fucking nasty. I used to shoot the same amount every now n again for the hell of it and would be fine. But on the other occasions I wasn't sick. Just taking my meds. Needles to say I haven't shot any more suboxone lol
Here is something bizarre. Has anyone noticed the HUGE painted building advertisement when you get off the Ike at the Cicero exit. The sign is like 4 or 5 stories high and says "WELCOME DATA JUNKIES". I thought it was really weird to place that sign at that exit, but then I was wondering if it was just a coincidence. I think T-Mobile is the company with the advertisement, so I did some googling to see if this was their new ad campaign. I could not find them or anyone else who had a new ad campaign aimed at data JUNKIES. It seems to me to be a nod to the people who are coming to market off the Eisenhower. Has anyone seen a similar sign anywhere else but at the biggest dope exit in the Midwest?

Old English used to have some billboards that they only placed in the hood in the early 90's. That sign showed a giant 40 of Old English Malt Liquor and just the slogan that said "OE and 8-ball". Nowhere in the ad was there any other reference to the game of pool. There were no pictures of pool equipment and the sign just said OE and 8-Ball. I remember there being some controversy about those signs, and Old English ultimately removed them.

Everytime I see the welcome data JUNKIES sign, it makes me laugh.
Also I would be interested in hearing people's experiences and tops on how to transition from H to Suboxone. Waiting the 24 hours can be a bitch so I have been trying to experiment with ways to make is less of a hassle. Last time, I tried using Loperamide to transition, and it worked great. After about 4-6 hours from the last H, I took 12 lopes. I kept taking 12 every few hours after that whenever I felt discomfort. Finally at 24 hours, I took 2 mg of sub to see if I could take it. After another hour or so, I took another 2 mg of sub, and then the transition was fine. I felt pretty good and my stomach/intestines did not reject it.

I realize that everyone is different, but this was by far the most painless transition I have ever made to sub and it was also the shortest route from H to being fully functional and work-ready (basically just 24 hours that I was resting during). Does anyone else have any ideas about how to best transition?
When I got on subs in April 2011 the doc said I had to be clean from all drugs. I got a gram of raw the day before hahaha. I wasn't clean. They made me wait 3 days before I could come back in again. ROUGH! BE CLEAN
Here is something bizarre. Has anyone noticed the HUGE painted building advertisement when you get off the Ike at the Cicero exit. The sign is like 4 or 5 stories high and says "WELCOME DATA JUNKIES". I thought it was really weird to place that sign at that exit, but then I was wondering if it was just a coincidence. I think T-Mobile is the company with the advertisement, so I did some googling to see if this was their new ad campaign. I could not find them or anyone else who had a new ad campaign aimed at data JUNKIES. It seems to me to be a nod to the people who are coming to market off the Eisenhower. Has anyone seen a similar sign anywhere else but at the biggest dope exit in the Midwest?

Old English used to have some billboards that they only placed in the hood in the early 90's. That sign showed a giant 40 of Old English Malt Liquor and just the slogan that said "OE and 8-ball". Nowhere in the ad was there any other reference to the game of pool. There were no pictures of pool equipment and the sign just said OE and 8-Ball. I remember there being some controversy about those signs, and Old English ultimately removed them.

Everytime I see the welcome data JUNKIES sign, it makes me laugh.

Dude, I see that same sign on that building every time I go to the city and I thought the same thing the first time. It can't be a coincidence that they put a huge sign that says "junkies welcome" right in that neighborhood. That's funny cuz I was wondering if anyone else had caught that.
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totally saw someone get served at a gas station and tried to holler at dude but he just was sketched out like "I don't know what you talkin about"..then I was like what about dude?(talkin about the guy who just stepped in and stepped out of his car) and he was like oh I wsa just doin someone a favor and drove away real fast and I was like wtf?? so then I went and looked for dude and he seemed to have disappeared..i couldn't find out where he went

im so pissed I fucked that up..maybe I came off a little to forward I dunno..

it wasn't like I was reckless with it but how else do you go about asking without being forward?
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^lol @ that shit. That sucks bro. I have heard there are open markets in atlanta dude. Do some research. I'm sure you probably already have. It seems like when I can't find anything and looking I can never find. But if I'm being clean and legit then it falls in my lap on some fucked up random situation. You will find something eventually bro. Have you received your package yet?
there is an open market but I don't feel like traveling over there just yet

and motherfucker hasn't even pcked up the cash yet and we have been playin phone tag..

I don't fuckin know with that..
I met up with a buddy today and we went and copped a few jabs from my PC. It's so nice not having to sit in the hood to wait. The dude I was with I met in DOC and I texted him to see how he was doing. He was so happy cuz he had lost his phone a while back and lost all his numbers. On the way down to cop he was telling me about sitting in the hood waiting for his guy and it made me realize how lucky I am I don't have to do that shit anymore. Just a couple weeks ago he copped and didn't even get 2 blocks from where he met his dude and the jump out boys got him. He said he had 2 jabs crotched and they ripped his car apart, searched his body 100 times but they didn't find his shit. All they found was a straw he had just cut before he went so it wasn't even used yet. He got so lucky. The worst feeling is when you see that unmarked car light up behind you when you're in the hood. I'll never forget when I got pulled over by them, before I even had my car in park they were on either side of my car opening my doors. They come up on you so fast, you don't even have time to think. Anyways, my PC had some fire today. I mean, it is always great IMO, but every once in a while like today it's that one bag snorted has you drooling shit. I also wanted to share that a few weeks ago I tried banging the dope for the first time in my 4 year dope career and holy shit is it amazing. I had a friend do it for me cuz I'm so afraid of needles I could never do it myself. But it was definitely something I'm glad I got to experience. It's a whole different high. Not something I could do everyday because I like to function while I'm high but it's nice if you wanna chill out on a Saturday night and just get straight up wrecked. Peace out my people and be safe out there.
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Damn, this dope I got today has had me in a constant nod for the last 8hrs and I've only snorted 3 bags. Shit is fucking insane. And I put a cigarette burn in my favorite long sleeve shirt, fucking cold ass October/November weather today.
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