Chicago Heroin v Fuck Dormin

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I understand what your saying,i have felt the same way also,but I love my dope more then anything I guess,pretty sad. Im trying to stop,but it aint easy.
thats exactly what the point i was trying to make..i pretty much could have kept talking to that girl and im pretty sure she would be my girlfriend right now but i choose getting high by myself over having her as a girlfriend..but like i said it got me out of a funk and got me talking to people ive been meaning too
Well if it got you out of your funk and you had a good time,then its a good positive thing,who knows maybe you will start going out more.
I was over at the other thread,so whats up chinko chinko?

link me to the other thread bruhh!

ive been picking up 2 grams of raw and throing a dormin on the first time i picked up two g's then the second time i threw 2 on so it looked like i got a little more, i mean with raw you might get a little more but the bags to me equal out to about the same ammount as the raw would be. and the raw i do is good if you do a lot of it, but really i feel like most fire fire bags are better than raw. i just like getting the raw because all i gotta do is get on dan ryan and drive a few more miles, i get on 80 to 57 to dan ryan for southside, then lagrange to 55 to hit westside from where i am south suburbs. so tomorrow i think im going to hit the west side but this guys shit is not that good last time i had it.. but sometimes ya get that with dope, ya never knnow maybe tomorrow itll be better. i just am a lot happier and in a much better mood when i know for a fact i picked up a good ammount of dope thats really good. if its not really good then i have to do like 3 bag shots annd the jab is gone in no time..... thats that shit i dont like.. well i guess if the shit is fire its gone quick too because i just keep wanting more and more and more. I wish i had meechs number my fuckin boy wont give it to me cuz hes a greedy little bitch.. best shit even soutside that DEAF shit hommie fuckin flame gunpowder diesel!
link you to the other thread? why dont you just click on it yourself?
3 bag shots ain't too bad bro. though I do know how it feels to blow through dope that should last a weekend in 12 hours. I remember I copped a gram that was supposed to last me like 4 days at the time, 20 hours later it was gone and I was omw to get another :/
I hear you I was up to 10 bags per shot a couple of years ago,now im down to 4 and maybe 2 more hour later. I made a decession to cut down.
that one thuggish white dude from pittsburg(maybe "brks and staks" maybe? where he at? i hope he aint dead too?) used to talk about like snorting like 30bags to get high and lacey used to talkabout goin threw a brick* a weekend or someshit like that, some crazy amount
Yeah that is really scarey to hear of people more addicted.then me,and I hope they are both ok
fcking on dope is great you guys are doing it all wrong ..i aint saying my sex drive was always there on dope but i had a little bit going ... had to drain my balls time to time ...
link me to the other thread bruhh!

ive been picking up 2 grams of raw and throing a dormin on the first time i picked up two g's then the second time i threw 2 on so it looked like i got a little more, i mean with raw you might get a little more but the bags to me equal out to about the same ammount as the raw would be. and the raw i do is good if you do a lot of it, but really i feel like most fire fire bags are better than raw. i just like getting the raw because all i gotta do is get on dan ryan and drive a few more miles, i get on 80 to 57 to dan ryan for southside, then lagrange to 55 to hit westside from where i am south suburbs. so tomorrow i think im going to hit the west side but this guys shit is not that good last time i had it.. but sometimes ya get that with dope, ya never knnow maybe tomorrow itll be better. i just am a lot happier and in a much better mood when i know for a fact i picked up a good ammount of dope thats really good. if its not really good then i have to do like 3 bag shots annd the jab is gone in no time..... thats that shit i dont like.. well i guess if the shit is fire its gone quick too because i just keep wanting more and more and more. I wish i had meechs number my fuckin boy wont give it to me cuz hes a greedy little bitch.. best shit even soutside that DEAF shit hommie fuckin flame gunpowder diesel!

lot of p to make it last longereople feel this way raw has more legs though just keep adding dorm till you hit your sweet spot
fcking on dope is great you guys are doing it all wrong ..i aint saying my sex drive was always there on dope but i had a little bit going ... had to drain my balls time to time ...

Only if you were on a small dose, forget about cumming or prolly even getting hard at all while in the nod zone
sorry if that made no sense typing on ps3 wth stit internet for some reason i cant go back and edit it
16 days and p.a.w.s fucked wth me hugh last day and a half i 'm greatfull i have a great gf even today was a challenge t as i type this my mind is rite again
lol since i been clean every fking time brother life is great , women never been my downfall , i give 1/4th my effort girls cum also while high i still come over 50%

Yeah like when you quit for awhile or start backup for the first time its hard to piss like even if you really have to go. Same with cumming but the mkre and more toy do it its like your body is just normal and all these thigs become the same as they were.... Still get constipated a lot from doing a lot od dope but i eat 3 meals a day and eat well for sure. Magenesium and a daily multivitamin help with everythig too.
I got a really dumb question. I'm still relatively new at coppin on the street so this is my first winter. The next time that I will be ablt tovgo and score is Monday when I'll only have one bag left. The problem is its supposed to be butt ass cold Monday, high of 10. Can anybody help with past experience with freezing cold? Will the boys be out in that kind of cold?
I bang my dope and like cu in the dope for more of a nod. I dod try it by itself its better with cut.
The d boys will be out,they are always out if you have a good spot that you
I got a really dumb question. I'm still relatively new at coppin on the street so this is my first winter. The next time that I will be ablt tovgo and score is Monday when I'll only have one bag left. The problem is its supposed to be butt ass cold Monday, high of 10. Can anybody help with past experience with freezing cold? Will the boys be out in that kind of cold?

Yep. Most of the boys don't even use it either. Kind of ironic that what keeps you warm the best they are out selling when it's the coldest, but they don't even use.

On the upside, bad whether typically means less hassle from cops since they're only human and often don't want to go make petty arrests in bad weather if they don't have to. Still be just as cautious obviously, though.

Yeah like when you quit for awhile or start backup for the first time its hard to piss like even if you really have to go.

I swear it was the worst a few nights ago. Had the shower running, the faucet running, sitting down on toilet trying and trying to force a piss out. Every time I was right on the brink I'd nod off for a couple and be right back at square one. Title of one of these should be "vs. not taking a shower, just a piss" or something.

that one thuggish white dude from pittsburg(maybe "brks and staks" maybe? where he at? i hope he aint dead too?) used to talk about like snorting like 30bags to get high and lacey used to talkabout goin threw a brick* a weekend or someshit like that, some crazy amount

Bricks 'n Stacks....I think I saw someone on another forum posting with the same handle and a Pittsburgh avatar within the past few months.

I wanna know whatever happened to BaybeX. Damn, she was easy on the eyes...

3 bag shots ain't too bad bro. though I do know how it feels to blow through dope that should last a weekend in 12 hours. I remember I copped a gram that was supposed to last me like 4 days at the time, 20 hours later it was gone and I was omw to get another :/

Ya, I remember one time I was driving like 700 miles, and to a place where I knew I could get dope. So I bought like 2.5g, plenty right? I swear for the first few hours it was like every other rest stop....hmm, ya that would be nice right about now.... and pretty soon I had like a half gram left and 400 miles to go or some shit.
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