Chicago Heroin III

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im stayin on the westside on west end rite now lol in the summer my grandma sells snowcones on the porch lol^ westsides got an ill vibe in the summer.
Chinky: When I started using dope I had several occasions when I scared the shit out of myself. Nodding out isn't the coolest thing in the world when you can't wake back up. I doubt the food would make it worse, like you said a full stomach makes it take longer to absorb the H. Just play it cool and be glad you got some fire dope haha.

Herrburroughs: Yeah the blue boxes are a good starting point. Where did you move here from? I'm sure our open air is pretty similar to a lot of spots across the country (I have never myself gotten it anywhere but Chicago). Where there is a will there is a way. Might sound dumb but ask a homeless person. They tend to know the neighborhoods better than anyone. Getting stuck in the hood might not be that bad of a thing. At least if Narcs come up you can honestly tell them that you are there because that's where your car broke down haha.

All: Yeah snow cones in the city are great. I just love block food. One of my dudes mamas makes dinners to sell like once or twice a week in the summer. Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, the works. It is delicious.

Something pretty amusing happened to me tonight (although at the time I wasn't amused at all, the opposite in fact). My dude went down to the block to grab me something tonight. When he gets to his friends house his friend tells them that they have to ride four blocks down the street to grab his car. He left his entire package in his car, so they had to retrieve the car to get the dope. So they ride to where his car was. The dumb ass left it in a church parking lot. When they got there his car had been towed! What a lazy mutha. I ended up grabbing the clear green bags that are burned at the top from Bellwood again. They were good but weren't near the fire that the dude had in his whip. I'm curious if anyone had a similar situation happen to them in the past. Will the tow truck people search the car? If so, what are the chances of them finding it and calling the police, rather than just keeping it for themselves? This dude might be in a world of hurt when he goes to pick his car up and narcos are waiting for him.

Also I got a 30 day rx of 8 mg suboxones. I let a buddy snort a half a pill and he was nodding out and itching like crazy. I'm scared to take my first dose until I am good and withdrawling. One I don't want it to mess my H buzz up, and two, I don't want it to send me into hard core withdrawals. I read online that it shouldn't make you high unless you have zero to no opiate tolerance. My buddy who took it def has a tolerance too. Anyone else experienced with this stuff?

Thanks and chuuch
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i stumbled across this thread a couple of months ago, and i enjoy reading these threads every now and then. This is my first time on a thread like this but i have been in the chicago heroin game for many years. I noticed there are people that complain about the quality of the shit they get on the block. There is a simple way to make sure you always get fire shit. There is a popular spot that is mentioned frequently....

I realized quick that if you wanted good quality RAW heroin you figure out who is the man giving these kids there work and talk to that guy. [edit] you can get a gram of heroin that comes in rock form and this shit will be the smoothest , best high without the bullshit cut. it is well woth the extra money..The best part about it is you will not need to use a needle, all it takes is a small line an you are floating.. i look forward to getting to know you guys

Welcome, I'm new here too, but am in the same situation as you. Been in the Chicago dope game for years now, but just recently started reading this forum and even more recently started posting on this forum. I agree with you about the raw being well worth the extra bread, when and if you can find it. The best dope I ever had was raw grams that we got for like a week before they disappeared. I liken it to the consistency of coke. Really hard brownish rock. I had to take two nickels and smash it, just like if you were cutting up yayo. You are def right, a little line of that stuff goes a long way. And without all those dormins in there, it is very very smooth, no burn at all. Anyways, welcome again.
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oh man, if its quality quality H you dont need to cook the shit... just dip it and stir! sounds like you may have burned it when you cooked it.

There aint to many bags out here I'd feel comfortable without no def did not burn it cuz I had 4 of these bags yesterday and they all came out the same way and the 2 females I was with all had the same reaction when they fixed up their bags. The shit must just have a weird mix on it cuz its brown to begin with. Black tape is the nuke, not to be played with. 1 bag may put you out, be safe. Grabbed a 6 piece today it should hold me til saturday but I've never really been one to save dope haha.. so ill prob buy them out 2m cuz dope this good aint gonna last long.
haha chinky thats wasnt a rant dude! i was trying to act like some people... quite the contrary you didnt make me butthurt at all.

chinky you just had a episode with "sleep of angels"

your are chilling, chilling, listening to a red bulls game, then you close your eyes and you start to nod but end up sleeping for 3 hours. sounds like fire dope haha... ive hit that sweet spot a couple times. laying on my bed watching cartoons then the next thing i know its 5:30 in the morning and ive been laying with my eyes closed for like 3 hours... the feeling is almost like a blackout, and you wake up wondering what what what?

Happens to me a lot.... I'll sit down to try to piss, then wake up on the john like 3-4 hours later, still not able to piss. Sucks balls hahaha
gettin my tax refund tomorrow and getting my car out the shop!! yeeeeah boy its gonna be a great weekend
no definitly not the first time i nodded out but the first time where i nodded out and scared the fuck outta myself like i was on the verge of i woke up and felt like i was in a dream

everything you and mikediesel said and described, was goin on with me last i guess it was a mini OD or something..i would say it was exactly like a blackout..i prolly wasnt breathing too much you know only a few times every minute...whatever it was freaked me the fuck out

could food have anything to do with it? when i first did the dope i was on an empty stomach and then i went out and got high and ended up grabbin a couple slices of pizza came home and did that other bag and a half and that put me over the edge..i always thought the full stomach slows down the absorption but i dunno sometimes i feel my nod gets heavier after i eat when i was orginally on an empty stomach before i got high...does that make sense?

sometimes doing dope and being a diabetic will make you piss a lot and maybe feel like your blood sugar is low. but as far as not eating then doing dope itll make you feel a little bit more intense and maybe throw up, but not make you sleep with the angels.

its a pretty common thing and only happens when you hit the right sweet spot. im glad your ok though, shit is scary.. and ya you werent breathing to much when you were passed out... throwing up is probably your most dangerous consequence and then aphyxiating.
just so yall know there is a multiquote button, which is directly to the right of the quote the bottom right of every post

so johnny and rawsmack yall dont have to make multiple posts in a row when there is no one posting between you..especially if in each post your talkin to the same person, just hit your edit button or just hit the multiquote button to each post you want to respond to and do it all at once..

just a heads up if yall didnt know i just noticed you both made posts like that and your both new to the site
hows it shakin chinky?! i just got done doing some heavy drinking, fuck ya! i made some dank salsa too, like the dipping kind bro
its goin good i chilled tonite did some dope nothing too exciting, im thinkin about goin down to eiu for the weekend to party it up and get some pussy on vday but i dunno yet even though i promised i would...

funds are low this week cause i just dropped $150 at a fuckin olive garden of all places for my sisters bday and paid the phone bill...another major problem is i dont have a car right now so id have to borrow someones in my family for a couple days. and the rule is if i borrow the car i gotta bnring it back with a full tank so its like imma have to fi;ll that bitch 3x tjhats like 150 in gas right there..i dunno what imma do..

whats good with you though?
Hey people, honestly how dangerous is it to be carrying dope on the L trains. I really want to know because I've seen dogs at L stations before, but I've honestly never heard of anyone getting caught on the L.
Herrburroughs: Yeah the blue boxes are a good starting point. Where did you move here from? I'm sure our open air is pretty similar to a lot of spots across the country (I have never myself gotten it anywhere but Chicago). Where there is a will there is a way. Might sound dumb but ask a homeless person. They tend to know the neighborhoods better than anyone. Getting stuck in the hood might not be that bad of a thing. At least if Narcs come up you can honestly tell them that you are there because that's where your car broke down haha.

I moved here from northeastern WI, which has absolutely no heroin at all, just OC's (horribly overpriced and only available once or twice a month) I've always got my shit from a contact in Indiana just over the line.. but he disappeared some how. I did find a dilaudid hook up here, which are pretty good, but again only available every so often.. this all may be a good thing for me as its kept me from going overboard with my habit. Alot of my friends is this town arent cool with needles so they dont help me out either haha. I moved into the Humboldt Park area and I know its all around, I can almost smell it.. soo tempting, I just gotta muster up the balls to go out there and get it I guess... lol
Will the tow truck people search the car? If so, what are the chances of them finding it and calling the police, rather than just keeping it for themselves? This dude might be in a world of hurt when he goes to pick his car up and narcos are waiting for him.

the tow truck people really should not be searching the car. i've had cars towed/impounded before and until enough time passes that you forfeit your rights to the vehicle (in my case i think it was 30 days) nobody should be touching any of your shit. tow truck guys aren't law enforcement personnel so they have no search and seizure authority.

with that said, a lot of tow businesses in my opinion are total scams and i wouldn't trust those shady assholes at all. i lost half of my life's possessions in a car once when i was moving back to sacramento from santa cruz and got the vehicle taken by the cops. i called on the 30th day to retrieve my stuff (couldn't afford to get the actual car back) and the impound guys claimed to have thrown it all away. clothes, pictures, everything. i have no doubt that anything that looked good to them was kept for themselves, kinda like shopping in a giant lost and found. some raggedy little tow truck kids are probably running around in my old t-shirts as i type this.

my advice to your friend would be to get the car back as soon as possible. once you lose your rights to the vehicle, everything inside of it becomes fair game for the scavengers at the impound lot. whether or not they call the cops after finding drugs is totally dependent on the type of person who makes the discovery. i wouldn't risk it. go get the car now before it gets too expensive to retrieve, and in the unlikely event that you catch heat for drugs being in it i would claim that the tow truck guys planted it.
its goin good i chilled tonite did some dope nothing too exciting, im thinkin about goin down to eiu for the weekend to party it up and get some pussy on vday but i dunno yet even though i promised i would...

funds are low this week cause i just dropped $150 at a fuckin olive garden of all places for my sisters bday and paid the phone bill...another major problem is i dont have a car right now so id have to borrow someones in my family for a couple days. and the rule is if i borrow the car i gotta bnring it back with a full tank so its like imma have to fi;ll that bitch 3x tjhats like 150 in gas right there..i dunno what imma do..

whats good with you though?

thats some skrilla to be throwing around, everyone feels the crunch right now... ive been fine with money since awhile... and now its like i gotta conserve money... plan what im gonna do.

live off my tax returns, shit like that haha.

but pussy and girls are good, i wish i could pick up and tap some hotties real quick. 150 in gas tho? thats some spendy shit... even for a night of fucking
there's certain people (or a person) in this thread that are trying really damn hard to become moderators (a moderator) and it's funny as hell.

Anyway, enjoy your weekend nodding. Hopefully I get to as well.
what up everybody ive been reading this thread for a while now but i finally decided to add some shit. ive been coppin on the streets of the west side for a year now so i know whats good out in the wild wild west.but anybody grab some of those best bags that they sell in K town(idk if thats sourcin i mean its a big area). for the past week or 2 they were garbage but i copped today and it was some fire. If you know the spot im talking about i suggest hittin it up.
what up everybody ive been reading this thread for a while now but i finally decided to add some shit. ive been coppin on the streets of the west side for a year now so i know whats good out in the wild wild west.but anybody grab some of those best bags that they sell in K town(idk if thats sourcin i mean its a big area). for the past week or 2 they were garbage but i copped today and it was some fire. If you know the spot im talking about i suggest hittin it up.

Got the best bags the other day...1.5 bags(snorted) had me close to a nod. Nice.
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Maybe I am getting stupid from these drugs, but I don't get that multi quote thingy. It just switches from a plus to a minus when I hit it. Ughhh.

Anyways. My buddy is in the dope game so I am assuming he is going to go pick his car up right away, he kind of needs it to conduct business. I just thought it was hilarious that he would let his car get towed with the package in it. stupid ass.

Yeah I got the subs to use when I didn't have D. Kind of a get out of jail free card for withdrawals. I was just wondering because I wouldn't mind getting a buzz of them. If not, oh well haha.

The dogs on the L trains are strictly for bombs and explosives. I used to carry dope every day on the L. I would get on at harlem, take it downtown, then would switch to the brown line and get off at armitage. Never had any problems. Shit I would be nodded out most of the time on the train too.

Herrburroughs: Watch the history channel "gangland: latin kings" That should tell you what you need to know. Isn't that a bitch when you love using dope and none of your friends do. I'm in the same situation.

Bob: I too am in the exact same situation you are. My guy swears up and down that they are dubs, but I've gone behind his back and got the dudes phone number and picked up sawbucks myself. Something happened where I can't do that anymore. I almost promise you he will tell you that he is paying the dub for them. I've thought many nights about this predicament. Finally I figured that I am paying the extra for the connect, at least it keeps me off the block. If you come up with anything good be sure to let me know.

Also, trying to become a moderator aint a bad thing. Do they get paid (or do you get paid, I guess you can answer the questions yourselves)? If they get paid then I want to be a moderator too. Seems like a pretty "dope" job to me haha
^ once you have hit the multi-quote on all the ones you want to quote, then hit the quote button on any of them.
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