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Opioids Chicago dope thread

but i was really hopping we would get back to the discussion about..... DRUGS...... like,,,,,,,, heroin!!!!!!!!! :)

So, what's the story people, those of you who are in the game 100 percent, using on a daily, more like hourly basis.
What's your, or better, what's a typical day like for you? Not work, the girl, friends, gym membership, just the D. And
how do you schedule either your life around the diesel, or the diesel around your life?
For me, My days are scheduled to accomidate my heroin addiction.
I usually am able to stay a day or 2 ahead.
9 month's ago, I was able to be about a week ahead. Having the Big man come by 1 or 2 times a week to drop off what I needed. Usually 6 to 8 packs at the beginning of the week, and depending on the week, the same amount on Thursday or Friday. (spending 800 to 1400 a week, CASH)
Going on this schedule over the course of one week, breaks down to something like 20 seconds a day spent TOTAL on the dope. When I say TOTAL, I mean everything that goes into aquirring the heroin. From making the phone calls, to getting the cash in hand, to waiting for the guy to show up... yada yada.
Chances of getting popped by 5.0, just as close to ZERO percent chance as possible. Considering it's coming to me, in my nice Lincoln Park apartment. Not only that, but it comes to my front door, then into my living room.
Well, now that things have become much more REAL for me, unfortunately I do not live in that demo graphic any more.
Currently, going over the last week, I averaged going to cop, 1 time per day. A few days, I was able to cop three packs, so I was set for the next day. Regardless, the amount of time spent, dramatically increases from the above. A typical trip to cop takes exactly 2 hours from my front door to the spot and back inside my front door. 2 hours. That does not include waiting on trains, waiting on the man to "pull up", whatever else goes into the trip. That is 14 hours a week.

So I went spending 20 seconds a day, to 7200 seconds a day on dope. This number does not include the time spent waiting on you know who to "pull up", think about that for a second...

Anyways, 20 seconds to 7200 seconds.

And that's figuring just 1 trip a day. Imagine now, having to go cop several times a day.

My chances of getting popped in my Lincoln Park neighborhood were just about as close to 0 percent as possible.
But now that I am going out west 1 time a day, at minimum, that' number just multiplied it'self many, many times.
There is no equation to figure out your chances of being arrested, but I have always thought to myself it's gotta be somewhere around 10 percent chance of just being stopped for being white in the neighborhood. Once you factor in the action of going on to the block, the chances of being stopped just went up again. And so forth... By the end of it, im' always thinking its a fifty fifty chance.
Man, it's crazy to just sit down for a second and figure out how much time i spend of my life every week on just obtaining heroin. You should try it, crazy to see the number in front of you....

funny how as the habit grows, so does the time spent acquiring hey-Ron and finding out ways to get the finances for said hey-ron...

with the time going up, so then does the risk. Does the addict change their ways? Nope. Heroin is a helluvah drug.
Oh my gosh I am super surprised with the rinse I just did! I almost didnt do it cuz I didnt want to have ro wait LONgER to take suboxone if need be tomorrow if it was for a weak RINSE, ya know? I grabbed my three funky cookers and did a rinse in all of them, up into one rig of course... color looked promising... I actually got a rush?! Thats never happened on a rinse. Thank God cuz I won't be able to pick up til late morning. A friend bought be a cheap bike and gave me the receipt.... soooooo... im gonna return it and buy me a gram!

There is definite shame in this. I will regret it very quickly for a handful of reasons. I am a horrible person! :O
bought you a bike, and gave you the receipt? WOW, your lucky day! Unless of course they wont return it,
or even worse, if he didnt pay with cash and only a card, they wont refund cash. It has to be applied to the
card that purchased the item... Unless you know someone or something i dont....
not trying to bring you down about the bike, that's awesome.
but if that's what your re up is depending on, unless you know other wise,
better check and see what the policy is on returns...

I have never save any of my empties, it's always just a reminder of what i
went through so quickly. Know a lot of people, that do save their cottons,
even save the bags themselves. In dire times, after they have save up 15, 20
of em, they will go through each one once again, and if they saved enough,
they maybe end up with something enough to get out of bed.
Like i said, i dont save them, because if i was in trouble, and dumped out my 30
empty bags and was scraping each and every last one of them, i'd be thinking
to myself "why so fucking greedy man, you couldnt have just saved ONE of these
for a day like today?" Plus, the only thing worse than waking up with none and
having no loot, is waking up with none, having no loot, going through 30 empties
to end up with nothing but grief. No thanks...
Yeah its not a fun lifestyle, spending ur last dollar on d when u might have actually had a decent amount of money. Enough to eat, get gas, and have something left over. BUT nope, after getting a half g ALL $ is gone, heading home all good right? Get home and cant find it (I hide it while driving). Almost busting down in tears bekuz thats my azz without it. That half g is guna keep me not sick for 2 days.
I'm 250 miles away from home, away at school & no is going to help me.
It can mess my day up and make it a bad day if I forget IT at home when i'm going to work (8 hours so at some point its needed). Its to the point I wouldnt be able to function, hw or going to class all adds stress which feel super amplified during those moments etc, Yall know how screwed up this game is, I just thought Id add 2 cents about being desperate.
Cant have any excuses like oh I lost if, wtf u mean u lost it. And this is me talking to myself, imagine if someone else lost ur shit. lol might have the X that mf out lmao

I haven't posted in a while but I just saw this and thought I would pass it on. It might have been posted already here so my apologies if it was.but he was a fellow Chicagoan and used to post here

I just found out that Our fellow poster Corey (lilc) and good friend of mine passed away about 2 months back. Corey was a good friend of mine who I met on here and was really one of the good guys. I was on FB and saw a random post from a person I didn't know how my news feed and was shocked when I saw it. It looks like he died after nodding off prolly while smokeing a cig outside on his porch on a cold night and got hypothermia . But he was strong and fought bc he didn't pass until a week later. Here's the link for those interested http://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/park-ridge/news/ct-prh-cold-death-tl-0310-20160302-story.html

He was a good dude and will be missed.
Yeaa I heard yall dont even really got dope out there like that. FL was known for pills, I just watched a documentary on it coincidentally lol. Well hopefully your getting into shit consists of just using and not catching charges lol.
Yeah I feel u its the worst wen that happens. What part were u from when u use to live here, Im on the southside.
The bike was purchased on debit. I called ahead of time to confirm thar I could get cash back. Thwy said most definitely unless I HAD the card w me and WANTED it back on the card. So, I went down to the Rock and picked up another gram. I pray I make it last until Sunday mid afternoon before I run out.

Im about to go grab a lil mediocre dope just cuz somebody owes a shot to me and they're grabbing it. Also grabbing a small amount of hard. What's that, folks?! Why yes, I WILL be doing a fat speedball. ;) Ill be heading out for thar once I finish at the grocery store.

Thats too bad, about Corey. Always terrible to hear that one of us didnt make it. How sad. I DO fear dying only because I dont want to leave my family devastated. Using is selfish because I see the pain and sadness my family endures. Its tremendous.
Bryan there is no sourcing, asking for drugs or. Connects or where to pick up.... all that jazz. Its against the rules.

Im really really high.
I was doing some reading and the is law dicked. It states when u get charged by weight of any mixture containing dope. So basically u could have 1% heroin on u, a kilo and get charged for a kilo. Supposedly it use to different (it recognized the difference) but someone used that to appeal. So of course they worded it in the way that can fuck u the most.
I was doing some reading and the is law dicked. It states when u get charged by weight of any mixture containing dope. So basically u could have 1% heroin on u, a kilo and get charged for a kilo. Supposedly it use to different (it recognized the difference) but someone used that to appeal. So of course they worded it in the way that can fuck u the most.

That's why I don't think it makes sense to cut it before it's in country.Same with LSD,they weigh the blotter or tabs as if it's all acid.Fucked up,fo sho but what do you expect from a corrupt Drug War? Fairness? As if...
What's drugs my dealers?

Your favorite posters favorite poster graces you with his presence.
What's drugs my dealers?

Your favorite posters favorite poster graces you with his presence.

Damn chinky, you missed out on some good but annoying posting a couple weeks ago. Dude on here calling everyone police and shit. I know you would've had some great shit to put him in his place.
two drug soliciting posts said:
both of these individuals are enjoying their ban... --mgmt.

You sure as hell broke the biggest rule we have here. And in the dumbest way possible. I mean, I know we don't think right when we are dope sick, but really? You're finds post your phone number on a public for thread asking for a source. Especially when this was just talked about not more than 7 posts above. Take that shit down before the mods decide to shut this down because of that shit.
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So i posted earlier this week that i was making a trip home from arkansas and stopped in st louis for a bit of dope tourism. Well that stuff wasn't so great and i found myself looking for a new connect shortly afterwards. Ended up meeting someone via internet who has a hookup in carol fucking stream. Bomb capsules like ten minutes from my house. Of course it's only when i finally move out of the area that i find a connect that's convenient and good. I had to let the MM walk with my money because apparently his guy isn't taking new customers, but he let me hold onto his drivers license as collateral. I really wasn't super pumped about letting my money walk, but the risk paid off so much. I think i ended up buying like three and a half jabs total through him this week because i wanted to be able to stock up. Capsules in the suburbs...
Damn chinky, you missed out on some good but annoying posting a couple weeks ago. Dude on here calling everyone police and shit. I know you would've had some great shit to put him in his place.
Aw man you know I would have ripped that fuckers head off lol, I used to eat noobs for breakfast on here

Sorry to say I'm not sure I remember you though, did you have an old name? Either way its nice to see someone still remembers me in these parts, I pretty much ran this shirt for years lol
Aw man you know I would have ripped that fuckers head off lol, I used to eat noobs for breakfast on here

Sorry to say I'm not sure I remember you though, did you have an old name? Either way its nice to see someone still remembers me in these parts, I pretty much ran this shirt for years lol

yea u dont know me yet...but Woosa does...and yea this fucking idiot on here was literally accusing everyone of being cops m, all the while claiming he doesnt do dope anymore but texting and lookingfor connects the whole fucking time...eventually we got sick of his bullshit and ran his ass Off the fucking board....dude was beyond full of shit.
Im surprised he left so easily after all that posting. I mean he coulda kept posting, he just had to cut that out. Shit he even accused me JJ! ;p lol
yea, they booted both of those guys that were sourcing, no joke...
So, what happened to SoDope anyways? He was just gone one day.
I figured he would never get the picture, or maybe he just got locked up
from all the bogus shit he was doing...