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Opioids Chicago dope thread

I'm no Chicago expert either, but that place has real gangs. Not the Bullshit Blood stuff we have in New Jersey and New York. Think LA in the 70's and 80's.

I imagine it is the gang capital of America these days. Sorry LA County. Oh man, they're all upset in Gardena and South LA now....whoa, I just got a death threat from Florencia 13...

But yeah, those dudes in Chicago are all ganged-up. And drugs is how they make their $$$.

Why can't they shoot people for legitimate reasons like they do in Philly? Like, getting your new kicks scuffed-up by some dude or getting looked-at the wrong way...
With our current communist mayor putting a collar on the police we may see that starting to change. Fuck, maybe they'll even be open air again

Promise me that if open air makes a comeback you'll let us know so I can take the trip down.No spot names necessary,the GPS coordinates will do.
Lol I told my gf she should read a couple of my posts on here. She was like I rather not, lol I had to explain to her, we dont only just talk about drugs. We talk about life, things that can save ur ass out here in these streets (Harm-Reduction), News.
But yea it is some heavy GANG GANG GANG shit going on in Chitown.

the fuckin bond judge gave me a huge bond 50000(for dwi and pcs) so 5000 to bond out without house arrest and i only have one prior poss charge seems a little excessive to me should of just told them i dont want house arrest keep me

Bro, if pcs stands for possession charge u better watch how crazy ur talking this is cook county. 2nd possession charge with a dwi? u better be happy u got house arrest lol. forreal doe im not even being a dick, I can look up someone in IDOC (Illinois Department of Corrections) with someone with the same rap sheet doing 3 - 5 years.
Yo, you guys should tell your gangster dealers in Chicago that violence is bad for business. 69 shootings over Memorial Day weekend? That's nuts, brahs.

The sad truth is that even despite the bloodshed, people still NEED their shit so they will definitely deal with it and still make the trip. And most of the shootings out west are over drug blocks, so as long as the demand is there, the supply will match it and the violence won't stop anytime soon
The sad truth is that even despite the bloodshed, people still NEED their shit so they will definitely deal with it and still make the trip. And most of the shootings out west are over drug blocks, so as long as the demand is there, the supply will match it and the violence won't stop anytime soon

Is there any better argument for legalizing ALL drugs.
been crazy lately.....last couple of times, the bags kinda got weak. then my last time down there, it was back to some fire like i had not felt in a while.

hoping things stay good!
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up to WATCH OUT. There is a spot out west that is selling bags cut with benzos and coke! I just tossed 6 bags because this shit was just too dangerous, and then I piss tested myself and confirmed what I thought!

The bags have been changing, but I suspect they've been cut with these adulterants for about two months now because the last time I went there, in the beginning of May, I experienced the same thing!

The bags always have a black logo on them... sometimes it's an alien, clubs (like on playing cards, the 3 leaf clover), and spiders. Do not shop here!!

I think if this crew got their hands on some fentanyl (and maybe they already have!) they would definitely put it on the street in unsafe quantities!

I can't post location information here (though I wish I could!) so be weary of anything you get on the far north side of the open air market. This is right on a busy street that starts with an H! (That's not giving too much away, since a lot of streets in this area start with an H... but I'll remove it if it's too specific. I just want to warn people!
Just wanted to give everybody a heads up to WATCH OUT. There is a spot out west that is selling bags cut with benzos and coke! I just tossed 6 bags because this shit was just too dangerous, and then I piss tested myself and confirmed what I thought!

The bags have been changing, but I suspect they've been cut with these adulterants for about two months now because the last time I went there, in the beginning of May, I experienced the same thing!

The bags always have a black logo on them... sometimes it's an alien, clubs (like on playing cards, the 3 leaf clover), and spiders. Do not shop here!!

I think if this crew got their hands on some fentanyl (and maybe they already have!) they would definitely put it on the street in unsafe quantities!

I can't post location information here (though I wish I could!) so be weary of anything you get on the far north side of the open air market. This is right on a busy street that starts with an H! (That's not giving too much away, since a lot of streets in this area start with an H... but I'll remove it if it's too specific. I just want to warn people!

I know exactly where you're referring to.

You couldn't handle the bags or what?? These are easilly the best bags anywhere right now! Say whaaaattt??
I have heard repeatedly of bags being cut with Coke but I find it a little bit hard to believe from a business sense perspective. I mean if people are going to do a speedball they are going to do a speedball and but coke is not what most dope users are looking to get in a dope bag. Not to mention that it is not the cheapest thing in itself in terms of adulterated a dope bag with. Not to mention the idea of dope bags being cut with BZDs is not very plausible at all as there are only a very few benzos which are water soluble. And those which are are not nearly as readily available as say diazepam or alprazolam.
I've seen the benzos as an additional cut, I can tell from the caked residue it leaves in the nose. Good defense doesn't have that insoluble caked up stuff left in ur nose. (I'm not talking about dorm cut bags, I'm talking about straight raw).
I was pissed kuz I could have potentially got addicted without even knowing. Plus I can tell how anything I do while on benzos I don't remember clearly. So yeah I would avoid it even if u like the mix kuz u dnt know how much ur doing. Plus benzos are cheap as hell ur paying alot more for it as cut...ALOT more
I've seen the benzos as an additional cut, I can tell from the caked residue it leaves in the nose. Good defense doesn't have that insoluble caked up stuff left in ur nose. (I'm not talking about dorm cut bags, I'm talking about straight raw).
I was pissed kuz I could have potentially got addicted without even knowing. Plus I can tell how anything I do while on benzos I don't remember clearly. So yeah I would avoid it even if u like the mix kuz u dnt know how much ur doing. Plus benzos are cheap as hell ur paying alot more for it as cut...ALOT more

Well makes enough sense if enough of your customer base is snorting, I guess, and if so, raw ALP and DZP are definitely cheap, but dope is largely meant for shooters, isn't it? and I assume we're talking about cutting be done on level of people who know what they're doing. But dope is made for shooting. I have not heard of raw midazolam but that doesn't mean it's not possible to acquire if you have the proper hooks in the Orient; I just don't see it being worth the trouble.
Yeah, court proceedings would be a lot better if they'd let you get high during them...
Yeah Preliminary hearing will have a mf like what!? They read ur charges and possible penalties there so if reality hasnt hit yet, it will when they read off 4 years and/or $25,000 fine for a $10 bag u had. The system is crazy the way they move u around like an animal through secured rooms u've never been in. And if no one lets u out this room, u would die a slow death of starvation and all that other bad shit.
From an engineers point of view looking at steel bars I know require several thousand lbs of force to even bend. Its like no possibility of getting out, its like being a prison in ur own body. Just wishing ur ass could teleport the fuck outta there lol.

'Ever since kuzo showed me how to whip it, times is looking great'-Rapper
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So I have been into working out and fitness a long time and am a personal trainer and continue to study it and I lately am fascinated with strongmen and their training. This led me to the story of Alexander Zass a Russian strongman injured and captured by Austrians during WW1. Dude chilled, healed up and when he felt like it bent the bars and escaped 3 times. On the last time he walked all the way home or something.