EMD Can we get a freakin' TECHNO thread or what?

Naja, while Berlin Calling (the album) is good, Berlin Calling (the movie) isn't exactly that.
I got a lot of respect for Kalkbrenner, but he likes glamourizing how fucked up Berlin is.
It's a fictional movie, and no that's not Berlin's party scene, those are actors together with the most famous DJ in all of Germany.
Far from the real club scene
Any place which has a small daytime club is good imo. ;)
Any place which has a small daytime club is good imo. ;)
Don't want to disappoint you here.
There are some parties that go 2-3 days and therefore the Clubs are open during the day,
but nothing like an actual daytime club, not that I've seen, and I lived in Berlin for 2 weeks partying nonstop.
You can pretty much always find someplace to go party, but nothing like a consistent daytime club.
Unless you're talking Club der Visionäre, but that's a bar, not a club, even though it's in the name.

Maybe there was one in the 90s, which is where Berlin Calling's plot derives from.
I'm not even sure if there was one in the movie, movie's like 14 years old and I was fucking high as I watched it :D

We had single days inbetween where there was nothing and we had to wait for the night
Kompakt? You talking about the music store?
They link a lot of House music from Cologne if you mean them
it's just a music store though, they don't make any music
The record label...
Lol thought u would have know that Kompakt is also a record company. They have released loads of great music
Used to have this album on cd ❤️
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I guess. But they aren't just a store I thought. Lol I'm not too keen on the in your face stuff like that myself 😛 cool to hear different stuff though
Deichkind are fucking legendary :) but guess you have to understand the lyrics.
It's awesome to dance to and fucking funny as well.

Yeah store came first, '93, and label '98
But it's both just Voigt and a few others
Nice I didn't know that. Pretty sure they have quite a few artists though tbf 😛https://kompakt.fm/artists
I'll post some Scottish techno here soon a bit like Berlin Glasgow has a rich underground scene 😀
they're not small, no.
But also very mainstream-inspired, hence why I don't like them much.
A lot of it is glorified pop music in the coat of House or Techno.
I like some of Voigt's stuff, but also not much.

As a German you're just left asking yourself "Wo ist der Bumms?!"
just not aggressive enough, guess that's why they have more success internationally than in Germany :ROFLMAO:
glorified pop music in the coat of House or Techno.
Lol I don't like it all either but there is defo a lot of quality recordings and artists to be found. It's funny cause the video u posted I would associate more with commercial sounding music just goes to show 🙂
Lol I don't like it all either but there is defo a lot of quality recordings and artists to be found. It's funny cause the video u posted I would associate more with commercial sounding music just goes to show 🙂
Oh Deichkind are fucking famous, no doubt about that.
A lot more popular in Germany. But they're Comedians. The songs are meant to be schranzig and funny.

I don't mean "commercial" when I say "mainstream(-inspired)".
By mainstream I mean the flood of music we get from the USA that warps German/European music into their format.

Especially that so much of it is English with English lyrics or at least titles (with the terrible German accents, yuck, I mean who can't pronounce English, are they fucking morons?)
English language is everywhere and I don't like it one bit. So for using so much English alone I don't like Voigt & Kompakt.

They're killing our language, and at least our musicians should try to do something about it.
If you listen to today's youths talk it's like 50% English. When I was their age(I'm 30 now), it was like 3 words English "cool", "super" and "laser"
and I was proud of those 3.

o wait super is latin. those 2 then
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Was just thinking there I don't think I'd be into gaelic techno if it existed 😆 then again nobody here speaks it anyways. Lol. @December Flower do you like kraftwerk? You like this one? It's newish

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Here's Germany's best artist

Nah serious, I should have a dig used to have loads of good tracks like this.

Thats what one calls a belter.

This is German too afaik

Dune hardcore vibes (Happy hardcore)

Not heard this one for years. Austrian apparently
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Never liked this kind of techno, very tough for me to get in the mood when watching live, though I understand that people like it
There's techno and techno indeed, I get that I'm in the mood for this one right now other nights it wouldn't float my boat.