Can U Explain What Its Like ???

i like to use music to describe rolling, as it can envoke some emotions and feelings that can be hard to get from just talking about it, i tell people to listen to dreaming by bt, and i tell them that the girls voice is what your mindset is like, the way she sings, and what she says. and the music is they way your body feels. also the first time i heard nina gordon's "tonight and the rest of my life" the first thing i thought about was rolling
I doubt that I could accurately describe in words what rolling is like to someone who's never done E before.
Rolling is something you feel...
If I had to describe???
Total harmony and enlightenment of every single sense that your body has. Even beyond the physical reality almost into a universal even spiritual un-reality!
The first time I rolled - this is how I explain it - everything was new, fresh again. The closest thing to it is saying that I felt like a little kid again.
I saw the whole world and everything in it for second time, a new time. Everything just felt right - all the pieces of all existence just fit right where they were supposed to be.
i understood all of my problems and I knew that on some level none of them really mattered and all of my troubles were insignificant in the whole picture of life. I felt connected to everyone around me so strongly it was like they were a part of me.
I guess that is the best I can do, but I know that it was just something that can't really be explained. It has to be experienced and it is different for every person.
When I started seeing goblins and little bubbles coming out of everything- that didn't really give me any big revelations about life - that was just freakin cool and trippy as hell!
~WoOF WOOf wOof~
"IT" makes you want to call the phone company and thank them for the service.
its like, I am the music and the music is a part of the me, we co-exist and have the same need to BE. all the people around me are part of the same experience and are all part of the music and the atmosphere, the charged air that you breathe and take into your body. you dont hear things anymore, you feel them, you dont look at things, you see them.
ahhhh...natural light, get it off me...get it off me!
This is my first real time rolling. I am prescribed Ritalin, so maybe i have a naturdal amphetamine tolerance or something, but every other time ive tried to roll, ive had no success with my pills. I went to a club in DC on 2 swallowed pills, but no success there either. Tonight, alone, in my condo, i plugged. Quite easier than it seems after reading about it on the net, that step was done in 5 seconds. 40 minutes later, I was introduced to the guy thats gonna make me who i'll become. I have no decided for sure that i want to become a psychologist after listening to music in total relaxation with no stress on my mind talking to multiple friends about problems in our lives. Ecstasy allows you to back away from life and look at it in a laid back way. It removes you from your problems and any biased decisions or opinions you may have, and lets you see them in a different light. For some, ecstasy hypes you up and makes u wanna dance. For me, ecstasy calms me down by removing all stress and anxiety from my life. It is by far the most theraputic tool that exists. You may realize something about yourself that perhaps you never knew before, you may see that you have made some mistakes, and you will back off and find a resolution with an unbiased view. Thinking about psychiarists and psychologists, they go through years of school just to extract some information and how to interperet such information that they extract. Problem with that is, we can never be as honest with anyone else more than we can be with ourselves. If you give X the chance to guide you to the "observing room" so that you can look down at your life and even though you may have been convincing yourself of things about you for years, ecstasy will give you the chance to realize what those are. If you are just starting x, whether you know of any mental problems or not, i suggest you talk to a shrink after your roll about what you experienced, what you thought, and how you felt. That way, you can combine your newlyfound inside thoughts and feelings with a therapists true advice based on other people he has treated in the past. Ecstasy is a tool for self improvement and self exploration and discovery. Regardless of who you are, what color you are, how old you are, religion, age, WHATEVER! Everyone has something to explore, and from the examples I've seen, anybody can do E. By doing Ecstasy, you are doing something really good for yourself in the long run, even if some negative fealings or thoughts come out, thats a good thing. Discuss those with your therapist, and work your way to having no problems. Kinda like if a box is closed for 100 years, you wont see any dust inside till you open it, once you do, you can clean that dust out and you will be cleaner inside :) Nuff Said
Expect everything and the unexpected shall never happen.
before i rolled for the first time, i was with my cousin, and he told me it is like the best sex i never had, that concept has stuck in my head and every time i hand out pills (im typically the keeper in the group) i remember what he said to me (he also said that he was in charge of my saftey!) and ever since then i say basically the same thing to new rollers
your roll is only as good as your attitude/what a great thing to hear and expect when you drop!
Follow me to the City of Groove...
my husbands words....
with a big smile of course
The best way I know how to describe it is exactly how Christmas morning felt to me when I was 5 years old. A complete and total warm ball of child-like joy in the pit of my stomach. That's what it's like for me anyway.
Hey sensory child, I know exactly what you mean. I think that I view the world differently alot of the time too. I can find the good in things/people/events that alot of people cant. I think that when you expose yourself to certian "trips" or "highs" (Psysobin Mushrooms and MDMA/MDA in my case) you realize things that stick with you after you come down. It didn't really change my outlook on life, but it helped me to understand things better (even after I came down!). So i dont think that it would make everything boring for you, it didn't for me anyway.
I know that look!!!! I'm habitually looking in the mirror at my eyes to see how big my pupils get when the roll kicks in!
It's like buying a pill of happiness. You have love for everyone, you live PLUR to the fullest while rolling. You like live in a fantasy world while rolling. And after your first time rolling, your way of thinking about life changes.