Exhausted Can I still drink

I only stayed sober this long cause I was hospitalized for most of the time and taking clormethizole(which I hate cause it gives me bad headaches)
As for the weed I'm not an expert but I must've smoked over a thousand joints of all different sorts in my life and I dislike it every single time. It makes me foggy, edgy and just stupid. Sometimes like today it makes me nervous and raises my heart rate. I never sleep well from it and most of the time I have to make a real effort to concetrate and act normal whis is exhausting. I also just simply hate inhaling smoke.

Maybe try another med for coming off alcohol like Valium? Also usihg Valium is alot safer then alcohol. Benzos while addiction to them is not good are a safer option then alcohol. Just don't make the mistake of using alcohol and benzos at the same time.

Have you ever tried hash? It's very relaxing
Valium would be nice. I sometimes have to resort to alcohol, because I have anxiety and my doctor won't prescribe benzos. :(
Took me a while to get over the anxiety from alcohol PAWS, like years, but I have recovered a lot since then. Benzos for me would be no good.
The tolerance thing sounds rough but surely it must drop after this kind of extreme shit?
Not going to lie, the tolerance not even budging after not even looking at booze for three months is quite vexing. Apparently it takes approx. 60 days for the body to fully recover from alcohol use of the more moderate kind, never mind the shit we get up to.

Like surely there's no way I'll have to drink a fifth in the morning just to stop shaking after like a week's bender?

I don't really have much experience with serious PAWS. My regular after-weekend/holiday withdrawals consist of maybe a bit of anxiety on the first day after followed by an inability to fall asleep very easily that first night and shitty sleep for 2-3 days.
Had serious brain zaps and shakes only once, and that was 12 years ago.

Your system sounds pretty cool though, I wish something like that could work for me.
I know saying this is a bit of a piss-take on my part, but maybe give it a go? By which I mean, give it up for a sizeable amount of time, put your efforts into something more productive, and see how it goes.

I wish you the best.