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Can I Snort This? MEGA

Well is plugging it more efficient than snorting it? I've never plugged anything in my life although I'm a pretty open minded person. Didn't really see the point.. eating it or snorting should work just as well to me...

What about my nose being clogged? Does that have anything to do with how much h goes in my system or does it really not matter
get your fingers wet with hot water, lean your head back and snort the water. should clear you up.

i do it before and after i snort anything personally. works wonders and the heat should open your pores allowing you to pull in more.
I took a seroquel for the first time last night (100mg). and snorting it? I would deff. not do. but as "zombie like" goes, I deff. am feeling really BLAAAH today and its already 1 in the afternoon and I have to go in for a job interview today at 2. (I KNOW i know) It knocked my ass out so fast.
Seroquel is really hardcore and as others have suggested you should probably look for a more minor sleep aid. It has so many side effects and prolonged feelings to it. I definitely wouldn't risk hurting my nasal cavities from snorting it over looking for another, better substance to take.
I am very biased against 99% of anti-psychotics, seroquel isn't the best way to help you sleep. diphenhydramine ftw...
just eat it. it has high oral BA and the 5 minutes of difference into your blood stream are not worth the dipshitery of snorting APs.
I've tried a very tiny tiny tiny little bit but it burned a little bit. But I pop them sometimes while I blow some OC's and it enhances the nod quite a bit.
come on ......dont snort seroquel .......your really reaching here ......
snorting seroquil is way too dusty. It gets in your lungs and feels like whiffing baking flour.
Post here any and all "Can I snort XXX?" questions.
A somewhat-master list will start in the OP.
It definitely works for me. Just chop up the powder really fine with a razor blade, a la cocaine... split it up into a few small lines.. inhale into each nostril, then snort some water afterwards. You should feel all that powder run down your throat when tilting your head back...

I wouldn't describe the feeling as a rush. I just feel warm and tingly all over about 5-10 minutes after doing this and the feeling lasts an hour or so... so definitely not the same feeling or as effective as the oral route, which gives me 5hrs of energy (tolerance is a bitch)..but still effective nevertheless.

PS - if you want a real rush - chop the powder up really fine, mix with water and a finely-ground enzyme tablet...let sit for 30min~1hr then drink. the protease in the enzyme tablet is the same enzyme in the stomach which separates the amino acid (lysine) from the amphetamine in the capsule... so the rush is almost instant.

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no you cannot snort Vyvanse,its impossible. well, I shouldnt say that due to the fact that some junkie probably spent a day or 2 trying to figure out a way to disslove it and snort t. But from what ive read and friends who have attempted to snort it and failed and wasted it, the answer is no. Plus, taking it orally is quite effective.
I'm going to expand upon this question, I know it comes in powder form, and I know that railing it will not quicken the come up or intensify the effects. But I would like to ask if snorting Vyvanse would be relatively equal to an oral ingestion, or if snorting it is a complete 100% waste of the drug and will reap no effects whatsoever.
I snorted Vyvanse and felt a tiny immediate effect (maybe placebo) accompanied by 12 hours of intense and godlike energy. My mom thought I was manic, just tweakin:)
Was feeling bored so I tried snorting some lunesta last night. I had 2 2mg pills. they were kinda hard to crush up but once that was done there was no burn or particularly unpleasant throat drip or anything.

the high felt like kinda a cross between 5mg valium and 25mg benadryl. it felt nice, but too sedating to be of much use for partying unless i mixed it with a stimulant of some kind.

the downside was i overslept through several alarms and missed a doctors appointment where i was gonna get refills on some of my scripts. :( now i gotta wait till next week for more skelaxin and vyvanse
Snorting Seroquel SUCKS. It has cayenne pepper in it as a bittergent also it aggrivates your nose and back-of throat. It tastes bad and CLOGS your nasal passages, even if you only snort a 25mg. I found myself CONSTANTLY blowing my nose for several hours after snorting it because my bunged up nose is burning/itchy.
The oral absorbtion id nearly 100% so you wont get more out of it by snorting.
Yes, snorting it makes it kick in a lot faster, but honestly it's not worth it. Just swallow it. Chew it if you want a faster high (or whatever it is you're after).
It makes me having a hacking cough when smoked and it doesn't work that well. Injecting it is hard because there's so much powder you can only get like a quarter of a pill at a time. Even then the BA is significantly LESS than taking it orally.

I've never taken it rectally (and wouldn't want to with that nasty cayenne in it).
I normally take them orally (sometimes I chew them). It always makes me calm and happy (each 50mg pill feels like 5mg of Valium) and I'm looking to either highten it's effects and/or the duration it lasts.