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Bupe Can a taper be performed painlessly

yes a very slow taper will be painless. thhere might be a slight discomfort going from x to 0mg, i think my doc said for methadone to taper 5-10% per month for no discomfort and a lowest risk of relapse, i presume it would be similar for bupe
yes a very slow taper will be painless. i think my doc said for methadone to taper 5-10% per month for no discomfort and a lowest risk of relapse, i presume it would be similar for bupe
Have you ever tried it? Just because your doctor claimed a slow taper should be painless does NOT mean it is.
From experience, the longer you're on it the longer the withdrawal is going to be. I started at 4 mg and throughout my 4 year stint tapered down to about .5mg a day for the last two years, sometimes using less. I finally got off of it because my supply was cut and the withdrawals may not be as intense as other opiates but they last forever. I'm a little over 2 months opiate free and still have lack of energy, body aches & diarrhea. It's not horrible to the point where you can't manage without relapsing but it is very VERY annoying and tends to make me feel real defeated from time to time.
most doctors just dont understand the complex negative withdrawl feeling no matter how small the taper because most doctors dont know what it feels like to be physically dependent, they base it on math and boldly think tapering someone off methadone 5mg a day everyday will be painless because of how small thhe "dose gap" looks to them, the all base on book opinion. nothing more or less
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im a firm believer of what ur saying, i always been an addict before i picked up drugs, its just how my brain is wired..nothing i can change, im human i do what i do to satisfy myself not fight my natural temptation and go against it to be MISERABLE
CQTM! Very clever. I suppose misery is built in in an evolutionary way, you know, so we always want MORE. More sex, more food, and more... well that's pretty much all we had before language and civilization and alcohol and drugs. But we were wired to want things that gave us brain-rewards, and now there's brain rewards out the freakin' wazoo. Everywhere, from cigs to sex, to hostess cupcakes.

Anyway, I agree with what was cleverly expressed about nature deciding how miserable you should be. It's sad but true. To me, it offers an odd kind of peace. Like, "well, if it's up to nature to decide how miserable I'll be then I guess I'll just take my lumps." Of course, there are ways to moderate the misery with loperamide, exercise, etc. or avoid it, by not quitting. But who wants THAT? I want freeeeedooommmmmmmmmm! Yessir I do.

Just fight through it. I promise, once you're past the TEMPORARY part, you'll look back and those weeks or months will seem like distant little mole-hills. For now though, I know, it can be pretty damn miserable. Fucking nature.

The painless taper is when you don't quit. You see, nature decides how miserable you should be through a chemical balance. When you take an opioid drug for example and become less miserable, nature tries to correct the imbalance in order to make you miserable again so it lowers production of natural opioids. So after while, you will need to take those drugs to even feel normal. Right now, there is no painless taper because when you lower intake, your level of misery will automatically increase until your body re-adjusts.

If only that damn asteroid didn't fall. We would now be super intelligent reptiles and just like crocodiles, we would not have a known life span and probably not develop tolerance to feeling good either.
You were a cucumber just longing to be pickled. You can never be a cucumber again. I am the exact same.

im a firm believer of what ur saying, i always been an addict before i picked up drugs, its just how my brain is wired..nothing i can change, im human i do what i do to satisfy myself not fight my natural temptation and go against it to be MISERABLE
^which asteroid? the last biggy? if the PT one didnt hit we could miss the reptile stage altogether and be giant intelligent toads living in underwater cities.

i agree with Ksa, you really can't taper and not feel it physically or mentally at some point, the oxy taper from opiophile sounds nice but i would be surprised if that worked for 100% of the population 100% of the time. there are waaay to many variables that come into tapering, your biological make-up and predisposition, how long you've been using, how hard, how long the half life is for the drug your tapering on etc. ive done about 8 withdrawal/tapers off opiates and everyone of them has sucked in someway for some length of time. twice when i only used for 2 weeks straight it was pretty easy with the help of codeine CWE's but coming off half a gram of h a day after a couple of months using sucked arse and coming off methadone made me want to blow my brains out. i ended up chickening out and switching to bupe after 5 days because it was so unbelievably bad, i was on 25mg a day when i jumped. once you get below about 30-50mg a day on methadone (about 50 for me, i have a fast metabolism) you will probably start to get withdrawals about 15-24hrs after your last dose. i would wake up sick a hell, drink my dose in bed and feel like king of the world when i got to work and start feeling miserable around tea time. im actually coming off bupe now, i initially jumped from 20 to 12mg in one go without any noticeable effects other than the headaches i had been getting (from the naloxone maybe?) had gone away then tapered slowly from 12 to 2mg. once i came below about 3-4mg a day i started noticing withdrawals at around 15-18hrs after my last dose. now ive just had my last tiny orange .5mg and am about to embark on the long and painful codeine CWE withdrawal trail, its not perfect but its the best way i know how, at least it gives you a small amount of relief for some of the day. im at the stage now where .5 of bupe does very little, i feel okish for about 3 hrs or so then i feel like total shit. im also coming off a reasonably fast taper from 10mg daily of diazepam, i stepped down to 7.5 for about 2 weeks then 5mg for 4 days now im on 2.5mg with 3 days left because i didnt manage to get a doc app in time to fill my script (plus im broke) and i kind of want to see how i go. its been pretty shit so far, the combined opiate-benzo withdrawal isn't fun. i almost have to say benzo's are worse to come off than opiates, ive had a really bad headache, sore sensitive eyes that are blood red and dry when i wake up, an unpleasant anxious body load and insomnia and fatigue. i had to go a week without earlier this year when i was misusing my script, withdrawal from even 30-40mg really really sucks, easily as bad as opiate withdrawals.

anyway my suggestions to help you get through is to definitely taper and taper slowly, eat well, drink plenty of water and herbal teas and try to at least go out for a walk every day (i like to ride my bike), also i cant recommend hot baths enough, they may seem like a bit of a pain but once youre in you start to loosen up and the stiff back and legs and anxiety subside at least for a while. whoever recommended sauna's is probably right on the money, i bet they would help even if for only an hour or so. stay the hell away from stimulants including coffee and dont drink alcohol, it might seem like a good idea at the time but it wont feel that way for long. i find weed utterly useless as well, it just increases the anxiety and head fuck-edness (thats just me though). drugs that do help are things like diphenhydramine and doxylamine (drowsy antihistamines) for sleep, clonodine for body aches and anxiety (be careful though its also addictive), beta-blockers for anxiety (also mildly addictive), cyclobenzaprine for body aches and anxiety (addictive), ibuprofen, APAP or paracetamol depending on where youre from, valerian root extract can help with relaxation and insomnia too, i find its good to only use the drugs when you really need them and to try to keep everything on a bit of a rotation so you dont end up with another addiction. i would add benzo's to the list but honestly theyre just not worth it, if you maybe take valium or xanax once a day (before bed maybe, remember not to mix with other sleeping pills or you might not wake up) for the 3 worst days of a short half-life opiate withdrawal (say days 3,4 and 5) and then definitely stop that would help but trust me they are not a good trade off as far as addictions go, benzo addiction and withdrawal fucking suck and from what i hear it lasts for fucking months if you have a bad habit. i also think that either switching to or using a less potent short-acting opiate for withdrawals could really help some people. if you've only been on low dose bupe for a month and have tapered cleverly then you could definitely tough it out but with methadone you have to be a tough bastard, it totally broke me. codeine works a treat if you can get it in your part of the world, i like it because i dont find it at all recreational, its just a stop-gap for withdrawals. however i have friends who love it and had pretty nasty withdrawals from a high dose. if you cant get codeine then maybe try hydrocodone or eek even loperamide (i havent tried it, ive heard it works but it sounds sketchy, there is a risk of seizures with high doses from what i understand, definitely something that needs to be well researched and treated with care. apparently it really helps with the shits if taken at its recommended dose). with codeine i start at 150-200mg orally that i get from a cold water extraction to get rid of the APAP-paracetamol/ibuprofen (check out how-to guides on BL if you havent tried them, they can be a godsend and if you're popping things like perc's regularly like i did when i was in the states recently it'll save your liver, kidneys and stomach a hiding from APAP and ibuprofen) level out on that for a week, then drop by 30mg every 3-4 days until im at 30mg at which level i jump of and usually completely painlessly. thats not to say i dont get rocked by withdrawals, the first week is usually pretty rough for 2/3 to 3/4 of a day but the codeine helps, it at least gives me a kind of reprieve from the withdrawals everyday so i can sleep or get through work and it really doesnt seem to make the withdrawals last any longer than they usually would if done right.

theres also the kind of untalked and underrated mental aspect of withdrawal which is way harder to offer constructive opinions on, everyone deals with shit differently. i personally go through waves of feeling more mental anguish for a few hours and then ill become more physically fucked. i think the main thing is just to stay tough, everyone is way tougher than they really think they are, don't cave in and try to remember why you're in withdrawals in the first place. towards the end of the withdrawal the mental side is probably really going to take over and start dredging up some painful emotions and memories and you'll probably feel really ashamed, guilty, irritable, depressed and anxious and bored through parts of the day, this is when so many people end up using again. i personally find im always on the verge of tears a lot of the time for what feels like no real reason, i think its just your bodies way of saying 'as a gift for fucking up have too much of this unpleasant emotion and lets see if you can really embarrass yourself in the restaurant..' you have to find ways to deal with the mental stuff constructively, on one hand you need to ignore it when its really beating you but pretty soon you need to deal with it face to face or if you're me and most others on here you'll end up right where you are again. you have to acknowledge that you fucked up at least a bit, you have to see that it really does hurt you and most probably a few other people who care about you and you have to find ways to distract and stop yourself from using again. im going to get back into old hobbies that ive since forgone for getting high and get back in touch with old friends more, ive become a hermit since getting on h and the rest. ive also managed to stay well away from heroin and triggers that make me want to use. like quitting smoking its really tough to stop something when everybody around you is still doing it and its easy to get and use again. i also play a distraction game when i feel as though im going to cave in and use (like this morning). i make myself think about the consequences of what ive done and what im going to do about them and that generally sobers me up real fucken quick and distracts me from my stupid ranting monologue from swindling some lame excuse to use again. thats just something i do, it reaffirms my goals and gives me a reality check but sometimes can have the opposite effect, if i really feel beat i sometimes just block it out and use to forget which is stupid but thats kind of how the opiate blanket works i think. ive been on methadone and bupe for over a year now and benzo's for 6 months, im ready to get clean, im tired of the endless cycle of abuse and having to rely on a stupid orange strip and a few pills just to go about my normal day, its a pain and its money that i really dont have. i read a great little proverb on the australia drug discussion board last night "This too shall pass" - its a good reminder that its all just time, time is our worst enemy but its also our best friend and we need to think about everything from the awful dreams we had in the 1 hour we slept last night to how we deal with the rest of today to how we want to spend the rest of our lives, i definitely dont want to stay living below the bread line, using behind my girlfriends back, tired and too sick to even work and living a dangerous, cheap, sad little junkie life. theres way to much awesome shit to do, like learn about asteroids and spaceships and shit. goodluck guys i really hope it works out for everybody!
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Awesome post. dedicated! mad props!

^which asteroid? the last biggy? if the PT one didnt hit we could miss the reptile stage altogether and be giant intelligent toads living in underwater cities.

i agree with Ksa, you really can't taper and not feel it physically or mentally at some point, the oxy taper from opiophile sounds nice but i would be surprised if that worked for 100% of the population 100% of the time. there are waaay to many variables that come into tapering, your biological make-up and predisposition, how long you've been using, how hard, how long the half life is for the drug your tapering on etc. ive done about 8 withdrawal/tapers off opiates and everyone of them has sucked in someway for some length of time. twice when i only used for 2 weeks straight it was pretty easy with the help of codeine CWE's but coming off half a gram of h a day after a couple of months using sucked arse and coming off methadone made me want to blow my brains out. i ended up chickening out and switching to bupe after 5 days because it was so unbelievably bad, i was on 25mg a day when i jumped. once you get below about 30-50mg a day on methadone (about 50 for me, i have a fast metabolism) you will probably start to get withdrawals about 15-24hrs after your last dose. i would wake up sick a hell, drink my dose in bed and feel like king of the world when i got to work and start feeling miserable around tea time. im actually coming off bupe now, i initially jumped from 20 to 12mg in one go without any noticeable effects other than the headaches i had been getting (from the naloxone maybe?) had gone away then tapered slowly from 12 to 2mg. once i came below about 3-4mg a day i started noticing withdrawals at around 15-18hrs after my last dose. now ive just had my last tiny orange .5mg and am about to embark on the long and painful codeine CWE withdrawal trail, its not perfect but its the best way i know how, at least it gives you a small amount of relief for some of the day. im at the stage now where .5 of bupe does very little, i feel okish for about 3 hrs or so then i feel like total shit. im also coming off a reasonably fast taper from 10mg daily of diazepam, i stepped down to 7.5 for about 2 weeks then 5mg for 4 days now im on 2.5mg with 3 days left because i didnt manage to get a doc app in time to fill my script (plus im broke) and i kind of want to see how i go. its been pretty shit so far, the combined opiate-benzo withdrawal isn't fun. i almost have to say benzo's are worse to come off than opiates, ive had a really bad headache, sore sensitive eyes that are blood red and dry when i wake up, an unpleasant anxious body load and insomnia and fatigue. i had to go a week without earlier this year when i was misusing my script, withdrawal from even 30-40mg really really sucks, easily as bad as opiate withdrawals.

anyway my suggestions to help you get through is to definitely taper and taper slowly, eat well, drink plenty of water and herbal teas and try to at least go out for a walk every day (i like to ride my bike), also i cant recommend hot baths enough, they may seem like a bit of a pain but once youre in you start to loosen up and the stiff back and legs and anxiety subside at least for a while. whoever recommended sauna's is probably right on the money, i bet they would help even if for only an hour or so. stay the hell away from stimulants including coffee and dont drink alcohol, it might seem like a good idea at the time but it wont feel that way for long. i find weed utterly useless as well, it just increases the anxiety and head fuck-edness (thats just me though). drugs that do help are things like diphenhydramine and doxylamine (drowsy antihistamines) for sleep, clonodine for body aches and anxiety (be careful though its also addictive), beta-blockers for anxiety (also mildly addictive), cyclobenzaprine for body aches and anxiety (addictive), ibuprofen, APAP or paracetamol depending on where youre from, valerian root extract can help with relaxation and insomnia too, i find its good to only use the drugs when you really need them and to try to keep everything on a bit of a rotation so you dont end up with another addiction. i would add benzo's to the list but honestly theyre just not worth it, if you maybe take valium or xanax once a day (before bed maybe, remember not to mix with other sleeping pills or you might not wake up) for the 3 worst days of a short half-life opiate withdrawal (say days 3,4 and 5) and then definitely stop that would help but trust me they are not a good trade off as far as addictions go, benzo addiction and withdrawal fucking suck and from what i hear it lasts for fucking months if you have a bad habit. i also think that either switching to or using a less potent short-acting opiate for withdrawals could really help some people. if you've only been on low dose bupe for a month and have tapered cleverly then you could definitely tough it out but with methadone you have to be a tough bastard, it totally broke me. codeine works a treat if you can get it in your part of the world, i like it because i dont find it at all recreational, its just a stop-gap for withdrawals. however i have friends who love it and had pretty nasty withdrawals from a high dose. if you cant get codeine then maybe try hydrocodone or eek even loperamide (i havent tried it, ive heard it works but it sounds sketchy, there is a risk of seizures with high doses from what i understand, definitely something that needs to be well researched and treated with care. apparently it really helps with the shits if taken at its recommended dose). with codeine i start at 150-200mg orally that i get from a cold water extraction to get rid of the APAP-paracetamol/ibuprofen (check out how-to guides on BL if you havent tried them, they can be a godsend and if you're popping things like perc's regularly like i did when i was in the states recently it'll save your liver, kidneys and stomach a hiding from APAP and ibuprofen) level out on that for a week, then drop by 30mg every 3-4 days until im at 30mg at which level i jump of and usually completely painlessly. thats not to say i dont get rocked by withdrawals, the first week is usually pretty rough for 2/3 to 3/4 of a day but the codeine helps, it at least gives me a kind of reprieve from the withdrawals everyday so i can sleep or get through work and it really doesnt seem to make the withdrawals last any longer than they usually would if done right.

theres also the kind of untalked and underrated mental aspect of withdrawal which is way harder to offer constructive opinions on, everyone deals with shit differently. i personally go through waves of feeling more mental anguish for a few hours and then ill become more physically fucked. i think the main thing is just to stay tough, everyone is way tougher than they really think they are, don't cave in and try to remember why you're in withdrawals in the first place. towards the end of the withdrawal the mental side is probably really going to take over and start dredging up some painful emotions and memories and you'll probably feel really ashamed, guilty, irritable, depressed and anxious and bored through parts of the day, this is when so many people end up using again. i personally find im always on the verge of tears a lot of the time for what feels like no real reason, i think its just your bodies way of saying 'as a gift for fucking up have too much of this unpleasant emotion and lets see if you can really embarrass yourself in the restaurant..' you have to find ways to deal with the mental stuff constructively, on one hand you need to ignore it when its really beating you but pretty soon you need to deal with it face to face or if you're me and most others on here you'll end up right where you are again. you have to acknowledge that you fucked up at least a bit, you have to see that it really does hurt you and most probably a few other people who care about you and you have to find ways to distract and stop yourself from using again. im going to get back into old hobbies that ive since forgone for getting high and get back in touch with old friends more, ive become a hermit since getting on h and the rest. ive also managed to stay well away from heroin and triggers that make me want to use. like quitting smoking its really tough to stop something when everybody around you is still doing it and its easy to get and use again. i also play a distraction game when i feel as though im going to cave in and use (like this morning). i make myself think about the consequences of what ive done and what im going to do about them and that generally sobers me up real fucken quick and distracts me from my stupid ranting monologue from swindling some lame excuse to use again. thats just something i do, it reaffirms my goals and gives me a reality check but sometimes can have the opposite effect, if i really feel beat i sometimes just block it out and use to forget which is stupid but thats kind of how the opiate blanket works i think. ive been on methadone and bupe for over a year now and benzo's for 6 months, im ready to get clean, im tired of the endless cycle of abuse and having to rely on a stupid orange strip and a few pills just to go about my normal day, its a pain and its money that i really dont have. i read a great little proverb on the australia drug discussion board last night "This too shall pass" - its a good reminder that its all just time, time is our worst enemy but its also our best friend and we need to think about everything from the awful dreams we had in the 1 hour we slept last night to how we deal with the rest of today to how we want to spend the rest of our lives, i definitely dont want to stay living below the bread line, using behind my girlfriends back, tired and too sick to even work and living a dangerous, cheap, sad little junkie life. theres way to much awesome shit to do, like learn about asteroids and spaceships and shit. goodluck guys i really hope it works out for everybody!
wow.. jumping from 25 mg of methadone... thats pretty tough.. i havent met anyone that jumped from a high dose of methadone and didnt want to just kill themselves... ive seen a few posts where people are tapering and having problems at 10-15 mg just going down a little bit and even that shows how bad it can be...

for me im at 9mg right now and while i have seen a few side effects (sneezing, bowel movements, and possible headaches from time to time) i really dont feel WD symptoms and i thank my lucky stars for that... my plan is to literally drop 1mg per week with a stabilizing period of one week every 3-4 weeks... that should have me finished by around mid-september or so.. i honestly wouldnt recommend anything else as its too easy mess up.. i know alot of the problems people have tapering when they get to the low doses of methadone is that they start to realize that they are paying the same weekly fees like 5mg/day of methadone and start thinking "man im spending all this money.. it would be easier just to stash up some extra, quit the program and finish the taper myself... and of course it all goes to hell from there...
Loving this thread so much invaluable information! I have another question. Ive found that when I began bupe 3mg was adequate for an entire day, now after 2-3 weeks 4mg is barely holding me. During the day I have periods where I feel as if im in the bleak midwinter of wd's. These pass and return periodically - its all very bizarre. Im wondering whether it has anything to do with my transitioning from subutex to buprenorphine (generic).

Other question is does bupe have a higher receptor affinity than naltrexone? If that's the case im assuming I can take 1mg Naltrexone while on bupe and not expect to be a small knot of pain for the entire day?

Oh and Cass that response is carat gold. Perhaps amongst the longest/informative posts on BL since days of old
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^Sometimes, as my doctor told me, these types of things can be from your liver and other cleansing organs healing and starting to do a "better" job of metabolizing your intake. So it goes through you faster, and your body eats it up faster, because you're healthier. Fucking paradoxical I say.
Made an impressive discovery last night. I'd stopped using ULD Naltrexone thinking it had no legitimate use alongside Bupe. However last night I dipped my finger in the NLTX powder and ingested a minute quantity. My doses are now roughly doubled in their duration and effectiveness! This has probably cut my taper in half. Remember also that this is after ONE use, NLTX does its thing over a period of weeks!

Obtaining Naltrexone couldnt be easier since its prescribed liberally to opiate and alcohol addicts as well as gamblers and self harmers. I think that bupe has a higher receptor affinity than Naltrexone which means that you can take quite a bit of NLTX without precipiated withdrawal. Dont take tht on faith though - its just something I may recollect from some journal. I'll try and source it at some point for you all
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Im still chiselling away at my dosages. I overdid the nigella sativa which actually had the reverse effec - somehow it actually reduced my ability to metabolise the bupe. After that I ended up raising my dosage. I have however made another go of it and ive levelled down to 1.8. Im encountering some depression and minor bouts of akathisia but plenty of vitamin c (several grams) 4-5 litres of water excercise and 3 square meals is keeping me sane and to be honest there are moments where I rally and feel energised.
Quitting smoking has also worked miracles. Nicotine was interfering with my adrenals and ever since I picked up the habit I was experiencing major skin crawling sensations indicative of overproduction of adrenaline. I only have the rarest tinge now.
Plan is to work down to around 0.07 with 1/3 reductions every 3 days. This should take 3 weeks from today. 0.07 is equivalent to about 20-30mg codeine so if I can get down to that far without slinging it and going cold turkey I should have an easy ride.
I think you should stay on the subs. Last year I was clean for 3 or 4 months using suboxone. Then I tried to taper of suns I was down to literally scraps of sub once or twice a day (maybe .5 - 1mg each scrap). Some days I started skipping )never more than one day in a row- but I guess the cravings kicked In because I started messing with blues again but only on occasions. Needless to say I ended up stop doing subs all together and relapsed completely.

Intact all my friends that tried to get off subs got back on dope/blues. One of them take the bup/nal shots (idk much about them) and as soon as she stopped going to get them, relapse.

I suggest you just stay on the subs think if you really wanna stay clean, just think of it as a vitamin instead of a drug. It's addicting sure but would you rather be addicted to subs or dope?
I hear you really I do but at least in my case subs quickly lose their effectiveness. The honeymoon period lasts no more than around a month for me. After that month no matter how much I take I find its never enough - my body just flushes it out,
Moreover I want to make the most of the long hot summer days where my mood is naturally elevated. Wintertime and autumn finds my body clock slowing like an anaemic bear and my mood plummets,
Im finding that the taper is going extremely well. My keyworker advised me to take my dose at once but I find that a single dose only lasts 5-6 hours regardless how large the dose is. Its much like cannabis in this respect. No matter how much you toke youre going to be high for 30mins tops if ur seasoned. In light of this I try and space doses out as much as possible. A dose as small as 0.3mg is quite potent in fact (remembering bupe is 40x more potent than morphine!),
At this rate I should be up in 27 days. I'll never go back for the simple reason that withdrawal and addiction is just too painful.

Oh forgot to add that I take 1mg morning .5mg at 6 and .3mg at around 9-10. I reckon I could take .5 in the morning and another .5 in the afternoon to get myself acclimatised to lower doses.

Update: Today took .5 at 8 which is holding me nicely - I have a measuring cup and pipette in the mail today so that I can measure out my doses with some degree of accuracy, At the moment im eyeballing everything so my doses are probably varying a fair bit. Once I get below 1mg imma need to be able to precision dose to the mcg.
Woke up and actually felt pretty good too. I feel this surge of hope y'know? Before I would wake up with dread pooling in my stomach now I have plans and hopes and a future. Damn I feel almost euphoric! I know this may not last though. Ive got to start really exercising from now in readiness for those low doses. I want to thank everyone on the forum for keeping this thread alive and giving me a sense that there are people who CARE about what im doing - that alone is the best medicine
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.5mg held me for around 5 hours. I decided to redose more to stick to my taper plan than anything else. First day on 1.8 was actually really discouraging, however I seem to bounce back fairly readily. The main thing is remembering that less IS more with bupe. People are placed on 16-32 mg which is 4x higher than the ceiling dose. I induced at 3mg and in fact I probably could have induced at around 1mg.

The medical communtiy is woefully misinformed about this drug. Virtually everything ive been told to do with the drug has proven false. Ive pretty much done the opposite of what I was instructed to do! Ive even had to deceive my key worker (im not a fan of lies and deceit at all) since he mounts a high horse whenever I dont follow his advice to the letter. Its not their fault but I have to wonder how people who work with addicts day in day out can be so wrong.

Over at suboxforum I read something revolutionary - apparently in the EU doctors dont treat bupe as a maintenance drug, Their rates of success are far far higher than UK/US so im inclined to treat them as a model for success. They treat bupe as a short term treatment for short acting opiate withdrawals. The patient induces and remains for no longer than 6-7 weeks. This being said its important to listen to your body. Just that there are complications with extended usage - less is more both in terms of duration of treatment and amount taken.

Anyone looking to enter bupe treatment needs to be well aware that when the doctors tell you that you can taper painlessly - theyre not speaking from actual experience. Somehow medical fiction has become medical fact... somewhere down the line, The way to do it is 1/3 reduction every 3 days with plenty of exercise. Split your doses up throughout the day and divide them up into the smallest portion you can - that way you get used to the smaller amounts you'll be on towards the end of the taper. When you get below one or into the decimals (1.2/3 etc) get a pipette and measuring cup and dissolve the tabs in water - you can then measure with precision ensuring your success.

A positive attitude is also important - ive found that when im depressed and allow myself to ruminate I begin to malinger and actually conjure up psychosomatic symptoms that dont even exist.
Exercise is also incredible - bike rides can be exhilarating and on a good cycle I forget about my symptoms entirely to the point of feeling great. This persists for a while afterward too! I even drink milk/hemp protein to keep my muscles from getting sore and promote energy that way when I feel the rattles creeping on I can jump too with renewed vigour.

Other than that i'd say having a sponsor or someone to help is ESSENTIAL. I dont have that and there have been days where ive suffered acutely and actually thought about ending it all due to the sheer hopelessness of it all. Had I someone there that would never happen. Main thing is to remember that your doctor is not an expert in this case and cannot be trusted implicitly - at the same time neither can we.

There are plenty on here who will scare you out of sobriety with tales of 3 month cold turkey kicks and year long PAWS. Ignore em all. These are the worst case scenarios. Most of these people do everything wrong or have underlying health concerns - as long as you look after yourself nutritionally and in terms of exercise there's no way you'll be sick for months.
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