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Calling old fart bluelighters

cool to hear about some of the old melb raves days, i was a Syd raver who started pretty early (91) and heard good things about the early castle parties.

Syd had some mental raves in the early to mid 90's before the shut downs and new laws took place which eventually led to most parties happening in legit large sports stadiums (like the Syd olympic venue) but before that in early to mid 90's some of the most amazing and innovative places got used for raves and dance parties. We had so many dedicated promotion teams that really pumped out so many parties every weekend (sometimes there were 2 or 3 on per weekend back then)

Some places that will always hold special times for me when raving were -

The Glebe island Weat Silos (ov thee earth tribe)
The Refern Rail Yards (Carnival ov thee mind)
The international passenger terminal (beyond or eon, cant recall which one it was now)
Alexandria and Mascot warehouses (too many raves to name)
Platform 31 (railway station)
Centrepoint tower (triple trouble)
The Motor Museum - (raving butterfly productions, cant recall the party name now)
Homebush sports stadium - many parties
Graffiti Hall of Fame - many parties
The rooftop hotel (on the roof) kings cross

Early rave clubs like Ziggurats and Mars...

@ WarChild.... i would say im super old on here, iv never really had much to say, but at 35 with 2 kids.......i feel like a grandpa, iv really slowed down now since finding out i have the BIG C, and my old school friends telling me its from toooooo many pingers 5days a week!!!
I'm baaaaaaack :)
@Sir Pacman
After a very long break from this site, mostly due to my relationship and thinking i was secure with everything i had, I'm back. Not just because of her leaving me, but also because i miss helping people & everything about this place.
I realize i'm actually not very old on here, but i do have a lot of wisdom to share ;)
Old fart Bluelighter. Reporting for duty, sir.=D

I joined BL in 08, so I'm not a genuine old school BLer.

But I'm 53, which in BL years equals 118 years old.
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Ok, for some random reason tonight I was chatting to someone about raving days and I googled bluelight to see if it was still around and voila!! I found this...couldn't register as my old username - xtine22 however, new username and i'm posting!! Wow can't believe how many names I recognize from old days :) :) :)
I'm baaaaaaack :)
@Sir Pacman
After a very long break from this site, mostly due to my relationship and thinking i was secure with everything i had, I'm back. Not just because of her leaving me, but also because i miss helping people & everything about this place.
I realize i'm actually not very old on here, but i do have a lot of wisdom to share ;)

welcome back mate. sometimes wish i was still living in perth but know one day i will be back and for good this time.
Ahoy, bitches. (Holy shit, 12 years!).

Joined in, well, look at my name.

Took over and redeveloped pillreports.com, ditto with bluelight.ru.

First rave was in Adelaide, some place in a basement.

Enveloped by Bluelight drug nerds at WTWTA2 at Kryal.

Around 3/4 of my closest friends are Bluelighters, rightly or wrongly. My fiance I met, albeit indirectly, through a Bluelighter :)
Hey peeps, first time I've jumped on in years and find this thread ahaha :\ Lots of familiar names - hope everyone's doing well? During the era of absence I relocated back to Perth - the wild west and I have a love/hate relationship. Haven't met any Bluelighters over here. I say "Bluelight" and people assume "disco". Lol word association.
hi poledriver,

sounds like we went to a lot of the same parties in syd mate! edit: I bet we would at least know friends of friends from parties back then, we'd have to :)

so many acidic morning at the graff hall of fame :) , I seem to remember parties being moved there that got shut down. I remember most of those venues you mention, was at tripple trouble and went to a party pretty much every weekend back then. It was massive for me and my friends back then, made so many friends back then as well, everyone was blown away by e's all night and the social aspect of it all was a very good thing for me in my late teens. There which was and I also liked the couple of small things that ended up in sydney park, sometimes hidden just behind the brick-oven which gave it such a spooky vide.
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I got a happy birthday email from Bluelight. Thought I'd have a look around, and this thread is still at the top. Hey everyone =D
I didn't get a happy birthday email last year..... :(

*waves to gleep*
Been up all night, no prizes for why or how, so my optimism levels are probably abnormally high, but we should TOTALLY have a meetup. Could be chilled out BBQ styles late afternoon with some beers and beats or could be meet at a pub somewhere central in the evening and see where the night ends up. All those NOT wearing phat pants are required to buy the first rounds of drinks until only the phaty wearers are left. An extra shot given if fluff is involved in any way. What do you think, peeps?

You know what - If a dedicated crew got together we could actually put on a half decent event ourselves. Invite only. Just something small - we'd all know people who could do lighting/sound/decor. Get a space somewhere and just do it old school. Whos in???