• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Social But Jah nowhere it's great to see you . . . Right here and now or somewhere

Maybe I'm NOT gay.


Happy Halloween. GOT CATNIP !
🎼Snow falling, night time calling, no stalling, going to make my peace out there!


And I'm going to make some chocolate chip cookies today !
I burnt my frozen pizza !! How is that possible. lol.😁 🔥

Not the cookies though. That's superb.
My depression has been kicking my ass on consecutive days recently. But I’m here anyway -at work. Suboxone dropped down to 1mg per day. I want to get off of subs already but I know I should be patient.
I want to take time off work but I’m stubborn too. I want to travel later in the year. Not sure what to do.
^^^ Yeah, just regular depression is bad enough. It's worse when it gets intensified.

Have smiles. 😁🐶
Signs you were born to be a loner. <3

Generally they tend to have deeper relationships with themselves and their pets than with other humans.
And that isn't a bad thing. Well the term loner has acquired certain negative connotations, but it doesn't mean that being one is anyway undesirable. In fact, you could be more likely to have higher intelligence than your outgoing counterparts.

People who like to be alone often have a more introverted personality, although not all introverts are loners. Do you relate to these signs or were you born to be a loner !

# You are a very private person. -- Or you just don't have the energy to spend your time on things like that. You deal with the best and worst of times on your own, with no celebrations or consolations.

## You like to do most things by yourself -- Are you that person that sits alone in a coffee shop ! Being alone can really give you perspective on things and help you get organized. Most people would feel awkward or embarrassed at being seen alone. But some people feel free, empowered, relaxed and can.

# You aren't glued to your smartphone !! -- Good one. It's hard to put them down ! Pizza for lunch, vacationing on an island . . . who would know !! But it could get tiring unless necessary.

## Ability to socialize has its limits. -- Out of reach at times. Or dropping off of the face of the earth. Recharging or just doing something you like. Reading or doing art !

# Can be a freelancer -- And a 9 to 5 will never be for you !! Structures are too rigid like office and holiday parties. You make your own schedule instead. And then 100 percent creative control on your own.

## Prefer to not go to social events. -- Why spend new year's in a group of drunk people yelling at the top of their lungs. It doesn't mean that you don't like hanging out with friends. It just means you like a relationship to be meaningful and not a fleeting moment filled by booze. It does eat up time; but you also do value time as some things you would rather not enjoy doing either.

# Your headphones are an armor. -- He hee. Or everywhere you go you keep the world at a distance, and it helps you to feel more comfortable both physically and spiritually.

## You don't like sharing your bed with anyone. -- Sleep, just like alone time, is precious to you. While most people want that special someone to cuddle up with at night, you just want your bed to yourself. Sure having someone is nice but not at the expense of your personal space and duvet. And besides who wants to wake up to loud snoring and sleep talking.

# Drama isn't your thing. -- A lot of people can't resist drama, and some even create it. Anything unnecessary or irrational, you make sure to stay away from.

## You enjoy traveling solo. -- There is something so appealing to you about being in a foreign land where nobody knows you. The mystery. And you are free to do everything by yourself because of downfalls. There's always someone that sleeps late, complains about walking too much and wants to do something different. You don't see why you should make compromises when it's your trip, especially when you paid for it. So it's easier just to do things on your own and your own way.
However, it seems like most people usually travel with friends or family. But sometimes you can get a tour guide to explore a new place and that could be great for you.

# You are happiest alone. -- You are most peaceful and content when you are by yourself. Whether that's at home, in a coffee shop, your library or a foreign land; you feel no pressure to compromise. You are impressed. Your choices reflect your genuine self, and that is the essence of independence. Unlike most people, loners truly enjoy being on their own. For you alone time is time to reflect, set goals and achieve them. You don't worry about impressing people with your lifestyle.
Not to say being a loner isn't always easy, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.

Everyone has a right to be who they are, and if you are happy with your life, there's really no need to change a thing. Are you a loner !! Try to share with your friends and keep making them. Thanks for being !!!

Just some thoughts for today.

Inspiration from all of the Health and Recovery support . . . . ❣️❣️☺️


I am simply trying to be
better than the person I was yesterday.


After I have just one more dysfunctional time. ;);)

How do I get my TMJ back to normal?
Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation

The standard treatment for acute TMJ dislocation is reduction of the mandible, a technique by which the dislocated jaw is pushed downward and backward into its normal position. TMJ reduction frequently takes place in emergency rooms under sedation or general anesthesia.

How long does it take for TMJ to heal itself?
The good news is that most TMJ symptoms will clear up in no more than three weeks typically. However, certain TMJ conditions, especially those brought about by arthritis or bruxism, can last months or years, depending on the severity of the underlying condition.

I don't know why I have this. I know what it is because I had it when I was like 15.
So my mom just recently got it and I told her not to worry because I had been getting it on and off in the last couple and a half years. Or less. I don't know.

Anyway she wasn't too happy about it because she didn't know what it was. After I told her, it didn't f' with her too much that bad I guess. It's weird. She was really like wtf though. And she doesn't have to take any medications at all.

Or she doesn't go to doctors at all well like I used to avoid them. It doesn't make sense because she has all of the same symptoms as me now I guess but mine is worse.

I guess it's not the air. It's just me then. So it got so bad yesterday and through the whole night. I mean it was bad. The ice packs barely took the pain away. Unless I would lay on the ice pack. When I could try.

So this morning I thought it was gone . . . . until I tried to eat. Wow it's painful to try to eat now. I hope it gets better by the end of the day. The sick feeling went away though but then I got this stabbing tmj pain instead. Okay, next.

So I had went to . . . . . I mean I can't get up and do anything. I try. I want to.

So two days ago I specifically went all the way to the stores to get a new bottle of Imodium. Me and my dog. To get a bottle of it..and I forgot. After going all that way. But I did get some chicken nuggets. Fck. With dipping sauce.

So someone found some liquid anti diarrhea in their refrigerator but it didn't have a fresh date anywhere. Nowhere. It was so gross. And it was vanilla flavor and tasted so sour. I mean yuk it was bad ! I don't even know if it's the same thing as Imodium but it seemed to help. I still felt bad though. I love the caplets.

So someone just brought me back some Imodium caplets today just now from the store. So I have 18 to work with now. Until I can go stock up.
I mean I thought I was getting a cluster headache or a form of it because I had several bad ones a few years ago.

I think my anxiety is so bad or was, that if I had the Imodium three days ago when I went to get it lol . . . this probably wouldn't have happened. But some fckerry seems to be going around. I didn't know CC was struggling that horribly. I never fck'n know. Damn. That was horrible. I guess I just get used to it.

I am going to take some Imodium now and hopefully I will be able to get up and work. I hope I hope I hope. I am sick of saying fck it. But yah. jst fck it if I don't. 😁