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Bud with no thc/cbd

If your sour tsunami was tested and you are telling the truth all you have to do is tell me the percentages. This isn't some top secret mission, it's pretty easy actually.

The very last time I had sour tsunami the it had 10% THC in it. Maybe some of your boys have a tolerance and 10% isn't enough for them, but for someone without a tolerance like you 10% is enough to get them blasted. Hell your tsunami could have been 9% or 8 or 7 or what the fuck ever.

Each strain has an incredible amount of varying degrees of potency and it's pretty much up to the grower on how it ends up. That's why testing is so important.
Who's knocking high cbd, low thc stuff? Im just saying that the cbd still gets you buzzed a little bit if there is any thc what so ever in it, they sort of boost eachother in a way, it can be 20% cbd and 1% thc, but im sure if you smoke enough you will get buzzed, yeah you don't get high, like high thc low cbd does, but it will get you a little buzzed, groggy, cloudy mind, tired, you still feel it, sorta like a indica strain would, but much much more milder, and i cant deal with any sort of buzz from weed. Also i didn't understand you wanted the percentages for the taunami, it says thc max 7.8%, cbd max 11.7% and cbn max .5%, now i dont know if those are the exact numbers, or just the max it could have, but it certainly got me stoned, not like the un tested stuff my buddies gave me, but i did feel it surging through my body, instantly got tired, groggy, cloudy head, felt like i took a painkiller, i felt a panic attack coming on but luckily i knocked myself out pretty quick. And the bud didn't even look that great, it was rather leafy, not a ton of crystals, but smelled epic, like a bag of earthy dirt mixed with skunky diesely undertones, the bottle still smells like it over a month later and theres nothing in it but a couple of little sugar leaves.. And my buddies did not smoke the tsunami, they smoked the untested stuff that wrecked me, and they didn't get high, me and my buddy, who got it from his dad though, who did try the untested stuff and didn't get high, smoked one bong hit with me, i tried a hitter pipe with one hit in it, and he said he felt it, i remember him saying he wasn't really high, but was really chilled out and wanted to relax, and compared it to some ambien, lol.. i feel like this is going way over your head's and i feel like im talking in circles for nothing..
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becuase even hemp has thc and cbd, albeit extremely low percentages. I don't know what the point would be to using cannabis that tested at 0% both THC and CBD.... other than industrial hemp applications lol...

Really though sounds like they are working on a low thc strain with high cbd. I know there are other things in cannabis, but taking out THC and CBD is basically like removing alcohol from beer...
Thats the thing, there is no medical point, you guys are thinking there making it for medical purposes, there not, theres no point to it really, it's gonna be a novelty strain just for fun, whatever reason you wanna use it for, not like hemp or leaves or anything like that but actual dank looking and smelling buds, like you wouldn't be able to tell it had 0% unless you tested it, could easliy fool somebody, im sure hemp, ruderalis, low thc/low cbd hybrid strains will be invlolved in it's development, but it's gonna be just for fun, a novelty, use it for whatever reason, compare it to non alcoholic beer, or non nicotine vape oil, same thing, people still use it for fun, to kick the stuff, to fit in, just for taste, go back and read some of my other comments for reasons there making it..
This thread is about a 0% thc/cbd/ among other compounds, novelty strain, made to fit the new trend of smoking weed, for whatever reason you want to use it for, if you cant use real weed for whatever reason, like non alcoholic beer or non nicotine vape oil, to be cool, hip, drug test, just for fun, hey dude im smoking weed im cool, i dont know, or like i said medical reasons, medicine interactions, drug test, use it to kick the habit of smoking real weed, whatever your reason is, people will use it and it will sell, and i dont have a source because they didn't put it online, not everything is online, pretend were in the old days without a computer, how did you find stuff out? The fucking news thats how, what do you want me to do about it, call my local news and have them fax you over the proof? Pay attention to the cannabis community, word will get around soon..
And it hasn't been done yet, the lowest thc strain i personaly heard of had about 1 or 2% or so of thc, but had high cbd, there probably is lower thc strains than that out there, im sure there is, but if they got cbd in them you will still catch SOME sort of buzz, or it will effect you in one way or another, you dont smoke high cbd, low thc strains and feel absolutely nothing, with no side effects at all, it would need to have under 1% of thc and about the same of cbd but the prob is, all those strains got lots of cbd, and some people dont even want cbd, it can cause headaches in certain people, make them groggy/sluggish/sleepy, cloudy head, impared judgement, make the thc seem more than it is if the cbd is too high, they can get slurred speech, delayed reaction time, but pure cbd on it's own, in say a oil form is a little different than low thc high cbd strains, you get all those effects but no where near as heavy, its hardly noticible..
Im not chasing it, they are, are there any strains out there that contain less than .5% thc and less than .5% cbd/cbn? that's actual nice dank buds.. All those 1% strains got high cbd.. If there are strains that got around .5 thc and .5 cbd then i guess they are wasting there time, but it would still be a better choice having absolute zero percentages as it could still get you high if you smoke enough or cause you to fail or drug test or if your on anything else it can increase the high and make that 1% seem like 10%
Sorry you can't easily get .6% THC with 14% CBD at the moment like I can but it doesn't do shit for getting me high.

Great for relaxing though
Okay thats just you, go read reviews of charlottes web wich is .5 or less of thc and high cbd, acdc, harlequin, people do still get high off it, in fact some people say it's more of a trance like indica high, what might not get you high will get somebody else high, thats why we need absolute zero thc and cbd and everything else.
I don't need reviews when I've had it and can easily get it again.

And you are right that someone might be able to get high off it, but then again if you read enough reviews you can find someone getting drunk off of non-alcoholic beer.

Again, it's been done.
And getting relaxed is still getting high, not trippy high but you still get affected by it, therefore it wont work for some people, im talking feeling not a single change, high, relaxed, anything, we need rock bottom zero % buds, not oil or anything, but nice dank buds people can still smoke for taste and smell, granted i know terpenes play a role in the buzz you get, maybe with hard work we one day will have a good smelling, tasting strain with zero % everything, thats why they said it's gonna take a long time to perfect but there gonna try maybe it aint even possible but there gonna try..
Can you imagine a guy complaining to O'Douls that their .4% ABV is too much for them and they need to make it 0?

You are that guy.
What strain is under .5 thc and .5 cbd? Those .5 thc strains have high cbd. It might exsist, if it does i want to try it, but even then you can still be affected by it, thats why we need zero %, i can get it too, not so easily, but i can pay somebody going in the dispensary to grab it for me, i already heard of that shady shit here already, been seeing kids with the medical bottles from here n all..
Your missing the point, it still got alcohol in it, maybe i wanna drink 10 of those beers, fuck il feel a very slight buzz, and i dont want that..
And i only compared it to that beer in a sense, there is basicaly one compound or whatever you wanna call it in beer that gets you fucked up, lower that and your fine, with weed theres multiple things, your talking low thc high cbd, i want no thc and no cbd, all those .5 strains got high cbd, even a .5 thc .5 cbd strain could affect somebody, mainly new users or people with low tolerance, wich this novelty bud is appealing too, im talking absolute zero, even that beer will get you buzzed up if you drink a case, i smoke joints, a few of them, and if i smoked a few joints of .5 thc 10% cbd weed i know i would still get buzzed or affected in one way or another, like i said, people say they get high off .5 weed, even veteran users..
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