Bluelight not showing up in Google results anymore

To resolve this irritating issue google: whateveryouwanthere

All results will come from only and it thankfully excludes the scurge that is drugs-forum from accidently appearing in any of the results, which does help in our eternal war with... them.
I never cancelled my membership to ANYTHING in one single day. I did with drugs - forum xd

Haha =D

That's a victory in my books. See, it's the small battles that will win this war.

I suggest they implement the immediate removal of 'swim' if they want any chance of vindication regarding their whole shambles after our war with them is done.
Haha =D

That's a victory in my books. See, it's the small battles that will win this war.

I suggest they implement the immediate removal of 'swim' if they want any chance of vindication regarding their whole shambles after our war with them is done.
I hadn't been aware there was this internecine warfare XD
I simply disliked them because their guidelines seemed absurdly stringent and petty for a forum that's meant to be about, well, drugs....
Which everybody knows stands for "Someone Who Is Me".
Oh yeah like, 'this friend of mine'.... XD
By the time I read through their whole fucking ridiculous rule - book I was like nah. I think I'll be giving this sorry lot a miss
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Because Google search results are censored now. Not literally censored, just that the lack of net neutrality has made Google, let's just say rather "biased" with their search results nowadays. Basically, Google tends to rank companies that have some sort of business relationship with them higher than others.
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Their Pixel phones and Chrome OS are pretty damn good though

But yeah, they need to be more privacy friendly. It's pretty creepy how you talk about a certain product then start getting ads for it.
Ya I agree, feels like you’ve been somehow violated
Just a quick note on a few points made in this thread

BL has never been at war with any other site. There have been individuals who have had issues with similar sites, but it is a person-by-person thing and on the whole BL has NOT had such issues nor taken any actions to support that claim. On the contrary, we've had open talks with owners-administrators of several sites similar to ours (Drug-forums, Shroomery, Erowid, Dancesafe, etc) in a sporadic effort to help one another, which perhaps we can rekindle moving forward. I know it's a topic Tronica and I have touched on.

As to search engines.....Fk Google. Yeah, we're running GoogleAnalytics to help us with knowing some of our performance, our audience, etc; but that is out of a lack of alternatives. For finding the site, or material you are looking for, I personally recommend any other engine besides Google though if you choose to use it include the "" at the beginning of the search term as Tranced outlined so as to focus the search on us.
Stop using Google!!!

Who? And why? Though generally I agree.

IME duckduckgo returns quite odd results now. If you search for computer privacy type stuff, its hard to get a solid answer. The results are always shady security companies.

Also Ive noticed that even though I use cloudflare for DNS, it does not like it at all if you use a VPN and frequently throws repeated captchas at me.
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Do we have to pay them money or something to show up in searches? Is that it?