  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak


Those werewolves are pussies now, bro. I'm averaging like 9000 blood echoes every run through central yarnham and the sewers up to Father Gascoigne's cemetary. Made him my bitch last night, though, and I haven't really worked out a "safe" farming route outside of the one I've got so far. I've also been racking up a shit ton of blood stone shards in the sewers from those tall, gangly mother fuckers. Got my threaded cane up to +5. %)

It's crazy, I've played for hours and seen maybe like 20min of story, lol. And I don't even give a shit.
nice congrats on the gascoigne kill...still loving that cane eh ? i was experimenting with it the other night and loved the range on that whip and how it tags multiple enemies, felt real satisfying.

i think after 2 bosses now you can purchase the flamesprayer or get it for free from an npc http://bloodborne.wikia.com/wiki/Gilbert

flamesprayer works great on vulnerable beasts + u can use an oil urn to make em extra flammable and bone marrow ash adds to its damage. also it doesn't cost stamina.

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Threaded cane is a beast, but it wasn't good enough to take out Gascoigne. I upgraded a Hunter's Axe to +3 in order to take him out.

The cane was fast enough to hit him, but would rarely stagger him and didn't damage him enough per hit to make the win practical. I fucking love how it turns into a whip, though. I need to get better with my parries, I think that's the reason I had such trouble with Gascoigne.
Joe, what's your gamer tag, man? You can PM it to me if you don't want to post it, or just ignore this question if you don't want to give it to me at all. :p

or just add me, bro: kjiibb

two 'i's and two 'b's
yo, added and sent u a friend request with a msg that it is i, from bl.

how ya progressing so far ? i didn't play last few days and just got back into it last night and today... took down darkbeast paarl and the witch of hemwick (which was suprisingly easy...) might explore the forbidden woods later, but i dunno if i got another boss fight in me lol...

i guesstimate im about 40% through the main part... haven't tried any of the chalice dungeons yet. hoping to finish this shit in a week before MKX drops.

*o and i love knocking on doors and the only reply i get is some scream that sounds like whoever is on the other side is goin through and exorcism... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm at Vicar Amelia. 4th boss, I think, but I've been having so much fun with chalice dungeons that I haven't put much time in Cathedral Ward.

Got snatched up by a snatcher and I have to say, Hypogaen Gael (sp?) is THE SHIT for leveling up quick around level 40.

I'm actually stuck on the final boss of the current chalice dungeon I've got open. Could use some fucking help, man. Circled left for nearly an hour before I ran out of blood potions, hit the fucking thing maybe 150 times (and that might be underselling it) and only got his health about a fifth of the way down. Fucking IRRITATING AGGGGHHHHHH

[Edit: .....I figured out why I couldn't hurt him. Fucker's fire-enchanted basically, and I've got two cursed fire blood gems in my hunter axe. Duh. Fuck....]
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amelia gave me trouble as well. but i liked the fight and her design. was watching a stream last night that was entertaning, kid was running all bosses for like the 7th time and was gettin one shotted @ amelia for like an hour, the cursing in a french accent made it all the more entertaining...

she drops the gold blood gem, +12.6 increase in dmg vs. beasts, nice...

spent a lot of time in the jail farming twin blood shards and echos for leveling as you mention. there is an armor set and tonitrus outside... but yea darkbeast paarl is in that map. was the first fight i unlocked camera for to just aim at his legs. not that bad.

damn, that sounds like a crazy fight with a boss that has that much HP + if it's the first depth of the dungeon o_O

i haven't tried co-op yet, would have to sign up for the psn plus, was going to do that next week to play MKX online, but i can earlier... what time do you usually play ? im gettin most of my gaming after 9:30pm pst.

*cleared forbidden woods. pretty fun boss fight, 3 shadow figures with different weapon and some snake summons thrown in for good measure.
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It was the Watchdog of the Old Lords.

Dude's basically made of lava, and my dumbass had cursed fire blood gems in my hunter axe, turning all of my physical damage into fire damage which seemed to completely cripple my ability to injure him. I DID figure out how he moves, though (If you meet him, circle left and dodge in the direction that he cocks his head back), and it's damn near impossible for me to get hit by that thing anymore.... so if I see him again I know exactly what to do.

Prey slaughtered, opened a new chalice dungeon.

Have you met up with Darkbeast Paarl in Hypogaen Gaol yet? Lightning enchanted, dude, I nearly shit myself when he came at me after the cutscene.

I don't think I'll ever see the end of this game, lol. And Dark Souls 2 comes out..... TODAY.

I'm on fairly often. I usually play Bloodborne until the frustration is too much, hop on GTA online for an hour or two to blow shit up and vent some anger and then call it a night. Pretty much any time from 10am-7pm EST you can catch me doing something on PSN.

[EDIT: But hey man, if it'll put too much of a dent in your pocket then don't get playstation plus just for Bloodborne. Online is pretty much identical to offline if you choose not to use those bells, with the only difference that I can tell being that other players can place extra notes for the public when and wherever they want-- and those notes are rateable, so you can usually tell when to trust them or not.

There is a bell that allows you to invade other players games, but I've never used one and I've never fallen victim to one either.

So yeah. Bloodborne isn't spectacular or anything online. I've never even co-op'ed with anybody yet (haven't really needed to), I basically just do single player in online mode.]
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It was the Watchdog of the Old Lords.

Dude's basically made of lava, and my dumbass had cursed fire blood gems in my hunter axe, turning all of my physical damage into fire damage which seemed to completely cripple my ability to injure him. I DID figure out how he moves, though (If you meet him, circle left and dodge in the direction that he cocks his head back), and it's damn near impossible for me to get hit by that thing anymore.... so if I see him again I know exactly what to do.

Have you met up with Darkbeast Paarl in Hypogaen Gaol yet? Lightning enchanted, dude, I nearly shit myself when he came at me after the cutscene.
yea, took darkbeast out 2-3 days ago, wait till you get to the forbidden woods man... the snakes, the mobs with exploding heads that turn into snakes... the giant poison spittin snakes :X

im nearing the final stretch... killed the spider boss just now and shit just got real.. moon turned orange, umbilical cords and blood from a prostitute :\

been doing some optional stuff, farming to equip new arcane spells and just exploring shit. love heading into an area haven't been and just looking around, taking in the atmosphere.

i was reading about chalice dungeons co op in this post since im nearing the end of the story, i'll just save dungeons for end game instead of a new game +
I'm on fairly often. I usually play Bloodborne until the frustration is too much, hop on GTA online for an hour or two to blow shit up and vent some anger and then call it a night. Pretty much any time from 10am-7pm EST you can catch me doing something on PSN.
damn i don't get on till midnight your time =/ i like playing the game all late with a candle lit... adds to the vibe lol

you'll finish a first playthrough im sure, where you're at i was a few days ago and the last few bosses haven't been that tough and lamps start to open up on the other tombstones.

did you pick up dark souls 2 ? ima have to wait on that, i have it on pc but this version has updated stuff and the dlc bundled (never played dlc)... that shit will keep you occupied for sure.
No on Dark Souls. I have a bad habit of leaving games unfinished halfway through, especially RPGs. I refuse to do that this time. I'm not buying another game until I've milked this one for all it's worth.

I'm on late sometimes during the weekend. Depends on what's going on IRL, which usually isn't much so you can typically find me getting lost in some game or another when I'm off work.

From what I've read, the DLC for Dark Souls 2 contains some of the best content-- but I take reviews like that with a grain of salt. People may've just loved the game and then shit themselves when new content released, you know?

I've got 3 headstones open. I've got one awakening area in Hemwick Lane or some shit and then another in Hypogaen Gaol, which I'm still currently loving. 20K blood echoes every 3min? Yeah, I'm cool with that.
i know what you mean about leaving games halfway through. i usually get at least one play through and if feel like it go back but then rarely finish a 2nd time.

interesting to hear people sayin dlc for ds2 has best content. it will be worth it, especially since you didn't pay for it before. but i much prefer bloodborne atmosphere/gameplay over ds2. rarely buy dlc, especially for single player games, unless it's like a game of the year / bundle type deal.

yea hemwick lane, is pretty chill then it's the forbidden woods. the next 3 bosses aren't that difficult but the woods are a bitch to navigate. there are some optional areas to explore, like i was trying to do one "cainhurst castle" but that boss is a friggin bitch... ended up just going towards the end of story and did some grinding to level arcane for some new shit.

didn't make much progress today, just ran through yahar'gul, unseen village and holy shit did i waste so much time there. enemies respawn if you don't kill these "chime maidens" first so im all searching for them and THEN fucking big ass lazer spider thing destroys me when im running down stairs. ended up running back not even trying to kill anything just yolo that shit and made it to the next lamp. got some shortcuts open, hopefully take out a boss tomorrow. rest of the night ima kick back watch a movie or something u know LOL.

what level are you ?
like 52. My dude's a beast, it's the person controlling him that tends to fuck up a lot. %)

Didn't play yesterday at all.... I just remember on Tuesday I hit 50 and levelled a few times after that. Paying around 24K for the next level, iirc.
right on, tis good to take a break. i had to do that last weekend, came back renewed and am happy to say tonight the nightmare has been slain. knew the end was near so i just said fuck it and handled it. took 3 bosses down tonight. not too bad, only the last one gave me trouble but it was still real fun and a good challenge. didn't get the "secret" ending but i can do that on another run and fuck with chalice dungeons.

game is easily one of the best single player experiences i've had. worth every penny, loved every second (even dying countless times =) + all the content, still got chalice dungeons, new game + gear, etc to try. 10/10 would play again lol.
You beat it?!?!

I was totally set to come in here and say I was catching up to you this weekend.

Son of a bitch....

But nah, I've been heisting it up on GTA Online since Tuesday. Tryna become a billionaire, mannnnnnnn
lol yup. definitely wanted to make sure i finished it before monday night when new mortal kombat comes out.

yea i see your activity in gta when i log in... would you believe i haven't played any *gasp. might pick up 5 on sale for pc down the road.
Still playing dark souls 2 because no PS4


interesting to hear people sayin dlc for ds2 has best content. it will be worth it, especially since you didn't pay for it before. but i much prefer bloodborne atmosphere/gameplay over ds2. rarely buy dlc, especially for single player games, unless it's like a game of the year / bundle type deal.

The DLC has two good parts:

The level design of the Ivory king and the boss AI and difficulty of the Old Iron King.
lvl 115

Martyr Logarias is a bitch, man. Dude's tough. I know he's optional now but fuck, man, dude's a monster. I'm gonna try to take him on sober today because my all drugged up approach is most definitely not working.
damn @ 115 o_O i hopped back on after the new patch that improved loading times and at least gave ya something to read up on with item info.

yea i tried logarias like i dunno 10 or so times then just completed story. kinda getting the itch to play some more... hope to hear some news about dlc soon.

funny u mention the drugged up approach not working. vicar amelia gave me trouble all night then next day i popped some norco and went in there calm as fuck and destroyed her with what felt like the most cool, calm, calculating play ;p
damn @ 115 o_O i hopped back on after the new patch that improved loading times and at least gave ya something to read up on with item info.

yea i tried logarias like i dunno 10 or so times then just completed story. kinda getting the itch to play some more... hope to hear some news about dlc soon.

funny u mention the drugged up approach not working. vicar amelia gave me trouble all night then next day i popped some norco and went in there calm as fuck and destroyed her with what felt like the most cool, calm, calculating play ;p

Still haven't taken him out. I've been running the chalice dungeons like a mother fucker just grinding away. Haven't done anything story-related in a long time now...

lvl 138

Still can't 1-hit most things in depth 5 dungeons. This shit is so awesome, and it's even more awesome that I feel that way about a game that I'm pretty sure I suck at, lol.

My "drugged out" approach lately has been defined as "drunk and high, but mostly drunk." The later it is in the night that you see me on PSN, the more lit I probably am. There's times I can barely focus on my screen, man, and I just set the controller down and pass out right in front the TV just to wake up with the game just chillin' there on my TV screen.

If you still haven't checked out the chalice dungeons, be careful when you start conducting "rotted offerings." They tend to bring a bell-lady into your dungeon and if someone rings a sinister bell they're gonna be able to find you pretty easily.

Logarius is a fucking cunt, bro. That sword he puts down that shoots shit all over the place? For some reason my targeting always gets locked on that mother fucking sword, I lose sight of the Martyr for a second or two and next thing you know a fucking Logarius-scythe-helicopter comes out of fucking nowhere and cleaves me in two (not literally, but that's what would happen if the game's animation supported it.)
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