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Biggest Buzz Kills

Violence, accidents with blood and such.

Getting arrested wasn't really fun.

Working always seems to kill my buzz.

Realizing the 100 pack of xanor i bought on credit on friday is down to three pills and realizing its Sunday, and i have to work the next day and i have a huge bloody scar on my eyebrow that i really didn't remember getting, well remembering anything was hard.

lots more but i have to pace myself since im already late.
cops, working, drunk college kids---idk why I hate that so much--well the "bros" fuck that. obnoxious, ignorant people, people that think there all that.
people interrupting any sort of bong hit you are in the process of....and asking you a question....lol
relaxing into the first oxy high in ages and have a mate ring you saying he crashed his car and needs help..
my buddy in high school (years ago) had to tell his dad that his father died in the hospital. My friend was on acid when he had to tell his dad the news
forgettin to take the bundle of dope you just capped out of your jeans, throwin them in washing machine AND THE DRYER- AND FINALLY REALIZING WHAT YOU JUST DONE!! trust me , it will suck every last ounce of intoxication or good feeling out of your bones
my buddy in high school (years ago) had to tell his dad that his father died in the hospital. My friend was on acid when he had to tell his dad the news

holly crap, i'm very sorry to hear that, but that's to insane to think about
forgettin to take the bundle of dope you just capped out of your jeans, throwin them in washing machine AND THE DRYER- AND FINALLY REALIZING WHAT YOU JUST DONE!! trust me , it will suck every last ounce of intoxication or good feeling out of your bones

done that.
*thinking about how much work is gonna suck the next day

*being at a party where you don't know ANYONE besides like 3 people, EVERYONE else is drunk, and you're the ONLY one rolling [true story]

*in general, being around drunk people when you're rolling
I've seen things like people geeked out, picking at the carpet (i was not doing coke, so this was crazy). As mentioned, seeing flashing lights of 50 is never a buzz enhancer.
Taking your last drug, and hearing the birds tweeting outside, knowing you have got to go home and face a monumental comedown.
parents, ex girfriends, stupid drunk people, aggressive people, not having any more drugs
people trying to get into an argument with u for something u did that they don't like. You are trying to somehow make them go away or STFU but they are determined to argue with about it then and there.
Realizing the peak of whatever your on has passed and you have no more left. Brings me down real quick :(