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Big dope bust in Wilmington Delaware - 1360 Bundles

Exactly. Keep the hood happy and also cause headlines like "400 Bags of heroin found". ;)
dude could not have been all too slick if he was just drivin around with that shit on the backseat or wherever. When you transport some ish like that you got a good stash spot that is professional style, if you got your shit together. theres alll type of shit that I seen, all kind of places that are more than just "hide it under the seat" or the less than elaborate stash spots. he shoulda had a special compartment , etc, made up to be transportin that type shit. SMH--he had to have had it out and easy to access otherwise he never woulda been able to throw it out the window while he was drivin, I feel bad for dude but that shit was foolish. you never caught me drivin around like that when i was drivin around with multiple bricks in the car and thats alot less than this dude had.
Philly bundles are generally 14 bags, but I've seen different blocks/dealers do different deals, anywhere from 12-15 in bundles

I have heard of bricks, mainly from Jersey people I know, but never heard of a log before. Everyone in Philly I've dealt with has dealt in bundles, but has never specified or known about a quantity higher than a bundle

I've never seen pricing like you are talking about in DE lozgod. I don't want this to become a pricing/source thread, but is that standard retail in DE? I know someone who is from Wilmington who told me about similar deals, but would come up to Philly to grab. How is the quality of DE bags?

Logs are bundles in bulk.

The quality of DE bags are the same as Philly. If your friend said he gets the same deals like I described he isn't BS'ing you, it's true. Because Philly is so much bigger there is more brands up there than down here.

I was talking to a friend today that found an old cell phone with a Philly connect's phone number in it, he said he was gonna call it and see if it is still good. I asked why and he said the Philly dude's bags were fatter and he had brands that you can't find down here. So your friend probably goes up there to get the brands that have the fatter bags, but they also cost more. Without naming a specific price, I'll say he said the bundles are $30-$40 more but the bags are fatter. Maybe that's why he drives up there. Between the gas and the risk of copping in Philly the bags would have to be a lot fatter for me to justify paying more per bundle and running the risk of ending up in the round house because white boys with out of state plates in North Philly are there for one thing and the police know it. I had a GF that lived on 25th St right where the Richard Allen projects used to be off of Leigh and would get pulled over and interrogated like crazy just going to her house.

You got to keep in mind, Delaware is only 20-25 minutes from Philly driving the speed limit. So it is pretty much the same area. I don't know why people can't find the prices up there than down here if it is the same stuff. My only guess is Wilmington being so small there's more competition per square inch causing a drop in prices. Most dealers here are pushing the same brands. We have like 4 or 5 brands at the most at the same time so people just go to whoever has it the cheapest. Most of the time it's just 2 or 3 different brands. Right now it's Nike, Gap, and Death Grip. There's an elusive brand called Toe Tap that is supposed to be really fat bags and really high quality for the same price as the other brands but it is hard to find and comes in white glassine bags instead of the normal blue ones. The brand in this bust were called Lottery so I am guessing this was going to be the next new brand and the new stuff is always the strongest so that sucks it didn't make it to the street yet. This guy supplied one of my dealers. I called him today and he said check Delaware Online, that was my connect so he is laying back for a while. One of my other connects has Gap and that been out for almost 2 months now and is garbage. It was strong when it first hit but is on the back end of the cycle where they stomp on it to make a profit after building a good following when it was strong.
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Phrozen already said it, but its true that #3 aint available in the us as pretty much a rule. lots of dope got a vinegar smell--you get that smell really strong with some jersey bags sometimes too, and we all know tar stanks like that, even if you aint had it you be on here long enough and hear folks talk about it and you know. it dont mean that its a different type of dope. whether its powdered rocked up, etc, dope come in all type of ways here but its all #4.

I was reading about black tar on Wiki and the brown dope like Baltimore raw may be tar just processed differently before the final product is made. It is always a little moist and sticky and needs to be heated to shoot, similar to what I read about tar. It definitely has no resemblance what so ever to the white (sometimes tannish) dope we get up here.

God knows what's in scramble. The mixture is called benita by the locals but I am saying God knows what's in benita. The pills scramble comes in have about a gram of powder in them and have an awesome rush but there's very little dope in them. You can see the little brown specs of dope and when you add water it smells like urine. It looks like urine too in the needle. They say it has quinine in it which adds to the rush but not the hi. Scramble is like doing crack. You shoot it and need another shot in a few minutes because the hi wears off quickly.
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I've never paid $10 a bag. Since the admin posted a price I'll go out on a limb and say it. I've always paid half that. Bundles have 13 bags (I said logs have 10 bundles in them, not 10 bags to a bundle) and I've gotten 2 bundles for $100 many a time in Delaware. I haven't copped in Philly in years and forget what I paid there, but in DE which is the same exact stuff as Philly a bundle has 13 bags and you can get 2 bundles for $100 all day. So it's less than $5 a bag.
I wasn't talking about bundle discounts. Like someone else said, Philly bundles range in quantity and price. Generally they're something like 14 for $110, 13 for $110, etc. Single bags are ALWAYS $10 dollars. Now, if you know a dealer, you might get discounts on singles and/or bundles.

Something is off if you're getting two 13 bag bundles for $100 at regular price. Either you're cool with the dude or you're getting smaller/more cut bags. I have a hard time believing that a standard 100mg bag bought in Philly goes for $5 in Delaware at regular price, even considering that they're getting wholesale prices.
Philly bundles are generally 14 bags, but I've seen different blocks/dealers do different deals, anywhere from 12-15 in bundles

I have heard of bricks, mainly from Jersey people I know, but never heard of a log before. Everyone in Philly I've dealt with has dealt in bundles, but has never specified or known about a quantity higher than a bundle

I've never seen pricing like you are talking about in DE lozgod. I don't want this to become a pricing/source thread, but is that standard retail in DE? I know someone who is from Wilmington who told me about similar deals, but would come up to Philly to grab. How is the quality of DE bags?
Bricks and anything above that are unheard of at street level in Philly. If you get to know the right people, you can get discounts and even weight. But it's extremely rare, unless you're spending quite a bit on dope consistently over a long period of time.

Price discussion is fine as long as it's on topic to the article, and it doesn't turn into sourcing/dicksizing/etc.
I wasn't talking about bundle discounts. Like someone else said, Philly bundles range in quantity and price. Generally they're something like 14 for $110, 13 for $110, etc. Single bags are ALWAYS $10 dollars. Now, if you know a dealer, you might get discounts on singles and/or bundles.

Something is off if you're getting two 13 bag bundles for $100 at regular price. Either you're cool with the dude or you're getting smaller/more cut bags. I have a hard time believing that a standard 100mg bag bought in Philly goes for $5 in Delaware at regular price, even considering that they're getting wholesale prices.

Like I said in a later post. I think the price difference is due to the competition. Philly is a lot bigger and the competition is more spread out and the dealers are less organized. You got more independants than drug gangs here. The drug gangs here are more coke oriented than heroin. I am sure that will change evntually but right now you circle a block you got 10 people trying to wave you down and they all got the same brand or maybe 2 different brands. In Philly you got multiple brands, organized drug gangs controlling blocks so less competition and a better lock on the market. They can charge 10 and not have to worry about someone 4 cars down charging 8 to beat them. They'll get killed just for being on that block trying to hustle.

It's not that the dope is more cut. You can see by the bust they buy it street ready. Those are the same bags on the streets of Philly. It's not like someone is going to empty all those bags out, cut them, and rebag them and restamp them. There are guys that will try to get you to pay $90-$100 a bundle but they only serve to their own clientelle, mostly white suburbanites and people from Southern PA (right on the PA/DE border) and NE Maryland (on MD/DE line) that are afraid to go shopping. But if they had the nuts to try block shopping they would get the same bundles for $50-$60. The price was regularly $90-$100 until everyone and their mom started selling dope. Up until about a year or 2 ago dope was around but if you hit a block and asked 10 dealers, 8 of them had coke and no dope. Now they all got dope or both.

The dealers I deal with are real cool and I deal with them through cell phones and am pretty friendly with them. I have to twist their arm to get 2 for $100. Usually they want $60 a piece but after buying so many at $60 they'll hook you up for 2 for $100. I never come for one or two bags so they may get $10 a bag elsewhere. I don't know.

We are starting to see a rise in gangs. Mostly hispanic like MS13 and SUR and if it ever comes to drug gangs having monopolies on certain blocks then the price will probably go up but as long as it remains free agents then the competition plays in the favor of the user. It's a buyers market here where as in Philly it's a sellers market.

I knew a white dude that rented a block from this gang in Philly for a large amount of money per day. The money went for protection. No one could sell on that block or they had to deal with the landlord. He made tons of money because all of his dealers were white and all the white people went to his block. He ended up getting caught with 2 ki's of dope. This was back in like 96-97. From what I heard he got 45 years so he is probably still locked up.

So the short version of what I just said is the competition due to no drug gangs selling dope drives the price down. Only answer I can come up with because it is the same exact street ready dope as Philly.
Price discussion is fine as long as it's on topic to the article, and it doesn't turn into sourcing/dicksizing/etc.

Got a new signature in case a mod mistakes the rules. =D

*edit* dam it, I don't have signature option. I thought all BL's did.
New Orleans and St.Louis and Memphis have powder from columbia ,as New Orleans is the largest container port for South American cargo in North America, so New Orleans is a major importation center for columbian heroin,although ports in NJ,NY,Etc. are also major importers of SA heroin. You cannot tell the origin of heroin or quality by the color except for black tar heroin which is from Mexico..Also there is brown powdered heroin that comes from Mexico in smaller amounts than tar ,but has been around for 40+ years and is not made in any way like tar,or made from tar..I have had fire brown SA powder and fire white SA powder and shitty white and brown powder from SA...it all depends on the cut..
New Orleans and St.Louis and Memphis have powder from columbia ,as New Orleans is the largest container port for South American cargo in North America, so New Orleans is a major importation center for columbian heroin,although ports in NJ,NY,Etc. are also major importers of SA heroin. You cannot tell the origin of heroin or quality by the color except for black tar heroin which is from Mexico..Also there is brown powdered heroin that comes from Mexico in smaller amounts than tar ,but has been around for 40+ years and is not made in any way like tar,or made from tar..I have had fire brown SA powder and fire white SA powder and shitty white and brown powder from SA...it all depends on the cut..

Yeah, the good Bmore dope aka the Raw is brown powder.
Yeah the raw in Memphis is brown powder, Whiteish or light brown in St.Louis,and white,brown etc. in New Orleans..Sadly all these cities I lived in,or live in know also got that nasty tar shit,never done that shit and hope it never comes to do it either,although a few months ago in Memphis the cops busted like 12-20+ kilos of powder..thats a big lick here tho,as it was all Raw in kilos ...the prices and quality of powder here in memphis are not any different yet,I was hoping it was tar they busted but hell no,they gotta good amount of powder damnit...Hope My people still keep getting that fire powder from the NJ,NYC,Philly,etc. NE coast so it will not turn this city into tarville...
lozgood, the dope in philly and NY NJ area aint from the orient. Its south american dope. There is very little if any dope from sea/swa that comes into this area, that shit took a hit a long time ago in the frank lucas days . it been the south american colombian shit for a while now here in this area.

Phrozen already said it, but its true that #3 aint available in the us as pretty much a rule. lots of dope got a vinegar smell--you get that smell really strong with some jersey bags sometimes too, and we all know tar stanks like that, even if you aint had it you be on here long enough and hear folks talk about it and you know. it dont mean that its a different type of dope. whether its powdered rocked up, etc, dope come in all type of ways here but its all #4.

plus, vinegar aint the shit thats used to cook up #3 dope--its citric acid. and that shit is added as a dry powder. gettin it wet with vinegar would fuck up the dope, it would hydrolyze into morphine. there aint no dry vinegar that i know of that could be added to it in pre-sale form ;) So im just sayin, theoretically even if this was true why fuck with the norm and use something other than the standard #3 acid that is used? You feel me? theres a lot of shit that dont work out about ur theory.

Even in the UK, where dope is #3, they dont sell dope with the shit already added, the user add it themself. I aint sayin its bad to think about shit, you know...come up with your ideas and shit like that, aint nothin wrong with it Im just lettin you know why that aint true and would never be true. :)

You could use acetic acid. Vinegar is 9% IIRC. However you would need glacial acetic acid (no waters 100% pure). This would form the acetate salt instead of the citrate.
also BTW lozgood....I guess in bmore they call scramble "benita" but up here "bonita" is a cut they used to use back in the day, a brand of mannitol or lactose depending on who you ask. The shit they used to be havin in nyc in the old days before the stamp bags came around was just like yall scramble down there. the old bonita and quinine cut. shit is different now but i still seen bags cut with lactose these days.

anyways aint tryna go off topic, just thought u might find that interesting since bmore heads refer to it as one thing and up here it means somethin else. :)
Like I said in a later post. I think the price difference is due to the competition. Philly is a lot bigger and the competition is more spread out and the dealers are less organized. You got more independants than drug gangs here. The drug gangs here are more coke oriented than heroin. I am sure that will change evntually but right now you circle a block you got 10 people trying to wave you down and they all got the same brand or maybe 2 different brands. In Philly you got multiple brands, organized drug gangs controlling blocks so less competition and a better lock on the market. They can charge 10 and not have to worry about someone 4 cars down charging 8 to beat them. They'll get killed just for being on that block trying to hustle.

It's not that the dope is more cut. You can see by the bust they buy it street ready. Those are the same bags on the streets of Philly. It's not like someone is going to empty all those bags out, cut them, and rebag them and restamp them. There are guys that will try to get you to pay $90-$100 a bundle but they only serve to their own clientelle, mostly white suburbanites and people from Southern PA (right on the PA/DE border) and NE Maryland (on MD/DE line) that are afraid to go shopping. But if they had the nuts to try block shopping they would get the same bundles for $50-$60. The price was regularly $90-$100 until everyone and their mom started selling dope. Up until about a year or 2 ago dope was around but if you hit a block and asked 10 dealers, 8 of them had coke and no dope. Now they all got dope or both.

The dealers I deal with are real cool and I deal with them through cell phones and am pretty friendly with them. I have to twist their arm to get 2 for $100. Usually they want $60 a piece but after buying so many at $60 they'll hook you up for 2 for $100. I never come for one or two bags so they may get $10 a bag elsewhere. I don't know.

We are starting to see a rise in gangs. Mostly hispanic like MS13 and SUR and if it ever comes to drug gangs having monopolies on certain blocks then the price will probably go up but as long as it remains free agents then the competition plays in the favor of the user. It's a buyers market here where as in Philly it's a sellers market.

I knew a white dude that rented a block from this gang in Philly for a large amount of money per day. The money went for protection. No one could sell on that block or they had to deal with the landlord. He made tons of money because all of his dealers were white and all the white people went to his block. He ended up getting caught with 2 ki's of dope. This was back in like 96-97. From what I heard he got 45 years so he is probably still locked up.

So the short version of what I just said is the competition due to no drug gangs selling dope drives the price down. Only answer I can come up with because it is the same exact street ready dope as Philly.
What DE city are we talking about?
What DE city are we talking about?


city population 72,000; metro population 630,000.

about 30 miles from philadelphia, 70 miles from baltimore, 110 miles from washington dc, and 125 miles from new york city.

People think Delaware and think chicken farms and Dupont, not realizing per capita Wilmington, Delaware has one of the highest violent crime rates in the country surpassing Compton California in 1996 and 2009 and is a major drug city. It's modeled after Philadelphia just smaller.

Drugs and gangs gained a greater profile in the city throughout the 1980s and 1990s, as was the case in many cities across the country. As a result of these trends, the city encountered an escalation of violent crimes (murder, assault, armed robbery), and put Wilmington among the nation's most dangerous cities for its size.

To counter this crime wave, Wilmington became the first city in the U.S. to have its entire downtown area under surveillance





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Ok. I don't know anyone in real life that could verify, so I asked on a different forum.
Wow lozgod, from those pics wilmington looks relatively nice. You made it sound like some ghetto ass shit, those pics looks like a nice little city, the houses are in really good condition.That shit looks like the little model villages that housewifes buy and set up on their coffee table, with the Hershey sign and shit, norman rockwell town . Yall got some pretty hoods in DE ;)

BTW phrozen, can you do me a favor and hit me up next time you see registration open on the other site? I always forget to check but flacky told me a few mos ago it was and i forgot about it and its closed again, so if they open it again sometime in the future and you happen to notice it, holla at cha girl will u? :) thanks yo.
Wow lozgod, from those pics wilmington looks relatively nice. You made it sound like some ghetto ass shit, those pics looks like a nice little city, the houses are in really good condition.That shit looks like the little model villages that housewifes buy and set up on their coffee table, with the Hershey sign and shit, norman rockwell town . Yall got some pretty hoods in DE ;)

BTW phrozen, can you do me a favor and hit me up next time you see registration open on the other site? I always forget to check but flacky told me a few mos ago it was and i forgot about it and its closed again, so if they open it again sometime in the future and you happen to notice it, holla at cha girl will u? :) thanks yo.

I found those pics on City-Data. I didn't take them. There's a lot worse looking areas but all in all the city is pretty clean unless you go to the project areas like NE and South Wilmington. Those are from the West side. It's an open air drug market though. Looks can be decieving. Like I said, higher violent crime rate per capita than most citites it's size.