• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Benzodiazepine Euphoria Mechanism?


Jan 25, 2009
Hey, I have a question about benzos and euphoria. From my experience and others reports the top 2 most euphoric (legal) benzos are Temazepam and Alprazolam. I read a thread in the ADD Forum that Temazepam was Primarily (Non-selective) to any GABA subunits and that Alprazolam has an affinity for the α2/3 subunits. I have also read in a Pharmacological google book that "Partial agonists selective for α2/3 subunits of benzodiazepine-sensitive GABAa receptors hypothetically would cause less euphoria, be less reinforcing and thus less abusable, cause less dependence, and cause fewer problems in withdrawal." Now here are my questions. If what is stated here is to believed then why are Temazepam & Alprazolam the most euphoric legals if Temazepam is non selective? Also why would Alprazolam be euphoric at all and cause such addiction and withdrawal problems if what i read in that google book is true? My initial thoughts on BZD euphoria was that the ones which produce the most of it would be selectively targeting specific subunits but alas this seems not to be the case. Could someone with proper knowledge on the subject please explain the correlation between Benzodiazepines and euphoria?

Here are the resources


http://books.google.com/books?id=cO...&q=which gaba subunits cause euphoria&f=false
i don't get euphoria from benzos. the anxiety relief is extremely nice though. closest to euphoric are temazepam and etizolam, get a warm little buzz from them.

never though alprazolam was euphoric, probably my second least favorite behind ativan.
I've noticed from this chart below that people tend to like hypnotic benzos the best (from my reading on these forums)(maybe xannax wasnt the best benz to compare...) and wonder if there is a specific subreceptor responsible for this action. But that would conflict with Temazepam not being selective and also a hypnotic?? I'm a major noob at this stuff so I await for someone who knows what they are actually talking about to respond.
euphoria is a subjective experience

Imagine being tense as all hell with racing thoughts about work, money and life. Then, imagine this all being gone within 30 minutes of taking a medication.

These are the people who derive the true euphoria from benzos.

edit: On an 'advanced' note, alprazolam has been found to increase DA tone in a host of regions in the brain that coincide with our human equivalent of euphoria.
euphoria is a subjective experience

I speak of the people who experience euphoria from benzos of course! I realize some might enjoy sedation of this class and define it as euphoria but I'm talking about the "all is well" feeling of bliss Tussmann is talking about here.
I don't even have any real responsibilities and benzos seem to help so much. They make me want to participate in life more... I'm not sure how I feel about this but it is definitely true.
The Euphoria I get from benzos comes from the relief of my anxiety. To have that terrible feeling of dread melt away is an amazing feeling on it's own. I think people with anxiety enjoy benzos more then people without it. If there is no anxiety then benzos are just going to make you feel relaxed and tired. I also find the effects from Klonopin and Xanax combined to be a lot better then Xanax on it's own. Alprazolam on it's own hits fast but wears off too fast.

That feeling of wanting to participate in life more comes from your anxiety being gone. When I'm on benzos I always want to go out and do something. There's no point in sitting around when there is nothing to worry about.
Interesting, but lorazepam is generally considered one of the least recreational benzos. I always thought it was okay, but preferred diazepam and clonazepam.
Interesting, but lorazepam is generally considered one of the least recreational benzos. I always thought it was okay, but preferred diazepam and clonazepam.

They only use lorazepam in hospitals, and I'm sure the lack of addiction potential is one of the contributing factors.
No! Ativan is widely prescribed outside hospitals. I've been prescribed it many times. It sucks IMHO. Comparing it to zolpidem is crazy. Zolpidem is a great hypnotic. Lorazepam is a second rate anxiolytic.
I believe that lorazepam is widely prescribed because it is thought to have a high ratio of anxiolysis to sedation, impairment, and perceived effects in general. I don't think that this is particularly well supported in the literature, but it at least panned out in my case.

Alprazolam is widely considered euphoric because of the rapid onset.

I've never felt much from temazepam and I think it's mostly hyped by UK people who've only experienced it and diazepam.

Midazolam is also reputed to be very euphoric and again the key is rapid onset.
No! Ativan is widely prescribed outside hospitals. I've been prescribed it many times. It sucks IMHO. Comparing it to zolpidem is crazy. Zolpidem is a great hypnotic. Lorazepam is a second rate anxiolytic.

My apologies, I worded that very poorly. Indeed it is used primarily in hospitals because of its supposed safety profile, but it is also widely prescribed outside of this setting.
Imagne that you smoke a bowl of weed right? But this time you have a DR/DP experience and you think your about to be sent to hell. You believe the sun in the sky is actually God and you conscience is eating at you because you think your dead and everything you have ever done in your life that you feel is wrong comes racing into your mind all at one time. Go like that for about two weeks. Then you get a 1 mg sandoz klonopin. You eat it. It starts to kick in and it's like a X pill at first because your skin on your back is loosening up. Then you just sit and the anxiety you felt from the fear of thinking at any moment your about to be thrown in hell just melts away. At which point about a hour after onset you start to say. Well if I'm at God's judgment. I really don't care. Also you have to have a firm belief in God first before you'll go thru a pure o spike like this. Then your problems just start to melt away. And thats a Kpin. If you have serious anxiety. I mean anxiety that will cripple you to where all you do is lay in the bed and wait for your fate.....Any benzo you take will help unless you are one of the unlucky one's that benzo's do nothing. It's the greatest rush of euphoria that I can explain. I have never been so happy to see that there was hope for me.....Because anybody that has to live like that day in and day out with no benzo, if it helps.....Will probably end there life even if they are a christian.
Maybe, opiates blow them out of the water in terms of e euphoric rush, though

The God crap is unnecessary. Carisoprodol beats most benzos hands down. Speed of onset is important but the strength of impairment is also important. It's hard to get support fucked up on lorazepam, but easy with diazepam and alprazolam. I don't think that temazepam differs from diazepam that much. If I'm getting fucked up on a benzo l wanna be wobbly and disinhibited lorazepam doesn't offer much of that.

without a tolerance I took 2.5mg yesterday and got almost nothing.
I find temazepam to be the only benzo that actually given me any real euphoria. I used to love those 30mg red and blue capsules but i can rarely get them now :( . I don't find alprazolam to be euphoric at all and in fact it put's me in a bad mood usually and makes me kind of dysphoric. I even prefer lorazepam and oxazepam over alprazolam even though they are so weak i can't feel them unless i mix them with temazepam or Valium. Valium is probably my second favorite benzo because i find it alot more relaxing then most other benzos. It feels like a less sedating less euphoric version of temazepam for me kinda.
i hate diazepam (makes me feel depressed) but i loved etizlolam xanax and temazepam. its just subjective taste
Maybe, opiates blow them out of the water in terms of e euphoric rush, though

The God crap is unnecessary. Carisoprodol beats most benzos hands down. Speed of onset is important but the strength of impairment is also important. It's hard to get support fucked up on lorazepam, but easy with diazepam and alprazolam. I don't think that temazepam differs from diazepam that much. If I'm getting fucked up on a benzo l wanna be wobbly and disinhibited lorazepam doesn't offer much of that.

without a tolerance I took 2.5mg yesterday and got almost nothing.
It's just different for different people. Lorazepam feels like a mix of diazepam and alprazolam to me it just needs the proper dosage. Some people don't get many desired effects from benzodiazepines at all so it's pretty expected that some people wouldn't enjoy certain ones. It seems lorazepam is quite love/hate however.
The first time I took benzos (Xanax 1mg) was the only time I got real euphoria from benzos. It was actually really nice and lasted for an hour, maybe two. 1mg from the same box 6 months later didn't give me any euphoria (didn't take any gabaergics during those 6 months. Etizolam gives me some euphoria when I take it for the first time after not taking it for a few months. Others (pyrazolam, diazepam, bromazepam if I remember correctly) never gave me any euphoria.