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Benzo Discussion Vol. 3 (I think? Last night's a blur..)

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Kind of i had some similar in Sri lanka 5 years ago same colour n strength although the press was better.

Oh & they worked really well !!
Sorry I have probably posted a similar question in the past. But I can't find.

Anyway, I've not touched any benzo's for exactly a week now. (Previous use being sporadic diaz use over a year, averaging 10mg a day, but never consistent/daily use)
I've felt absolutely no negative effects in the last 2-3 days. Slept better than ever.

Does this mean that I am now 'back to baseline'. As in I'm clear of any withdrawal effects? (as I understand tolerance is still going to be affected)
What do people think of 'Daz' diazepam? Is that the right name for them? Getting them in blisters at the moment rather than typical Martin Dow Roche 10s (which I presume to be fake) and was wondering if I'm opting for the right ones here. I don't take benzos often enough to really be able to judge quality, they are more for comedowns for me.
Kind of i had some similar in Sri lanka 5 years ago same colour n strength although the press was better.

Oh & they worked really well !!

Cheers Brimz.

I reckon my tolerance has something to do with it.
A mate did some the other night and was ruined.

+ I've no real experience with lorazepam.
What do people think of 'Daz' diazepam? Is that the right name for them? Getting them in blisters at the moment rather than typical Martin Dow Roche 10s (which I presume to be fake) and was wondering if I'm opting for the right ones here. I don't take benzos often enough to really be able to judge quality, they are more for comedowns for me.

The last Daz ones I had were not too bad. Still Pakistani counterfeits and probably not 10mgs but not completely rubbish by any means :)
What do people think of 'Daz' diazepam? Is that the right name for them? Getting them in blisters at the moment rather than typical Martin Dow Roche 10s (which I presume to be fake) and was wondering if I'm opting for the right ones here. I don't take benzos often enough to really be able to judge quality, they are more for comedowns for me.

I had some white ones that were fine, they had score on one side, but I have also had Blue ones that were chalk, I personally wouldn't touch anything that had Roche written on it unless from a trusted UK supplier and I've also had Dalium Blue tabs which were also effectively chalk, all put put by PK.
Ask knockando about eyeballing etizolam powder and you may not be so gung-ho about doing it as you seem to be.

I'm sure the powder works out far cheaper from some sources, but you need to either liquid dose or use highly expensive milligram scales if you're going to experiment with it. Otherwise you may find you repeat some of your phenazepam fiascos if you're not very careful.

As for some of the 'pellets' being fake, aren't most of them just Etilaam pills taken out of the blister and repackaged?

I wouldn't be so keen to take the risk personally, seeing as Etilaam pills can be obtained very cheaply indeed and are far more convenient.

I missed this sorry! Yes, don't fucking eyeball etizolam powder. It may be fine this time, or the next, but if you get in the habit of doing it, one of these days you'll do too much and too much etizolam can easily mean a trip to A&E. From experience.

Even if your eyeballing is pretty good, like mine was, if you've had a few drinks and you're in the wrong frame of mind then judgement can go out the window. For that reason it's best simply not to have the powder around, because you can't always predict or judge your state of mind. I am now officially scared of benzo/thienzo powder.
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I had some white ones that were fine, they had score on one side, but I have also had Blue ones that were chalk, I personally wouldn't touch anything that had Roche written on it unless from a trusted UK supplier and I've also had Dalium Blue tabs which were also effectively chalk, all put put by PK.

Yeah mate your the same as me with the roches to be honest. But these are blue blistered 10mg Daz. Was told by the guy he bins any fakes and these are the closest you can get to just genuine scripted diazepam, so was wondering if it was dealer talk or any truth in the matter.
Its impossible to say really I can only tell you my experience, the white ones were fine and came UK to UK the blue ons were fakes and came PK to UK.

Its just like the Roche you can tell until you have one under your tongue, PK import has gone to shit at the mo so I'm gonna have to look up my old UK people lets I know I should be able to get Zepose and they are standard, but I would tough a blue DAZ brand unless I'd had a sample first Diaz ha a particular taste to it as I'm sure your familiar wit so you'd be able to tell straight off. If its by mail he should be prepared to sell you a single strip as a tester if he refuses then you know to avoid.
Gees, right now i cant wait (well i can i'm kinda stoned on codeine) till i get my diazepam script on tuesday: 140 mg - 70 2mg pills, then down to 56, 42, etc.

I keep managing my script just fine for the first week, then when a night out hits me & i'm chewing up 10 at a time & thinking 'right, i'm not gonna touch this last strip of 14 til sunday', or something like that, then 'i'm gonna hide these 5 pills & save two 5 mg doses for emergencys', then its 'i might as well leave this last 2 mg pill in the bathroom cabinet til i get my next script so i dont run out'..... Then it happens: i run out like 5 days before i get my repeat!

I never suffer any withdrawal, except maybe insomnia or caffeine sensitivity, so i just totally avoid any alcohol, coffee or tea & i'm fine anxiety wise.

I really need to make 'em last but i always tell myself an ole quote from the famous Doctor Hunter S Thompson - 'generosity is the key to surviving excess'. A bit of a paradox i know, but i'm always generous enough to sort out a good mate of mine who occasionally winds up trying to drink himself sober after a night of doing that rubbish we in england call "cocaine", or my 40 + year old mate who works for the nhs & has been having some rough times lately & wass put on citalopram & has only ever been able to squeeze 7 2mg pills off his doc.

He told me back in the late 80's he'd go to his docs up in lewisham on a massive speed comedown & they'd toss him a script for blues without thinking twice about it.

Docs are fucking tight with benzos now, i even notice it & i only first got them in 2008; all the doc in my clinic except one: my usual doc, refuse to give me any benzos even though they know i'm on a reduction.

I even went once, before i got one of those white repeat prescription sheets, for my monthly "checkup" & my doc wasnt there & even tho i was due the diazepam the doctor not only laughed at my repeated demands for a repeat prescription, called me "bonkers" but the ugly cunt refused to give me the medicine & told me i'd have to "wing it" until my faithful old Doc came back the next week. Damnit if only i'd had a recorder on me during the visit i swear i could have got the bastard fired. Fucker practiced medcine in china, likely where he learnt how to be a heartless prick.
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I was doing fine on my reduction sxmpt now I've taken 150. mgs extra tut tut!
I'm getting ready for another shot at it, gonna try hitting it down hard and starting on 100mgs a day and see how that feels for a weeks, I'm guessing a bit uncomfortable but not dangerous 2 weeks like that then 10mgs off every week after. Its going to be harsh but fair, I reckon I can make it I so fed up with this shit. If this is the only way out them so be it
Just heard off a friend we may be getting some Nimetazepam (Happy 5 is what they are calling it)

Had a quick google and its all looking very promising,fair few people are saying its one of the best benzos available :) 5er a pop mind but apparently thats the goin rate.

Anyone had these?
FH :)

Edit: I hear its mainly in chinese circles,my friend is delivering for a chinese and thats how hes come about them
Ohh I am jealous. It's on my "to-do" list but I'd consigned it to the realm-of-fantasy-unless-travelling category, along with Quaaludes..

Got given a few etiz (okay, okay, not strictly benzos) which I had last night, was good to relax and get some sleep.. then found a couple of diaz in the pocket of my old jacket today, score! Loving my lowered tolerance <3
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mmm quaaludes, proper gutted i'll never have these!lol
I'm hoping they come through,the way the chinese dude described it was,you have 1 with a beer and it feels like you've drank 10 lol so sounds good :)
I'll report back when ive tried em. Everyone ive seen on the web whos had them was from chinese people so maybe befriend your local chinese takeaway lol its worth a few chow meins haha
And bonus,i never find forgotten drugs!!! Tbh,i never forget about them! :D

FH :)
I only tend to find benzos and (hopefully) Soma.. drugs I hide while under the influence and forget about ;)

Heard one glowing report and one "not quite all it's cracked up to be" but you always get that. Benzos vary so much too. I find temazepam pretty euphoric and in general I appreciate benzo's lushness but I know a lot of people who don't at all (to either). Very YMMV. Do report back :)

+1 in the Quaaludes, trip to South Africa anyone?
I've always wanted to try nimetazepam. I've heard some people say they are like ecstasy without the come down, but i'm guessing that isn't true? I think if they were that good there would be a large underground market for them here. As it stands I think they're popular among Asians because they don't get many drugs coming their way.
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