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I normally don't even like breakfast foods, but that sounds like a bad ass dinner indeed! :D

indeed it was. shit was delicious.

plugged a half of roxi 15 earlier and ate the other half a little bit ago and i just got done smoking another bowl. watched this show called "impratical jokers", that show is hilarious and if you havent seen it you should check it out.

How is everyone tonight?
So tonight I have a little interesting combo going on. Currently I've taken about 1.5mg of Alprazolam as well as around 75-80mg of cwe codeine from the Canadian T1's with 300mg APAP 15mg Caffeine and 8mg Codeine. ALSO just finished smoking a nice fat bowl and drank a liter of poppy seed tea that consisted of roughly 450g of seeds. Should be an interesting combo.
did my last half of 15 for the night and smoked another bowl. gonna watch some tv and hopefully nod off to bed.

feel like im talking to myself her almost haha
did my last half of 15 for the night and smoked another bowl. gonna watch some tv and hopefully nod off to bed.

feel like im talking to myself her almost haha

Your omelette sounded delicious.

I myself am on buprenorphine and am tapering but still got a solid nod, and am about to hit some wax off of my skillet. %)
it was delicious.

i must try this wax someday. ive had dispensary items still labeled awhile back. it was some crazy hard strawberry candy and it got me high as shit and tasted soooo good. i knew someone who knew someone out there and i was getting medical stuff for a little bit but it cost an arm and a leg.

im feeling pretty good myself right now. i wanna add another half but theres not much of a point. maybe ill just go rail a quarter of a 15, that should maybe push me to a nod or at least let me sleep real good.

fuck it, im gonna go rail a half i think.
I was offered some OC 80's ridiculously cheap today and found it very hard to not to fall off the wagon and accept!
Yea well I was given 5000 roxi 30's !!

I wish :(

Sucks being in this thread when you have no drugs lol.
its ok hatrix, it happens to the best of us. PALLY, your a lucky fucker.

i plugged 3/4 of a 15 a little while ago and ate the other 1/4 plus some bowls. my grandma made some soft boiled eggs to :) they were delicious.

EDIT: the way my grandma is eating is giving me opiate rage. from her breathing, chews loud, forks scrape and make the ear piecing noise, she does everything and i mean everything slow as fuck. i had to turn on the tv, it was starting to piss me off lol
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I also wish someone would give me 5000 roxi 30's, after all, who could say no to that? :D

I have the drugs but today is not the day to get high unfortunately, tomorrow however, is. I'm going to party with my friends, I have gotten all the necessary drugs together today, now all I got to do is wait patiently untill this day passes and tomorrow evening approaches. Which is not the easiest thing to do while sitting on all these drugs lol.

I'm thinking of starting tomorrow evening with eating 175mg MDMA and then smoking some weed/hash and I also bought a big box of n2o cartridges (360 of them lol) + some bottles of vodka if that would so be desired by anyone + clonazepam and ketobemidone (the ketobemidone is exclusive to me though, everyone else can help themselves to my subutex pills if so desired lol). Gotta remember to buy more cigarettes, they always seem to be the first to go at my parties ;)

it was delicious.

i must try this wax someday. ive had dispensary items still labeled awhile back. it was some crazy hard strawberry candy and it got me high as shit and tasted soooo good. i knew someone who knew someone out there and i was getting medical stuff for a little bit but it cost an arm and a leg.

im feeling pretty good myself right now. i wanna add another half but theres not much of a point. maybe ill just go rail a quarter of a 15, that should maybe push me to a nod or at least let me sleep real good.

fuck it, im gonna go rail a half i think.

Yea I would be interested in trying this "wax" too. Unfortunately it doesn't exist here ;(
yeah AFAIK it doesnt exist here either.

you could probaly break into your whippits a little and make soem of that keto stuff. sounds like you have a good enough stash to where it wouldnt hurt you to much.
I only allow myself strong opiates once a week these days (at least try to) so no ketobemidone today, although I will have some vodka and smoke a few joints. It will be just like every other day this week lol.
^ fuck it. thats better then nothing, throw in a whippit or 10 and you'll have a damn good night. :D

just railed another half of 15 and smoked some weed with kief. im high as hell right now. im reall itchy to.

i got 67 mgs of roxi left. imma try to save at least 30 for tommorrow since its gonna be a cold, wet, rain mixed with snow, shitty weather day and opiates are extra nice during those times, especially when the fire is going to :)
I'm probably going to do some bupe, pick up some food, and go to work. A good day indeed. %)
Yeah the meth is for that exyta kick, im thinkin of those who are booting it ;-)

im on my new phone so excuse the bad typing and punctuality. Upgraded from a nokia brick tyyo a galaxy ii mini so its good to have touch type.and proper internet with a big enoug screen to use. Had to order new cords before either other cpus are workabkle.

Just got home from shopping so had me a shot of morph with usual dose of diaz with and pulled a few cones. But im.going to hook into abgresh home made fruit salad dad just.made. Ill be back soon to.chuff more weed and lurk around!

You mean "punctuation?" You just apologized for being on time. ;)

I only allow myself strong opiates once a week these days (at least try to) so no ketobemidone today, although I will have some vodka and smoke a few joints. It will be just like every other day this week lol.

Where the hell do you live to have access to ketobemidone? lol

I thought that shit was only in Scandinavian countries lmao.
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Shut up douglas.

Your attempt at 'humour' failed miserably. Keep on tryin', youll maybe get there one day.
Yea he does live in sweden :p

I'm debating. I got ahold on 2 20mg Adderall this time, I can plug it all and I'm sure it'll be more enjoyable than last time, OR I can do some DXM. Have two OTC containing only DXM as active and no bad inactive ingredients, 810mg of DXM between both bottles.

I'm probably more learning towards the speed just to be clear headed. I have no idea how bad my dissociative tolerance still is, it's been 3-4 weeks since quitting MXE ? I can't even remember =D May be over a month now. But my tolerance was SUPER high.
Just did a roxi 15 using 3 different ROAs. Even tho it was only 1 pill it fits my tolerance well and it got me ripped. I also added a bowl of weed, but that's mandatory.

I'm feeling damn good. Bout to watch Cops lol that shows awesome even when sober.
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