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Basic HEROIN Culture Questions

and just remember, when the d boys see u they know wat u want. be straight up. If dudes tryna holla at u like hey ma wats good , this and that, u just tell em yo, i didnt come here for dick i came here for dope so unless you got that, I aint interested.

LOL nice one!
Thanks lacey k! Good tips right there, I appreciate you taking the time to write that all out. Like a year ago I had numbers for some old dudes with pretty good dope on the North Side, in a pretty nice area, so I never had to go into the hood. That dried up so I would drive out West with my bf at the time, so I mean I know how to cop cold, I've just never done it by myself or on foot. Before I take the El down there I'm gonna pull up a map of the area and study it hard lol. I've never copped at a spot during the day, just late at night. But I'm definitely not riding the sketchy ass El to the West Side at midnight.

Most of the time I look like a white girl but I know I can dress to blend in at least a little. I got me some fly kicks too and big hoop earrings lol. I'll try not to be a white girl bitch about it, haha. IDK if I have any swagga though
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Most of the time I look like a white girl but I know I can dress to blend in at least a little. I got me some fly kicks too and big hoop earrings lol. I'll try not to be a white girl bitch about it, haha. IDK if I have any swagga though

If you know you boundaries with alcohol, I might suggest taking a little bit to get that "liquid courage" and some swagga. I'm usually nervous, but the "G" comes out in me when I drink a bit, and it gives me the confidence to walk around "the hood" and get what I came for and to give off that vibe that "i've been around the block a few times".

If you don't really drink, then that advice isn't for you. I drink often, so know my boundaries. I don't wan't you getting drunk and lost in the hood.
I've never copped at a spot during the day, just late at night. But I'm definitely not riding the sketchy ass El to the West Side at midnight.

I find daytime copping to be much less nerve racking and much easier. During the day you have a vast array of people out. Besides the people workin the block, there's usually a fair amount of people just out chillin. You have families, hustlers, oldheads, all sorts of people out and about on the block. Besides putting you at ease, it's a sort of security. Now anything is possible, but it seems less likely to me that the cops are going to raid a block in broad daylight with kids playing, families chillin, and 10 regular people for every 1 person hustling as opposed to late at night when you have a small amount or just one person working the block

at least that's been my experience
If you know you boundaries with alcohol, I might suggest taking a little bit to get that "liquid courage" and some swagga. I'm usually nervous, but the "G" comes out in me when I drink a bit, and it gives me the confidence to walk around "the hood" and get what I came for and to give off that vibe that "i've been around the block a few times".

If you don't really drink, then that advice isn't for you. I drink often, so know my boundaries. I don't wan't you getting drunk and lost in the hood.

I don't drink but if I'm gonna go through with this I'm definitely eating 1 or 2mg Klonopin first.

Thanks evilthree, that was helpful to hear:)
What you wrote above seems a bit hypocritical considering you didn't approve of something using the term "dressing black".

I dont think its hypocritical at all since I didnt say nothing about "dressing white." :\
Has anyone had both in a reasonable amlunt of time to compare them to see who is the king of quality dope? According to the show The Wire the Co-Op got "the good shit" from NYC. Word on the street though is BMore raw is like the best dope in the US (I would love to have real afghan dope straight out of the lab or the pharmaceutical shit they give to addicts in Sweden).

I wonder if BMore dope really comes from NY like they say on The Wire and the DEA website if I am not mistaking. I know most dope comes from the middle east Iran/Afghanastan via the ports of Holland to the US. I wonder if they come via ship to Baltimore and they got their own line from the middle east or does it all come through NY's ports and work it;s way south.

I know I got the "my life is so horrible" threads because of this addiction but to be honest I LOVE HEROIN. I wish I was in the game high enough to get the pre stepped on shit. BMore raw is the closest I'll ever probably get to pure heroin. In Philly you don't have the option of raw or scramble. It's already cut and everything is branded and people go after whatever the best brand is at that time.

BMore raw is brown which makes me wonder if it is #3 dope with vinegar added to make it injectable because I believe true pure dope is white like the stuff in Philly which I am positive is #4 dope.

I wish the US would wake up and decriminalize drugs. It would lower violent crime, take away the rebel status of it making it less attractive to people using it just to be rebelious, lower prices, thereby lowering crimes to obtain the money to get it. It makes all the sense in the world so it will never happen in this back asswards country but anyway back to the original question.

Can anyone verify what is the best east coast dope? Is it BMore raw, NJ/NY dope, Philly, etc? Basically are there any seasoned well traveled junkies out here to make the comparison?

My experience is Bmore raw and S. Jersey/Delaware and Philly dope. S Jersey and Delaware is Philly dope pretty much just marked up for the transportation costs. You get the same shit in Camden NJ, and Wilmington DE as you do in Philly. Same glassine bags with the same brand for a slightly higher price than driving 20-30 minutes to Philly to save a few dollars per bundle but in Bmore you buy it by the weight and choose from raw or scramble. Raw is supposed to be uncut dope but anyone with a half a brain knows it's cut with something.

i have a friend from westchester county ny; right above manhattan, who used to drive all the way to baltimore for dope and E. he said both the dope and the E were top top quality and the fact that he'd drive down 95 through newark and philly/camden says a lot too. he also said the sets in baltimore were incredible professional.

i've never had bmore dope but the fact that your basically paying them more $ for better quality makes me think it would be amazing.

dont get me wrong wax bags often have amazing dope in them but the whole idea of stamped wax bags is a scam in a way. they build brand loyalty with really good quality on the first runs just so they can cut down each run of the stamp after, which is where they make the most money. if you think about it if the dealer takes 500 grams and puts out 100 bricks of top notch stuff everyone gonna tell their friends about and then takes another 500 grams and cuts it in half and puts out 200 bricks which everyone's gonna want cause they're the hot stamp he just made double what he made on the first 500 grams (dont jump on me bout the gram a bun thing please or n e thing else actually).

idk about anyone else but the way wax bags sometimes work like this really pisses me off and makes me think the bmore ppl are "users dealers" in a way because all i ever wanted when i was out there was a connect for diesel that would come through with the SAME fire diesel every time. instead i would always b blown away by a stamp then get it again and b like wtf happened.
That is where TO get FIRE .
I dunno about all this american stuff but GLASGOW go hardest the mortality rate for a white male is 55 years in some parts !!!
pretty sure the average age expectation doesnt factor in heroin at all.
That is where TO get FIRE .
I dunno about all this american stuff but GLASGOW go hardest the mortality rate for a white male is 55 years in some parts !!!

i used to go to glasgow to get my shit about 12 yrs ago.it isnt any better or worse than anywhere else but theres a shitload more of it.
If you know you boundaries with alcohol, I might suggest taking a little bit to get that "liquid courage" and some swagga. I'm usually nervous, but the "G" comes out in me when I drink a bit, and it gives me the confidence to walk around "the hood" and get what I came for and to give off that vibe that "i've been around the block a few times".

If you don't really drink, then that advice isn't for you. I drink often, so know my boundaries. I don't wan't you getting drunk and lost in the hood.

That is awful advice.
on the norteast cost in ct we get small Glassine bags if thay where to use a corner of a sandwich bag you would never fined the dope thats how small our bags are
I am just happy I don't do heroin anymore. Fuck that shit with a chainsaw and watch it bleed and die I say.
i have a friend from westchester county ny; right above manhattan, who used to drive all the way to baltimore for dope and E. he said both the dope and the E were top top quality and the fact that he'd drive down 95 through newark and philly/camden says a lot too. he also said the sets in baltimore were incredible professional.

i've never had bmore dope but the fact that your basically paying them more $ for better quality makes me think it would be amazing.

dont get me wrong wax bags often have amazing dope in them but the whole idea of stamped wax bags is a scam in a way. they build brand loyalty with really good quality on the first runs just so they can cut down each run of the stamp after, which is where they make the most money. if you think about it if the dealer takes 500 grams and puts out 100 bricks of top notch stuff everyone gonna tell their friends about and then takes another 500 grams and cuts it in half and puts out 200 bricks which everyone's gonna want cause they're the hot stamp he just made double what he made on the first 500 grams (dont jump on me bout the gram a bun thing please or n e thing else actually).

idk about anyone else but the way wax bags sometimes work like this really pisses me off and makes me think the bmore ppl are "users dealers" in a way because all i ever wanted when i was out there was a connect for diesel that would come through with the SAME fire diesel every time. instead i would always b blown away by a stamp then get it again and b like wtf happened.

Theres alot of hype about the dope in bmore but Ive talked to more than a handufl of peopel who done both. They all either say its equal to NJ, or that NJ is better. I knew somebody who moved from jersey to bmore, and after livin there for a while and coppin there she got so fed up with the dope there. She figured at first yo i hear about all this fire bmore dope so lets give it some time for me to learn my way around and get a good connect and really try it all out. she did the scramble AND the "raw" which is like supposedly the fire shti that everybody always talkin about. But after like 6 months of the game down there she got so sick of it that she started drivin back home to jersey a few times a week to cop cuz she couldnt get right from the bmore dope, it was too expensive and not good enough to maintain the ahbit she had had of jersey dope.

thats just one story and im sure some people might say somethin else, Im just passin it along. I know somebody who posts on here whose a lifelong bmore dope copper, mad city pride, you know, mad devoted to bmore and will always ell you how good the dope there is, but he told me that when he came up to jerz and had some north jersey bags that it was right on the level with the bmore shit, and that was just some of our average bags, not fire...So take from that wat you want, i just wanted to share that since yall was wonderingl. I wish i coudl tell from personal experience, but the shit i posted is the best info I got.

My experience is Bmore raw and S. Jersey/Delaware and Philly dope. S Jersey and Delaware is Philly dope pretty much just marked up for the transportation costs. You get the same shit in Camden NJ, and Wilmington DE as you do in Philly. Same glassine bags with the same brand for a slightly higher price than driving 20-30 minutes to Philly to save a few dollars per bundle but in Bmore you buy it by the weight and choose from raw or scramble. Raw is supposed to be uncut dope but anyone with a half a brain knows it's cut with something.

You cant compare jersey to philly or bmore or w/ever, by using south jersey dope as ur comparison. the dope in south jerz is way different than the dope in norht jerz number one. And number two, it aint true that s.jerz diesel is philly dope simply marked up. Its true that in alot of places in s.jerz that is the case but in camden, it aint philly dope. they got G's in camden and they sell that shit there, and the sets that push dope are doin teh similar shit that they do in philly--cuttin and baggin they own shit. the game in camden and philly is very, very different than it is in north jersey as far as how the stamps come out and how many hands are dippin into them before they go to the end user. the north jerz game and a stamp in north jerz, goes thru a very different process than a south jerz stamp, but ia int gonna get into the ways the game is differnet right now. Just pointing out that your post about south jersey diesel aint exactly on point. Ive talked to a couple people from down there, one of my boys used to sell dope down in camden, and he told me that there is actually some philly cats who get their dope from jersey, not the other way around...but anyways....just wanted to set that staight....and of course "raw" is cut, its juts cut less than scramble, which from everything ive heard is straight garbage.

'the Wire' got everybody talkin about bmore dope and how its such hot shit....becuz the addiction rate in bmore is so high, people get the idea that this somehow means the quality is better or some shit. the shit yuo see on TV really aint got nothing to do with the reality of the game, peopel ned to stop associating the wire with the actual dope game and how good it is, just becux some TV show says that they got the best dope dont make it true. jersey has always been the numbe one state in th nation for heroin, in price, purity, and availability, and that shit aint gonna change no time soon. dont get me wrong, I aint sayin that bmore and philly are mad far behind. they all pretty close, but im just sayin, NJ is the dope capital and even the DEA will tell you that shit.
That is awful advice.

Can you elaborate on that?

I put the disclaimer in there that if she doesn't drink, then that advice is not for her.

Keep in mind that she was talking about copping on foot, so she wouldnt be driving under the influence. The way I see it is that when you go into the hood and are nervous, everybody from the "D-Boys" to the police to any citizen can sense that. That just makes you more of a target for getting robbed or arrested. But with one drink in you, your nerves can be calm enough to allow you to come across as more confident making you less likely to get robbed or ripped off.
heroin branding-where stamps come from?

hi im new here..always have been interested in drug branding. mainly heroin stamp bags and shit..was wondering where do they get the stamps to brand their shit? do they like actually get them printed from rubber stamp manufactures?
i dont actually fuck with H, im more of a perc and oxy person but have been interested in it since i found a few empty branded bags in an abandoned building with smiley faces on them.
sorry if this isnt the right place to post, like i said..new here and just found this forum this morning while trying to find this shit out.
in detroit its called boy,blow,h,dope it comes in lotto tickets,foil,different colored paper.i lived there all my life an the dope has allways been good(i luv the white dope)but im in tennesse now and i dont no if theres any heroin down here,i might b wrong,let me no........
in detroit its called boy,blow,h,dope it comes in lotto tickets,foil,different colored paper.i lived there all my life an the dope has allways been good(i luv the white dope)but im in tennesse now and i dont no if theres any heroin down here,i might b wrong,let me no........

Yea theres H in Tennesse. As for what they call heroin in detroit, did you mean blows instead of blow?
Yes there is heroin in Tenn . especially Memphis and I imagine Nashville as well. I know that in Memphis you can get good powder from Chicago,Detroit,NJ/NYC,Philly etc.. thats brought down to Memphis as well as tar heroin although It is not as popular obviously as the good powder.In Nashville I know they have tar there and I would think powder also,but I am close to Memphis and never go to Nashville for any H..