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Baking Soda + Amphetamine (Adderall/Dexedrine)

and just for the record i have had 0 auditory hallucinations or thughts of harming myself or any one else
Seeing as how you probably aren't going to be getting to sleep anytime soon, I recommend you read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stimulant_psychosis

The baking soda increases the strength of amphetamine by lowering the pH in your digestive system. This increases the efficiency with which your body absorbs the drug. So essentially, it is like taking a higher dose without the baking soda. It will also make the drug last longer.

This is part of the reason why you are having these side effects. It is not the only reason though. Continued abuse of amphetamines increases the risks. Each time you have a binge like this, you increase the risk of psychosis and other problems, even if you take the same dose. In doses like you are consuming, amphetamine is neurotoxic.

For now, you need to get rid of your amphetamines as you obviously have trouble controlling your use. Do not go out and get any more. You will likely end up in the same situation again.

Fortunately you are at a point where you can minimize the damage to your health. Your are severely deprived of sleep and nutrition. Both sleep deprivation and malnutrition can cause severe problems by themselves, including psychosis. Please get some food in your system. Anything is fine at this point. If you are unable to eat due to the drugs, some type of liquid nutrition, such as Ensure, will be very helpful. You also may be quite dehydrated. Get plenty of fluids. Finally, get some sleep.

The next couple of days are going to be pretty rough, but you will feel better eventually. Good luck.
Seriously dude, make sure you get some magnesium and potassium. You can die from electrolyte imbalances, and stimulants eat electrolytes fast.

I'm talking from personal experience, having been hospitalized for dangerously low potassium or hypokalemia.
Seriously dude, make sure you get some magnesium and potassium. You can die from electrolyte imbalances, and stimulants eat electrolytes fast.

I'm talking from personal experience, having been hospitalized for dangerously low potassium or hypokalemia.

This too. Potassium and magnesium will help with cramps, jaw clenching, etc.
Whoa dude, havent read all the posts but dont think about resdosing on amps if your starting hallucinate - auditory or visual it doesnt matter. Like someone said, your experiencing amphetamine pyscosis and no it is not to be enjoyed like a trip, think horror trip more like it.

Basically if it gets out of hand just remember it is temporary, keep your fluids and electrolytes up - cranberry juice is my favourite to rid amphetamine out of the body as it speeds up excretion in urine by making it more acidic. Eat some fresh food if you can and try keep yourself occupied.

If you have any benzodiazapanes on hand, used resposnibly can help in this situation.

Sorry I havent read all of the posts yet so forgive if I am spilling out repeated information.
Hey y'all I appreciate the advice thank y'all so much don't worry I learned my lesson this time abxuz about 4 hrs ago I started to have a panic attack n I ended up hallucinating thinking I was going threw a stroke I saw the droop got numb thank god my friend was here n like dude ur fine chill the fuck out n it all went away all I have now is the awake part lol thank u everyone
One more question how many hours of crash am I Lookin at? It was 600mg over 3days
Question, does this baking soda and amphetamine work with heat treated sodium bicarbonate (sp?)/ baking soda - I am reffering to the ingredient in alka selzter
The post about people judging whether a stimulant is working by euphoria is SOO true! I think allot of people do this with even pain meds for legitimate purposes.

Seriously dude, make sure you get some magnesium and potassium. You can die from electrolyte imbalances, and stimulants eat electrolytes fast.

I'm talking from personal experience, having been hospitalized for dangerously low potassium or hypokalemia.
This! When I was on Adderall and I didn't eat perfect it messed my body up! You gotta hydrate and eat on amphetamines or it gets way out of hand.

HeyY'all I'm back the hallucinations come in waves now approx 5 min at the time the tingling vibration feeling does the Same.... Also I feel like bugs r crawling all over me like a bad acid trip bit it's neither pleasant or unpleasant the're jus kinda there... When there r no feelings or visuals I don't feel sober or high its a strange feeling tbh idt I have felt it before I'm contemplating taking 2 more 30's bit can't decide if I want to or not any input?

Oh my God...lol man you speeders are way different then opioid fiends...lol. Uh I'd take the advice from the guy above and read about amphetamine psychosis and uh try and take some benzos maybe...600mg's over 3 days is probably replicating manic bipolar, lol you need some benzos stat! And don't do that much again
Question, does this baking soda and amphetamine work with heat treated sodium bicarbonate (sp?)/ baking soda - I am reffering to the ingredient in alka selzter

Sure. Anything that has a high pH. Antacid tablets like TUMS will also work.
I think the baking soda will have more of an affect if your GI is more acidic that usual at the time of taking it. I see varying reports on the internet so I guess its one of those things that might help some or might not, but more often than not people are saying it didn't really enhance the effect itself just extended the duration of effects, which is helpful in itself!

Just a suggestion on the side, me personally I would lower your adderal dosage slightly to the point where it isn't providing any real recreational benefeits like the euphoria and chatter mouth but provides full coverage of your ADHD symptoms. A lot of people gauge whether their Adderall is treating their ADHD by how euphoric and motviated they feel which is wrong and ultimately leads on to higher doses and the addiction/dependency. Sooner or later the dose you are on won't provide anything recreational but it will still treat the ADHD.

Maybe try 15-20mg XR initally with baking soda, followed by 10mg xr when it starts wearing off. You might not feel anything, but try and continue on through your day without dwelling on whether or not you are feeling anything rather stop occasionally and check to see if your symptoms are gone.

I never really get anything in terms of euphoria at all with my dose I am on, hell 30mg at once doesn't provide anything recreational. BUT, it does treat my ADHD and allow me to be in control of my mind and focus.

Sorry for the rant dude, you might want to be chasing that euphoria all the time and want it now, but think long-term when your on 60mg twice a day just to treat the ADHD and feel nothing. I like getting high too don't think of me as a panzy :p but at the end of the day its about harm reduction.

Yeah it's true. I started on 30mg. a day, this was 12 years ago. But, I started taking 40mg. a day the over the next few months, then50mg. then all the way up to 80mg. just to feel normal. It happened so quick.
Adderall as prescribed = you consent to relying on a chemical taken daily to allow you to function at an equilibrium.

Adderall used recreationally in moderate amounts = you maintain control over this chemical and use it sparingly to get enjoyment as desired. You remain the master, while the chemical is a tool.

How long should I wait after taking baking soda before taking amphetamine?

Also, how much baking soda?

Seeing as how you probably aren't going to be getting to sleep anytime soon, I recommend you read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stimulant_psychosis

The baking soda increases the strength of amphetamine by lowering the pH in your digestive system. This increases the efficiency with which your body absorbs the drug. So essentially, it is like taking a higher dose without the baking soda. It will also make the drug last longer.

I have seen people debate this, and say that it is not about the pH in your digestive system, it is the pH in your urine that affects amphetamines. Can anyone clarify this?
The only thing about taking tums or baking soda with adderall that's weird is that It feels like it potentiates the adderall even when I take a teaspoon of baking soda 3 hours after i take my adderall can anybody explain why this happens? Could the adderall remain in my stomach for three hours? I took 30mg of adderall ir with a teaspoon of baking soda , I took the teaspoon of it 30 minutes before I took the adderall then two hours later I took half a teaspoon of it again just to see what would happen, while waiting I was doubting anything would change again because I thought the adderall wouldn't be in my stomach anymore and was surprised because about 10 minutes later the rush came back again, any explanations?
The only thing about taking tums or baking soda with adderall that's weird is that It feels like it potentiates the adderall even when I take a teaspoon of baking soda 3 hours after i take my adderall can anybody explain why this happens? Could the adderall remain in my stomach for three hours? I took 30mg of adderall ir with a teaspoon of baking soda , I took the teaspoon of it 30 minutes before I took the adderall then two hours later I took half a teaspoon of it again just to see what would happen, while waiting I was doubting anything would change again because I thought the adderall wouldn't be in my stomach anymore and was surprised because about 10 minutes later the rush came back again, any explanations?

The only thing I could think of why it would still have an effect hours later would be that you were actually taking XR, not IR, in which case it could definitely still be in your GI a couple hours later. However, if it was IR forsure, then perhaps it was merely a placebo effect you experienced, since the IR version should not still have been in your GI long enough that the baking soda should've still potentiated the medication over 2 hr later.
Smfh can you say heart attack, stroke, depleted dopamine and serotonin upon crash, high dopamine and serotonin while on high amounts causing psychosis so bad you could hurt yourself unintentionally, depleted electrolytes (that cause heart attack and many other problems) dude this is beyond trip, this is death wish! Find someone with a benzo (xanax, Valium ect.) and calm yourself down then take vitamins and eat, throw down a Gatorade and sleep then..... Do not fking repeat! Seriously please take this seriously I lost a friend to an Adderall binge, she did around 300 in 24hrs the first time 19 yrs old went into cardiac arrest and died. I can't stress this enough don't play with your amphetamines! I like Adderall to, yes I do the baking soda, but never, ever go over 60....please.
For the person asking about taking Addy on an acidic stomach, no acid kills effects of Adderall. The baking soda makes the stomach alkaline. It's vise versa milk is alkaline until absorbed then turns acidic, vinegar, baking soda, even mustard are acidic but in the body turn alkaline. I do the baking soda bcuz I have a lot of indigestion and ulcers. 30 minutes later 15 or 20 Addy 15 minutes after taking then small amount of food, but I have to eat something. To all... Enjoy.... Be safe.... Peace
Well I now know that the baking soda method definitely works. when I started taking my script of Adderall I just got last month I would feel nothing at all from 10mgIR orally (my prescribed dose). I then tried all the possible ROAs with amphetamine salts and I was very disappointed to find out that plugging it was also ineffective for me, and I know how to plug anything that can be plugged I have done it many times with other drugs. IV was garbage. And sniffing worked a bit better than the others but when it did it only lasted a little bit. So I started upping my dose on my own thinking I was just on too small a dose and at around the time I started to up my dose I found out about taking baking soda and other antacids before taking the Adderall and so I took like a small spoonful and swallowed some b soda maybe 20 mins before I took my next dose which by then was 20mg, now my current daily dose, and whoa! I was speeding off my ass... I must have had way too much acid and way too little Adderall when I first got on last month, today I took like 60mgs just to see what id feel like from that much and that has had me super nice all day long, although I think I feel better taking 20-30mg throughout the day. I take the soda then take like 5-15mg orally and 10mg intanasally and that works great. it definitely makes the Adderall stronger with some baking soda before hand!
I use to mix baking soda with my Adderall when I was younger and I must say the benefits do not exceed the negatives ....I feel like it boosted more of the negative stimulation along with positive stimulation , but the negative ruined the overall experience, and he comedown was a motherfucker ...I recommend just eating on an empty stomach and be loaded with vitamins ...and enjoy it while it lasts cause the magic wears off extremely fast , similar to MDMA ...good luck