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[Bad Trip Subthread] How to handle or prevent a bad trip

Originally posted by ChemicalDan:

In my opinion a bad trip isnt what is generally called a Horror-Trip, which in most cases involves stuff like zombies, rats and other weird stuff.
A bad Trip is much worse than that because with freaky visuals u can deal (most of the time)
Examples of issues relating to bad Trips...
...Total paranoia, thinking and believing people are loughing about you, or discussing just how much of loser you are, and how majorly wasted u look.
...A million thoughts running through your mind every minute and most of them bad. You just start losing yourself in a world of severe paranoia, and negativity
...Sensual Overload...loud music, and lightshows, turn from awesome to annoying. Not only annoying, but eating you up. You start, becoming extremly nervous and really cant do anything about it. Its just all to much. This generally leads to increases the effects of paranoia.

This is so damn true! Once you're in that zone of MAJOR PARANOIA it's fucked up, it will turn into the longest, scariest fucked up trip ever! It's not at all funny at the time! When it happened 2 me, i thought my life was the Truman show, i'd laugh, cry, think it was some big game and everyone was evil... it's horrible!
I've got to agree with the "don't fight it" advice. I'm an... let's say "experienced"... weed smoker (lol), but I've only tripped once, and that was on shrooms not acid. Being a novice though, I got a pretty big dose of it (as I found out from a tripper friend of mine later who said, "You used HOW much?!" lol). The trip started out really cool, but became a much more intense experience than I was used to with pot. When the characters on the television started talking to me (again, lol, and I'm NOT exaggerating) I tried to "control" the trip like I could with a pot induced high. It turned out to be the WRONG thing to do. There's no controlling a trip - the more you try the less successful you seem to be (or at least that was the case with me, and what my tripper friend who helped me get past that told me as well). Luckily my friend was in the same house and when I told him I was starting to "freak out" he did just what is mentioned above - let me know that it was just a drug induced state of mind, I'd eventually come back to reality, and then he gave me the advice that made the trip enjoyable again - let the trip take you where it wants to and don't try to force it. If anybody out there reads Robert Jordan I can best analogize it (is that even a word?) to controlling Saidar (non Jordan fans aren't going to know what the f*ck I'm talking about, but just trust me). Basically the principle is, surrender to it and then it does what you want - if you "try" to control it then it'll just drag you under. Oh yeah, the end result? I'd LOVE to trip again - I think I'd have a much better time this time having learned those few lessons. Any other newbies should keep that in mind, and I'd definitely recommend having a more experienced tripper around whether they're indulging at the same time or not.
"ive never heard of anybody passing out from shrooms or acid."
It seems not uncommon to pass out on mushrooms - can be/look a bit scary tho
There are no "bad" trips. Each one is a learning experience, no matter how difficult it is. Well if my dick got cut off while tripping, that may be bad. I stand corrected.

Yah my brother passed out on shrooms when it became overwhelming and fell in a stream. He quickly woke up after that :D
HydrA said:
Or a whippit sometimes clears your head pretty good, thats an easy trick

Just as a note, whippets have very unpredictable results on altered mental states... for some people they help, others they can be extremely negative. My hypothesis is that the closer your bad trip has come to truly becoming psychosis rather than panic/fear/anxiety, the more likely nitrous oxide is to have a detrimental effect. Personally, I've experienced this and it can be extremely terrifying, in that everything in your surroundings that may have already been the cause of your anxiety has the tendency to multiply, grow, increase in intensity as you are inhaling/exhaling the nitrous. I have read of others having similar effects, as well. That being said, they do have a positive effect MOST of the time, so the advice is basically solid. I just wanted to share this detail.
IMO one of the reasons nitrous has such a grounding effect is that is takes you sooooooooo far out so fast and takes you back so quick the effects of the other drug you are on sort of pale in comparison to what just happened.
I had one hell of a trip on shrooms....or no make that 2. The first one was on a quarter of shrooms and my first bad trip. I had no clue how to handle it and just suffered through it...it was total hell. My second bad trip was also on shrooms and I'd say it was worse than the frist bad trip...my brain wouldn't stop thinking the same horrible shit over and over. It actually started out great but suddenly took a violent turn.

"The balance can sometimes fail
Strong emotions can tip the scale" Lock and Key, Rush
(LOL I just love quoting Rush...I quote Rush for nearly every facet of conversation)

My sanity slipped through my mind like empty space and I was worrying about INSANE shit like if I was a word and what word I was. I kept thinking my name and that was the word I was and I was so worried about what it meant. I was absolutely terrified of everything all at the same time and extremely paranoid that the cops were busting in the door or my parents...and I was worried about my job and if they'd know. LOL Wasn't funny then but kinda is now. That time I actually began to grasp how to calm myself down...I picked up a flashing light ball and played with it and was laughing again. Distraction...distract yourself towards something positive...the sillier the better...avoid any negative thoughts. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. One of the worst things you can do is wish for the trip to be over.

Now that I have learned that I enjoy trips that are just as intense. Last week I tripped my ass off on acid and even smoked weed on acid which is WACKY! That was absolutely amazing and I had a few shaky moments (caused by a cop) while I was peaking on both but I was able to calm myself down. I still avoid shrooms just because of how shitty they make me feel which ruins the trip for me. Besides I like the more alert/adrenaline/happy trip vs the dreamy/confusing/lonely trip.
What about thorazine (sp?)? Does it really work? I just watched "The Trip" with Peter Fonda the other day, and he said something about it. It reminded me of the "Fear and Loathing" scene where he locks Benicio del Toro in the bathroom...anyway...thorazine?
Thorazine, while very effective, is a bit of a last resort I think, due to the fact that it a drug with a rediculous number of relatively serious side effects. In all but the most serious of cases, benzodiazepines or risperidone can be very effective and far less harmful, physiologically and psychologically.
brake the negative thought loops instead of just letting them continue. if you cant get benzos just pop a couple t3s (or opiate tolerance equivalent) that usually takes you out of the bad trip..
Tripped hundreds of times and never had what I could call a "bad trip", and I regularly take 40-50 dried grams of powerful cubensis, 300-400 copelandia shrooms.

I think if you're the kind of guy who struggles to handle negative feelings in a sober state, those same feelings can be amplified when tripping. If you're feeling paranoid just stop trying to control your mind and let the shrooms take over. Be humble and you could find whatever problems you have tend to disappear.
I've had some "bad trips".

My best advice would be, if you're with people, go out by yourself for a bit...being around people gets really hard for me sometimes on psychedelics. I'm always worried about whether my fellow spaceheads are having as good of a time as me and stuff like that...I know it's weird, but I do it. And if it's with sober people, then it's even weirder, cause they never seem to know what the hell they're thinking! hehe

And if you're by yourself, go meet some people! ;)

Just change your social/environmental context if you can.
I have a horrible, horrible, HORRIBLE fear of death. I guess it could be classified as a phobia because when it hits I can't breathe or think. All I can do is sit, cry, and rock back and forth for hours and hours. I'm in therapy for other things (bipolar and anxiety in general), and we're starting to work on those things. Here's the thing... the only psychedelic drug I've ever done was shrooms, and while on them the fear was like increased times a billion and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Granted, it was my first time to trip, and I'd taken 4 grams. At first I was completely convinced I was going to die and spent the first hour of my trip trying to throw up the shrooms. Then I finally got over that and just couldn't stop crying about the fact that I'm just going to die in general. The only thing I could do to stop thinking about it so much was to just talk incessantly. Yes, it took away the fear, but the reason I want to trip is so that I can get to "deeper" levels of consciousness, so to speak, and that's kind of hard to do while you're talking non-stop. How can you keep yourself from completely "freaking out" without having to talk to someone?
ive never heard of anybody passing out from shrooms or acid
I've seen it alot on shrooms. It used to scare the shit out of me when it happened to one of my friends. But now I've seen it happen so many times I know what to do. Every one of my friends, me included has been fine after words and just a little shaken up. It acually happen to my friend on the 4th of july while we were watching fireworks. He watched one go up, passed out, and fell strait back. It was real funny at the time cause we were in my friends neighborhood and all of his neighbors were out lighting fireworks.
It is fairly easy to end a bad trip if you have access to GHB - use 4-5g (sleeping dose). Or you can take as much benzos to pass out.
i had a horable trip once where i thought everyone in the room was ploting to kill and then do nasty things to my dead body... this was just me thinking... i eventualy shruged it off.. and then not 5 minutes after i did ((which took about an hour)) one of the guys i was triping with says "o yeah and if anyone DIES im shoving this broomstick up your ass.." at that point i completely freaked out and sat in a corner with my back against the wall and made everyone keep their hands where i could see them... bad trips are a bitch... also tryed to bored up the windows...

i stoped triping for awhile.. .gana try it again soon.. but im gana have xanex on hand this time.. maybe it will calm me down...
^ ^
That sounds like you were on the borderline between bad trip/paranoid psychosis. There is a distinction to be made between the two, although it's somewhat abstract.