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[Bad Trip Subthread] Describe your worst psychedelic experience(s)!

Mushrooms..... had a pound with me in the car, after a friend made me leave... cause he was weak-minded....

Got to my depressing apt alone.... Just bad bad bad, to intense because I ate around a quarter oz,... So scared I almost ended my life with an ak47 right then...

Then I prayed to god........ and something happened...
2.5 grams of cubensis by myself alone in a big house I was sitting. It came on so hard, so strong, I felt insane, the computer screen kept flashing on and off when it was completely off to begin with... I was seeing everything in its mirror image, right was left, up was down, it was intense. I eventually had to get my aunt to come pick me up, since I couldn't drive, and take me back to her house to be babysat. It was crazy, and from a relatively low dose...
10.5 g mushrooms + my first x tab

Shortly after this trip there were reports of pills of the color and logo I had (red maple) to be PMA, so PMA is the suspected contents of the pill. It may have been actual mdxx though, I don't know.

After starting to come up less than 10 minutes after ingestion, and reaching peak shortly thereafter, I'm told that I was curled up in the corner for 4 hours repeating the words 'what the fuck'. At least that's what I'm told I was doing. Luckily I don't remember at least 90% of the shroom experience. Once the shrooms wore off though, the roll was nice.


My second worse trip was my first time with DOC, I'm estimating it was between 6-8 mg (by accident, it was only supposed to be 5). Extreme delusions. The only time in my life that I believed I should kill myself, not because I wanted to, but because it was the only way out of the conspiracy against me by everybody I've ever known. Luckily I'm smart enough to know that if I do want to harm myself, I should wait until after I'm done tripping, and then see if it's still a good idea (which of course it wasn't). I was so far gone with so many crazy delusions that I attempted to write a trip report, but it would have been pages long, so I stopped writing it before I was even close to half done.
When I was 17 I was in a psych ward. It was the 4th of July, and a girl came back from a pass with some fireworks. So we lit a string of jumping jacks and threw them down the hall. We got caught and they stuck me in padded room. I had 2 hits of blotter in my watch and being bored out of my mind I took them. Bad idea, obviously. Claustrophobic with all kinds of negative thoughts. But the worst part was that it seemed to last forever, and I kept thinking it literally would. I knew that wasn't possible, but it kept running through my head. I should have started making alot of noise until they shot me full of thorazine, but at the time I had no idea it would kill a trip, and I was worried they would realize I was high and leave me longer.
MikecMikec said:
Death trip DXM, despair, no hope, thought i was retarded, blah blah blah, I'm sure alot of you out there have expirienced it
hell yeah. the first time i reached the higher plateaus on DXM i kept wondering if i was ever going to be sane again, i kept thinking about possible outcomes, like if i would have psychological problems after the trip. couldn't sleep, etc. etc.
my first one ever... 12 years ago, 21 yrs old, very drunk cos me and my friend thought that our other friend with the acid wouldn't show up... well, he was very late but he did... had my first ever tab of E that night as well... as the E wore off and the acid kicked in (half a blotter, but very strong) I started having VERY SERIOUS thoughts... as I saw all sorts of visual things, they started all meaning so much... I started judging myself... I saw my friends as dwarves/goblins from a fairy tale and wondered if I wanted to be their friend. I wondered why I drink alcohol. I questioned every single belief I had. Sadly, I had nothing to replace it with except doubt and fear and a general consternation. I realised how sensitive I was. Unpleasant childhood memories came to me... I looked up at the sky (it was night) and all the stars started connecting into this strange thing and then it grew and jumped at me... the whole universe contracted, expanded and then attacked me. Panic.

And then I thought: "This is what it's like to be crazy." And I was desperate to have it stop. I couldn't take any more. I felt like a lunatic like you might see in a film... and I was crying, thinking to myself: "IF I ever get back to normal, dear God, I promise I will change my life." I didn't even know if I believed in an interventionist God but I was desperate and severyl doubted I would ever return to "normal" - I had lost all concept of how I had felt the day before, all innocent. Oh, how dark it was, how terrible. I was well and truly scared and traumatised... the whole thing took 10h+ and it took me 8 more hours before I could sleep, and I was really really freaked out, just staring into space, not connecting with anyone anymore. Just the one question: "What the fuck is wrong with me?" And: "Why can't I enjoy? I had a bad trip. I should have enjoyed it." And again: "What is wrong with me?" . . . ad absurdum, in circles. And totally unable to admit any of this to my friends.

When I finally got sleep and woke up the next day, I was fine. But somehow I knew there was something... wrong... every time I had cannabis after that, I'd go back... took me a pretty long time to recover, really, years actually - though I always got on with my life on an external level (university, etc.) I went through phases of severe social anxiety and depression after that. Probably because deep down I knew I had kind of returned to normal (though of course not quite as it is not possible to live as if one had not experienced something one had indeed experienced) and I decided to suppress the experience and not address it in my thoughts. But cannabis always brought me back into the loop and I couldn't hide from the fact that I had freaked out on that trip and that I was a hypocrite since I had no desire to look at what i was shown unless stoned...

Had to go back to acid in order to sort it out, in the end.. 6 months later. And I also used anti-depressants when repeated acid use after that made me go a bit over the top again and landed me back in that space.... it's actually only after I got rid of anti-depressants, 5 years after the trip that kinda kickstarted it all, that I started really dealing with my problems and solving them.

Today I am grateful for the experience. I almost didn't make it, but I have grown in so many ways and I am glad that I was forced to question my beliefs on that fateful day.... I had been incredibly self-centered and depressed long before that trip and the trip amplified it so I had to start dealing with it or no longer live.

Since that dark period in my life I like to think of myself as a survivor.. well, in a way it is always there but I accept it, it's the ache of being alive and I think everyone feels it if they look

Oh yeah, and I still like to trip - more than ever, and I manage to function perfectly fine in consensual reality the rest of the time, albeit as one who is generally regarded as 'eccentric' . I have on occasion had very difficult trips since, tainted by restlessness and doubt and a general uneasiness, but never worse than that. I couldn't conceive of a worse trip unless I witnessed a nasty external event that might trigger it while I am tripping.

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extremely high dose of shrooms:

tripping with guy that was sober and had a sick obession with the tv show, "COPS"

wandering outside when it is below 0 degrees F, with only a hoodie and sweatpants on...

getting lost inside a 5 story dormatory (housing ~500 people) by myself...

becoming convinced that al-quadia had invaded and life was now a survival game...

becoming convinced that I had died by shotgun blast to the chest, and experiencing the spiritual/alter-dimensional existance beyond life...

<ego loss here>

coming down covered in broken glass and chicken soup...

pretty hardcore trip. kept me sober for a long long time. ok maybe couple of weeks :)

actually the peak of that trip was fucking awesome. the whole experience leading to the peak effects was a nightmare tho.
i've been luck so far and not had any bad experiences while tripping. trying some 2C-E this weekend tho, and from all accounts it should be a pretty intense time! i think i an cope with anything psychs throw at me, as long as i've got my gfs leg to hold onto! lol
one time on DXM i tried to watch 2001 A space oddesey..... and i remember i almost exploded with fear.

Another time on mushrooms, i basically went Catatonic. Woke up naked on my bed with chewed up cigarrettes everywhere. My brother said I freaked him out
I ate four hits of acid once and had a great time until I decided to smoke like a pack of ciggarettes in an hour and a half. I was so fucked up, I was convinced ciggarettes were the greatsest things on the planet. The bad part was that i dont smoke, never have. I started to get so sick, I was puking every where. Luckily I was with good friends. I started to think that I was never going to stop tripping. It was definately a good 3hours of outright nauseated hell. Time stood very very still.
Salvia - 20x.
About 120mg.
My brother and his wife were sitting me for my trip.
Everything seems to be moving down and just flipping and gravity kept switching itself.
Not moving from one source to another, just moving in ALL directions.
Up, down, side to side, I couldn't stop moving and I ended up on the floor in my room with my brother trying to put me on my bed, and I started fighting back because I didn't want to be in bed.
I ended up huddled in the corner of my room on my bed just wanting it to end.
Seemed like an hour, was only about 10 minutes.
/\ sounds familiar. I try to move as little as possible and not let my strong desire for control fool me into adjusing my posture.l I just try and stay centered. It's eerie but then somehow even though it's dark, it's ultimately acceptable.
Heirarchy said:
Salvia - 20x.
About 120mg.
My brother and his wife were sitting me for my trip.
Everything seems to be moving down and just flipping and gravity kept switching itself.
Not moving from one source to another, just moving in ALL directions.
Up, down, side to side, I couldn't stop moving and I ended up on the floor in my room with my brother trying to put me on my bed, and I started fighting back because I didn't want to be in bed.
I ended up huddled in the corner of my room on my bed just wanting it to end.
Seemed like an hour, was only about 10 minutes.

Yeah man, I had the exact same experience on salvia. Personally I think mine was bad salvia (old or somethin) cuz it's not always like that... what do you think?
not my worst but surely embarassing
lucky nobody was looking
one recent morning
I had some salvia in a hotel room
after the effects seemed faded, I made a coffee
then went for a shower and drank my coffee in there
that worked out ok but I did choke on the coffee somewhat
but my coordination and creativity seemed high
who ever had coffee and a shower at the same time
on a roll I dried off and began the things that must be done.
one of those is to shave
so I lathered up my face with some soap
all very normal
and then began shaving but nothing happenned to the stubbles.
I kept rinsing the soap off the shaver blade
and resuming, but no scrape, and no hair removal.

this was really making me nuts, so I pressed harder and thought I was getting somewhere
while rinsing and moving the blade I bumped it into t he porcelain, and it went pop
the green plastic protector came off
I had been shaving with a razor with the safety shield on
no wonder it took none of the beard off.
I was sure it had faded, but clearly the ability to do utterly stupid things was still strongly in my blood.
^ that doesn't sound like a bad trip, just a simple mistake.

first and only high dose DXM experience. 800 mg pure after a break up with a girl i loved. ego-death, thought loops, everything that exists in the top of that dark plateau, not too mention feeling skullfucked for a month afterwards. I don't see how people enjoy that drug.

or maybe a K hole i fell into, where I thought I was a little kid again, hiding under the table, playing hide and seek, but with all the knowledge that I have now. I couldn't figure out how I went back in time and didn't want to be there. Took me a good couple hours to get my head on straight after that one.

one freaky experience was coming down off of E and acid at a rave in a massage train, and suddenly seeing everyone as these grotesque, drooling, orgiastic animals. I jumped out of the train and screamed a little then just ran. But the rest of the trip was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had.
I had a nasty (at least for a while) experience with close to 1/4 oz of potent shrooms. I ate them dry with orange juice and a bit of dark chocolate. They went down pretty smoothly, and I started coming on HARD after about 20 minutes. The come-up seemed promising, but when I started to peak, I got very nauseous. I'm not sure exactly when I threw up, but it did little to help. I crawled into bed and tried to sleep, but of course failed; this just made time seem to pass even slower. My mental state was much more dull than I normally associate with classic psychedelics, and I began to have thoughts that I was actually sitting in an insane asylum and that my 'real life' had been the result of dimentia. Eventually, this progressed to thoughts that I was dying or dead.

I had experienced ego dissolution before and thought that it was ego death; this was true ego death, and it was terrifying. Eventually, I embraced the experience and felt that I had become one with all things; however, this oneness was also a nothingness, a profound emptiness that escapes words. I had a strong feeling that this was what existence before birth was, and that this was what existence after death would be. I am forced here to confront the limits of our language; when I say"I," I do so only because there is no way to express the concept of the subject's non-existence in English. Simply put, I did not think of things in terms of I, but simply in terms of is. Existence is its own affirmation and its own end. I could go on forever about this state, but nothing I say will ever explain it adequately. Xorkoth's mushroom trip reports do a good job explaining what I believe to be exactly the same experience, so if you're curious, check those out.

I had my second (and last, so far) 'bad trip' a couple weeks later, when I decided to try again. I ate a much smaller dose - around 2g - and had a similar, albeit shorter experience. It was less terrifying the second time around, perhaps because I was more prepared and perhaps due to the smaller dose. I was surprised, to say the least; I had assumed my previous experience was due to the rather high dose, as previous experiences with up to an eighth of mushrooms had never led to anything close to ego death. I haven't shroomed since, so I'm still unsure as to whether shroom trips have changed in character for me or whether this was just an odd coincidence.

edit - after re-reading my post, I think there's something I need to clarify: my first experience was very difficult and certainly what most would call a "bad trip," but in retrospect it's one of the more valuable ones I've had. It's still second to ego dissolution on LSD, which was less intense but more lucid and much easier to integrate, but I don't think any of my other experiences come close.
Took waay too much.
I'm too Ked out to type more, but my brain felt liike uit was melting
First acid trip, aged 16, in a room with absolutely no furniture or ornamentation, on a hard wood floor, with weirdoes, and they wouldn't let me go out. Seriously... it fucked me up for years; still totally fucked; social anxiety that I had before, but not as bad. Similar to Ximot's report. Convolution... who knows what's really going on. But I did "resolve" it to quite a degree, and have had many good and bad trips since.
i had a death loop trip on 6g's of shrooms and i was inexperienced