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awakening the world

Okay, I see what you mean. I'd just like to express that I don't hold any beliefs or opinions except that I don't care what came before the me I am right now. That's because I don't know so it doesn't make sense for me personally to hold any particular belief on what I used to be, or a similar idea

Genesis 2:7 is enough for me if I want to get a bit more philosophical/delve deeper -- And the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and He breathed into his nostrils the soul of life, and man became a living soul.

I don't know about an afterlife. I don't personally believe in it but I guess it's fine if people do. Again, it's something I don't see the point in speculating because it doesn't seem important to me. Personally I think I'd hate it if reincarnation is true. I think life is hard enough as it is
I agree with you on one thing, if I was making the rules, Iwould opt for a different system than reincarnation. There’s way too much about it I do not like, but without knowing, I cannot rule it out, even if the Bible says we only live once, then have the choice- live in God’s perfect world, or not.

That just never resonated with me, as much as I’d rather believe that than reincarnation, and simply ceasing to exist consciously in any format.

Like you say we don’t know. Not a soul on earth. I respect of course your own ways of thinking about it. I just naturally muse things. I’m a philosopher at heart. A deep thinker. To me it’s impossible to have reached this prime age of near 41 and not have thought about all such possibilities.

It’s just my philosophical nature.
I agree with you on one thing, if I was making the rules, Iwould opt for a different system than reincarnation. There’s way too much about it I do not like, but without knowing, I cannot rule it out, even if the Bible says we only live once, then have the choice- live in God’s perfect world, or not.

That just never resonated with me, as much as I’d rather believe that than reincarnation, and simply ceasing to exist consciously in any format.

Like you say we don’t know. Not a soul on earth. I respect of course your own ways of thinking about it. I just naturally muse things. I’m a philosopher at heart. A deep thinker. To me it’s impossible to have reached this prime age of near 41 and not have thought about all such possibilities.

It’s just my philosophical nature.

Just curious... what about reincarnation bugs you?
Just curious... what about reincarnation bugs you?
The endless repeated painful and quite frankly traumatic cycle of not just death, but birth, the blank slate of emptiness, aka amnesia, this life has been tormentuous for me, no reason should I expect the next to be any easier, less insufferable. I long not to live, to be free of pain, anxiety and fear of suffering, but I hate the prospect of dying and being dragged out of a tight cow’s womb prematurely, or born from an overweight, cigiarrette smoking, uncaring mother in a shitty ghetto.

Forever and ever. No necessary end, or any timeline on that.

Life to me is pain, so endless life is endless pain, going by this current life.
Reincarnation is bullshit it doesn't happen. Everything already is the self or god aka awareness.
The endless repeated painful and quite frankly traumatic cycle of not just death, but birth, the blank slate of emptiness, aka amnesia, this life has been tormentuous for me, no reason should I expect the next to be any easier, less insufferable. I long not to live, to be free of pain, anxiety and fear of suffering, but I hate the prospect of dying and being dragged out of a tight cow’s womb prematurely, or born from an overweight, cigiarrette smoking, uncaring mother in a shitty ghetto.

Forever and ever. No necessary end, or any timeline on that.

Life to me is pain, so endless life is endless pain, going by this current life.

I hear you. I deal with extreme suffering, myself. All I can do is practice my adaptation of Vedanta and see through illusion as much as possible, without the temptation to spiritually bypass.

I also can't ignore what I've learned about reincarnation from my work with spirits and other occult practices... which is that, when you die, your consciousness expands and the veil of forgetting ceases. Then you remember why all this happened, and it makes more sense than it would to your human ego. Have you ever had a bad dream that felt so real and so all-encompassing that it was like another lifetime? Then you wake up, and it takes a little while for you to adjust to being awake. The residue of the bad dream is still lingering in your consciousness, it still feels real even though it wasn't. Eventually, the dream no longer affects you and you just go about your existence.

That's basically what happens when you die. You wake up from the dream of life to the reality of the soul. Then the reason for this birth and all the painful lessons of this life are eventually made clear to you.

This is my understanding of reincarnation. I don't believe in karma and I don't believe in the Buddhist idea of reincarnation through the Bardo, where we are magnetically attracted to new birth through some kind of creepy soul sucking into a new fertilization. I believe the soul is on a mission of learning and purification.
Reincarnation is bullshit it doesn't happen. Everything already is the self or god aka awareness.

As hard as this may be to wrap your mind around, a life path of enlightenment may be only one kind of life a soul incarnates into, and then may move onto a different kind of life after that. It's not linear. The reason is that our judgments about the hierarchy of incarnation are based on our ego attachments. Someone being born into a ghetto may be doing a certain kind of learning that the enlightenment path can't offer, etc. Appearances don't tell us what a soul is doing here.

God generates a world of illusory, seemingly separate objects. That doesn't preclude reincarnation. Buddhists even describe Godly incarnations that are beautiful and long-lasting, but they are still part of Samsara.

I don't think we have control over whether or not we're born again, anymore than we have control over our initial ignorance, but we have some agency in the kinds of lives we choose to be born into.
I have myself have even had full on experinces of past lives but i try not to use that as a belief that reincarnation is real. Because other experinces show me that all is god so we are already everyone deep down. We have a small slither of consciousness experience in our frame from this physical body though when we go next in this divine game i do not know does anybody truly know. Is it just picked at random or does god have a plan to fulfill awareness from one life to the next. In a infinite reality any realm is possible so yeah i believe in godly heavenly realms where everybody knows they are god exists out there in awareness and we have places like our physical universe all part of the divine play. And there are probably pretty hellish realms out there aswell. I truly believe some things are unknowable til death and truly freed of the limitations of the illusion placed on the human mind.

I do not believe in karma aswell. Though i do believe life is a journey of learning and that certain people we meet along the journey was the divine plan to help you grow and live a fulfilling life. At the end of it all we will finally know and see how it all pieced together in the grand story.
Reincarnation is bullshit it doesn't happen. Everything already is the self or god aka awareness.
I’d really like to believe that. I don’t really, believe, anything per se. It’s just constructs. Ideas.

I try to keep open.

The bible says....no such thing.

The Hindus Baghavagita says- reincarnation for eons, different planets, different levels of utopia and torment. Karma decides where we go next.

Maybe Buddhism also strongly insists reincarnation too not sure.

I’m not religion oriented. Just wonder where these definitive notions come from- who made them up essentially. They can’t all be right? So either it’s plain lie, or belief presented as fact.

If I knew this life’s end would be my final, if not only painly mortal incarnation, and beyond is infinite comparative bliss, zero suffering. Oh mate, I’d be overjoyed. It gives me focus and hope,

I don’t let gospel determine my beliefs, I go with my own gut, intuition, and philosophy- greatly subject to human error of course.

But, I have never been able to satisfy my logical, philosophical mind that reincarnation is not the program. I wish I could. I’ve just had my fill of suffering and overly difficult living endurance. I do not want another round.

If I could keep my memories and miniscule of acquired wisdom, and go to a much better life all round, not so daunting, but I haven’t been banking on that.

Post psychedellic energy and cognitive crash has landed my in a deep enough depression currently, massively connected though to major post flu fatigue and messed up guts, digestion, absorption, diverticulitis etc due to about 4 viruses since flu from being so depleted.

So being literally permanently starving, and unable to sleep due to food simply being slowly evacuated without absorption, toxic diahhria, no energy, makes you depressed itself, so it’s really not just overuse of wotsit.

But in such an already difficult situation the extra fatigue and temporary disillusionment just magnifies it.

Seriously, take away the impossible physical conditions and I would ride it out like I always did.

People in my condition just shouldn’t be tripping at all really let alone so deeply.

So was having a mega depressed day, felt better by 10 pm little energy back, and dropped 25 ug shortly ago.

That’s the perfect dose for me atm, just as an antidepressant, mood lift, and energiser.

The difference between 25 ug and 50 ug is more than say, 250 to 300, or 300 to 350.

I do hope you are right though @TripSitterNZ that would make my day, give me focus and hope.When suffering is too much for too long, we long for an end to it, and the idea of even one more unknown conundrum of another life, let alone 1000’s years worth, is no end to that suffering in my current mindframe,

Hope Uni is still going well btw mate.
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which is that, when you die, your consciousness expands and the veil of forgetting ceases
I also believe this too, except if reincarnation is the inevitable destination then I see this as an all too short, sweet interim stage....like, right, I’m good now. Now I remember why I lived that shitty life and the vital progress I wanted to make.

Time for the next one, catch you later guys....
or does god have a plan
I have to believe he does, but I can’t help question it, his motives, and true heart.

I used to have a LOT more faith. Not specific religion, scripture based, just general trust in the grander scheme of things and our ultimate destination.

That faith has just waned incredibly in recent time.
I've never understood why people believed they are somehow a separated soul that keeps it's self identity after death. I don't have any reason to not believe other than the ,real life examples I see around me. It's a small detail but in the mosaic of life I think it matters to look at life we can watch. We can't see the soul or even prove it's existence but we can watch the body of trillions of living organisms as they transition to death and even as plants transition from seeds to active plants.

The only point where information is passed forward is genetic, over time without adding genetic diversity life becomes weaker. Small tribes needed to dip into the larger human pool to stay competitive. My thoughts are the soul (or energy field that makes you, or whatever quantum idea you entertain) expands to join the larger field that makes all life on the planet when your body can no longer maintain itself. Your body falls to the earth and is quickly recycled by lower forms of life. I don't see any reason your soul doesn't do the same.

Your soul isn't a you, it's just a part of the larger Us, our connection to the larger Us begins at birth and we maintain or lose it much dependent on the paths we take. At the end of life both your body and soul recycle. It's a natural process and isn't governed by any religion. There's no choir, no karma, no special memory erasure procedure. Simply the essence of you is absorbed by the greater life that is Us. Perhaps some pieces continue onward as memories in another life, if we were a computer simulation we'd say someone didnt properly delete the old files.

The change this brings to the larger story is that we aren't here doing time for some deep reason but we are instead part of a larger whole being both physically and spiritually. Much like our own human bodies made up of billions of cells and hundreds of billions symbiotic bacteria etc, the earth has/had a vast array of life in both symbiotic and competitive relations.

The bacteria on my skin probably don't care much about my education or understand my corporate plans for my whole body, I wont worry about them much either as long as they continue to be benign but when they become cancerous or diseased I may react. I often think the world reacting to harmful humanity on it's surface may come across as karma.
That's fine if you don't agree with me. I don't follow any god that has a name. I follow God, period. Following God and walking a spiritual path is how I had visions of a future where this happens. If you follow the same path, perhaps you would have the same visions. Many around me have, which frankly blew my mind. Less God is not how things get better...you're thinking of less religion, sir.

Also, China has been putting Christians and Muslims in concentration camps for years now. No, they do not support or allow religious freedom.

Not Christians, generally, but the Chinese intelligently do put their state 's needs above religion. Especially the fascist ones like Christianity and Islam.

You might say that they follow their pledge of allegiance better than the American Christians who do their pledge to the state, then turn around and preach against the equality and gay rights which are the law of the land.

I see those Christians as traitors.

Are you ok with the American traitors?
