[AUS] Ecstasy research - EDRS (formerly PDI) 2006


Executive Director
Staff member
Mar 12, 2002
A colleague of mine is also doing a survey, which is the WA component of this study

Curtin University researchers are conducting a study to examine the use of party drugs (e.g. ecstasy, speed, crystal meth and cocaine) amongst young people in Perth.

The study involves an interview that will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete. Interviews are strictly confidential and anonymous. Participants will be reimbursed for their time and expenses.

Please phone Rachael on 9266 3007 for further information or to see if you are eligible for the study.


Thanks to all those who participated in Rachael's psychostimulant study - we really appreciate your assistance! Data collection for that study is now over; we managed to complete 126 interviews... phew!

ANOTHER Curtin drug study is now being conducted. You CAN participate in this one if you participated in Rachael's. The eligibility criteria are slightly different, so please contact us even if you weren't eligible for Rachael's. Following is the text from the Xpress ad and flyers:

If you’ve been using ecstasy regularly in Perth over the last six months then we’d like to hear from you! Research is currently being conducted by the National Drug Research Institute as part of an Australia wide survey on the party drug scene. Interviews are conducted at a public place of convenience, are strictly confidential and anonymous, and you will be reimbursed $30 for your time. If you are interested in participating, please call Jessica on 9266 1610 or email [email protected]

Note this is the same national study we do this time every year, and we are already having a slow uptake due to the timing of the first study mentioned in this thread originally. So if you've ever thought about participating in research, now's the time to give it a try, we need you :)
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By the way, both of these studies have ethics approval! :)
More info please

Reimbursed for time & expenses...how is that calculated if I can ask? :D :D
i remeber years ago some uni in perth was paying like $50 advertising at the rehabs for this shit...anyway, good luck with the cocaine in perth cuz I don't think there's much to be studying, p;
It's a nice way of saying that you will be paid. They are interested in either ecstasy, methamphetamine or cocaine use. One, both or all.

To get all the details, best call Rachael and leave a message. She'll call you back on your mobile to save you the cost of the call. :)
FYI, when they say "reimbursed" for your time, it means they give you cash, in an envelope, at the end. It's a great way to make a little pocket money and help in the collection of data (or which there is a serious lack - especially in WA).

I have nothing to do with this study but I'm familiar with Tronica's HR role and past research work so I say - please Perthies, go do this :)
Thanks Aunty Establishment!

I'm endeavouring to continue this HR role - have just begun my own phd - see here. Once I get my head around my ideas a bit, I hope to involve Bluelighters - in terms of people's opinions as well as for data collection & dissemination of findings.

The more info the better!!
^ Go you :) Personally I've never been able to find anyone in my research field (the Satanic arts, aka marketing) who'll touch an HR topic with a 10 foot clown pole, ethics-wise. Pretty obvious why - marketing academics don't want to publish articles about something they can't make any money from. *sigh*

Tron, check your PMs :)
I would like to be involved in this.... but they obviously aren't interested in psychedelics use in perth?! cos acid is definately what i would call a party drug, it all just depends on the party you are at as to whether it is enjoyable or not!

ahhh if only i still took pills...
It does just say the use of party drugs so its probably worth giving her a call anyway just to be sure, I'm sure the more input the better :)
Oh! Definitely don't avoid it just because *you* think you're ineligible - the more and wider the input (jargon: sample), the better for these things :)

*wanders off mumbling about self-selection and sampling error to no-one in particular*
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LOL at marketing = sanatic arts. Marketing is a powerful tool, glad to see there is someone out there with more to think about that just money involved in it. :)

Yes I agree, call to see whether you are eligible. It's a shame we can't just put up the criteria here, but as you can imagine, a small group of people are prepared to bend the truth so they fit the criteria, thus we have to be a bit secretive about it!
Is there an email address or a mobile # i can sms to.
I want to participate but would perfer to use email as a first point of contact.

Pm me and i will give you my email address. you can forward the info thru there. :)
Call her from a public phone box and leave her a message if your that worried about your privacy :)
Tronica said:
LOL at marketing = sanatic arts. Marketing is a powerful tool, glad to see there is someone out there with more to think about that just money involved in it. :)
Sorry, you lost me at "money". 8o

Seriously folks. As a Curtin University project, you're protected by their ethics approval, which means the phone number leads to a Curtin University phone (I just called to check that it does). That guarantees your safety. Trust me, I'm in marketing *bwahahaha* ;)

I'm sure you can leave your email address as a message outside of business hours if you're really concerned.
Hi guys, Rachael would rather it all comes through on her phone as a message. It's because there is 5 mins worth of talk she has to go through with you to see whether you are eligible.

However I'm happy to pass on email addresses to her if you PM me. I imagine she'll still want to call you at some point though. Zonee I have passed your info on.

We are always concerned about people's confidentiality; basically we ask that you don't provide a full name at any point, because we don't need to know and because it protects your identity :)
Bah, I just posted and lost all my text. *grumble*

OK, short version was: just don't give us your full name, we don't want it and it's the best way to protect your confidentiality :)

Also you can PM me if you are concerned about ringing Rachael, although I can assure you that she is legitimately associated with Curtin and that we are not associated with the police. Tis only Curtin Uni afterall, hardly that exciting!
LOL... they both posted in the end. Eek! Better two posts than none at all (make that three). And I thought I was going to get to 5 years on here whilst still being less than 100 posts. %)