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Aus DD - Forum Direction and Suggestions 2011

but it's easier to whinge and breach forum guidelines than it is to do something that requires effort
Spacejunk has a great point. Aus Social was originally created specifically to separate banter from drug disussion. For more immediate entertainment there used to be an IRC channel for live chatting back when it was "Tom-toms"...

IMHO the mods are doing a great job keeping the place readable.

BT :)
i think the original subject has failed a bit in execution, but this thread in itself has brought quite a few of us together - for good or bad.
at the end of the day, people come and go for different reasons. you can be a sheep and follow them simply because there are no more of the tight knit oldschool users that used to be a group, or stick with it and try to re-create a community with newer users.

we could all be assholes and fuckwits asking stupid questions and starting fights, but we're not.
its a diverse community of people with a ranging drug knowledge and different reasons for joining the site and i can already see quite a few regular users that make up the community building bonds regardless.
i've known about this site for 7 years but it took a medical issue and curiosity to get me to join and i will be staying for so much more.

whilst this thread isn't epic and hasn't had mega suggestions, there has been a civil discussion with some new ideas and thoughts towards tackling older problems. seems to be on the right track to me.

if so many of you are in contact with some of the older members that used to be so close, is AusDD really required if you still wish to interact?
an open forum with no rules wouldn't attract all older members and it would discourage others, as suggested by a few, lives and people change, life goes on - regardless of what the nazi mods of AusDD are doing :p
if someone makes an offsite board where there's a community built upon the shit we're not permitting in here then do it, take the initiative.

The last one got no support whatsoever. How can every one go offsite to a board they don't know about?
lol just a hunch

word of mouth, just like bl.

heh, as i assumed, brother.

not to mention we wouldn't be allowed to advertise the board because it will break 'forum guidelines'..

if it's a chat forum much like the lounge has their own thing and as long as it's stated it's not associated with bluelight nor it's rules then there's no problems.

i can look into this further if you guys are serious in wanting to start an aus drug related chat site. PM's work as well.
^ an unaffiliated aus bl IRC channel?... i could see that would bear some problems though.

I really can't fault the current state of the forum too much. Mods are doing a good job and threads will usually be constructively responded to within a generally short time period. I couldn't ask for anything more. So thanks guys :)

Yes the lack of pointless banter does take away from the bonding between users and does impede the growth of a more friendly, tight-knit community but i have other places on the interweb that can fulfill that for me. IMO i think the current direction of focusing on harm reduction and drug education is best.

Personally, I dont post unless i have information or an opinion that i think should be communicated, and due to my lack of drug knowledge compared to some of you other guys, this isnt very often. Also many of the recent threads have little to no interest for me. This isn't because of the lack of quality but rather the fact that the area of discussion is not relevant to my current drug taking habits or situations.

It's been said before: Posters come and go, people get on with their life and find that they don't have time to post on certain forums or that that forum is no longer important or useful in their lives. Newer users will come through and take their place and I think its important to nurture them in an environment that has strong ideals and guidelines. Getting more traffic through the site shouldn't become a major concern.
ssh linux encrypted irc chat room would do quite nicely for the things discussed around here to give security to users.
if it's a chat forum much like the lounge has their own thing and as long as it's stated it's not associated with bluelight nor it's rules then there's no problems.

This is what happened last time only we were told after the site had been constructed.
Hey what happened to nanobrain and PsiloSubNaut?
I see PsiloSubNaut is still a mod but never see him post
Hey what happened to nanobrain and PsiloSubNaut?
I see PsiloSubNaut is still a mod but never see him post

I can't speak for nanobrain, but Psilo has had real life issues he has had to attend to. Hopefully he will be updating us on his situation soon. :)
This is what happened last time only we were told after the site had been constructed.

i'm not aware of this so can't comment on that situation but i did extend an invite for your guys proposal and i could take it up with ausdd and senior staff on how and if it would be promotable through the forum here.

so basically i offer an opportunity and because it's been shut down in the past you don't want to bother again? ok, whatever, that doesn't show much initiative to me.

demanufacturer, thanks for the input:)
I first started lurking on BL in 2003. Since then (especially since 2009) I do feel that the quality of discussion has gone down. Back in 2003-2005 this place still felt like a harm reduction site. These days it feels a little more reckless...

(1) I feel that about BL as a whole, and nothing about ADD sticks out in particular (I'm originally from Oz)
(2) It may well be that I'm older and more cautious these days, and so I'm more attuned to the recklessness that's always been here

So, while I can sympathise with the OP, maybe he/she isn't as young as he/she used to be, and is suffering from the "back in my day" syndrome :)