April Fool.

massive said:

ps- who ever made that banner, oh my. "All your PLUR ARE BELONG TO US"

Yogi Bear must do the graphics for BL.

BTW WTF Soup Nazi, I get a warning for not getting in your bed.

Why did you not reply back, i asked for a bun to go in my sexy soup.

I'm drunk and flrting with amazingly hot strippers while watching the matrix in my badass townhome, who wants to join me!?
"Warning: Operation of this site by parties other than those authorised by Interpol is hereby prohibited. Criminal charges will be brought forth for non-compliance. Fines, if convicted, depending on jurisdiction, may amount to €125,000 per indictable infraction. The domain will remain visible for the duration of the ongoing investigation."

holy shit - AFD!!! removed my profile and came close to flushing my stash
this color scheme reminds me of those carnival flavored skittles they dont sell anymore.
I was made a fool of, i even went to brokelight and got angry and confused :(
This is so great.

I love when I'm already freaking out on drugs and then stuff like this happens hahaha