April Fool.

I like the idea of having faded and jaded

I also love how conveniently the colors are so fetching of a bluelight

thats so creativity right there.


don't forget the taco forum.
if that isn't badass i don't know what is.
I want these colors always.

LOL you guys have 6 posts. hahaha

This is fucking awesome!

"Bluelight is an Interpol Operation"

fucking sweet

In before da Naaaahhhhhhhhhhhzidiot
i'm told the colours and titles will revert but the postcounts stay.


alasdair, you did not have 20K plus post counts! You fucking cheated!
LOL who cares anyway!

Soup Nazi owns all.

NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

th3 soup nazi is watching.

We just Wanna Rave

People look scary rolling

tis grande
edit: mad photoshop skillz.


I came to the board not even realizing what the date was. After I was able to focus my eyes again from the fantastic color layout I noticed the banners at the top of the site and about fell out of my chair :)
fengtau said:
alasdair, you did not have 20K plus post counts! You fucking cheated!
i am a 'bot and i am logically unable to cheat.

"Warning: Operation of this site by parties other than those authorised by Interpol is hereby prohibited. Criminal charges will be brought forth for non-compliance. Fines, if convicted, depending on jurisdiction, may amount to €125,000 per indictable infraction. The domain will remain visible for the duration of the ongoing investigation."

you know at first i was freaked, cause skynet is a rootkit sort of organization thing.. But now that I pull the source of that pre-fab interpol page, lol, this is hilarious!

I wonder how many people are flushing their stash tonight.

I wonder what the legality of pretending to be interpol on the internet is...