Anyone had their HPPD go away completely???

Wow, I can imagine how happy you felt at that moment haha. How long did that take if I may ask? They just became more blurry or something?
Wow, I can imagine how happy you felt at that moment haha. How long did that take if I may ask? They just became more blurry or something?
I can't really say. I know it took a few years. And honestly it's been so long I don't remember.
Suppose it's a good thing that you don't remember haha. Can't wait till I am able to say that... but you're basically free from the visual disturbances? Except the halo's, but that's the least of my concern. I just hope recovery will come for me soon.
Suppose it's a good thing that you don't remember haha. Can't wait till I am able to say that... but you're basically free from the visual disturbances? Except the halo's, but that's the least of my concern. I just hope recovery will come for me soon.
Yep, vision is good to go thankfully. I honestly thought I was screwed for life. I was actually chatting with a girl about this today who's suffering a little bit.
Yeah that's how I feel right now. Possibly because how few success stories there are on the internet, which scares the shit out of me. Any suggestions what to do and not to do? I just started noticing floaters more often, but I remember having them since like forever. But just noticed them a little bit more. Did you take a lot of medicine/supplements?
I would really consider myself cured from HPPD or whatever I'm suffering from if that palinopsia would just diminish.
Yeah that's how I feel right now. Possibly because how few success stories there are on the internet, which scares the shit out of me. Any suggestions what to do and not to do? I just started noticing floaters more often, but I remember having them since like forever. But just noticed them a little bit more. Did you take a lot of medicine/supplements?
I kept noticing more floaters tooo... Mostly big dark black ones.... In my left eye, one in my right eye. Noticing more stringy ones too. And the Tinnitus!!! Ughhh!!!
Is there a difference between HPPD from an OD and HPPD from continuous drug use?
I kept noticing more floaters tooo... Mostly big dark black ones.... In my left eye, one in my right eye. Noticing more stringy ones too. And the Tinnitus!!! Ughhh!!!
Those floaters and Tinnitus can also be caused by stress and anxiety, and is probably no HPPD, don't worry :). These will also diminish as soon you get enough rest and calm down.

HPPD can be caused by any psychedelic event, but most of the time caused by very bad experiences.
Yep, vision is good to go thankfully. I honestly thought I was screwed for life. I was actually chatting with a girl about this today who's suffering a little bit.
Which other symptoms did you have actually? I said it a lot of times I know, but i just hate palinopsia so much. And reading other stories on the internet just scares the shit out of me. I just want my life back, or at least to some extent.
Well I'm getting enough sleep....And I'm not that stressed really.....It just feels like I'm stuck in fight or do flight mode.....Permanent bruxism too which I had during the initial come down but went away until my relapse
Well I'm getting enough sleep....And I'm not that stressed really.....It just feels like I'm stuck in fight or do flight mode.....Permanent bruxism too which I had during the initial come down but went away until my relapse
I read that there are some solutions to bruxism. But are you constantly aware that you do it or is it something automatic? Try to do things that will calm you down and try to relax as much as you can. Maybe an orthodontist can help you out.

Fight and flight mode is very common after a comedown and some people (me personally) get higher/too high amounts of adrenaline in their blood because of anxiety and stress. Because of high anxiety levels your body is in a constant fear and tries to compensate for the fear, so your body will get in that fight or flight mode. But because your body gets used to those high levels of adrenaline it's harder to get out of your blood and it will remain in a frustrating state. This can conclude hyperawareness, that explains the floaters etc. It's just a matter of time and your body needs to get the hormones back in balance, but it will take a longer time if you don't put effort in it. Take some supplements. 5-HTP, vitamin B-1 and Choline Bitartrate Inositol are very efficient supplements and essentials for a healthy brain and chemical flow through your blood.

P.S: although you don't feel stressed, the brain can trick you in many ways; your brain remains in a semi-stress state after such events if it had impact on you, it's just a task to get it back in order.

Hope this helps!
Eat healthy, and you've probably heard this a lot, but exercise. It's really good for your brain! And will keep your thoughts clear :).
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The for the tips....I'm definitely hyper aware now, which doesn't help I know. But I noticed a vast increase in floaters after my relapse which brought me here.

I've been taking a complex B supplement every other day or so, and have increased my cardio which seems to be helping. Time will tell where this takes me!
The for the tips....I'm definitely hyper aware now, which doesn't help I know. But I noticed a vast increase in floaters after my relapse which brought me here.

I've been taking a complex B supplement every other day or so, and have increased my cardio which seems to be helping. Time will tell where this takes me!
Perfect! Just remain staying sober and it will surely pay off significantly. I'm sure your floaters will disappear soon so don't worry about that. Your brain just needs to adjust to filtering them out again. Like learning to ride a bike. When you start learning it you think it's very hard, sometimes you even want to give up and just start to get sad. But when you are done with learning how to ride a bike it's the easiest thing in the world, and you can enjoy the beautiful nature while riding your bike. That's what your brain is doing and it just needs time. When you ignore the floaters the brain starts to get used to filtering them out after a while, so they will become less of a hurden. Compare it to a concussion or just a hard punch to the head. People with a concussion usually take a long time to recover, so do we. Everything will be alright, and you will look back to this as just another obstacle you've overcome. And probably a lesson for the future. When everything is like it was before i'm sure you'll appreciate it more.

Just keep your head up and stay positive! Try to enjoy the greater things in life and see this as just a fase in your life. Don't focus on the negative parts. The brain is the smartest organ for a reason. Better days will come!
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As hard as it is at some points, it's just a learning point in life and will quite surely make you think twice in life decisions. I hate to say this but: 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger' geezz I sound so enthusiastic right now. (I am normally not believe me). It will make you a more responsable person, and you'll learn how beautiful life can be, and also how freaking hard it can ALSO be. The weird things that the brain does with you are just terrifying.
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Hey guys,

I'm new here so trying to keep this short. (Hope this is the right thread for this..)

I have had HPPD since last October when I had 120mg's of MDMA. (It was my first time trying it). I know it is a small amount but for me it was clearly enough. The evening was fun and the only weird thing that happened was that I lost the control in my left eye. I was feeling pretty normal for the first 2 weeks before the symptoms started. First intense headaches, dizziness and panic attacks + brain fog and DP/DR + memory problems. Then the visual distortions (the halos, starbursts, after images, the feeling of movement in a static setting, sensitivity to lights, visual snow / static and floaters).

I saw quite a few doctors about this (my GP, an optician, three different ophthalmologists, a neurologist, a doctor specialized in drug related problems, a psychiatrist and had an MRI. All the test results came back as normal. The only problem they found, but which did not explain my problems was a bilateral angle closure and transient myopia in my left eye.

Same as this:

As no-one was able to help, I went on a complete sobriety for 5 months (I did not even drink caffeine) and did all the vitamins and 5-htp etc.. I have seen a massive improvement in my condition and most of the symptoms have vanished + rest of them drastically diminished. Currently I am experiencing mild tinnitus (or it is more like hissing sound) which is the most annoying symptom, plus the floaters, which are also less visible and mild starbursts.

Over the last few weeks I have had a bit of alcohol. I feel like it is setting me back a little bit but I am quite desperate to start living a normal life again!

How long did you guys sustain a complete sobriety? I'm soon hitting my 6th month of recovery. Do you think it is ok to start drinking small amounts at this point? (I guess it goes without saying that I will never touch drugs again). The only thing I want is to feel 100% healthy again!

Any opinions and advices are appreciated!
I'm 8 months sober for the most part. I have lots of floaters, bad Tinnitus and hyperacusis, enhanced blue field phenomenon, and I used to have lots of CEVs. Still a long slow road ahead for me.
Thanks for the tips by the way. Yeah honestly it feels like my body is just stick in overdrive....I'm not anxious and I'm not depressed....So the chest tightness is unexplainable it's with me 24/7. Plus the enhanced blue field against white walls or clear sky.

We'll see how things go, I know it can take years of real healthy living to see improvement. I'm thinking of cutting out added sugar and most carbs in my diet.....It just seems like we eat way to much of those as Americans. Plus those both play on serotonin which I'm trying to avoid.