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anyone got any good rolltricks?

alright, if you're little, like i am, this is what you have to do. have two people, preferably tall (the higher you are, the better), pick you up -- one at your knees, the other at your shoulders. hold your arms out like you're an airplane. when one person goes down, the other one goes up and when that person goes back up, the other one goes up. you feel like you're in a wave, and with your arms out, you feel like you're floating.
another good one, that i learned from one of my friends on campus, is called the hug. curl up in a ball in someone's lap. have them wrap their arms around you in a hug, and roll you around in their lap. it's so incredible!! you can enhance it by having them wrap a fleece blanket or jacket around you too, depending on the locale.
lastly, sit in front of someone, and if they have a fleece jacket, have them put their arms through it, keeping their hands inside. they should, with their covered hands, put their hands on your temples or cheeks, and start rubbing, then go a little faster, then almost shaking or vibrating. make sure your eyes are closed. it's especially cool when someone else uses glostix in front of your closed eyes or blows a vicks inhaler on your face. it's even good when someone who has a yummy smelling jolly rancher in their mouths blows the fruity smell onto your face.
oh god, i fuckin' love roll.
-- squirt
"I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory."
"Falling through the earth"
have the errr... victom, i mean person teehee lay belly down with thier arms stretched foward lift thier arms up until just waste down is touching the ground... Now tell then they are about to fall through the earth cause you can't hold on... slowly lower them Very slowly, until thier arms are on the ground gently remove thier hands and let them be... they'll lay on the ground for probably a good thirty seconds get up and say... "Whoa!"
fun fun
Lottsa Luv,
kneel on the ground (about 6" to a foot away) in front of someone who is sitting on a chair. kneel forward to the ground and have
them press down on the tops/back of your neck and shoulders.
try pressing your body up, feeling the pressure of them holding you down for a little while. then have them press *really* hard one final time before quickly releasing you.
you will fly up and feel like you are floating/flying , as if there are no bones in your spine. you may curl all the way
backwards to the floor behind you as well. THIS IS AMAZING.
Full of Positivity = why I do this in the first place
i took a shower in my clothes my first time. all my friends laughed at me but i didnt care. it felt really good!!!
Sk8agfrevr on AIM
~Keep on trippin wit dat XTC feelin~
I always wanted tot ake a shower bu I am afraid that since I cant feel pain I am gonna make it too hot, you know what I mean?......
"You and me baby aint nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel....get horny now" The Bloodhound Gang
Here is a list of my favorite rolling things
First of all, white satin gloves. You know those ones that girls wear for prom. Well, put one on and have someone else put on the other and then press your hands together. you can feel the energy eminating from their hand, then start to rub hands. The satin of the glove feels so good.
Also have someone feed you. It feels so good to have someone taking care of you. Ice cream is the best.
playing with rainbow slinkies is pretty cool too under the black light, or glow sticks with the satin gloves.
Drawing with highlighters under a black light.
chapsticks of all flavors, pacifiers, and good smelling lotions are a must.
GIRLS- sit with your best friends and have them put make-up on you, they make you so beautiful and you will appreciate it so much more.
oh, with the pacifier make a necklace of beads or something while you are rolling so that you don't loose it. It is so horrible if you are rollin' hard and you can't find your pacifier.
These are mostly toys and stuff, but personally I love to find things like this that make my roll so much more comfortable than it already is.
If you are at home, or at a house you are comfortable in get in your PJ's! Your favorite most comfortable PJ's are great.
"It's like Rolling Down a
Cliff with your eyes
psssssss! I was in this party and then this guy dressing like superman invites me to fly.........i was like fly???/ and he said yes and he held my hands and started running and then y jump like if they were gonna fly and stopped. damn it was so cool it felt like flying really you guys have to try it out......i have flying with superman, bees, etc. it's cool....
plur!!!!!! positive vibez and kisses to everyone!
I have a new one that my new friend Holly did to me at my party a week or two ago:
1)Stand in front of someone (really close, chest to chest)
2)Put your arms on your sides, palms facing away from you
3)Interlace each others fingers
(palm to palm/ facing away from you now/ I was really messed upwhen I had this done to me, so it took me a while to figure out that part)
4)Put your right cheek on the other persons right cheek (or the other way, it doesn't matter)
5)Close your eyes and taking "10" regular breaths (not hyperventilating) and, simultaneously, LIGHTLY blow into the other persons' ear (it's best to have one person keeping track of the number of breaths and on, say, the 8th breath actually say out-loud "8, 9, *10*"!!
6) At the tenth breath, make it a deep one, HOLD IT!
7) Quickly raise your arms above your head for just a second,
(here's where the description may get a little cryptic)
8)Take a baby step back so that you can bring your arms between each other (still with palms facing up and hands clasped. Kinda like that "Uncle" game your brother may have played on you)
9) Keep your grip on the other's hands and <*SPIN*> AROUND IN A CIRCLE!!!
11)Spin around as long as you want and when one of you is ready to stop, that person should bring both of your arms back above your heads again (it slows to spin) then QUICKLY wrap their arms around the other (like a hug) (stops you from *both* falling on your ass).
The experience I had was that we were spinning in a TIGHT circle and I was amazed that we didn't go flying seeing as we were only holding onto each other fingers (basically).
But there is an inital rush after you let out the breath and at first it's weird to be spinning but if you focus your vision on the other person spinning w/you the rest of the room will be moving around you like one of those Anime cartoons where all you see is streaking scenery. When I finally came to a stop, I didn't have that "pukey" feeling that I might have expected! It actually made me peak in the oddest way! But the best part is *definetly* during the spin itself! You look at the other persons face and it's moving at the same speed as yours so.... It's like being able to move faster than light...The other person is moving at the same speed as you, so I could see her normally, it's the rest of the room that's streaking by you...It's hard to describe. It's like a time-space thing...
Next time I do this with her I think I'll have a couple people form a wide cirle around us and just HOLD lights or glow-sticks.....
If I were to give the trick a name I'd call it The Taz or Faster than light or The Cyclone or........or......or....Just try it and tell me what you would name it!
Better late, than before you're invited!
[This message has been edited by ChEsHyRgRiN (edited 20 April 2000).]
Okay. One more breathing thing (Cuz' if you haven't already figured it out....I like them)
It's an easy one. I made it up on the fly at my party. I call it
"The Prayer"
(I love naming my tricks!)
1)You and a partner sit indian style in front of each other.
2)One person put the palms of their hands on the floor together and strech your arms away from your legs as far as you can so that your head is in your lap.
3)The other person does the same BUT puts their arms on the OUTSIDE of yours.
(It kinda looks like your arms are forming an "X" with the *bottom* of one persons forearms resting on the *top* of the others forearms so that the arms on the bottom would have to push away the top arms in order to raise them up. But I get ahead of myself)
4)With your heads in your laps (make it kinda tight to breath) and your hands stretch to the max) start breathing slowly and deeply increasing steadily over time.
5)When the person whose arms are on the "bottom" deems it right (as per other breathing tricks/ when you start to feel light-headed), take one final BIG breath,
6)Quickly raise your arms (now the person on the bottom will be pushing or at least knocking the others arms out of the way which means that this whole trick can be done without saying a word!) and streach your hands into the sky!
7)Let you head fall back and let the breath out.
8)DON'T fall back though! The point is to feel this in a semi-upright position (sitting).
Think of it as a modified version of a cliffhanger but without the accessories. It's great to do with someone real quick in front of a bass speaker. You get that same kind of "emergence" feeling as a "Cliffhanger" but it's a little more lucid. Because you're sitting and not lying down it keeps you ground enough to hear the sounds around you. I'm STILL trying to rationalize the sensation but it's as if the music is......hmm...(don't want to be *too*
flaky here....saying something to me. Ya know that *split-second* chemical reaction that happens when you here someone call out the same name as yours in a crowded area? Or when you say your own name out loud and it sounds weird in your ears? You want to respond to it but.....
Fuc! Forget it. If you try it or need futher clarification, PLEASE let me know!
Better late, than before you're invited!
[This message has been edited by ChEsHyRgRiN (edited 20 April 2000).]
Ooooh, I've got the best one ever!! Me and all my friends kinda discovered it at our E party last weekend.
I call it the "Foot Orgy"
All you need is a bottle of lotion, all your buddies, and bare feet. Sit in a circle and have everyone put their feet in a big pile in the middle. Then get some lotion and dive in! Just grab any 2 feet, dosen't even have to be a pair. Its the best, feels great, and VG for bonding! Let me know if you try it or already have.
All of the tricks that everyone is typen all sound badd ass.. but i have a few more that will blow everyone away .
1) i got this from a friend when i was rollen .. it takes 2 maybe 3 people .. ok one of them does the trick the other is some one to spot the person having the trick done to. the trick person must be kinda strong.. ok take the person and have them cross there arms and spin them in one direction untill they start getting dizzy and then change directions.. after like 20 seconds of spinging have them stop and line your backs up against each other and lock arms togther .. then have the stong guy lean forward and pull there arms so they look like they are being crusifed and move in all different directions and then when that person gets tired stand the other on up and push them into the spoter and just lay the person on the floor .. have this done to you .. you feel like your flying and then you crash ..
2) bend over and keep your legs streight and then walk forward with your arms and shift all your weight to your arms and lean as far as you can to the floor .. your arms get over welmed with stress that they give out on you and you just blow up ..
3) sit on the floor wit your legs infront of you and touch your toes and then swing your feet over your head like you are doing a backwards summersalt untill your feet hit the ground.. then if you want have some one push your body gently to the floor ( still in postion ) and then just leen over to get out of it .. ( ones of my favoite)
4) stand up and have 1 person spoting you and then have 2 people grab your arms as far as far up as they can go.. and then grab hard and force all of there body weight to the ground and shout out to the other person what part your on .. elbow , wrist ect .. so you have it at the same spot .. and then pull real hard on there hands .. and watch them fall ..
i have alot more others but i cant type them all in
have alot of fun doing these and report back if you tri them
[This message has been edited by DJ_ShuGGz (edited 21 April 2000).]
hey, i just remembered another one that i completely forgot about before!! i'm such an e-tard sometimes.... j/k.
take a little squirt bottle (no, i am not a bottle) of water, and make sure the bottle sprays a gentle mist. no big drops like rain or anything. spray it in the air tons of times and let the mist fall over you like a cool, light sheet. close your eyes, too. it's so refreshing.
-- squirt
"I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory."
Ok, here's one that's similar to the first post, but a little different. This one blew me away last week while I was rollin'.
You need two or three people for this one. Person One is the one rolling. Peeps 2 and 3 are friends for support. You can get by with only two people total, but the third makes it a little bit easier.
Also 2 Vicks inhalers are needed. You can get by with one but I prefer 2.
1. Have P1 squat down on their haunches. Take 10 slow deep breaths. P1 should have eyes closed. P2 can help count them off. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.
2. After breathing out for breath #9, on the last breath P1 slowly stands up while inhaling the Vicks. Not too fast! It should take about 2 secs. to stand all the way up. This is where P3 can come in handy, to guide P1's speed on the way up, but P2 can handle this alone.
As P1 begins to stand up on the last breath. P1 inhales like the previous one's but this time puts both inhalers in his/her nose, so P1 gets a deep breath of Vicks. Inhale all the way up until P1 is standing. P1 keeps eyes closed! P1 will slowly lean back and exhale. P2 is there to catch and support P1 as he falls back. The stand up and lean back move should be a smooth motion. P1 should start to lean back as soon as he stands all the way up.
The feeling is incredible. It feels like you are floating on a cloud and there is nothing around you. When you open your eyes it's like you were transported somewhere else. Amazing!
Let me know if this worked for you!
if you wanna get the feelin that your really breathing in life with VIC's.....get a Newport and some vics....dip your finger in the VIC's and coat the white part of the newport with a thing layer of it....holy shit...you won't know what hit you!!!
DAMN CRUSH!! After readyin that i feel like im rollin!! Hell yeah--that shit is tha bomb!! You got me all excited, I cant wait to get an X-Hug!!! hehe =)
--Well, here's one of my fav's...nothin special.
--The ICE CUBE MASSAGE:~WARNING~:This WILL make you(the person getting it) horny as hell so be careful..hehehe...ok pick your partner..tell him/her to lie down on the floor and have them take off their shirt,or just pull it up so that their whole back is showing. Then stradle him/her and sit on the lower of his/her back..actually its their butt..you want their whole back to be exposed..
Then get a tray of icecubes and get 2, one for each hand. Rub the ice cubes all down the middle of his/her back, then use left hand with the ice cube and go down the left arm and use right hand with the icecube and go down the right arm both at the same time..all the way to their finger tips...come back up and keep running the ice cubes all over his/her back until they're completely melted...it'll only take a min since their body is already emitting soo much heat. AFter the ice cubes melt you can do either of the two things, or both if you HAVE YOUR TOUNGE PIERCED-MAJOR PLUS-->Here's what you do-----kiss him/her all over their back and neck...run your tounge ring all over their neck and back..then kissing them lightly. At the same time run your hands down each of his/her arms pressing firmly, massaging all the way to their finger tips until your hands are on top of his/hers..then let your fingers fall in between his/hers like your holdin their hand except yours is on top of theirs...while holding his hands massage them too...remember your still running your tounge ring/kissing him/her while doing this. Then just continue massaging their arms and back firmly, occasionally running your fingers up the back of their neck and through their hair. Continue the process by gettin 2 more ice cubes when the others run out.
This is GARANTEED to give him/her shivers and goosebumps the whole time.(the good kind) =) =) This is tha bomb--im tellin you.
---If any of you try it lemme know--
***Happy Rollin!*** MuCh LoVe~
kEEp On ~RoLLiN~ aNd kEEp ThA gOoD VibEz ~FLoWin~!
I forgot about these!!!
--GO TO A PLAYGROUND AND GET ON A TIRE SWING!!!!!! Im tellin you!! YOu can either have 2 or more people for this--
--One or 2 people get in the tire swing, sitting across from eachother..hold on to the chains--TIGHT--the person standing outside of the tire swing will start to SPIN you ---getting faster, and faster.
Keep your eyes open at first lookin at the person across from you...its insane....
Then close your eyes..and slowly tilt your head back, or your whole body...all this is happening while your spinning really fast...
then you can open your eyes looking at the sky...its INCREDIBLE!!! If feels like your flying.
--Or try closing your eyes and moving your head around while your spinning...AMAZING!!
---WHAT ABOUT GIVING SEABREEZES!!?!? Havent you guys heard of those?!? I get them, and give them all the time at raves. If you dont know what it is...read-->
--You need a vicks inhaler...and 2 people.
--The person thats reciving the seabreeze(the reciver) will stand infront of the person giving it(the giver)..
--The reciever smears a little vicks under each of his/her eyes..then the giver will hold the recivers eyes open and tell them to look up.
--Then the giverputs the vicks inhaler in their mouth and blows(hard) the seabreeze,(vicks) in the recievers eyes, and all over his/her face in circular motions, while massaging his arms, face etc.(This also works really good if there is someone standing behind the reciever massaging their back)
--After blowing the vicks all over their face and in their eyes...put the vicks inhaler in his/her mouth and blow really hard for as long as you can(and massage his/her face, arms..)
--The reciever will be inhaling the vicks the whole time--as much as he can
--Then the reciever will hold it in and the giver takes one of his hands and places it behind his upper back-as to hold him up-then with your other hand place it on the recievers upper chest and push hard while rubbing really really really fast...while doing this the reciver will be exhaling the vicks.
----This feeling is sooo awesome!! You can actually feel the vicks inside....
o all the same stuff excep right after the reciever inhales the vicks...the giver takes his hands and places them on each side of the recievers head..like your holding it straight
--then (do this while there is some bombass music goin) tell the reciever to let his head fall loose in your hands
--Start moving his/her head in big circles REALLY fast--to the beat of the music for a couple sec.
--When you stop be sure to hold the reciever for a couple sec's..if you dont they'll fall.
THIS IS SOO AWESOME--You can really feel the music and it gets you soooo fucked up!!
I've got TONS more but i've run outta time!!
These are all really good!! keep them commin!! ~~Happy Rollin~~ Much love--
kEEp On ~RoLLiN~ aNd kEEp ThA gOoD VibEz ~FLoWin~!
Yes, we've heard of seabreeze's but some people call them different things. Most just say "Vick's Inhaler". From what I gather the term "seabreeze" is a west coast thing.
You're new. You'll find/see PLENTY of vicks tricks on the board.
Better late, than before you're invited!
mOsT Of tHeSe tRiCkZ tHaT aRe iN hErE rEqUiReZ a GoOd mAsSaGe...sOoOooo...iM gOiNg tO TeAcH u A WaY tO mAsSaGe a PeRsOn sO ThAt tHeY wOuLd nEveR fOrgEt u!! hEehEe =)
1. GeT tHe pErSoN tO siT iN fRoNt oF u iNdiAn sTyLe (tHeiR bAcK fAciNg oPpOsiTe oF u)
2. StArT mAsSaGiNg tHeiR nEcK WiT bOtH oF yOuR hAnDz, sOrTa DiGginG iN (bUt nOt tOo hArD!!) mAsSaGe iT iN a CiRcULar mOtiOn
3. tHeN MoVe DoWn tO tHe ShOuLdErZ, SqUeEziNg tHeM n aLsO iN CiRcULaR mOtiOn
4. WoRk DoWn tHe bAcK aLsO iN tHe sAmE wAy
5. nOw, WhEn yOuRe cOmiNg bAcK uP tHe bAcK, uSe yOuR fiNgErTiPz aNd 'WaLk' uP tHe pErSoN's bAcK (BeLiEvE mEeH, diS wOuLd GiVe tHe pErSoN a GoOoOoD aSs fEeLiNg!)
6. nOw ThAt yOuRe baCk oN tHe sHoULdErZ, nOw sTaRt wOrKiNg dOwN tHeiR aRmZ, MaSsAgiNg iT aNd sQuEeZiNg sLiGhTLy
7. wHeN yOuRe cOmiNg uP, dO tHe sAmE aZ u DiD tO thE bAcK...bY 'wALkiNg' uP tHe aRmZ
8. bAcK oN tHe ShOuLdErZ aGaiN! =) tAkE a FiNgEr aNd dRaG iT uP aNd dOwN tHe sPiNe, dO tHiS a LoT oF tiMes...tHiS fEeLs sOo gOoD
9. FiNaLLy, tO tOp iT aLL ofF, (giRLz, iF yOu hAvE fiNgErnAiLs...ThAtZ thE bEsT) uSe YoUr FiNgErTiPs aNd dRaG iT tHrU thE pErSoN's HaiR
....tHeRe u hAvE iT...=) a #1 eTaRd mAsSaGe..BeLiEvE mE, ThE pErSon GeTtiNg tHiS mAsSaGe wOuLd nEvEr wAnT u tO sToP! hEhe
hAvE fUn n RoLL LiKe u nEvEr DiD bEfoRe!! =)
Get a blinking red light if you can, close your eyes, have someone hold the light agaisnt the top of your forehead and have it slowly brought down in between your eyes. You should start seeing a trippy white light, then have the person move the light left to right in a rhythm. After at any point open your eyes slowly and it'll give you the weirdest feeling.
I have an E trick for everyone! It's my
favorite! of course I haven't tried Crushes
tricks yet, which sound extremely cool by the
way and I definately plan on trying them out.
This trick is similar to Airplane (also
known as Floating or Being Flown)
This is called Flying to the Moon!
(I'll use Crush's friend Bob to explain this)
~Bob is intoxicated again~
Have Bob sit on the floor and hug his knees.
you sit behind Bob with your legs around him
(so your feet should be in front of him)
and put your arms around him and link your
hands in front of his knees.
In this position you should be able to speak
directly into Bob's ear.
Tell Bob he is now strapped into a Space
Shuttle and is about to Fly to the Moon.
Then start the countdown:
"T minus 10 seconds to launch...."
(Start making your best impression of a
shuttles engines in Bob's ear and shake him
around with your arms and legs)
~the rumbling sound and shaking should be
soft at first~
"...9....8..." etc.
as the countdown goes down gradually make
the sound louder and shake Bob around a
little more roughly
by the time you get to "..2...1..."
the engine noise should be all he can hear and he should be rumbling around in your
arms pretty roughly (don't hurt him tho)
"we have liftoff!!!"
make the loud deep rushing sound of the
shuttle lifting off as you roll backwards
onto your back.
At this point you should be on your back
holding Bob on your chest/stomach with your
arms and legs, & don't stop making the engine noise!
Now roll around on your back, banking side
to side and back and forth and spin around
in circles, all the time making the engine
Make the announcement when you break earth's
atmosphere and cut the engines. When you do this stop shaking them around in your arms
and make them "drift" by tilting slowly left
and right.
You can really make up any story as you go
along. But when you get tired simply
announce that you're going to crash into an
Then just roll over onto your side and let
go of them with your arms and legs and let
them spill out onto the floor!
They'll LOVE you for it!
Everyone I've done it to has been
completely blown away! If you try it let me know how you all liked it!
[This message has been edited by MrE (edited 27 April 2000).]