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anyone got any good rolltricks?

Alright check this out, try hanging upside down on the jungle jyms in the parks, or riding the merigo round...i had a blast...stay safe people ;)

what you will need...

1. a big hill
2. said hill being covered in freshly cut grass
3. clothes you don't mind getting dirty
4. yourself

take #4(yourself) and walk up #1(a big hill). Lay down making sure to have on #3. Proceed to Roll(yep... I love that pun) down the hill...

You can then do one of two things...
both provide radically different yet both equally amazing results.

1. let yourself keep on rolling until you come to a complete stop, just lay there... as you slow down, the feeling is nothing short of mind expanding...

2. (do cautiously...) 2/3rds the way down the hill, try standing up relatively quick... you will either fall down again and again, or you will stand but it will be a really wobbly stand... your head will be spinning faster than ever before... truly wonderful...
Hard_e1 said:
One word - Missions!!
The bigger the better. If no-one will go on a mission with you, go by yourself. Whether you want to go get a drink of water or catch a train interstate, you should always be up for a mission. When your mission is complete, it is the best feeling ever, and getting there is half the fun. You will most likely get lost or forget your mission, but its all good. Trust me, next time you're googing, and you get half an urge to go somewhere completely inconvenient, DO IT!!! Nothing beats a mission, and if you're at a rave, you will meet the best people. Don't do more than one thing for more that 20 minutes, keep moving, you will get the best out of your night. It is very easy to get hooked on something and do it for too long. Once my mates played tony hawk on playstation for 8 hours straight. Also, if you're at a music festival, forget the rave room for a night, and go see the bands. I saw NOFX and Pennywise when i was peaking, and then went to the rave room later on, it is well worth it if you like moshing. Oh by the way, what's with the vicks inhalers you have, in Australia our vicks inhalers are the little sticks that you shove up your nose, i want one of the seabreeze inhalers, they sound mad. Just have fun, have the time of your life, be stupid, go on a solo mission, dance, DANCE!!! don't chill up the back and dance, open up a section right at the front near the DJ, and doof harder than anyone else in the place, you may get weird looks but it is a must try. Trip the fuck out of others, if you can, run up the wall and do a backflip, talk without making any noise, it will fuck up the person you're doing it to, fluctuate your speech speed, also fun. Anything to trip out others will make your night better, especially if you meet a new friend who is a dealer...hehe. Oh, and take a diskman with your favourite songs of all time, you will want them. One song to fuck you up - The Orb-Little fluffy clouds, better for trippers(purple red and yellow)hehehe. Has anyone had Amyl Nitrate, its sold as 'aroma' at bong shops, its a little bottle, you sniff it and it gives you one hell of a head rush, but don't go overboard, it can give you a headache, and dont operate heavy machinary.hehehehe. Wear a suit, it is mad, and go to a beach, swim underwater with goggles and glowsticks, oh yeah - my favourite tricck, get a lighter, and scratch a whole lot of flint onto a cigerette, i mean a lot. when you smoke it, it sparks all over the place, it is wild. Talk in a different accent for a whole night, you will begin to believe you are scottish, canadian etc. Buy a whole lot of magic gum (pop rocks) andgive them out to people, everyone will love you. Oh, the best thing though, get two different diskmans walkmans etc, and put one headphone from each in your ear, try classical and trance, or acid and opera, experiment. Listen to Chris Liberator. TAKE A CAMERA, take some artistic shots. memories sweet memories. Herbal ecstacy ciggies are good, smell like weed too, you will probly be asked for a drag from people thinking its weed. Coming down should be fun, dont get depressed, get delerious with friends, smoke 20 bongs, and just laugh.
oh by the way - BUMP!!!!
oh, one more thing, take a shit, better than it sounds.
Ozzies forever ;)

melting into the floor

okay the person being melted lays on their stomach face down, than have a person grab your arms and lift your arms to about their calves. the person laying on the floor is lets the rest of their body just hang there relaxed. the person holding the other person's arms lifts them for about 10-15 seconds and slowly i say again slowly puts the person's arms on the floor. and that person should feel like they are melting into the floor. I love doin this trick all the times that i do roll.
^^ not to be mean but OMFG that fking melting into the floor has had to be said 200 times over in this thread.. AHH
some ppl don't have time to read thru all the posts...how many times have u heard about seabreezes and vicks?or hitting NOS? i'm not bein mean either, i promise.
i've read many pages, but haven't seen any of these. excuse me if some of these are redundant:

1) use a feather
2) raindrops (have the person lay down, move both hands like you are typing on a keyboard, your fingertips should BARELY touch the person's skin, start from the hands, slowly move down to the feet and back up, repeat if necessary)
3) using a cold rag, go up to a 'hot' friend, gently and slowly wipe their face, then move down to their neck to cool them off, give them a hug afterwards
4) gently rub the least touched parts of the body (top of the hands, arms, back of neck, collar, back of knees, top of feet, etc.)
5) gather everyone in a room, turn the lights off (must be pitch black), guys on one side, girls on the other, take turns visiting the opposite side, have fun (if you set limits, it's better than spin the bottle, less intrusive than swinging)
6) heaven (requires 1 victim, 6 others) -- 5 people massaging (hands, feet and head), 1 person 'blowing up', 1 person in heaven

that's all i can think of right now. will post more if you like these ... enjoy!
Memory Lane...

Hey all...I'm new to bluelight, but I've been reading through this thread awhile and I've just remembered something a friend of mine did to me during my first roll, way back when. It's a great blow up trick, and still feels spectacular when you're peaking. First off, it helps if it's someone you're comfortable with, as it's a bit weird... And you have to be able to take a little pain. I don't think it's been posted here, so here goes:

When it was done to me, it was two of my friends, one doing the first part, and the other doing the second, but it's just as easily done with one... Have a friend with some decent nails rake them down your back,hard, to the point of pain. The initial "Ow, you son of a bitch!" reaction lasts only a fraction of a second, as the scratches get warmer on your skin and feel amazing. Then, 2-3 seconds later, while the pain is still there, your friend licks upward, along the length of the scratches, slowly, then quickly, switching it up a few times, then blows on them...Come to think of it, this would work fantastically with some ice cubes as well...Hmm...got to try that next weekend.

Safe and happy rolling,
My friend has this giant pad(its soft like a pillow) that is about 2 1/2 feet tall x 6 feet long x 2 1/2 feet wide. We set it at the bottom of the staircase(only about 7 stairs, dont go too high/far) and walk to the top and dive on to the pad. It is the most amazing thing I have ever done.
definatly anything vicks. i got a vicks waterless humidifier that glows green. you stick little pads in it and huff away. inhalers were mentioned but if you dont have one cover paper towels in vaporub and stick them in an empty tube. get someone to blow in your eyes with this and keep them open. if you start feeling teary great, crying is amazing. spray bottles are fun to mist your friends especialy the one with fans attached. lay down on the floor with two speakers on either side of your head right next to your ears. smoke a blunt with some shrooms in it. spin around in the middle of a completly dark room then lay down. you lose sense of where everything is and where the room ends. those squishy pillows that are streatchy outside and have little beads in em. cut a small slit in a glow stick so the juice comes out but the glass stays inside (careful!). with glowing shit all over your hands go up to people and rub it on them, high five, handprint...
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Well I've read all the pages of this post from start to finish over the past few days. (Yes I know I'm an E-Loser lol) There are alot of interesting blow up tricks here.

I like the X-Hug thing I was gonna try that out this weekend and I see alot of stuff having to do with vicks so I guess im gonna have to go buy me some.

As for my own contribution um...Well the only thing I've got is Wet Hugs. Poor water all over yourself and hug someone or have both of you get wet and hug each other it feels really weird but nice at the same time. I guess it would be easier to do if you were doing a roll shower or somethin but some people just poor water on themselves just to cool off or feel the water effects. So why not just hug someone after you do that. :D
as soon as you get home from a club/rave/interview have a really hot shower then switch it to cold for about 20 secs...back to hot and repeat 3 or so times...come out dialled,feeling great and with amazingly big pupils


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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!! this is the ultimate...i know making yourself dizzy has been mentioned...but make urself REAL dizzy,spin forever and fast as fuck,then as soon as u stop jump in the air as high as u can....it feels like the physical equilavent of a matrix camera maneuver :)